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Reply #60 posted 12/15/03 1:47pm



Lemon777 said:

I was there, too, and am still in awe. Flew from MPLS to LA for the event and would do it all over again tomorrow or next year (keep your fingers crossed)!

My boyfriend and I were in Section B, Row 8, seats 4&5. Was anyone from the org sitting nearby?

I did take pictures all through the show. Haven't gotten them developed yet, but will soon and I can't wait to see how they turn out. I would love to see the video that was shot - please drop me a message if you were filming!

I felt strongly that Price would not be there and I think that there were definite benefits to him being absent. I think that we got a rare and wonderful opportunity to have the focus be on 1) the kids being helped by the lil' angel bunny foundation - God bless them every one! - and 2) the wonderful musicians who performed. Prince's presence would have taken the night to a different level. He would have come with security personnel, cameras would have been banned, the mood would have totally shifted. Instead, we got something rare. The mood was intimate, relaxed, friendly. We heard Sheila calling us "family" from the stage. She wanted contact, even saying, "I said it's ok, Mr. Security Man." And, although I didn't meet them, I feel like I finally got to know Sheila, Jerome, Susannah, Eric, Miko, and the rest of the performers Saturday night. They all shone in their own right. Personalities really had an opportunity to come out. Wendy seems rock solid, musically and personally. It seemed right that she sang lead on the Revolution tunes; she put the right amount of feeling into Purple Rain. And Eric Leeds - those horns pack such feeling - I could NOT imagine Parade or SOTT without him. Did anyone see how HAPPY Miko looked? I thought he was going to bounce right off the stage! And Jerome, I wanted to steal him and take him home - he was hilarious. Then there's Sheila - a one-woman party! Her sense of humor, her talent, her heart, her warmth. She's absolutely amazing. I'm sure she's going to get a few marriage proposals out of this concert.

They played their asses off for us. They were emotional and joyful and even vulnerable, and they shared it all with us. And we came from all over to support Lil' Angel Bunny Foundation and this beautiful reunion. We fed them and they fed us. That's Family!

Hey there!

I was sitting behind you.
Section B row 9 seat 6.

Man, I had a blast. I'll say it again, the part of the show that is the most memorable was THE FAMILY...they were funky...

"...literal people are scary, man
literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry
while getting it wrong fundamentally
down at the church of "look, it says right here, see!" - ani difranco
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Reply #61 posted 12/15/03 1:52pm



BrianNicks said:

ok.. so i FINALLY made it home after my 7 and a half hour flight back to New York..:whew: anyway, the night was great.. it had some amazing highs, but also some lows.. first off, i wanna say that it was great meeting so many nice people from all over the world who really wanted to be at the show and have a fun time.. since i flew in alone, it was really nice to have some company beforehand and during the show (you all know who you are). ok, so before i give my review of the show, let me just say that my biggest gripe of the night was that i wasn't able to "meet" or "greet" ANY of the artists performing despite the fact that i had a VIP seat. For some unknown reason, all of the VIP's were forced to wait outside the venue for 2 straight hours from 530 to almost 730. By the time they let us in, the show was just about to go on, and there was no time to even mutter a single word to any of them as they were rushed out of the VIP room.. oh well, what can you do.. but for $300, i really felt that wasnt right.. EVERYONE should have had an opportunity to at least say "hello" to them.

The concert itself was pretty great. The Family imo stole the show.. you could tell they were really excited to be up there after all these years. Susannah was really energetic dancing all over the stage and singing her heart out. Sheila E was amazing as usual. She performed throughout the night in various forms (with Madhouse, with her band, and in The Time). She played great and really worked up the crowd over and over again. Jill Jones looked HOT. she has such a nice body, beautiful face, and a great voice. Too bad she only sang one song, would have liked to have seen more. Apollonia did "Take Me With You" pretty good. But she broke my heart when she started crying during "Purple Rain". You could tell she really got caught up in the moment. I'm sure she has a lot of memories of the whole "Purple Rain" time period and i think she was probably feeling sentimental. Then there was of course, The Revolution. I really liked their set alot. They did all the songs i really wanted them to do. I thought "another lover" was awesome, and "mountains" is one of my favorite all time songs. I thought Wendy really held her own as the frontwoman of the band. She sounded really good and smiled alot. She was definately happy to be there. Although, i was a little surprised to see them do "Purple Rain". I heard some people say things like "thats not right" and "they shouldnt be doing that song without him". But you know what ? "Purple Rain" is a 'Prince and The Revolution' song, so i think they had every right to do so.

