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Thread started 04/18/12 1:43pm


LAWD, HELP ME! I'm About to Bust My Coworker in Her Face!

I work with this woman who can get on my last nerve with her religious banter. She's a "Christian." She comes across as very judgemental and holier than thou which really irks me. I believe in God, and I try to respect others beliefs, but I hate it when these so called "saved" folk just start spewing bullshit. A person came into our office who was obviously homosexual. I didn't pay it much attention because I accept folk for who they are and try not to judge. After the person left, my coworker said, "Humph! You know he's not getting into heaven!" I asked her why she said that, and she said, "Because he's a sinner! The Lord does not condone homosexuality. He is wrong for choosing to live in sin! He's wrong for choosing that lifestyle!" I couldn't help it, and, "BITCH, PLEASE!" popped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. She looked at me all bug-eyed and said, "What??? Why did you say that???" I said, "Because the man is homosexual, he's going to hell? God will cast him to Hell to burn forever? I'm sorry, but I don't accept that. I believe that folk are born with their sexual identify in tact. I don't believe it is a choice. Here she goes, "OH, NO! THEY ARE SINNERS BEFORE GOD! THEY WILL BURN IN HELL. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM ME!" At that point I said, "OK. I see this conversation is not going anywhere sane, so let's just end it with the agreement to agree to disagree because I see I will never be able to hold a sensible conversation with you when it comes to this." Lawd, give me strength... She couldn't let it rest, "So you believe they are born that way?" I said, "Yes, I do." And the rant continued. I asked her why she believed that it's a choice, and why is it that children discover their homosexuality even before they become sexually active. She said, "Because people tell them they're Gay and they believe it!" I gave up. rolleyes Your thoughts?

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Reply #1 posted 04/18/12 1:46pm


Leave her to her own delusions...

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Reply #2 posted 04/18/12 1:48pm



I KNOW I couldn't deal with her... mad

When she kept going, I probably would have just told her, "When I walked away, the conversation was over. You need to not say another word to me." rolleyes

Is it just the two of you in that office? If not, what did the others say?

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #3 posted 04/18/12 2:00pm



I would say, "This conversation is inappropriate for a work environment and is over, as far as I'm concerned." shrug

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #4 posted 04/18/12 2:04pm



Views on sex, politics, religion, and/or sexual orientation should never be discussed in a work enviroment. NEVER. I would've said as much and if she wish to continue, ol' girl would have been left having a conversation with the air... walls. rolleyes


[Edited 4/18/12 15:22pm]

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Reply #5 posted 04/18/12 2:06pm



Remind her that she believes she is a sinner to so throw those stones carefully.

2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #6 posted 04/18/12 2:06pm


TD3 said:

Views on sex, politics, religion, and/or sexual orientation should never be discussed in a work enviroment. NEVER. I would've said as much and if she wish to contintue, ol' girl would have been left having a conversation with the air... walls. rolleyes

People love to push that limit where they think they can just talk about ANYTHING. I hate those type of folks. It's like "just shut up" like I never asked you what you thought of who screws who.

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Reply #7 posted 04/18/12 2:09pm


This is my favorite thread title in ages! lol

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Reply #8 posted 04/18/12 2:10pm



"I asked her why she said that,"

you know this is where it all started riiiiiiiight.

it's called leadin with your jaw. why do you care

whut someone thinks about heaven?

as soon as i hear mention of such things

and that someone knows who gets in, i'm done

with said conversation.

curiosity is a hellova thing, if you have it and let it

take you places (deeper in to stupid conversations)

it could very well lead to violence OR whut you have

in your workplace now... scorched feelins and a healthy

sense of paranoia i hope (jesus folks can get

down right dangerous) lol

BUT btw,

if you're like me and you just can't let it rest

for comical reasons, you should sak her how

she deals with her uncle paul and cousin darius

or whut her brother is up to these days

is she old enough to have a son/daughter? lol

[Edited 4/18/12 14:16pm]

i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #9 posted 04/18/12 2:40pm



Go to hell, see if I care.


All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #10 posted 04/18/12 2:40pm



Genesia said:

I would say, "This conversation is inappropriate for a work environment and is over, as far as I'm concerned." shrug


"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #11 posted 04/18/12 2:52pm



What I usually say to the homophobic and religious zealots I've had this conversation with is, "While The Bible says what it says about homosexuality, it also says "Judge not lest ye be judges" and to love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Last I checked it said nothing about insulting homosexuals, causing or supporting those that physically assault them, telling them they'll burn in Hell and other mean, hurtful things."

