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Reply #330 posted 09/06/12 6:29pm



SmiggyG said:

Anyone notice the seating chart on Ticketmaster's site is different for the 24th and 25th? I got tics in sec. 110 on the 25th. As you can see 110 is different both nights and is not as good as I hoped if going by the 24th seating chart. Confused!!!!!

Here is the 24thPrince 9/24

Here is the 25thPrince 9/25

That's strange indeed. I'm in Sec 110 on the 24th and section.116 on the 25th.
"Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise."

"We had fun, didn't we?"
-Prince (1958-2016) 4ever in my life
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Reply #331 posted 09/06/12 6:51pm



alexnvrmnd777 said:

electricberet said:

artist76 said: Good point. Fellow naysayers, let the Chicago folks have their fun and come and post your thoughts in this thread: which applies to just about everything else relating to Prince.

It's actually NOT a good point. The title of this thread is "Prince Announces Welcome 2 Chicago Residency". Nowhere in it does it say anything about "only post here if you're discussing buying tickets". No one's trying to "poop on them". Why would someone let what me and a few others say ruin an experience for them in the first place? If they do, then that's really on them.

I'm not going to tread lightly because someone may get their little feelings hurt, especially when I'm not saying shit about THEM to hurt their feelings or bring them down!

I asssume you've read this sticky:

If people go see this specific show and have comments on it afterward, that would be appropriate for this thread. I don't see how general criticism of Prince's past concerts is on topic for this thread. On other websites I frequent, such comments would be referred to as a threadcrap.

[Edited 9/6/12 11:53am]

The Census Bureau estimates that there are 2,518 American Indians and Alaska Natives currently living in the city of Long Beach.
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Reply #332 posted 09/06/12 6:59pm



Guess I'll contact the venue and find out what's going on with this wacky stage layout. Don't wanna spring for tix if I don't know where I'm sitting. Hopefully any info posted to clarify this won't get swallowed by troll troll postings. razz

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #333 posted 09/06/12 7:07pm


purplethunder3121 said:

Guess I'll contact the venue and find out what's going on with this wacky stage layout. Don't wanna spring for tix if I don't know where I'm sitting. Hopefully any info posted to clarify this won't get swallowed by troll troll postings. razz

We are calling too. We got section 121 row 5 and based on the one seat chart they look like awsome seats. .but the 2nd one not good..

Ticketmaster is a real piece of shit.. there are so many problems. WHY can't Prince have his own ticket sales like he did in 2004. that was so easy and we real fans got good close seats.. sigh

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Reply #334 posted 09/06/12 7:10pm


Orionforever said:

purplethunder3121 said:

Guess I'll contact the venue and find out what's going on with this wacky stage layout. Don't wanna spring for tix if I don't know where I'm sitting. Hopefully any info posted to clarify this won't get swallowed by troll troll postings. razz

We are calling too. We got section 121 row 5 and based on the one seat chart they look like awsome seats. .but the 2nd one not good..

Ticketmaster is a real piece of shit.. there are so many problems. WHY can't Prince have his own ticket sales like he did in 2004. that was so easy and we real fans got good close seats.. sigh

In some cases it can make a huge difference but gosh u gotta b able 2 rely on the shown seating chart?! I did read this on their site though:

"Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice."


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Reply #335 posted 09/06/12 7:21pm


serpan99 said:

Orionforever said:

We are calling too. We got section 121 row 5 and based on the one seat chart they look like awsome seats. .but the 2nd one not good..

Ticketmaster is a real piece of shit.. there are so many problems. WHY can't Prince have his own ticket sales like he did in 2004. that was so easy and we real fans got good close seats.. sigh

In some cases it can make a huge difference but gosh u gotta b able 2 rely on the shown seating chart?! I did read this on their site though:

"Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice."


well that is understandable if its different performers.. Or hockey etc.. cause things are set up differently.. but for the SAME performer... same tour.. 1 night later.. the seats should be the same. Ticketmaster are idiots... We were looking for good seats and tossing back crappy ones. .and after we did this for a while ticket master locked us out.. WTF!!! We called & they said you can only pull and choose for so long and then the system blocks you. SOO stupid....