Overall, it was a fun night. I was hoping Prince would show up at some point, but he didnt. I was a little sad to see The Revolution perform without him being there, but I'm still hopeful for a reunion one day. we'll see what happens..
Anyway, time for bed..

ciao, Brian

Hi Brian!

It was a pleasure hanging out with you before the show. I tried to look for you after the show but alas, the arena was chaotic after the show. So, um, what was in that bag of goodies all the VIP people were running around with? If you ever make it back in LA give me a buzz and I'll give you the grand tour...

"...literal people are scary, man
literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry
while getting it wrong fundamentally
down at the church of "look, it says right here, see!" - ani difranco
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Reply #62 posted 12/15/03 2:37pm


Octavius said:

i couldn't agree with you more, LeGrinde. For quite some time now, I've been thinking that Larry Graham was the worst thing to happen to Prince.

Sounds like the show was off the chain this weekend. Kudos to Sheila and to those who chose to participate.

Maybe we should start 2 call Larry the Spooky Electric?
"ohYeeeeeah" said: I'm a massive Bowie fan. Even on Scary Monsters, I always skip Fame ...
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Reply #63 posted 12/15/03 6:26pm



is there a setlist floating around somewhere? can someone org it to me please? thank you! PG
Let the rain come down...17 days....
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Reply #64 posted 12/15/03 6:52pm


here is the setlist...

jill jones - mia bocca
apollonia - take me with u
madhouse - ten, thirteen, six, sixteen/crosstown traffic
the family - river run dry, the screams of passion, nothing compares 2 u, high fashion, mutiny
chaka khan - i feel for you
sheila e. - oliver's house, the belle of st. mark, a love bizarre, 17 days/alphabet st.(including transmississippirap)/one nation under a groove, holly rock, the glamorous life
patti labelle - yo mister
the time - jungle love
the revolution - mountains, america, pop life, anotherloverholenyohead, raspberry beret, purple rain, baby i'm a star

there were a lot of other moments to be recognized. the show also included a dramatic reading by nicole ari parker called, "the road from fear to faith". sheila sang a portion of "go go dancer" and at one point, carmen did the "tell me how u wanna b done" rap portion from "the continental".

introductions were made by pete escovedo, alan leeds, sheila e. and carmen.

it was a wonderful evening. i can honestly say that history was witnessed by all in attendance. the forum was nowhere near full and there were many seats available. it's too bad more people didn't realize the signifigance of this show. it should be stated that the lil' angel bunny organization's agenda was an extremely important part of the evening. it's a worthy organization with admirable goals. i can't imagine a better reason for this monumental reunion to take place. hats off to all who participated. and those who attended the show. i hope sheila takes this jamm to the next level and continues to hold this show every year. i will certainly attend.
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Reply #65 posted 12/15/03 6:55pm



