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Reply #30 posted 05/16/04 1:35pm



rialb said:

theblueangel said:

PeePee9 said (at

So we're paying them to be their focus group?

And they're essentially causing us to have to buy 2 copies of potentially every release, because they have no clue what will be a big seller and what won't, boo-hoo-hoo. Motherfuckin' goombahs. Bunch o' Guidos, I swear.

PeePee9, some things never change. Same old song with a different, I guess it's the same anonymous name, but the song remains the same.

I agree completely. It really pisses me off that Prince is now releasing some music exclusively as downloads. He must know that if he released those songs on cd that nearly everyone who bought the download would also buy the cd. Plus, I'm sure that he would include extra tracks on the cd so people "have" to buy it. Prince has said many times that's he's all about music. Bullshit! He is just as interested in the money as WB was or any other "evil" corporation. That is not a bad thing. But what I have a problem with is him expecting us to buy the same thing more than once. I think what he needs is a liason between himself and his fans because I think it's obvious that he has no clue what we want from him. I for one would be ecstatic if all of the non music merchandise on NPGMC was replaced with music. Honestly, who wastes their money on all of that crap? Obviously he is very eccentric. He does things how he wants to. He always has and I'm sure he always will. But I, for one, find it very maddening. We all want more music (live and studio outtakes). For years he has been trying to shut down the bootleggers. Why does he think they are so popular? It is completely in his power to make all bootleggers a thing of the past. But he chooses not to. He and the club should not be surprised that we are disappointed with the lack of music we are receiving.

Who is "us"? Record sales to "us" are not alot. For proof, see the billboard numbers for the ninety's. I donot think anyone that advise Prince nor Prince himself is worried about "us" buying music twice. Based on some comments on the Org, people buy the cds twice anyway.

You are right. Prince could make bootlegging a thing of the past by not performing any new music. BOOTLEGGING is here to stay. P2P has proven that.

What if Prince sold all the music in his vault? People would still complain. "When is Prince going to record new music? I wish he would do a live version of this or that song!!! " Buy what you want, leave anything you donot at the store.

Finally the Club is offering music, and you say "He and the club should not be surprised that we are disappointed with the lack of music we are receiving!"

McDonalds and Wendys select restaurants in various cities to test market items, "we" pay them.

THEBlueAngel, reading your posts are always interesting.
[This message was edited Mon May 17 17:36:42 2004 by SyrHyJynx]
"History is a set of lies agreed upon."
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Reply #31 posted 05/16/04 5:11pm



SyrHyJynx said:

BlueAngel, reading your posts are always interesting.

SyrHyJynx, reading your post is perplexing. And hey, I ain't no muthacuntin' "BlueAngel." I'm TheBlueAngel. wink

No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #32 posted 05/16/04 6:16pm


DiamondGirl said:

Universaluv said:

(Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year).

You mean that re-release material that we've already had for 3/4 years now?

you realize that not everyone has been around since year one right?
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Reply #33 posted 05/17/04 2:44pm



That's true, UniversaLuv...but then people need to understand that some of us HAVE been around...and that means we paid for the music currently in the Musicology store years ago. So excuse us if we're done digesting it and we ain't jumpin' for joy no more. wink
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #34 posted 05/17/04 3:29pm


theblueangel said:

That's true, UniversaLuv...but then people need to understand that some of us HAVE been around...and that means we paid for the music currently in the Musicology store years ago. So excuse us if we're done digesting it and we ain't jumpin' for joy no more. wink

Sure, theblue, but that has nothing to do with my point up above.

I originally said that I, me, myself, yo, Universaluv, personally am still digesting the music made available this year to explain why I am not clamoring for more tunes at the moment.

But, DG suggested that this is music we've all already had for 3/4 years and I just pointed out that ain't necessarilly true for everybody.

