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Reply #90 posted 03/06/22 5:38pm


PennyPurple said:

And Primary Wave isn't in control. lol

Primary Wave owns 50% of the music that Morris has performed ad nauseum for "40 years".

I'm ASHAMED that people here think Morris' cheating two weeks after Pince died is cool. sad

Welcome to "the org", laytonian… come bathe with me.
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Reply #91 posted 03/06/22 7:37pm


biggrin Morris' latest statement:

What did @arseniohall say in “Coming To America”? “His Mama Named Him Clay Imma call him Clay”… Well My Mama Named Me Morris Day, and My Band Is “The Time”

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Reply #92 posted 03/06/22 7:38pm


I'm really happy to see all the support that Morris is receiving,from fans and even some of his peers.He will prevail.

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Reply #93 posted 03/06/22 8:04pm



laytonian said:

I'm ASHAMED that people here think Morris' cheating two weeks after Pince died is cool. sad


Prince trademarked The Time before they even were really famous?!

How honest is that?

How do you feel about that?

Pills and thrills and daffodils will kill... If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.
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Reply #94 posted 03/06/22 8:08pm



SoulAlive said:

biggrin Morris' latest statement:

What did @arseniohall say in “Coming To America”? “His Mama Named Him Clay Imma call him Clay”… Well My Mama Named Me Morris Day, and My Band Is “The Time”

And he lies again, because his band isn't THE TIME.. lol THE TIME belongs to the Prince Estate. The Time was alway's P's.

All Morris has to do, is pay the licensing fee.

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Reply #95 posted 03/06/22 8:14pm


how come,with Prince,there always seems to be issues over "names"? lol In 1993,Prince didn't even want to be "Prince" anymore,lol.It's absurd that,in his camp,there is always some kind of nonsense/confusion/drama with names.It never seems to happen with other artists.

In any case,Morris will prevail smile


[Edited 3/6/22 12:14pm]

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Reply #96 posted 03/06/22 8:29pm


and like I said before....

the estate should leave Morris alone and instead focus on other,better ways to generate income and keep Prince's legacy alive.How about a stage musical based on Prince's life? Or the inevitable biopic that Hollywood is dying to make? Or some kind of streaming/subscription service to get more of the vault material to fans? Focus on THAT!

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Reply #97 posted 03/06/22 8:35pm


As bad as we all MAY feel for Morris do we still not see the legality of the issues here, he trademarked it he also had his name Or "writing name" all over the material early on, he was making BAND decisions for them, so was this "ever" Morris's band? Yes he is the attitude of it and the personality helped especially in the PR film, but as we know once money started rolling in, quickly everyone wanted something or felt they were entitled to something. Right before COVID shut down live shows March 12th 2020 I actually was at the Last show at the Iridium NYC Club seeing St Paul Peterson, and a sold out venue which could hold about 150-200 seated because of COVID fears and confusion there were about 30 of us there, so it was a chill vibe and Paul talked alot about the Family and TIME days and how Prince worked, we know the legend of how he hung up on Paul Peterson when he was leaving the Family. But Paul touched on how PRINCE did things then, he often would jam, call you in, you played on something and you didnt even know it made the cut. Paul recently realized in an interview that he was on a track he didnt even realize he was on, a fan pointed it out. But lets realize all of this, we all want protege records to come out, Jill JOnes, The Family, and others but those artists can just say put it out or even go back an redo those records and re issue them because IT IS not their publishing. I mean does St Paul Peterson go out and play under the "Family" heading? he has never tried it because of the legal ramificiations of it. Like it or not PRINCE did business like this, trademarking, owning publishing etc...and now after his death I totally understand the desire to go out and do things, The Revolution did it very well, the NPG were doing it too, but I am going to guess that both of these are paying a ton in licensing fees, just a guess I have, and maybe Morris Day is trying to not have to pay for all of that too? I am just speculating about it, who knows with these legal things.

