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Thread started 04/05/11 2:09pm



A Prince of a Gift for Eau Claire Children's Program

Pretty damn classy.

A Prince of a gift for Eau Claire children's program


At a press conference at the Eau Claire Print Building this morning, Prince, on behalf of himself and his band, is scheduled to announce that he is donating money to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

John Blackwell, the drummer and Columbia native who anchors Prince’s back band, New Power Generation, said Prince was giving $250,000 to the zone that is seeking to break the nearby poverty cycle. Blackwell will represent Prince and his bandmates.

“He’s been donating money to a lot of charities,” Blackwell said Monday evening as he was preparing to board a plane from Tampa, Fla., to Columbia. “It’s awesome that he’s doing that.”

Prince donates to Eau Claire program

The donation comes on the heels of Prince's 10-day, six-concert run in the Carolinas last month. The Welcome 2 America Tour dates started March 21 at the Colonial Life Arena.

Blackwell, who is scheduled to be joined by Shelby Johnson, one of NPG’s featured vocalists and a Greensboro, N.C., native, won't have much time chill in Columbia because he has flight to catch to Los Angeles.

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Reply #1 posted 04/05/11 2:20pm



Good news!

Oh, blue light...
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Reply #2 posted 04/05/11 2:32pm



He can't do that....because according to mentalists around here (who will ignore this news or find a negative in it), Prince is broke from lawsuits and that's the only reason he's know, not to help the world and entertain us or anything like that.

And girl7, the sun is a star

This Post is produced, arranged, composed and performed by WetDream
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Reply #3 posted 04/05/11 2:34pm


thumbs up! That's great news.

Colombia has a complicated spiral of troubles. Whilst the people are so warm, open and prioritize the community by nature. I really hope the project will benefit from this donation.

I read an article about how donations of rich people can go down the wrong drain. There was a Dutch guy who is specialized in investing in charity projects for the rich. He had a very sound view on it and how what happened to Madonna in Malawi (Oprah and Wycliff) can be prevented. It must be a great and satisfying feeling to be able to donate to these kind of charities.

99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%.
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Reply #4 posted 04/05/11 2:39pm


Cool thing to do.

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Reply #5 posted 04/05/11 2:51pm



This type of news doesn't get reported enough.

Good job P!
The greatest live performer of our times was is and always will be Prince.

Remember there is only one destination and that place is U
All of it. Everything. Is U.
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Reply #6 posted 04/05/11 2:56pm


^ I think the Columbia issues deserve to be reported more that P his charity.

99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%.
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Reply #7 posted 04/05/11 3:03pm


"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will NEVER forget how you make them feel."-Maya Angelou I'm sure alot of poeple will feel blessed by his generosity.

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Reply #8 posted 04/05/11 3:19pm


cool i love him even more when he does sweet stuff like this

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Reply #9 posted 04/05/11 3:55pm



Prince has been doing this for 30 years. It's nice to know that he does this, but I wonder why we feel the NEED to KNOW?

Prince did an interview with a woman at Record World. They talked about whatever, then he asked her: "Does your pubic hair go up to your navel?" At that moment, we thought maybe we shouldn't encourage him to do interviews.
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Reply #10 posted 04/05/11 4:00pm


How cool is that? clapping

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Reply #11 posted 04/05/11 4:00pm




Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

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Reply #12 posted 04/05/11 4:03pm


Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

I think it's great that he did it on behalf of himself AND the band. XXXX

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Reply #13 posted 04/05/11 4:04pm


Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Anyway, this is a thread regarding positive news and I think we should just embrace it, and just to add, judging from the end of that news clip, I'm assuming the band may be headed for Los Angeles next.

Here's a pic/excerpt from the article orger "Kevinpnb" posted,

showing Ms. Shelby J and John Blackwell of the NPG.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Here's some info on the Eau Claire Children's program and a link to their website:"

Who We Are

The Eau Claire Promise Zone, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is a citywide grassroots coalition of community partners committed to doing “whatever it takes” to ensure all of our children are prepared to graduate from college and be successful in their career and in life.

It is part of the nationwide “Promise Neighborhoods” movement, modeled after the groundbreaking work of Geoffrey Canada and his Harlem Children’s Zone.

Where We Are

The Promise Zone is a place: 12 contiguous neighborhoods in the heart of Eau Claire- an urban community- like thousands of others around the nation- struggling to break free of the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

These are the neighborhoods of Eau Claire High School and its feeder schools: Arden, Hyatt Park, and John P. Thomas Elementary Schools, and Alcorn and Gibbes Middle Schools.