First of all, I want to say that I'm glad some of you had a good time at the Family Jamm.
But, sadly I also read some things that really bothered me and I have decided not to keep my mouth shut.
I haven't posted here for a long time, but I've got to say that there are some really cruel people on this message board, and I think more of you who love and respect Prince should speak up for him. Some of the things people wrote about Prince are so full of hate it's shocking.
Yeah, yeah, I know "free speech" and all that, but what comes out of a man's mouth is an excellent indicator of heart condition and ability to love and from some of the things I read here, there are some people who might want to take a good hard look at themselves before they continue exercising this "right".
I don't care if you believe in God or not - this is just disgusting.
Every year I get older I am shocked by how vicious humans can be to each other and this message board is the same as turning on the news to me now. One word - DEPRESSING
When I was younger I used to believe more in the good in people and now I know better.
I'm just writing to say that I think, Jehovah's Witness or not, Prince doesn't deserve the verbal vomit that some of you have spewed out on this board. What, do you think that he will read this and it will make him "wake up"? Well I've got news for you: Love is what "wakes" people and attracts them - not hate! And some of you wonder why he turns his back more and more on his old ways do you?
Take a look at how he's being treated the past few years and compare that with the love and support he is getting now and then tell me if you're still surprised he chose love?
I'll never understand it - are some of you so insanely jealous you can't control your envy and feel compelled to tear him down? Are you really that full of hate? Do those of you who have called him all kinds of names just for not being at Sheila's concert really have the facts as to why he couldn't be there?
There's no excuse for the hateful things I read,and I'm taking time out of my precious evening to say it's WRONG! Not to mention, disgusting, pathetic, and just plain sad.
I would say some of you should be ashamed, but I also know that some people don't even know the meaning of the word.
I truly hope that's not you.
Here's another word - LOVE
Besides being the most powerful force in the universe, it might just help you sleep better at night...
Finally, for those of you who do still have love and respect for Prince - where are your voices?
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Reply #66 posted 12/15/03 7:00pm


oh, and one more thought.

prince is listed as one of the corporate sponsors of the show. love 4 one another charities is listed as a donor.

even if he wasn't there, he supported the event.
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Reply #67 posted 12/15/03 7:23pm



secretcub said:

oh, and one more thought.

prince is listed as one of the corporate sponsors of the show. love 4 one another charities is listed as a donor.

even if he wasn't there, he supported the event.

His name is listed as a sponser of LAB, NOT specifically the Family Jamm so it's not forsure that he suppored the event. He's a prick for not being there regardless.
Prince may be the purple Yoda, but Wendy & Lisa and Eric Leeds also sit on the Jedi Council.
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Reply #68 posted 12/15/03 10:21pm


WonderU said:[quote]

secretcub said:

oh, and one more thought.

prince is listed as one of the corporate sponsors of the show. love 4 one another charities is listed as a donor.

even if he wasn't there, he supported the event.

His name is listed as a sponser of LAB, NOT specifically the Family Jamm so it's not forsure that he suppored the event. He's a prick for not being there regardless.[/quote

if he's a prick for supporting an organization that helps abused children than call me one as well. as a survivor of abuse, i could only dream of an organization like this as a child. no one was there for me. and the fact that sheila and others like her are doing something for kids today is remarkable. whether he donates money, time or even a prayer shows more heart than most people. so i'd just like to say, thank you for judging that post, judging his contribution and adding your remarks, wonderu. it's positive thoughts like yours that will help abused children see a brighter future. you're a saint.
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Reply #69 posted 12/15/03 11:10pm


I've already said this on another thread, but Prince is a dick for not showing up, since he was in town. That is definitive, can't be argued, shame on him, he had no excuse. Sometimes, often even, it's not about writing a check, it's about showing up for your peoples. I know something of the inside story, actually, and it's as lame and unjustifiable as you would imagine (and if he really wanted to help, he would've agreed to a full-blown reunion show, sold the joint out, and really put some money in her bank. But I digress...). Those were his friends and colleagues up there, who clearly had a lot of love for one another -- you should have seen the musicians' faces, the ones who hadn't played together in years, they were having a fucking ball -- and for him and that music... and that brief time, long ago, when, barely past the "kid" stage, they all collectively took over the world.

