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Thread started 09/07/04 6:11pm


Revisiting old Prince

Yesterday, I listened to several old Prince albums-- Controversy, Parade, Lovesexy. Just in the mood, I guess. I think they hold up brilliantly. I had forgotten just how each new Prince album was a new aural experience; nothing else really sounds like Anotherloverholeinyohead, Controversy, Life Could Be So Nice, I Know, Anna Stesia, Lovesexy, Positivity... It's unfair to expect that kind of originality, invention, and daring from an artist thirty years into his career. I just miss it. That's all. Maybe if this teased-about reunion with Wendy and Lisa actually comes to fruition. I have the feeling that they would be honest and tell him if his work was shite or not. I don't get the feeling he's had that kind of friendly filter or sounding board in a long time. He shouldn't be so insecure as to shut out constructive criticism, assuming that's the case.
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Reply #1 posted 09/07/04 6:27pm



"..Just close your eyes and count to 10...and when U open 'em I'll B standing naked with nuthin' but a SMILE on.."
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Reply #2 posted 09/07/04 9:37pm



i love how when u listen to a prince album released in whether it was 78 or 86 or 94 that the songs don't sound like they came from the "70's era" or the "80's" or the "90's". If u are a prince fan u know when it came out, but if a person who is just a casual fan and is listening to when 2 r in love for the first time without knowing when it was released, it wouldn't seem like it was released in 88. his music is timeless....
I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
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Reply #3 posted 09/07/04 9:42pm


jfs said:

Yesterday, I listened to several old Prince albums-- Controversy, Parade, Lovesexy. ... I think they hold up brilliantly.

They sure do. heart smile

I had forgotten just how each new Prince album was a new aural experience; nothing else really sounds like Anotherloverholeinyohead, Controversy, Life Could Be So Nice, I Know, Anna Stesia, Lovesexy, Positivity...

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > Revisiting old Prince