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Reply #98 posted 03/06/22 8:41pm


I just find it interesting that,when Prince was alive,Morris regularly played shows as "Morris Day and The Time" and there was no issue at all.Whatever agreement/arrangement that Morris had with Prince,it worked and everyone was happy.But now that Prince is dead,it suddenly becomes an issue.That's strange to me hmmm

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Reply #99 posted 03/06/22 10:15pm



SoulAlive said:

how come,with Prince,there always seems to be issues over "names"? lol In 1993,Prince didn't even want to be "Prince" anymore,lol.It's absurd that,in his camp,there is always some kind of nonsense/confusion/drama with names.It never seems to happen with other artists.

In any case,Morris will prevail smile


[Edited 3/6/22 12:14pm]

If Morris prevails it's because he is paying the Estate for the license.

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Reply #100 posted 03/06/22 11:20pm


Morris Day and The Tyme would sell ickets just fyne.

The stupidity here is that the Estate need them all, and need to be able to bill them as The Time. We're talking about guys who sit on Grammy boards now, they showed up for tributes, so this is just bad business.

What Morris Day needs to claim is that Prince already asserted his claim for the name for recordings, and nothing more, then say it was a verbal agreement in trade for uncredited contributions to songs. The Estate would have to settle and give them free licensing of the name.

Is the Estate paying royalties on Jungle Love from The Originals?

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Reply #101 posted 03/06/22 11:39pm


lavendardrummachine said:

Morris Day and The Tyme would sell ickets just fyne.

I agree.I also think that if Morris just simply billed himself as “Morris Day”,the tickets would still sell.That’s his birth name and the estate wouldn’t be able to do anything.Still,it’s a shame that it has come to this.
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Reply #102 posted 03/07/22 12:18am


SoulAlive said:

I agree.I also think that if Morris just simply billed himself as “Morris Day”,the tickets would still sell.

Definitely. I don't think the rest of the group would be thrilled by that, but if they need the money, that's what they'll have to do.

I wonder if "The Artists Formerly Known as The Time" would work.

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Reply #103 posted 03/07/22 12:48am


lavendardrummachine said:

SoulAlive said:

I agree.I also think that if Morris just simply billed himself as “Morris Day”,the tickets would still sell.

Definitely. I don't think the rest of the group would be thrilled by that, but if they need the money, that's what they'll have to do.

I wonder if "The Artists Formerly Known as The Time" would work.

biggrin I hope it doesn’t come to that,lol
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Reply #104 posted 03/07/22 2:42am



lavendardrummachine said:

Morris Day and The Tyme would sell ickets just fyne.

The stupidity here is that the Estate need them all, and need to be able to bill them as The Time. We're talking about guys who sit on Grammy boards now, they showed up for tributes, so this is just bad business.

What Morris Day needs to claim is that Prince already asserted his claim for the name for recordings, and nothing more, then say it was a verbal agreement in trade for uncredited contributions to songs. The Estate would have to settle and give them free licensing of the name.

Is the Estate paying royalties on Jungle Love from The Originals?

The Estate doesn't need any of them. Morris signed a damn contract with Prince in 1982. The Time doesn't belong to Morris. Have Morris come up with a different name for his group, heck he can even spell it differently.

It's getting close to the Anniversary date of his death. The Associates always start acting up around this time.

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Reply #105 posted 03/07/22 5:19am


PennyPurple said:

Morris signed a damn contract with Prince in 1982.

Doubtful that contract is still in effect. Prince either trademarked the name or they consider him having ownership and basically his side project with Morris and sometimes Jesse.

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Reply #106 posted 03/07/22 5:24am



PennyPurple said:

And Primary Wave isn't in control. lol

lol lol

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #107 posted 03/07/22 5:28am



PennyPurple said:

SoulAlive said:

how come,with Prince,there always seems to be issues over "names"? lol In 1993,Prince didn't even want to be "Prince" anymore,lol.It's absurd that,in his camp,there is always some kind of nonsense/confusion/drama with names.It never seems to happen with other artists.