That said, I'd like to add that The Revolution kicked ass. They always had a very distinct sound as a band (unlike some of Prince's other groups, even ones with higher musicianship), owing to their abilities and inadequacies as musicians (I mean, Kirk is probably a better drummer than Bobby, technically speaking, but Bobby had a more individual, idiosyncratic thing happening that worked for the group) and the technology of the times. And guess what? They sounded just like it was 1986 all over and they were still doing dates on the Parade tour. Even Sheila's original band sounded more like a contemporary band... but The Revolution sounded just like themselves. What a treat. And the song selection! They opened with "Mountains" and took command from jump. No surpise that they chose to play the more collaborative material from that era, not just the stuff Prince cooked up on his own. And it clearly inspired them to dig in with relish. What great tunes these were -- they sound nothing like pop music today, but better, more musical. Wendy is a much stronger singer than I thought she was, and they were capably aided and abetted by Susannah and the house singers to fill out the back-ups. Eric, playing all the horn charts without his old partner Matt Blistan, didn't miss a fucking thing, his sound was so big and so precise it was like a one-man horn section. "Anotherlover" sounded fucking huge.

Too bad their old boss, the evil genius, couldn't assume stage command and ratchet the whole experience up another twenty notches like he is capable of doing. They sounded so good on their own that I wanted to hear the real voice of those songs -- I love Wendy, and thought she was killing that night, but she ain't the one singing on my Prince records -- just so I could get even higher. But he would've been happy just to hear how good they sounded and what staying power those songs have. Hope somebody got him a tape.
[This message was edited Mon Dec 15 23:18:45 PST 2003 by TedW]
[This message was edited Mon Dec 15 23:22:56 PST 2003 by TedW]
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Reply #70 posted 12/16/03 12:22am



I think Prince was too scared to show up. Think about it. How many people at the Family Jam got fucked over by Prince in one way or another back in the day??? I love Prince's music and I'm a huge lifelong fan but, lets face it, the guy has not treated people (especially those in his inner circle) well over the years.
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Reply #71 posted 12/16/03 12:26am


On the good side of things, even though you didn't get to meet and greet, your money for the VIP seats is going to an outstanding cause!!! Also, my opinion on The Revolution performing Prince's songs (even Purple Rain) is that Prince had EVERY opportunity to be there and participate for Sheila E., the legacy of the "Minneapolis Sound" that he created AND for the children. On all three counts, he chose NOT to be there and that being said, MORE POWER to The Revolution for picking up the ball and running with it.

Each and every one of the performers, security and crew (unlike Prince, Morris Day, Monte Moir, Vanity, Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, Jesse Johnson, Alexander O'Neal, Eddie M., Andre Cymone, Dez Dickerson, Gayle Chapman, Levi Seacer Jr.,) knew that the CHILDREN and the CAUSE of the Lil' Angel Bunny Foundation' was more important than ego, prior engagements, selfishness, greed, or anything else. More than anything, DOING WHAT'S RIGHT for the children is what it's all about. The people who CHOSE not to show just look bad and for each and every one that didn't show, I've lost just a bit of respect for them, ESPECIALLY Morris Day, Jesse Johnson, Jam & Lewis and PRINCE!

Each and every one of the artists that did NOT show would have lent much needed attention to Sheila and Lynn's charity and the cause. NOT showing up domonstrates in some small way their uncaring nature. Maybe I'm wrong, but just look at the sheer amount that DID show. And, as for Jesse Johnson, I hope he has a very good excuse because his name was on the T-Shirt I bought, TWICE! Once with The "members" of The Time and Solo. He was also spotlighted in the program and was even introduced with The Time by Carmen Electra so what happened there??? His not being there looks very bad and I'm ashamed at his action...or NON action I must say.
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Reply #72 posted 12/16/03 1:17am



I just had the idea that maybe Mr. P has signed a contract with an agency which restricts him that way that he could not join...maybe.


Juize, Hamburg Germany
[This message was edited Tue Dec 16 1:17:31 PST 2003 by Juize]
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Reply #73 posted 12/16/03 1:44am



sosgemini said:

i think its sad that some people on this thread feel that they must take this as an oppurtunity to further prove their FAMDOME!!

create another freaken thread to defend prince...let people be dissapointed in him...your not his fucking momma...

keep the subject on topic please!!!

well just like some of the praise him threads that turn into Prince bashing or clowning ( or any Prince thread) the same can and will and should happen here --and there you have the facts of life..the facts of life music
"Climb in my fur."
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Reply #74 posted 12/16/03 1:45am



TheResistor said:


By far one of the best Prince nights of my life. And Prince wasn't even there and I didn't even give a damn. Wendy kicked ass fronting the Revolution. God I love Wendy and Lisa.