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Reply #336 posted 09/06/12 7:32pm


Hey gang.. My husband called Ticket Master.. The lady said that was VERY strange & the seating charts SHOULD be the exact same for both nights... She said she was gonna talk to the Promoter and find out WHICH chart was right..

She said NO ONE else had brought this to her attention yet.. SO if you are not happy with your seats cause of the odd charts.. CALL TICKETMASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them know your unhappy.. Hell its bad enough we are paying WAY to much for these tickets... but lets at least get what we THOUGHT we were gonna get.....

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Reply #337 posted 09/06/12 8:14pm



un being a subway

electricberet said:

alexnvrmnd777 said:

It's actually NOT a good point. The title of this thread is "Prince Announces Welcome 2 Chicago Residency". Nowhere in it does it say anything about "only post here if you're discussing buying tickets". No one's trying to "poop on them". Why would someone let what me and a few others say ruin an experience for them in the first place? If they do, then that's really on them.

I'm not going to tread lightly because someone may get their little feelings hurt, especially when I'm not saying shit about THEM to hurt their feelings or bring them down!

I asssume you've read this sticky:

If people go see this specific show and have comments on it afterward, that would be appropriate for this thread. I don't see how general criticism of Prince's past concerts is on topic for this thread. On other websites I frequent, such comments would be referred to as a threadcrap.

[Edited 9/6/12 11:53am]

It's no fun being an annoying subway preacher if everyone on the train is screaming Hallelujah! Do whatI do and just turn up your headphones and let them scream whatever they want. They're not going to convert anyone and they're just rattling off the same elitist propaganda they have been since December of 2010. They're going to post on every thread involving this concert and any other Chicago shows anyway. Have fun on the 24th and 25th to everyon who got tickets. I'm holding out for that first week of October if they announce dates.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #338 posted 09/06/12 8:39pm


Guys, we need to go to Twitter United Center... and complain.. call the UC.. call ticket master.. bitch cause its not fair that they switched the seating chart around...

We need to let them know we are not happy.

This could happen for other shows too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Reply #339 posted 09/06/12 8:46pm



If you google "United Center Seating Charts" you'll notice that section 110 is in front of section 216 on all of them. The other one is most likely a computer error. Most arenas upper sections are fixed numerically and cannot move. Only the floor space is reconfigurable. Hope that helps you all figure out where you'll be seated.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #340 posted 09/06/12 8:49pm


HonestMan13 said:

If you google "United Center Seating Charts" you'll notice that section 110 is in front of section 216 on all of them. The other one is most likely a computer error. Most arenas upper sections are fixed numerically and cannot move. Only the floor space is reconfigurable. Hope that helps you all figure out where you'll be seated.

Very true.. but which seating chart is right???? the 24th or the 25th??
Its seems 200 and 300 sections are the same?? very VERY odd.

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Reply #341 posted 09/06/12 9:08pm


electricberet said:

alexnvrmnd777 said:

It's actually NOT a good point. The title of this thread is "Prince Announces Welcome 2 Chicago Residency". Nowhere in it does it say anything about "only post here if you're discussing buying tickets". No one's trying to "poop on them". Why would someone let what me and a few others say ruin an experience for them in the first place? If they do, then that's really on them.

I'm not going to tread lightly because someone may get their little feelings hurt, especially when I'm not saying shit about THEM to hurt their feelings or bring them down!

I asssume you've read this sticky:

If people go see this specific show and have comments on it afterward, that would be appropriate for this thread. I don't see how general criticism of Prince's past concerts is on topic for this thread. On other websites I frequent, such comments would be referred to as a threadcrap.

[Edited 9/6/12 11:53am]

If that link is correct, that would mean this very thread shouldn't be here. It's not talking about how to get there, or where to meet other orgers, where to eat, or the show itself (hasn't happened yet). So, you just negated yourself by even posting that.