In this community, we have made a promise to our children- “Failure is not an option for you. You will make it. You will succeed. We will make sure of it.”

[Edited 4/5/11 10:49am]

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Reply #14 posted 04/05/11 4:10pm



This is great. I love you Prince biggrin

First concert: January 18, 2011 & then February 7, 2011 at MSG. Best concerts of my life.
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Reply #15 posted 04/05/11 4:25pm



WetDream said:

He can't do that....because according to mentalists around here (who will ignore this news or find a negative in it), Prince is broke from lawsuits and that's the only reason he's know, not to help the world and entertain us or anything like that.

And girl7, the sun is a star

It's a Prince lyric, The Contintal.

She Believed in Fairytales and Princes, He Believed the voices coming from his stereo

If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me?
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Reply #16 posted 04/05/11 4:33pm





Awesome cool


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #17 posted 04/05/11 4:35pm



thanx for sharing the news nice to see Prince donate to charities
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Reply #18 posted 04/05/11 4:48pm



Good for him, every dollar helps.

Jeux Sans Frontiers
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Reply #19 posted 04/05/11 4:54pm



bigd74 said:

WetDream said:

And girl7, the sun is a star

It's a Prince lyric, The Contintal.

nod lol

Oh, blue light...
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Reply #20 posted 04/05/11 5:11pm



bigd74 said:

WetDream said:

He can't do that....because according to mentalists around here (who will ignore this news or find a negative in it), Prince is broke from lawsuits and that's the only reason he's know, not to help the world and entertain us or anything like that.

And girl7, the sun is a star

It's a Prince lyric, The Contintal.

Oh. Now everything we know has changed!

[Edited 4/5/11 10:12am]

This Post is produced, arranged, composed and performed by WetDream
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Reply #21 posted 04/05/11 5:37pm



Tres beau rose

The fight for social & economic justice begins in the classroom. - Barack Obama, July 2008

The only thing that's left in fashion...


"Free URself, B the best that U can B, 3rd Apartment from the Sun, nothing left to fear" Prince Rogers Nelson - Forever in my Life -
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Reply #22 posted 04/05/11 6:01pm



Very nice! He gave one million to the Harlem Children's Zone last month I think it was. I'm sure there is plenty that he does that we will never know about. Nor do we need to but it is nice to hear these things from time to time. He's moody and quirky....but a good guy.

Let's be Facebook friends
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Reply #23 posted 04/05/11 6:08pm



awesome news! smile
"not a fan" falloff yeah...ok
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Reply #24 posted 04/05/11 6:33pm


i knew shelby big ass head would be somewhere hording on attention

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Reply #25 posted 04/05/11 6:37pm



it's great he gives money to charity, but why doesn't he pay his own bills? why does he give money away to charity, but other people have to sue him? like his own lawyers?

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Reply #26 posted 04/05/11 6:45pm



2elijah said:

Militant said:

Props to Prince! Love ya P!

Wonder what the negative nancys will have to say about this one... lol

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Seems to me that the "happy folks" are the ones that just can't seem to be happy, even when there is cause to be because you're the one's that constantly stickpoke...

Oh well! shrug

I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #27 posted 04/05/11 6:46pm



I hope he hasn't bought into the 'education reform' bullshit.

All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #28 posted 04/05/11 6:52pm


cbarnes3121 said:

i knew shelby big ass head would be somewhere hording on attention

neutral Could it be because she's from the Carolinas?

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Reply #29 posted 04/05/11 7:14pm



HatrinaHaterwitz said:

2elijah said:

Who cares what they think? lol It seems life is always miserable for them. They're not happy unless they're miserable.

Prince and The New Power Generation Eau Claire Promise Zone

"Members of Prince and The New Power Generation, including Shelby J. and Columbia native John Blackwell, a drummer, present a check for $250,000 to the Eau Claire Promise Zone.

Seems to me that the "happy folks" are the ones that just can't seem to be happy, even when there is cause to be because you're the one's that constantly stickpoke...

Oh well! shrug

lol Hi Hatrina! wave Hope you're having a nice day. Take care. hug

[Edited 4/5/11 12:24pm]

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Forums > Prince: Music and More > A Prince of a Gift for Eau Claire Children's Program