In any case,Morris will prevail smile


[Edited 3/6/22 12:14pm]

If Morris prevails it's because he is paying the Estate for the license.

nod nod

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #108 posted 03/07/22 5:29am



SolaceAHA said:

As bad as we all MAY feel for Morris do we still not see the legality of the issues here, he trademarked it he also had his name Or "writing name" all over the material early on, he was making BAND decisions for them, so was this "ever" Morris's band? Yes he is the attitude of it and the personality helped especially in the PR film, but as we know once money started rolling in, quickly everyone wanted something or felt they were entitled to something. Right before COVID shut down live shows March 12th 2020 I actually was at the Last show at the Iridium NYC Club seeing St Paul Peterson, and a sold out venue which could hold about 150-200 seated because of COVID fears and confusion there were about 30 of us there, so it was a chill vibe and Paul talked alot about the Family and TIME days and how Prince worked, we know the legend of how he hung up on Paul Peterson when he was leaving the Family. But Paul touched on how PRINCE did things then, he often would jam, call you in, you played on something and you didnt even know it made the cut. Paul recently realized in an interview that he was on a track he didnt even realize he was on, a fan pointed it out. But lets realize all of this, we all want protege records to come out, Jill JOnes, The Family, and others but those artists can just say put it out or even go back an redo those records and re issue them because IT IS not their publishing. I mean does St Paul Peterson go out and play under the "Family" heading? he has never tried it because of the legal ramificiations of it. Like it or not PRINCE did business like this, trademarking, owning publishing etc...and now after his death I totally understand the desire to go out and do things, The Revolution did it very well, the NPG were doing it too, but I am going to guess that both of these are paying a ton in licensing fees, just a guess I have, and maybe Morris Day is trying to not have to pay for all of that too? I am just speculating about it, who knows with these legal things.

Another who really gets what went on and how it should be.

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #109 posted 03/07/22 5:32am



PennyPurple said:

lavendardrummachine said:

Morris Day and The Tyme would sell ickets just fyne.

The stupidity here is that the Estate need them all, and need to be able to bill them as The Time. We're talking about guys who sit on Grammy boards now, they showed up for tributes, so this is just bad business.

What Morris Day needs to claim is that Prince already asserted his claim for the name for recordings, and nothing more, then say it was a verbal agreement in trade for uncredited contributions to songs. The Estate would have to settle and give them free licensing of the name.

Is the Estate paying royalties on Jungle Love from The Originals?

The Estate doesn't need any of them. Morris signed a damn contract with Prince in 1982. The Time doesn't belong to Morris. Have Morris come up with a different name for his group, heck he can even spell it differently.

It's getting close to the Anniversary date of his death. The Associates always start acting up around this time.

Every word the truth. People think it was just a verbal contract shake

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #110 posted 03/08/22 1:26am



laytonian said:

Sorry, sympathizers, but you're letting Morris play on your emotions because he got caught (frankly) in thievery.

IT'S A COLD-BLOODED MOVE to attempt to steal the trademark that Prince owned, just TWO WEEKS AFTER PRINCE DIED. Morris doesn't mention that, does he? He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Here's the trademark filing:

NOTICE ALSO: This trademark is an attempt for ONLY Morris' own LLC to own the trademark. Does he "own" the entire band under that/those LLCs? If so, what's the difference between that and Prince owning what was signed in 1982?

NOTHING prevente Morris Day from forming a new band, performing new music along with the old and paying royalties that were due, hiring new and/or old associates and doing his own thing. DID HE? No! He's been a historical fossil for 40 years with that stale "somebody bring me a mirror" act.

I have no sympathies. THIS, on top of his co-authorized book where he complained he was only paid $50,000 for his part in Purple Rain. Yes, the man that had to be dragged out of a drug-addled haze, the man who ouldn't even show up and so Jerome had to do some of his parts. That man is complaining that he was actually paid more than standard for a low-budget film. Morris did not help fund the film (WB and Prince himself funded it). $50,000 in 1984 is worth over $135,000 today.

Sorry. I ramble sometimes.
I'm just PO'd about this.

He didn't try to 'steal' it. No one currently holds a trademark for 'The Time' for live work and Morris didn't apply for 'The Time', he applied for 'Morris Day and the time' and that is different to the 1982 agreement.

His application was cancelled on Feb 18th of this year because I guess the Paisley Park Estate sent lawyers after him to prevent him using it. But Paisley Park do not have a trademark for either of those names.

