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Reply #300 posted 03/22/11 5:12am


OMG, I just realized that I have a sickness. I was just on posting my experience from the Feb 7th show (late bloomer) and noticed these shows (I'm not sure why I get Ticketmaster alerts if I don't read them). All of a sudden, I'm jonesing for another show. I swore that I wouldn't go back because I could never top my Feb 7th experience. Now, I'm trying to justify going down Weds. I can't believe that there are still great seats available (of course, the worst seat is still a great seat at a Prince concert!). I'm still high from 6 weeks ago and lookin for my next "hit." I may still have that (missed) opportunity to get arrested! biggrin

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Reply #301 posted 03/23/11 4:42am



Seeing Prince in Greenville next week and am reading that Layla Hathaway is the opening act. She was one of the opening acts at the Izod concert. I know we aren't supposed to complain or question his Purple Majesty but DAMN!!!! I think she is a good singer but not for a Prince concert. I sat though the NJ show with an open mind trying to get into her preformance but it could have put me to sleep. I'm sorry I mean no disrespect to her because as I said she has a nice voice but the thought of having to sit though it again is a little disappointing. I would have LOVED Mint Condition or Anthony Hamilton. Heck I would even prefer Ol' Larry. Ok I'm done venting. It will be awesome regardless of who opens. I just won't be rushing to get there early.


Let's be Facebook friends
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Reply #302 posted 03/23/11 3:06pm


Cant wait till tonight for the RALEIGH show - Wonder who is going to open for him. I am taking my daughter to her first Prince show - I told her you haven't seen a concert till you have seen a PRINCE concert! I'm very excited!
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Reply #303 posted 03/23/11 7:43pm



mssepia said:

Cant wait till tonight for the RALEIGH show - Wonder who is going to open for him. I am taking my daughter to her first Prince show - I told her you haven't seen a concert till you have seen a PRINCE concert! I'm very excited!

thats Xcellent....keep it commin

WOLFY razz

Welcome 2 wolfys lair!! Make love not war!!!


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Reply #304 posted 03/23/11 8:06pm


mssepia said:

Cant wait till tonight for the RALEIGH show - Wonder who is going to open for him. I am taking my daughter to her first Prince show - I told her you haven't seen a concert till you have seen a PRINCE concert! I'm very excited!

Yep it is Chaka Khan !!

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Reply #305 posted 03/23/11 9:55pm



This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #306 posted 03/24/11 12:16am



lPoeticl said:

Saw this on Craigslist: http://charleston.craigsl...38672.html

Wow. He wants a pic of the girl. Why don't some of you girls tell him post a pic of himself? wink

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Reply #307 posted 03/24/11 1:27am



eddard said:

lPoeticl said:

Saw this on Craigslist: http://charleston.craigsl...38672.html

Wow. He wants a pic of the girl. Why don't some of you girls tell him post a pic of himself? wink


This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #308 posted 03/24/11 3:07pm



Set List from 3/23/11 at the RBC Center in order as performed:

When Doves Cry
Raspberry Beret
Let's Work
You've Got The Look
Sweet Thing (Duet with Chaka Kahn)
House Quake
Roller Coaster
Play That Funky Music White Boy
Let's Go Crazy
Little Red Corvette
Purple Rain
She's Always In My Hair
(Encore 2)

[Edited 3/24/11 8:09am]

It's A Real Mother For Ya
Johnny Guitar Watson
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Reply #309 posted 03/24/11 7:51pm


biggrin that show at the RBC center last night was great like to go to the next one too

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Reply #310 posted 03/25/11 2:44am


I went to the Raleigh show.Don't be so fast to get out to your car. I hung around to take pics of the stage and with about 3000 or so fans remaining, Prince did another encore!!!!!

[Edited 3/24/11 19:45pm]

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Reply #311 posted 03/25/11 10:54pm


nosajd said:

I agree, the tickets are ridiculously over priced for this economy. I could barely afford two tickets right now. I doubt I will be able to see two shows. Yea, I'm complaining b/c its annoying. America is fucking broke & he's over pricing his shows. This better be the best damn show I've seen of his.

With that aggravation out of the way I am extremely excited to see the show even if it is some nose bleed seat bullshit! I was going to try & gamble & wait to the last minute to see if the prices dropped but I didn't want to risk missing the show. I guess I could always sell my tickets if that does happen but would I get my money back?

Look forward to seeing all you purple peoples in Greensboro. Amazingly enough the Coliseum is my brother's exit & we'll be staying with him so I got free room & board + it's my cousin's birthday that lives in Winston so it turned into a big weekend for the whole family even if it did cost me outrageously to do it.

I'm still pretty surprised he chose Greensboro. I mean it's convenient for me but still. It doesn't seem like a big seller but what do I know.

Yeah, but In Oakland, I paid more roughly $250 a ticket for club level. Sitting on the floor is useless because the stage is high and takes of most of the floor. The best best is to get on seats along the lower bowl, and since his recording his shows in HD try not to get where the cameras are positioned. Best place to sit is right near the middle of the symbol O(---> He stands there singing mostly

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Reply #312 posted 03/26/11 1:31am



NOW PRINCE come on down to south fla.lakeland fla.we will all be praying and hopeing you will come this way WE LOVE YOU PRINCE PLEASE COME THIS wink

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Reply #313 posted 03/26/11 5:29am


Charlotte, North Carolina 3/24/2011

3/24/2011 - Charlotte N.C

[Edited 3/25/11 22:32pm]

[Edited 3/25/11 22:46pm]

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Reply #314 posted 03/28/11 12:40am


mssepia said:

Cant wait till tonight for the RALEIGH show - Wonder who is going to open for him. I am taking my daughter to her first Prince show - I told her you haven't seen a concert till you have seen a PRINCE concert! I'm very excited!