And our criticisms aren't "general". Oh, we're VERY specific about what's not cool about them, and on top of that, we are indeed talking about THESE particular concerts and what they may entail. Once the shows actually happen, trust and believe, we'll be talking about what went on (or better yet, what didn't).

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Reply #342 posted 09/06/12 9:12pm



Orionforever said:

HonestMan13 said:

If you google "United Center Seating Charts" you'll notice that section 110 is in front of section 216 on all of them. The other one is most likely a computer error. Most arenas upper sections are fixed numerically and cannot move. Only the floor space is reconfigurable. Hope that helps you all figure out where you'll be seated.

Very true.. but which seating chart is right???? the 24th or the 25th??
Its seems 200 and 300 sections are the same?? very VERY odd.

It would seem the 25th is correct based upon all other seating charts for various events.

I would call United Center directly and inquire as they would know better that anyone where their sections are in their arena.

Their number is 1-312-455-7000.

They would probably also be able to let you know if you have a legitimate grievance.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #343 posted 09/06/12 9:15pm



Ignore the trolls ppl! POSITIVITY!! YES!! smile I'm just soooo happy Prince is touring again!! Can't wait 2 c Prince live again in a couple of weeks!!!!! C ya there!!!!
"Just like the sun, the Rainbow Children rise."

"We had fun, didn't we?"
-Prince (1958-2016) 4ever in my life
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Reply #344 posted 09/06/12 9:31pm


HonestMan13 said:

Orionforever said:

Very true.. but which seating chart is right???? the 24th or the 25th??
Its seems 200 and 300 sections are the same?? very VERY odd.

It would seem the 25th is correct based upon all other seating charts for various events.

I would call United Center directly and inquire as they would know better that anyone where their sections are in their arena.

Their number is 1-312-455-7000.

They would probably also be able to let you know if you have a legitimate grievance.

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

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Reply #345 posted 09/06/12 9:31pm


HonestMan13 said:

Orionforever said:

Very true.. but which seating chart is right???? the 24th or the 25th??
Its seems 200 and 300 sections are the same?? very VERY odd.

It would seem the 25th is correct based upon all other seating charts for various events.

I would call United Center directly and inquire as they would know better that anyone where their sections are in their arena.

Their number is 1-312-455-7000.

They would probably also be able to let you know if you have a legitimate grievance.

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

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Reply #346 posted 09/06/12 10:18pm


Orionforever said:

HonestMan13 said:

It would seem the 25th is correct based upon all other seating charts for various events.

I would call United Center directly and inquire as they would know better that anyone where their sections are in their arena.

Their number is 1-312-455-7000.

They would probably also be able to let you know if you have a legitimate grievance.

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

I just got off the phone with a Ticketmaster rep. They say that there are two different setups w/r/t the 100 level tickets on the 24th and the 25th and the maps denoting the 24th and 25th on are accurate.

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Reply #347 posted 09/06/12 11:17pm



errant said:

L4OATheOriginal said:

and there are other topics and threads that aren't about prince as well so are u gonna go in those threads and tell them THIS IS A PRINCE SITE HOW DARE U SPEAK OF ANY OTHER ARTIST!

you wasted a lot of time with whatever else it is you typed after this, because I stopped reading when it became clear that you went out of your way to completely miss the point.

i didn't waste any time the fact is that u choose 2 ignore the truth which is on u and ur right 2 do so. but dont' ever try and tell me what i can and what i can't express anymore.

man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #348 posted 09/06/12 11:21pm



alexnvrmnd777 said:

electricberet said:

I asssume you've read this sticky:

If people go see this specific show and have comments on it afterward, that would be appropriate for this thread. I don't see how general criticism of Prince's past concerts is on topic for this thread. On other websites I frequent, such comments would be referred to as a threadcrap.

[Edited 9/6/12 11:53am]

If that link is correct, that would mean this very thread shouldn't be here. It's not talking about how to get there, or where to meet other orgers, where to eat, or the show itself (hasn't happened yet). So, you just negated yourself by even posting that.