As far as those who want more, more, more.. fine. IMO, the "Prince should open the vault/Prince should put the bootlegers out of business, etc..." argument is a little old at this point, but hey if that's you want, that's what you want.
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Reply #35 posted 05/17/04 5:20pm


Universaluv said:

IMO, the "Prince should open the vault/Prince should put the bootlegers out of business, etc..." argument is a little old at this point.

nod Oh dear God, IT IS!!!!!
[This message was edited Mon May 17 17:20:35 2004 by psykosoul]
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Reply #36 posted 05/17/04 5:35pm



theblueangel said:

SyrHyJynx said:

BlueAngel, reading your posts are always interesting.

SyrHyJynx, reading your post is perplexing. And hey, I ain't no muthacuntin' "BlueAngel." I'm TheBlueAngel. wink


"History is a set of lies agreed upon."
-Napoleon Bonaparte
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Reply #37 posted 05/17/04 7:48pm



No, MY stupid cunt ass is sorry, SyrHyJynx....I don't know why I got my dander up, but I apologize for it!! Us Sicilians get kinda messy. wink
No confusion, no tears. No enemies, no fear. No sorrow, no pain. No ball, no chain.

Sex is not love. Love is not sex. Putting words in other people's mouths will only get you elected.

Need more sleep than coke or methamphetamine.
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Reply #38 posted 05/17/04 10:59pm


Universaluv said:

theblueangel said:

That's true, UniversaLuv...but then people need to understand that some of us HAVE been around...and that means we paid for the music currently in the Musicology store years ago. So excuse us if we're done digesting it and we ain't jumpin' for joy no more. wink

Sure, theblue, but that has nothing to do with my point up above.

I originally said that I, me, myself, yo, Universaluv, personally am still digesting the music made available this year to explain why I am not clamoring for more tunes at the moment.

But, DG suggested that this is music we've all already had for 3/4 years and I just pointed out that ain't necessarilly true for everybody.

As far as those who want more, more, more.. fine. IMO, the "Prince should open the vault/Prince should put the bootlegers out of business, etc..." argument is a little old at this point, but hey if that's you want, that's what you want.

I am full aware that some have not heard the music from the past 3-4 years that has already been released. The point was that the music was already released. In other words: rehashed. You act like they gave 3 to 4 cds worth of NEW UNHEARD material. I am not saying that they need to release everyth9ing or a great deal of music to "defeat th e bootleggers," as that point is old as already stated. But lets not give praise for a half assed job.

And please, don't act like you didn't already have the music. Nice try.
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Reply #39 posted 05/18/04 8:04am


DiamondGirl said:

Universaluv said:

Sure, theblue, but that has nothing to do with my point up above.

I originally said that I, me, myself, yo, Universaluv, personally am still digesting the music made available this year to explain why I am not clamoring for more tunes at the moment.

But, DG suggested that this is music we've all already had for 3/4 years and I just pointed out that ain't necessarilly true for everybody.

As far as those who want more, more, more.. fine. IMO, the "Prince should open the vault/Prince should put the bootlegers out of business, etc..." argument is a little old at this point, but hey if that's you want, that's what you want.

I am full aware that some have not heard the music from the past 3-4 years that has already been released. The point was that the music was already released. In other words: rehashed. You act like they gave 3 to 4 cds worth of NEW UNHEARD material. I am not saying that they need to release everyth9ing or a great deal of music to "defeat th e bootleggers," as that point is old as already stated. But lets not give praise for a half assed job.

And please, don't act like you didn't already have the music. Nice try.

Like you have any clue what songs I do and don't have. confused

Sorry, I really truly honestly didn't have most of the music on TCI and Slaughterhouse. Yes, I had about four songs before they were released this year. That's it.

I know it's hard to beleive DG but some of us really aren't completists when it comes to Prince. Nice try though. rolleyes

Again, my comment reffered to why I wasn't personally clamoring for new tunes.

Here it is agian....

"Frankly, I'm still digesting all the music that was made available so far this year"

Do you see how I said "I'm" there? That's refers to me personally. Not all of the NPGMC membership.

Right now I have about three albums worth of songs that I haven't heard before this year.

And, also if you actually read my post you'd see that I didn't "give them praise for doing a half-assed job" I said I would reserve my judgment. That means I will wait and see. Comprende?
[This message was edited Tue May 18 8:09:00 2004 by Universaluv]
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