Jill Jones rocked as the opener...

Sheila kicked ass, as always...

By far the most impressive and most memorable performance was The Family...oh my god I was in fucking heaven. Susannah and St.Paul were quite amazing considering it was their second performance ever...Susannah looked great with her short, bleached blond hair.

Too many cool things to go into right now...I'm sure you all will get a full review...

The thing that made quite the impression was of course the cause which to be honest I really didn't even know was about child abuse. Sheila talked about having been a victim of child abuse and how music had been her refuge. The connection I made was--even though I was not a victim of child abuse--music was my escape. And I can clearly see how, in the words of Sheila, music is a perfect form of therapy.

I clearly intend on looking more into the LilAngelBunny foundation and just helping out in general with the crisis of child abuse...

Much Love to all the fans I met..RDHULL, Brian, NewPowerSoul, David from London, and many others...

hey resistor wave
"Climb in my fur."
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Reply #75 posted 12/16/03 4:49am



incognito said:

I forgot to mention that there was no kind of security check for the VIP people. People were videotaping like crazy. I was upset by being good and not bringing a camera. My cell phone photos look grainy. Somebody hook me up with a copy of the show!

You weren't the only one. I was expecting a full pat down, so I left my camera in someone's car because of the instructions. I missed some prime photo opportunities.

I'll say the night was not long enough.

My .02 : Saturday was to show support for Sheila E and the LABF "ONLY." If you can expecting to see Prince, then you should have known better. shake

If Prince had showed, it would have overshadowed the cause for the night.

Everyone was wonderful, especially The Family (only because I never thought I'd see them perform live).

The night was magical, and wonderful and unforgetable and thank all of you (the fans) who made this event even more special.

If the wind blew every petal from your precious red rose wilted
Would U be afraid of what U'd find inside? rose

Prince - Dreamin' About U
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Reply #76 posted 12/16/03 8:08am


I’m finally back in London after an amazing long weekend in L.A. It was definitely worth travelling all that distance to experience this awesome concert. The Family were absolutely excellent live. Jill Jones was even more stunning in real life. The Revolution with Wendy on vocals was absolute bliss. Wendy was so good on vocals. She looked so happy and really enjoyed the reunion. I spent most of the concert in disbelief. It was surreal and beautiful. One of the best experiences of my life. I have a lot of respect for Sheila E. and the Lil’ Angel Bunny Foundation for organising this tremendous event for a very worthy cause.

Hi to all the great people I met while I was out in L.A. TheResistor, beautifulone7, Ananda, Latisa, Mike and Ray from London, jseven, Rhonda, Larry/David and many more…

[This message was edited Tue Dec 16 8:14:47 PST 2003 by Chewy]
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Reply #77 posted 12/16/03 9:13am



[Inappropriate comment removed. -Ben]
Prince may be the purple Yoda, but Wendy & Lisa and Eric Leeds also sit on the Jedi Council.
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Reply #78 posted 12/16/03 11:47am



I agree with those who enjoyed the show, because the show really "flowed"!!

My first Prince Show was Act I (in the early 90's), so I had not seen the earlier groups.

I too, was hoping for "the unexpected" because it would have been great to see all of that energy in one place, and it could have acknowledged the fact that EVERYONE had "apologized", "forgiven", and "moved on".

In the end, I was surprised that the show was so good in spite of the fact that Prince was not on stage... since that is what I wanted to see (or more precisely 'did not want to miss'). For me, it was still worth the trip from DC, and the only way that Prince could have made it better was if he was there, AND at his best.

Anyhoo... too bad he didn't show up, it seemed like the show was designed to stand up on its own OR incorporate him into the mix if he did decide to show.

