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Reply #690 posted 05/22/12 8:51am



althom said:

I loved the Brisbane show. My seating was right behind the piano in the purple circle area and LOVED it! I was so close to him that it was crazy. Was also near the girls when they were getting ready to go up on stage. Sound wasn't an issue for me I guess.....I was just loving the whole party vibe.

That's where we are tonight! Glad to hear those seats are worth it.

Feel free to join in the Prince Album Poll 2018! Let'a celebrate his legacy by counting down the most beloved Prince albums, as decided by you!
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Reply #691 posted 05/23/12 9:35am


Well I decided to go back last night 22/5/12 Sydney as I loved it so much on 11/5/12. biggrin biggrin biggrin

[Edited 5/23/12 2:38am]

[Edited 5/23/12 2:39am]

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Reply #692 posted 05/25/12 2:11pm


Thank You Prince and The Band for coming to Aus and bringing the funk. We had a ball. Please don't leave it another 9 years before you come again. We love ya!!!!

Shelby! Are you hot? No! You know why? Why? Coz you ain't got no hair. Love it

My password is what
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Reply #693 posted 05/25/12 2:16pm





milesb said:

Thank You Prince and The Band for coming to Aus and bringing the funk. We had a ball. Please don't leave it another 9 years before you come again. We love ya!!!!

Shelby! Are you hot? No! You know why? Why? Coz you ain't got no hair. Love it



Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #694 posted 05/26/12 3:43am



milesb said:

Thank You Prince and The Band for coming to Aus and bringing the funk. We had a ball. Please don't leave it another 9 years before you come again. We love ya!!!!

Shelby! Are you hot? No! You know why? Why? Coz you ain't got no hair. Love it

That was Sydney#2 right? What a joyous moment that was! The best of the 3 mains shows I've seen so far.

Toejam @ Peach & Black Podcast:
Toejam's band "Cheap Fakes":,
Toejam the solo artist:
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Reply #695 posted 05/26/12 9:56pm



saw Prince in Brisbane last night again (26th) and this show was COMPLETLY DIFFERENT to last weeks - it was as a different person was on the stage. The intro was different, the songs were different, featured Shelby J and NPG abit more. Was also longer - started at 8.10pm and finished at 11.10pm.

Prince was incredible, he had an energy and vibe that was electric - having seen the show the week before - even though brilliant - I now wonder if he was not so well?, because the show was just so different.

This was an entirely different show altogether and their were many encores. (although the gaps between encores was long - especially the last one).

Last week there were cameras everywhere, this week there were none, they re-inforced this by practically stalking the auditiorium and continually got on to anyone that so much as looked at their phone (one poor lady behind me got into trouble and she was writing a message!) - and some were taken outside. I think maybe the venue was in trouble last week for allowing all the cameras and "perhaps" that is why the show was 30 mins shorter? Maybe Prince got ticked off? who knows?

There was an aftershow - I did not go to that as it was out of Brisbane and I dont know the area. So if someone went, hope they can tell us about that.

I recommend if anyone can manage to go the last Melbourne ones grab a ticket because chances are you will be seeing a totally new show altogether.

Thank you Prince for two very great nights out - and two great shows.

Thank you Prince for every note you left behind 💜
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Reply #696 posted 05/27/12 4:08am


Yeah, in my section last night they werre really strict about cameras...right from the start, going into the crowd, noting seat numbers, warning people they'd be ejected for a scond. We were in the back row of the Lower Tier and I pointed to Prince's guitar onstage and a security guy came over to me and asked if I had seen someone with a, no I said...he said, oh, I thought you were pointing out a camera there! Erm, as if I would dob someone in! They were watching like hawks.