And our criticisms aren't "general". Oh, we're VERY specific about what's not cool about them, and on top of that, we are indeed talking about THESE particular concerts and what they may entail. Once the shows actually happen, trust and believe, we'll be talking about what went on (or better yet, what didn't).

it would be so nice 2 finally hear he's dropped a lot of that material and then we could be so happy 4 those that went and say DAMN I WISH I WAS THERE ..but then again maybe not

man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #349 posted 09/07/12 12:37am



L4OATheOriginal said:

errant said:

you wasted a lot of time with whatever else it is you typed after this, because I stopped reading when it became clear that you went out of your way to completely miss the point.

i didn't waste any time the fact is that u choose 2 ignore the truth which is on u and ur right 2 do so. but dont' ever try and tell me what i can and what i can't express anymore.

all of your participation on this site is a waste of time these days, since you only ever post the same thing over and over and over and over on every. single. thread.

and don't ever tell me I can and can't tell you what you can't ant can't express here. razz rolleyes

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #350 posted 09/07/12 12:44am



Orionforever said:

HonestMan13 said:

It would seem the 25th is correct based upon all other seating charts for various events.

I would call United Center directly and inquire as they would know better that anyone where their sections are in their arena.

Their number is 1-312-455-7000.

They would probably also be able to let you know if you have a legitimate grievance.

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

So the seating chart that is still showing up for the 24th at the Ticketmaster site is not correct?

Odd. I'm in section 118. I'm going to assume that I'm still down by the arrow point.

Why would Ticketmaster have the different sections in different places for the 2 dates? And not just the same picture? Again, odd.

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #351 posted 09/07/12 12:47am



errant said:

Orionforever said:

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

So the seating chart that is still showing up for the 24th at the Ticketmaster site is not correct?

Odd. I'm in section 118. I'm going to assume that I'm still down by the arrow point.

Why would Ticketmaster have the different sections in different places for the 2 dates? And not just the same picture? Again, odd.

or this why the tickets that I ordered for the 24th are not printable until September 10th? did they realize the screw up and have to change everyone's seating after all the tickets are accounted for?

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #352 posted 09/07/12 12:54am



errant said:

errant said:

So the seating chart that is still showing up for the 24th at the Ticketmaster site is not correct?

Odd. I'm in section 118. I'm going to assume that I'm still down by the arrow point.

Why would Ticketmaster have the different sections in different places for the 2 dates? And not just the same picture? Again, odd.

or this why the tickets that I ordered for the 24th are not printable until September 10th? did they realize the screw up and have to change everyone's seating after all the tickets are accounted for?

If you are in section 118 on 24, you will be watching Prince's ass. You supposed to be in section 106, they reversed the stage!

What a mess! Somebody saying it just changes on 25! lol

[Edited 9/6/12 17:57pm]

Prince I will always miss and love U.
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Reply #353 posted 09/07/12 1:04am



OzlemUcucu said:

errant said:

or this why the tickets that I ordered for the 24th are not printable until September 10th? did they realize the screw up and have to change everyone's seating after all the tickets are accounted for?

If you are in section 118 on 24, you will be watching Prince's ass. You supposed to be in section 106, they reversed the stage!

What a mess! Somebody saying it just changes on 25! lol

[Edited 9/6/12 17:57pm]

seems to be answered here. I'm a little more relaxed. But I will wait to hear from Ticketbastard to my own inquiry before I feel like I'll be in the clear.