The best parts for me were the Family set, Madhouse, Sheila E's energy throughout, and hearing Lisa Coleman's own voice doing 'Rasberry Beret'.
A Bubble Bath with UR Pants On is Better Than No Bubble Bath at All
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Reply #79 posted 12/16/03 12:16pm



rdhull said:

well just like some of the praise him threads that turn into Prince bashing or clowning ( or any Prince thread) the same can and will and should happen here --and there you have the facts of life..the facts of life music

ahh..but the difference is that this is a thread for those who wanted so share their thoughts about the *charity* event *they* attended...


but i guess its all about different strokes...different strokes music
Space for sale...
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Reply #80 posted 12/16/03 9:54pm



sosgemini said:[quote]

rdhull said:

well just like some of the praise him threads that turn into Prince bashing or clowning ( or any Prince thread) the same can and will and should happen here --and there you have the facts of life..the facts of life music

ahh..but the difference is that this is a thread for those who wanted so share their thoughts about the *charity* event *they* attended...

then why did u say "let folks bitch abpit prince if they want to" ?-(paraphrased) if its a charity event they attended thread...your use of semantics doesnt change anything...

"Climb in my fur."
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Reply #81 posted 12/16/03 10:23pm



I'm sorry...Prince DESERVES to be dragged through the mud for this.

Sheila showed up for his Celebration a year or so ago, right? Was she paid? I highly doubt it (I could be wrong, though), which means that her time went to basically put money in Prince's pockets since we all paid to be at Paisley Park. Whether paid or not, when Prince called, she answered.

Sheila then showed up for the Aladdin show in Vegas last December (not to mention the aftershow). Again, don't know if she was paid (I still doubt it), but again the bottom line is that when he called, she was there.

Now...Sheila comes calling for a worthy cause and the man doesn't answer (maybe he answered the phone, but his ass didn't show up!). I'm sure he knew how many tickets had NOT been sold and I'm sure he knew how many would have sold with his name on the bill...all for a worthy cause, Sheila's cause no less, but he was too busy to show. He was able to work his way to LA, but couldn't find the Forum. Inexcusable. I don't care what his reason is...right now IMHO Prince is one of the biggest assholes in the world. I already had an idea he was, now it has been confirmed.

Don't get me wrong...I'm a Purplehead-4-Life...but he was dead wrong this time.

(I apologize for being off topic of the thread...just had to say my say)
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Reply #82 posted 12/16/03 10:29pm


TheResistor said:

BrianNicks said:

ok.. so i FINALLY made it home after my 7 and a half hour flight back to New York..:whew: anyway, the night was great.. it had some amazing highs, but also some lows.. first off, i wanna say that it was great meeting so many nice people from all over the world who really wanted to be at the show and have a fun time.. since i flew in alone, it was really nice to have some company beforehand and during the show (you all know who you are). ok, so before i give my review of the show, let me just say that my biggest gripe of the night was that i wasn't able to "meet" or "greet" ANY of the artists performing despite the fact that i had a VIP seat. For some unknown reason, all of the VIP's were forced to wait outside the venue for 2 straight hours from 530 to almost 730. By the time they let us in, the show was just about to go on, and there was no time to even mutter a single word to any of them as they were rushed out of the VIP room.. oh well, what can you do.. but for $300, i really felt that wasnt right.. EVERYONE should have had an opportunity to at least say "hello" to them.

The concert itself was pretty great. The Family imo stole the show.. you could tell they were really excited to be up there after all these years. Susannah was really energetic dancing all over the stage and singing her heart out. Sheila E was amazing as usual. She performed throughout the night in various forms (with Madhouse, with her band, and in The Time). She played great and really worked up the crowd over and over again. Jill Jones looked HOT. she has such a nice body, beautiful face, and a great voice. Too bad she only sang one song, would have liked to have seen more. Apollonia did "Take Me With You" pretty good. But she broke my heart when she started crying during "Purple Rain". You could tell she really got caught up in the moment. I'm sure she has a lot of memories of the whole "Purple Rain" time period and i think she was probably feeling sentimental. Then there was of course, The Revolution. I really liked their set alot. They did all the songs i really wanted them to do. I thought "another lover" was awesome, and "mountains" is one of my favorite all time songs. I thought Wendy really held her own as the frontwoman of the band. She sounded really good and smiled alot. She was definately happy to be there. Although, i was a little surprised to see them do "Purple Rain". I heard some people say things like "thats not right" and "they shouldnt be doing that song without him". But you know what ? "Purple Rain" is a 'Prince and The Revolution' song, so i think they had every right to do so.

