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Thread started 11/17/04 12:23am


Purple Rain's 100+ songs?

The director, Albert Magnoli, says that Prince gave him 100 songs to choose from for the movie Purple Rain, and Magnoli says he choose 12 out of those 100, and then he says that "Purple Rain" wasn't part of those 12 (though Prince performed it on Aug 3rd 1983), and then "Take Me With U" was written later specifically for the motorcycle ride in the country scene, and then "The Beautiful Ones" was written while they were in L.A. filming some scenes, and then "When Doves Cry" was written in response to a request from Magnoli for a song to fit a montage scene representing the various themes in the film.

So... if the original 12 songs didn't include all of these, what do you think they were? And can you even dare guess some of the original 100? Do you think they include many of those songs from the sequel to the 1999 album that Prince said he'd compiled but would never release?
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Reply #1 posted 11/17/04 12:25am



This was on the audio commentary right?

I'll be kind and say this statement was a product of hyperbole.
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Reply #2 posted 11/17/04 12:55am


:vault: emoticon here
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Reply #3 posted 11/17/04 1:41am


100+ songs?

Did Prince have unlimtted studio access at this time?
I'm not being silly--just curious, cuase Pasiley Park came after Purple Rain, right?
So, where or when did he record all of his stuff? If it was all unreleased material (I'm assuming it is), he had to have been incredibably fast at it???

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Reply #4 posted 11/17/04 2:02am


I may be wrong on this but the first I heard of Prince having his own studio was during Controversy. It was in his basement along with the skulls and pentagrams... sorry just left a satanic prince thread. lol

Anyhow, in a European interview a la Dirty Mind, he made mention of only having access to the studio in the wee hours of the morning so it definitely wasn't until Controversy.
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Reply #5 posted 11/17/04 2:03am


which would probably explain why the title cut is such a monster jam headbang
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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Purple Rain's 100+ songs?