[Edited 9/6/12 18:37pm]

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #354 posted 09/07/12 1:20am



errant said:

L4OATheOriginal said:

i didn't waste any time the fact is that u choose 2 ignore the truth which is on u and ur right 2 do so. but dont' ever try and tell me what i can and what i can't express anymore.

all of your participation on this site is a waste of time these days, since you only ever post the same thing over and over and over and over on every. single. thread.

and don't ever tell me I can and can't tell you what you can't ant can't express here. razz rolleyes

u can try but u'll always fail

man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81
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Reply #355 posted 09/07/12 1:36am



L4OATheOriginal said:

errant said:

all of your participation on this site is a waste of time these days, since you only ever post the same thing over and over and over and over on every. single. thread.

and don't ever tell me I can and can't tell you what you can't ant can't express here. razz rolleyes

u can try but u'll always fail

already won biggrin

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #356 posted 09/07/12 1:50am


I still hope and pray for the day he comes to the St. Louis area. I mean, yeah, I technically live in Illinois. But I don't have the money to drive all the way to stay in chicago by September. sad

Ah well. I guess I'll survive somehow. smile

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Reply #357 posted 09/07/12 2:19am


errant said:

Orionforever said:

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

So the seating chart that is still showing up for the 24th at the Ticketmaster site is not correct?

Odd. I'm in section 118. I'm going to assume that I'm still down by the arrow point.

Why would Ticketmaster have the different sections in different places for the 2 dates? And not just the same picture? Again, odd.

This is a complete mess!! If you go on Ticket broker sites.. they have the arrow pointing left some right.. WHY would they change the 100 sections?? Some one on Ticketmaster said they would just put up cardboard signs the second night? WHY?? why change things? What a joke. I wonder if Prince is seeing or hearing about all this crap.. sad we MAY have great seats.. MAY have shitty seats.. depends on that flippin arrow...

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Reply #358 posted 09/07/12 2:44am



L4OATheOriginal said:

errant said:

all of your participation on this site is a waste of time these days, since you only ever post the same thing over and over and over and over on every. single. thread.

and don't ever tell me I can and can't tell you what you can't ant can't express here. razz rolleyes

u can try but u'll always fail

Plz... errant we to have been here for a long ass while we know the routine of P... have a NEW tour same old shit.. aka same songs like PR each and every show.. u know i can understand playing them ALONG with the NEW music he supposedly has out... and when i say SUPPOSEDLY i mean yeah he released a new album... um excuse me but lets hear the songs from them MAINLY NOT just hits from 20 some odd years ago... plz i applaud ppl for spending their hard earned money to go see the purple midget in this shitty economy.... hats off to u .. but for people who work and rather spend the money on rent .. feed their families let not chastise them either.. saying one is wasting time on this site saying things over and over is merely moot... its a site to open ur mind and people saying what they feel about such thread...aka THIS thread... L4 says whats on his mind... he is simply telling you me and everyone what HE alone is feeling/ seeing...we all dont have to agree/disagree.. take it as a grain of salt if u dont like and move on....I live in this god forsaken state of Illinois and im sure not going ..WHY u may ask??? hmm cause me and my job and raising my daughter and putting food on the table is more important then spending hundreds of dollars for nose bleed seats and seeing EVERYTHING then whining about it later on this site saying that P looks like a ant on stage or the sound prolly sucks more donkey dicks then a hooker sucking on a lollipop on a slow night on the corner....which i KNOW some will complain of something the nigh tof the show in which turn they need to pause for a moment and say " im glad i got to see him when i could " and MOVE ON......end of rant/vent.. have a happy day smile

Smurf theme song-seriously how many fucking "La Las" can u fit into a dam song wall
Proud Wendy and Lisa Fancy Lesbian asskisser thumbs up!
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Reply #359 posted 09/07/12 2:51am


errant said:

Orionforever said:

The seating chart that was posted for the 25th show is the correct set up.. so you need to compare Ur seating area to that chart.. NOT the one from the other days.. We talked to a big wig person and he said its the 25th that is correct.. nothing else...

So the seating chart that is still showing up for the 24th at the Ticketmaster site is not correct?

Odd. I'm in section 118. I'm going to assume that I'm still down by the arrow point.

Why would Ticketmaster have the different sections in different places for the 2 dates? And not just the same picture? Again, odd.

The latest from the guy at the U.C is the POINT of the Symbol points to 117.. both nights.. Hopefully this is right.. sheesh.. what a joke...

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Forums > Concerts > Prince Announces “Welcome 2 Chicago” Residency