Overall, it was a fun night. I was hoping Prince would show up at some point, but he didnt. I was a little sad to see The Revolution perform without him being there, but I'm still hopeful for a reunion one day. we'll see what happens..
Anyway, time for bed..

ciao, Brian

Hi Brian!

It was a pleasure hanging out with you before the show. I tried to look for you after the show but alas, the arena was chaotic after the show. So, um, what was in that bag of goodies all the VIP people were running around with? If you ever make it back in LA give me a buzz and I'll give you the grand tour...

Same here, G.. it was cool meeting up and chatting be4 the show.. we must do it again some day nod
The VIP bag was full of all sorts of weird stuff.. there were some cd's and t-shirts and posters, but also tylenol PM, chocolate, a can of soda (???), and shampoo.. i was like huh?? i guess they just threw a whole bunch of stuff together. The best was the program though, cuz it had a really nice picture of Wendy and Lisa in it woot!

email me privately sometime, killa

~ brian
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Reply #83 posted 12/17/03 7:30am



Glad the show was great...wouldve been excellent if P had showed up twocents stfu
peace & wildsign
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Reply #84 posted 12/17/03 9:20am



VioletBlue said:

I'm sorry...Prince DESERVES to be dragged through the mud for this.

Sheila showed up for his Celebration a year or so ago, right? Was she paid? I highly doubt it (I could be wrong, though), which means that her time went to basically put money in Prince's pockets since we all paid to be at Paisley Park. Whether paid or not, when Prince called, she answered.

Sheila then showed up for the Aladdin show in Vegas last December (not to mention the aftershow). Again, don't know if she was paid (I still doubt it), but again the bottom line is that when he called, she was there.

Now...Sheila comes calling for a worthy cause and the man doesn't answer (maybe he answered the phone, but his ass didn't show up!). I'm sure he knew how many tickets had NOT been sold and I'm sure he knew how many would have sold with his name on the bill...all for a worthy cause, Sheila's cause no less, but he was too busy to show. He was able to work his way to LA, but couldn't find the Forum. Inexcusable. I don't care what his reason is...right now IMHO Prince is one of the biggest assholes in the world. I already had an idea he was, now it has been confirmed.

Don't get me wrong...I'm a Purplehead-4-Life...but he was dead wrong this time.

(I apologize for being off topic of the thread...just had to say my say)

worship I haven't been able to find the words...and those are the ones I'm feeling.
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Reply #85 posted 12/17/03 12:47pm



rdhull said:

then why did u say "let folks bitch abpit prince if they want to" ?-(paraphrased) if its a charity event they attended thread...your use of semantics doesnt change anything...


why? cause the folks doing the defending didnt even attend the event...they arent sharing their experiences...they are just slamming another for their opinion for event *they* attended...

ya get?
Space for sale...
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Reply #86 posted 12/17/03 5:13pm



sosgemini said:

rdhull said:

then why did u say "let folks bitch abpit prince if they want to" ?-(paraphrased) if its a charity event they attended thread...your use of semantics doesnt change anything...


why? cause the folks doing the defending didnt even attend the event...they arent sharing their experiences...they are just slamming another for their opinion for event *they* attended...

ya get?

"Climb in my fur."
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Reply #87 posted 12/17/03 5:38pm


VioletBlue said:

I'm sorry...Prince DESERVES to be dragged through the mud for this.

Sheila showed up for his Celebration a year or so ago, right? Was she paid? I highly doubt it (I could be wrong, though), which means that her time went to basically put money in Prince's pockets since we all paid to be at Paisley Park. Whether paid or not, when Prince called, she answered.

