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Reply #630 posted 07/06/06 12:01am



There isn't an emoticon that can capture my reaction to this thread. It's somewhat of a mix of eek, confused, lol, headlp and evillol, but I can't quite find it.
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Reply #631 posted 07/06/06 12:01am



did some of yall actually get an email from the npgmc saying that it was closing its doors?

i didnt get an email...

not that im surprised...i rarely got them when the doors were open...but juist wondering....
vi star
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Reply #632 posted 07/06/06 12:05am


violett said:

did some of yall actually get an email from the npgmc saying that it was closing its doors?

i didnt get an email...

not that im surprised...i rarely got them when the doors were open...but juist wondering....
naw, I didn't get it but I haven't gotten emails from there in months.
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Reply #633 posted 07/06/06 12:07am


Romera said:

wonder505 said:

What you say is true. It's only fair, however, I doubt these friends of yours will come here to defend themselves. The sentiment towards them is the same not only here but else where as well. I just hope the lesson has been learned and when the new site opens up, the environment will be more welcoming.
Some of those people CAN'T come here to defend themselves. And honestly: how many people are we actually talking about here? Four? Five? So people choose to let a few spoil a situation for them? I don't understand that.

I think it's easier for people to actually join a mob mentality than to have actually checked out something for themselves.

Well I could only speak for myself. Take it from someone who actually liked NPGMC very much for the positivity of some members and believe it or not, I liked the way the club was, even though I have about one post to my name.

However, based on my experience, the clique "ran" things over there. I have seen when members of that clique converge against someone with dry sarcastic humor and negative remarks. Sometimes they would even create a thread to make fun of a person and it was not funny. Do you think that was right?

Anyway, such is the nature of the beast when it comes to message forums and their reputation is what it is. It is still my hope that we've all learned something and can be more welcoming when the new site launches.
[Edited 7/5/06 17:09pm]
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Reply #634 posted 07/06/06 12:12am



When I first got word that the site was down I felt a second of sadness.....however, the club is just on hiatus which means it will be down for a while but not permanently. Hiatus means a break...we just don't know how long. I think Prince and his creative crew will be adding new enhancements, fresh eye candy and music etc. Prnce will always be around and will always communicate with his fan base one way or another.

So I would just sit back, relax and know that it ain't over people. He will be back onlne, the NPG Music Club is not dead.

Peace and Love 4 One Another 4 Ever
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Reply #635 posted 07/06/06 12:23am



wonder505 said:

Not sure if "obligated" is a good word. All organizations change business models by raising or lowering prices all the time. If he raises the price, believe me, it will come with some perks, it's up to each individual whether they support that or not.

that is not a legal defence. he offered the lifetime membership. unless MN has odd business laws they can not simply close it and then open a new on just because they realized they had a bad business model.
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Reply #636 posted 07/06/06 12:24am


SlamGlam said:

wonder505 said:

Not sure if "obligated" is a good word. All organizations change business models by raising or lowering prices all the time. If he raises the price, believe me, it will come with some perks, it's up to each individual whether they support that or not.

that is not a legal defence. he offered the lifetime membership. unless MN has odd business laws they can not simply close it and then open a new on just because they realized they had a bad business model.

Okay, but can he change what the $25 entitles one to. You still be a lifetime member but what if you have to pay more for more perks?
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Reply #637 posted 07/06/06 12:29am


However, based on my experience, the clique "ran" things over there. I have seen when members of that clique converge against someone with dry sarcastic humor and negative remarks. Sometimes they would even create a thread to make fun of a person and it was not funny. Do you think that was right?

lets hope the mods here appreciate fully the reason why this aspect of the club is being emphasised.

and for those who wont accept it, perhaps they can take their own advice and get 'thicker skins' instead of making emotional pleas for absolution.

or.... learn.

" the embassy shut to keep the fools out " - as above, so below.
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Reply #638 posted 07/06/06 12:36am



wonder505 said:

SlamGlam said:

that is not a legal defence. he offered the lifetime membership. unless MN has odd business laws they can not simply close it and then open a new on just because they realized they had a bad business model.

Okay, but can he change what the $25 entitles one to. You still be a lifetime member but what if you have to pay more for more perks?

yeah he can do that. and i think they will. what was offered? a chat, forums, and a discount to music? if the new site had that stuff they legaly have to offer thoes to old lifetime members.

but like i said the best thing they have going for them is the agreement that if you want to sue you have to do so in MPLS.
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Reply #639 posted 07/06/06 12:39am


Romera said:

Mods, for real, why is there so much flaming allowed on this thread? neutral

better yet, why hasn't this thread been locked? it's dissolving into a bunch of finger-pointing boolshit as it is, far as i see...keep this thread open and it's bound to get worse, because it's so gigantic it'd be hell for a mod to weed through every post to get rid of the flames.
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Reply #640 posted 07/06/06 12:40am


why do u people wake up,and boykott the purple hype i've been doin it for a long time,the purple hype is like the preacher at the church that takes ur money,there is no hope the purple hype leveled himself to the level of this industry,why don't u go to myspace and look up the true leader of this time sananda maitreya he sacrificed for the art just like ali,x and all the others leaders do,the purple hype will rage on good thing the rest of the world doesn't buy into this shit look up his sales ,i am tired,i can't wait t'il again he will announce a tour where he plays the hit's for the last time t'il they rave about his new record the return of the royal badness,fortunately there are artists like van hunt outthere the rebel,purple hype yes purple hype this is the sign of youre times!!!!!
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Reply #641 posted 07/06/06 1:14am





Handclapsfingasnapz said:

Romera said:

Mods, for real, why is there so much flaming allowed on this thread? neutral

better yet, why hasn't this thread been locked? it's dissolving into a bunch of finger-pointing boolshit as it is, far as i see...keep this thread open and it's bound to get worse, because it's so gigantic it'd be hell for a mod to weed through every post to get rid of the flames.

And on that note it's time to chill lock

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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