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Reply #697 posted 05/27/12 5:59am



FunkmasterF said:

Yeah, in my section last night they werre really strict about cameras...right from the start, going into the crowd, noting seat numbers, warning people they'd be ejected for a scond. We were in the back row of the Lower Tier and I pointed to Prince's guitar onstage and a security guy came over to me and asked if I had seen someone with a, no I said...he said, oh, I thought you were pointing out a camera there! Erm, as if I would dob someone in! They were watching like hawks.

They sure were, it was almost embaressing. They flew up the stairs at an instant - then they did not know what to do when Prince told everyone to get out their "cell phones"- suddenly a sea of phones - LOL. But then straight after that the staff were in the stands telling people to cut using them or else......!

Thank you Prince for every note you left behind 💜
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Reply #698 posted 05/27/12 7:00am


gollygirl said:

FunkmasterF said:

Yeah, in my section last night they werre really strict about cameras...right from the start, going into the crowd, noting seat numbers, warning people they'd be ejected for a scond. We were in the back row of the Lower Tier and I pointed to Prince's guitar onstage and a security guy came over to me and asked if I had seen someone with a, no I said...he said, oh, I thought you were pointing out a camera there! Erm, as if I would dob someone in! They were watching like hawks.

They sure were, it was almost embaressing. They flew up the stairs at an instant - then they did not know what to do when Prince told everyone to get out their "cell phones"- suddenly a sea of phones - LOL. But then straight after that the staff were in the stands telling people to cut using them or else......!

I found it funny when Prince had everyone get the phones out, they went to a lady in front who they had already spoken to and told her to put it away.

She then pointed at everyone else in the centre, they did not really know what was going on.

I must saw compared to Melbourne, BEC staff are very strict regarding cameras.

2nd night in Melbourne staff did not care in my section.

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Reply #699 posted 05/27/12 7:31am



I was tempted to get my phone out (which has no camera feature), just to see if they responded, but it wouldn't have been worth getting on the wrong side of them.

"Don't abuse children, or else they'll turn out like me."
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Reply #700 posted 05/28/12 3:13am


Given Brisbane had 2 excellent concerts and 2 afterjams both on Saturday nights, I really wish I had been able to go to Brisbane for this tour. And I envy those who have the time, money and stamina to follow Prince around the country.

Sydney is at a disadvantage because we have the All Phones arena - which seats 20,000.

If we didn't have the All Phones Arena, then perhaps it would have been at the Sydney Entertainment Centre, which seats only 8,000 - and is probably similar in size to the Melbourne and Brisbane venues.

The third tier in All Phones arena is terrible - you just look at the lighting rig. And it was only the last few rows of this that had the silver $100 tickets. People in Melbourne and Brisbane with $100 tickets were much much closer than Sydney silver tickets (Melb & Bris got the upper part of the 2nd tier for $100).

So Brisbane and Melbourne count yourselves lucky for this reason.

Funny how people say just be happy to be there, but if I only get offered the 3rd tier then I refuse to go to the All Phones arena - being that far away is close to not being there at all, so why pay for it?

I heard there were still seats available for the 3rd Sydney concert that didn't sell. I'm surprised they didn't offer a 2 for 1 deal on the day before the concert to help fill up the seats that were left empty. Given a lot of fans would like to go to more than one concert in case Prince plays different songs, I think the fans would really have appreciated the possibility to go to the last concert for a discounted price.

{I forgot to mention that on the Friday 18 May just before the Tuesday 22 May Sydney concert, I noticed on Ticketek that better tickets became available - eg 1 seat at a purple circle table (whereas originally you had to buy both seats). I had checked on Thursday 17 May what the best seats were in each area and then again on Friday 18 May. I guess that the showbiz or preferential seating companies had fed back some of their unsold seats to Ticketek to sell at regular prices. Shame that all the fans who buy a few sets of tickets to the concert (so they can choose beteween a few seating options - as some couldn't see what kinds of seats they'd bought at the time they bought them) can't sell them back through Ticketek, but instead have to sell through the fan page or somewhere else.}

Just my 2 cents.

[Edited 5/28/12 21:12pm]

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