How old is your daughter? I took mines, she's 8. She LOVED it. She's been raised on Prince & never shown much interest but now.... she's been caught with MY IPOD when she should be sleeping!!! She hasn't stopped asking questions & is trying to understand his lyrics too. It's an amazing opportunity for anyone, especially a Mother/ daughter.

Wishing you the time of your life xx

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Reply #315 posted 03/28/11 1:24am



Has anyone seen the twins on this "tour" or have they been fired already?

This better antonb and PurpleSpirit319
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Reply #316 posted 03/28/11 5:06am


lPoeticl said:

Has anyone seen the twins on this "tour" or have they been fired already?

They appeared briefly with Prince 4 one show in NY. But soon disappeared..

eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #317 posted 03/28/11 5:17am


GREENSBORO show was MUUUUUUCH better than the CHARLOTTE show. U can tell Prince was having fun and TRYING 2 show out because it's Shelby's hometown. Seen him per4m over 10 times and have NEVER seen the energy that he gave GREENSBORO..he even said: "When people ask me where I'm from, from now on i'm saying "Greensboro"


[Edited 3/27/11 22:23pm]

[Edited 3/27/11 22:30pm]

[Edited 3/27/11 22:31pm]

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Reply #318 posted 03/28/11 12:49pm



My wife and I attended the Dec. 18 show at Madison Square Garden. MSG had all the stars. Greensboro had all the hits. His set list was INCREDIBLE! Prince THREW down. Loved this show better than New York.


Get the funk up!
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Reply #319 posted 03/30/11 4:05am


Hi Layitdown! Looks like I was REALLY close to your seat. Hope you had a good show! I thought the Greenville SC show was MUCH better. Did you see that one as well? Funny, I got just about the same pictures you did. smile

Layitdown said:

Charlotte, North Carolina 3/24/2011

3/24/2011 - Charlotte N.C

[Edited 3/25/11 22:32pm]

[Edited 3/25/11 22:46pm]

Guaranteed to stick to the roof of your Oldsmobile...Muthaf*cka!
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Reply #320 posted 03/30/11 4:09am


Here's a shot from the 2011.03.28 show in Greenville, SC:


Guaranteed to stick to the roof of your Oldsmobile...Muthaf*cka!
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Reply #321 posted 03/30/11 2:41pm


Layitdown said:

Charlotte, North Carolina 3/24/2011

3/24/2011 - Charlotte N.C

[Edited 3/25/11 22:32pm]

[Edited 3/25/11 22:46pm]

Thank you for posting. Those are some quality pics. cool How was the concert?

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Reply #322 posted 03/30/11 2:46pm


Layitdown said:

GREENSBORO show was MUUUUUUCH better than the CHARLOTTE show. U can tell Prince was having fun and TRYING 2 show out because it's Shelby's hometown. Seen him per4m over 10 times and have NEVER seen the energy that he gave GREENSBORO..he even said: "When people ask me where I'm from, from now on i'm saying "Greensboro"


[Edited 3/27/11 22:23pm]

[Edited 3/27/11 22:30pm]

[Edited 3/27/11 22:31pm]

This answers my previous question. Too bad for Charlotte because it is a really beautiful city with friendly people. sad

I didn't know that Shelby's hometown was Greensboro. cool

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Reply #323 posted 03/30/11 2:49pm


davede11 said:

Here's a shot from the 2011.03.28 show in Greenville, SC:


Thanks for sharing. Awesome pic. Certainly a full house on the 28th. biggrin

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Reply #324 posted 03/30/11 7:42pm


Kinda fun being the headliner on for over a week smile

Have fun for all who attend.

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Reply #325 posted 03/30/11 7:47pm


I loved the show in Greenville even though I was 1/2 asleep due to a fatal wreck in my yard the night before. It was a great release from the previous night. My seats were ok but the music was just GREAT! I think P had a good time... I wish Greenville didnt make him shut down at 11pm.

Im so glad to see him again... It was cool to see a the Time classic "COOL" dont by Prince. Ive seen Morris and the guys do it a million times but never P.


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Reply #326 posted 03/30/11 7:50pm


PS your pics are so much better than the ones from my phone.... Iphone sucks for pictures...

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Reply #327 posted 03/30/11 11:14pm


Thanks man...but only 1 pic? C'mon...GIMMESOMEMO!

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Reply #328 posted 03/31/11 2:00am


bohurdle said:

Set List from 3/23/11 at the RBC Center in order as performed:

When Doves Cry
Raspberry Beret
Let's Work
You've Got The Look
Sweet Thing (Duet with Chaka Kahn)
House Quake
Roller Coaster
Play That Funky Music White Boy
Let's Go Crazy
Little Red Corvette
Purple Rain
She's Always In My Hair
(Encore 2)

[Edited 3/24/11 8:09am]

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Reply #329 posted 03/31/11 2:01am


I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! You know I made a play list of the concert on my iPod....LOL

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