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Thread started 07/10/02 2:32am



New 'U Tell Us'

{{{Let’s Get Deep
The recent Celebration afforded NPG Music Club members the opportunity to xperience a unique kind of energy and 2 develop within themselves a common “language” that transcends ordinary borders. Now is the time 2 build on this — and 2 focus this energy on deep issues such as the ones below. Hope u didn’t put that scuba-diving gear away just yet!

We invite u 2 respond 2 the issues below by sending ur comments 2 . U may respond 2 any or all of the issues. Please note that, by sending ur comments 2 this address, u agree 2 them being reproduced in part or in full on any other NPG Music Club venture. }}}

1. Did u get a small case of “post-Celebration blues” when the event
ended — and Y?
2. Y do people of all backgrounds get along at Paisley Park, and not
3. In actuality, what r BORDERS? And y r they erased when the Funk
4. The Celebration proved that people from various backgrounds can
party 2gether — but will we ever b able 2 worship in Truth 2gether?
5. Many say that one’s own relationship with God is a “personal thing.”
That being said, how would that work next 2: “A family that prays
2gether stays 2gether.”? Just how big is r human family?
6. 2 say “Amen” at the end of a prayer simply means that u agree with
the prayer. If someone had closed the Celebration in prayer, would u
have bowed ur head and simply made up ur own prayer in ur mind?
7. What point is there 2 pray 2 different Gods if there is only one?
8. We hear talk of separation of God and State… State of What? Mind? R
the efforts made by certain members of society 2 remove God from
state a sign of progress or regress?
9. Y have all of mankind’s attempts at creating UTOPIA 4 itself failed
so far?
10.How can r society eliminate XENOPHOBIA?
11.7 days of music, peace, and love — and then back 2 the “real world”…
How real is the “real world”?
12.What is the difference between AGREEMENT and HARMONY?
....and remember: Members get to hear it last cry
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Reply #1 posted 07/10/02 4:33pm



Oh dear, brace yourself people. I can just feel the complaints coming.

Personally, I'm just going to ignore this email. He might as well have asked "What is the meaning of life?".

Well, fucked if I know!
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
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Reply #2 posted 07/10/02 4:36pm


[This message was edited Sun Aug 4 14:12:26 PDT 2002 by Heavenly]
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Reply #3 posted 07/10/02 5:59pm


I read the list at the site.

In my observation, the questions start of lighthearted and fun and appeal to a general fams, but then turn into something more in tune with religious questions.

The one that bothered me immediatley was the separation of church and state. The word state is turned, in the question, into a somewhat self serving defenition of "state of mind"...

But what that fuss is all about is the separation of church and State, state being government, an entity, not a state of being. The separation of religious freaks AND a government. Which can lead to regimes, basing government decisions BY religious fervor. Much like the Taliban, etc.

With the rest of the questions, I'm sstarting to think Prince is throwing out the idea of possibly praying after every event, even concerts...

These are troubled time, shaky, people are confused, even our musical heroes.

"Hold on 2 your souls ya'll!"(a simpler, confident, saner Prince once said).
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Reply #4 posted 07/10/02 11:11pm



Oh, lawd!
Not the religion thing again!
If Prince found out I was a Buddhist, would he not want me as a fan? I find it very disturbing that the answer would probably be "Yes".
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Reply #5 posted 07/11/02 12:28am



This is called "mental masturbation"!
And Pince is the master on this subject.
"No one plays the clarinet the way U play my heart"
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Reply #6 posted 07/11/02 1:28am


Does he really think that Paisley Park is the only place where people of different races get on with eachother.

Prince man, you should get out more.
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Reply #7 posted 07/11/02 3:21am



This is just plain stupid.

Question 4 has me a little worried.

It doesn't matter if Prince asks 12 questions or a million questions, the fact remains that even if fams change their ways to his (or Jehovah's Witness) ideaology, the rest of the world stays the same, no matter how much you try to make a difference. Like Prince use to say himself "people make the world go round"

Why didn't Prince pose these questions at Celebration?
Because it would have pissed alot of people off thinking the Celebration was a big JW conversion. So it's easy to give the fams what they want to please them at Sellebration, (fantastic concerts, etc), and then wait till they get home before pushing the heavy stuff on them. What a cop out!

Sometimes I think Prince sends out things like this and then logs into P Org to watch us all debate about it and laughs his ass off.

I don't think anyone should answer his questions. Hell, he don't answer fams questions. He should concentrate on delivering the NPGMC members their CD's that they have paid good money for. Is this what a membership pays for? Questions like these?

Take your own advice Prince and LET THE MUSIC SPEAK LOUDEST!
Xperience the Peach & Black Podcast:
Become a fan:
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Reply #8 posted 07/11/02 4:02am



I am a profound disbeliever in any form of god. The human race makes it's own destiny and such rantings are remnants of primitive cultures.
The future is electric.
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Reply #9 posted 07/11/02 2:00pm



motherfucker has now officially lost his mind.
now i know what this is all about. now i know exactly what i am.
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Reply #10 posted 07/11/02 2:09pm


Sup fam...

Whoever posed these phreeeggin questions are out of there mind...ok if it was P then he's out of his mind...

They(whoever posted) need to get a grip on reality or get slapped outta la-la-la-he-he-he land...(see azz kickin recieved by LA teen by cops)...

To be talkin about religion in a world ova run by the devils co-horts is askin for it("shine tha spotlight on him, dance sucka"...P-Funk)

P you need to lay-off and right now...I promise...look what u need to do is live by example(trust me peeps will see ur light shinin and come near(religious or not)), not by tellin grown folks how to live when aint nobody asked you.

I wish I was a member of NPG-Music Club...but this will mos def keep me away awhile... however,I can wait for him to release to the retail chains than put up with this...

By the way I am a religious person...and I do support God being mentioned in the Constitution and Preamble...etc..but I dont suport it when it comes from Prince...
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Reply #11 posted 07/12/02 1:25am




your questions are the worst type of lazy nothingness. talk about simple-minded! "why can't people get along in the real world?" "why have all our attempts to build a UTOPIA failed?"

what vague, broad, inane questions. this is tripe, it's difficult to know where to begin in responding to this post, because it's a whole lot of nothing you've given us to hang a response on.

as for the pointed questions about god... yeesh. where do you get off on this? what do you want out of people, prince? play your guitar, sing us a song, move us and thrill us and make us dance and clap and sing along, inspire us to make our own music and art... but don't try to control us. don't try to tell us what to do, it makes no sense, in addition to being a losing game.

what do you want? to start up a "princetown" full of accepting, unquestioning converts to the cause? what is all this? i mean, WHAT?

good lord, this stuff is awful. i despair.

(NB: you are free to post any or all of the above at NPGMC, provided the context remains untampered with. but somehow- don't ask me how, maybe i've a highly pronounced intuition about such things- i don't think you'll be taking me up on the offer since you seem only to post the answers that flatter your stupid questions with so-called "positive" responses. i don't know quite who runs this branch of the prince empire, but let me say categorically, it is moronic. and if it's sanctioned by prince himself, it is still moronic. "intelligent people can do stupid things," said david byrne, or words very much to that effect.)
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Reply #12 posted 07/12/02 1:55am


I'm not going to waste more time than i need to on this.. but I couldn't resist answering two of the questions:

9. Y have all of mankind’s attempts at creating UTOPIA 4 itself failed so far?

A: Religion

10.How can r society eliminate XENOPHOBIA?

A: Eliminate religions that proclaim their God to be the one true God.
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