Sheila then showed up for the Aladdin show in Vegas last December (not to mention the aftershow). Again, don't know if she was paid (I still doubt it), but again the bottom line is that when he called, she was there.

Now...Sheila comes calling for a worthy cause and the man doesn't answer (maybe he answered the phone, but his ass didn't show up!). I'm sure he knew how many tickets had NOT been sold and I'm sure he knew how many would have sold with his name on the bill...all for a worthy cause, Sheila's cause no less, but he was too busy to show. He was able to work his way to LA, but couldn't find the Forum. Inexcusable. I don't care what his reason is...right now IMHO Prince is one of the biggest assholes in the world. I already had an idea he was, now it has been confirmed.

Don't get me wrong...I'm a Purplehead-4-Life...but he was dead wrong this time.

(I apologize for being off topic of the thread...just had to say my say)

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Reply #88 posted 12/18/03 5:14pm


BrianNicks said:

TheResistor said:

BrianNicks said:

ok.. so i FINALLY made it home after my 7 and a half hour flight back to New York..:whew: anyway, the night was great.. it had some amazing highs, but also some lows.. first off, i wanna say that it was great meeting so many nice people from all over the world who really wanted to be at the show and have a fun time.. since i flew in alone, it was really nice to have some company beforehand and during the show (you all know who you are). ok, so before i give my review of the show, let me just say that my biggest gripe of the night was that i wasn't able to "meet" or "greet" ANY of the artists performing despite the fact that i had a VIP seat. For some unknown reason, all of the VIP's were forced to wait outside the venue for 2 straight hours from 530 to almost 730. By the time they let us in, the show was just about to go on, and there was no time to even mutter a single word to any of them as they were rushed out of the VIP room.. oh well, what can you do.. but for $300, i really felt that wasnt right.. EVERYONE should have had an opportunity to at least say "hello" to them.

The concert itself was pretty great. The Family imo stole the show.. you could tell they were really excited to be up there after all these years. Susannah was really energetic dancing all over the stage and singing her heart out. Sheila E was amazing as usual. She performed throughout the night in various forms (with Madhouse, with her band, and in The Time). She played great and really worked up the crowd over and over again. Jill Jones looked HOT. she has such a nice body, beautiful face, and a great voice. Too bad she only sang one song, would have liked to have seen more. Apollonia did "Take Me With You" pretty good. But she broke my heart when she started crying during "Purple Rain". You could tell she really got caught up in the moment. I'm sure she has a lot of memories of the whole "Purple Rain" time period and i think she was probably feeling sentimental. Then there was of course, The Revolution. I really liked their set alot. They did all the songs i really wanted them to do. I thought "another lover" was awesome, and "mountains" is one of my favorite all time songs. I thought Wendy really held her own as the frontwoman of the band. She sounded really good and smiled alot. She was definately happy to be there. Although, i was a little surprised to see them do "Purple Rain". I heard some people say things like "thats not right" and "they shouldnt be doing that song without him". But you know what ? "Purple Rain" is a 'Prince and The Revolution' song, so i think they had every right to do so.

Overall, it was a fun night. I was hoping Prince would show up at some point, but he didnt. I was a little sad to see The Revolution perform without him being there, but I'm still hopeful for a reunion one day. we'll see what happens..
Anyway, time for bed..

ciao, Brian

Hi Brian!

It was a pleasure hanging out with you before the show. I tried to look for you after the show but alas, the arena was chaotic after the show. So, um, what was in that bag of goodies all the VIP people were running around with? If you ever make it back in LA give me a buzz and I'll give you the grand tour...

Same here, G.. it was cool meeting up and chatting be4 the show.. we must do it again some day nod
The VIP bag was full of all sorts of weird stuff.. there were some cd's and t-shirts and posters, but also tylenol PM, chocolate, a can of soda (???), and shampoo.. i was like huh?? i guess they just threw a whole bunch of stuff together. The best was the program though, cuz it had a really nice picture of Wendy and Lisa in it woot!

email me privately sometime, killa

~ brian

Brian - what were the CDs? Please.
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