[Edited 3/7/22 17:44pm]

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Reply #111 posted 03/08/22 1:43am



So Morris did basically the same thing Mani did just days after he died? Hoping nobody would notice. Wonder why he didn't just ask Prince to give it to him, it's obviously something he wanted and thought about it.
Time keeps on slipping into the future...

This moment is all there is...
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Reply #112 posted 03/08/22 1:52am


in any case,I am hoping to see Morris Day and The Time in concert this year.They usually perform on gigs with other great bands like Cameo,Lakeside,etc.It’s a funk lover’s dream concert biggrin

[Edited 3/7/22 18:00pm]
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Reply #113 posted 03/08/22 2:05am


SquirrelMeat said:

He didn't try to 'steal' it. No one currently holds a trademark for 'The Time' for live work and Morris didn't apply for 'The Time', he applied for 'Morris Day and the time' and that is different to the 1982 agreement.

His application was cancelled on Feb 18th of this year because I guess the Paisley Park Estate sent lawyers after him to prevent him using it. But Paisley Park do not have a trademark for either of those names.

This sounds about right.

It’s crazy that some folks think Morris is trying to “steal” something that he is such a major part of.
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Reply #114 posted 03/08/22 5:09pm



Morris should just tour with quirky tour names like,


"Whatever skin we're in
we all need 2 b friends"
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Reply #115 posted 03/08/22 6:56pm



Welp we'll see what happens if he choose to follow the rules of the Estate or mot. Seems it isn't quite a hard no just that he can't own the trademark the way he wants.
Time keeps on slipping into the future...

This moment is all there is...
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Reply #116 posted 03/08/22 7:02pm



- Morris(whom I had the pleasure of meeting) held his own among the other groups in his Morris Day & The Time "FUNK CORONA" World Class performance that live streamed on pay per view July 10th 2020. That was a really good idea. He made me proud.

"That mountain top situation is not really what it's all cracked up 2 B when eye was doing the Purple Rain tour eye had a lot of people who eye knew eye'll never c again @ the concerts.just screamin n places they thought they was suppose 2 scream."prince
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Reply #117 posted 03/08/22 7:06pm



At this point, I'd like to have a list with the people you haven't met personally. It's probably easier to count.

ChocolateBox3121 said:

- Morris(whom I had the pleasure of meeting) held his own among the other groups in his Morris Day & The Time "FUNK CORONA" World Class performance that live streamed on pay per view July 10th 2020. That was a really good idea. He made me proud.

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Reply #118 posted 03/08/22 10:35pm



SoulAlive said:

SquirrelMeat said:
He didn't try to 'steal' it. No one currently holds a trademark for 'The Time' for live work and Morris didn't apply for 'The Time', he applied for 'Morris Day and the time' and that is different to the 1982 agreement.

His application was cancelled on Feb 18th of this year because I guess the Paisley Park Estate sent lawyers after him to prevent him using it. But Paisley Park do not have a trademark for either of those names.
This sounds about right. It’s crazy that some folks think Morris is trying to “steal” something that he is such a major part of.

If there's a signed agreement dating back to 1982 that stipulates the terms of ownership of the name "The Time", and about 2 weeks after Prince died MD filed for the trademark which includes "The Time" in that name and had to surrender it at the beginning of Feb 2022, what would you call it? Because he can not claim he did not know the terms of the contract for decades. Sneaky and underhanded. Just like some others did and who knows who else.

Welcome to "the org", Mumio…they can have you, but I'll have your love in the end nod
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Reply #119 posted 03/08/22 11:13pm


ChocolateBox3121 said:

- Morris(whom I had the pleasure of meeting) held his own among the other groups in his Morris Day & The Time "FUNK CORONA" World Class performance that live streamed on pay per view July 10th 2020. That was a really good idea. He made me proud.

Looking forward to seeing them in concert this year,on one of those funk-fest type shows.I hope they’re on a bill with ZAPP and Midnight Star.I’m ready to party!! biggrin
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Forums > Associated artists & people > New Ban for Morris Day & the Time From the Prince Estate