Then I'll encourage them to actuall read their Bible and not just select what they want from it.

Basically, a nice Christian way to tell them to go fuck themselves.

I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #12 posted 04/18/12 2:57pm



Genesia said:

I would say, "This conversation is inappropriate for a work environment and is over, as far as I'm concerned." shrug


By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #13 posted 04/18/12 3:03pm


Genesia said:

I would say, "This conversation is inappropriate for a work environment and is over, as far as I'm concerned." shrug

Pretty much.

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Reply #14 posted 04/18/12 3:09pm


Nothinbutjoy said:

What I usually say to the homophobic and religious zealots I've had this conversation with is, "While The Bible says what it says about homosexuality, it also says "Judge not lest ye be judges" and to love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Last I checked it said nothing about insulting homosexuals, causing or supporting those that physically assault them, telling them they'll burn in Hell and other mean, hurtful things."

Then I'll encourage them to actuall read their Bible and not just select what they want from it.

Basically, a nice Christian way to tell them to go fuck themselves.


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Reply #15 posted 04/18/12 3:12pm



Timmy84 said:

Nothinbutjoy said:

What I usually say to the homophobic and religious zealots I've had this conversation with is, "While The Bible says what it says about homosexuality, it also says "Judge not lest ye be judges" and to love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Last I checked it said nothing about insulting homosexuals, causing or supporting those that physically assault them, telling them they'll burn in Hell and other mean, hurtful things."

Then I'll encourage them to actuall read their Bible and not just select what they want from it.

Basically, a nice Christian way to tell them to go fuck themselves.


Thank you for clapping typos and all (on my part.)


I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #16 posted 04/18/12 3:19pm


Nothinbutjoy said:

Timmy84 said:


Thank you for clapping typos and all (on my part.)


lol You was just telling the truth. highfive

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Reply #17 posted 04/18/12 3:38pm


Shyra said:

I work with this woman who can get on my last nerve with her religious banter. She's a "Christian." She comes across as very judgemental and holier than thou which really irks me. I believe in God, and I try to respect others beliefs, but I hate it when these so called "saved" folk just start spewing bullshit. A person came into our office who was obviously homosexual. I didn't pay it much attention because I accept folk for who they are and try not to judge. After the person left, my coworker said, "Humph! You know he's not getting into heaven!" I asked her why she said that, and she said, "Because he's a sinner! The Lord does not condone homosexuality. He is wrong for choosing to live in sin! He's wrong for choosing that lifestyle!" I couldn't help it, and, "BITCH, PLEASE!" popped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. She looked at me all bug-eyed and said, "What??? Why did you say that???" I said, "Because the man is homosexual, he's going to hell? God will cast him to Hell to burn forever? I'm sorry, but I don't accept that. I believe that folk are born with their sexual identify in tact. I don't believe it is a choice. Here she goes, "OH, NO! THEY ARE SINNERS BEFORE GOD! THEY WILL BURN IN HELL. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM ME!" At that point I said, "OK. I see this conversation is not going anywhere sane, so let's just end it with the agreement to agree to disagree because I see I will never be able to hold a sensible conversation with you when it comes to this." Lawd, give me strength... She couldn't let it rest, "So you believe they are born that way?" I said, "Yes, I do." And the rant continued. I asked her why she believed that it's a choice, and why is it that children discover their homosexuality even before they become sexually active. She said, "Because people tell them they're Gay and they believe it!" I gave up. rolleyes Your thoughts?

my take on this:

find out what your HR's company policy is on discriminatory statements such as hers. document the conversation, date and time it asap. what she said is very offensive. i mean (not assumming but,) what if you were homosexual? your co-workers statement can get her in to a lot of trouble.

(once you find out the HR info, maybe let her know that she is in violation of the company's anti-harassment policy, or just right out report her.)

imo her comment is as bad as saying "the bible says that noah's son was cursed, that is why blacks should have rightfully been enslaved. not!

according to :http://www.lawlink.nsw.go...Homosexual

Homosexual vilification is also against the anti-discrimination law. Vilification is defined as any public act that could encourage hatred, serious contempt, or severe ridicule towards people who are gay or lesbian, or who are thought to be gay or lesbian.

Public acts could include remarks in a newspaper or journal, in other publications, on radio or television or on the internet, including social networking sites. They could also include graffiti, posters, verbal abuse, speeches or statements, gestures and badges or clothing with slogans on them, as long as these are displayed, made or worn in public. The vilification law does not cover acts that are not public, for example abuse over a back fence that no-one else can hear.

“Transracial is a term that has long since been defined as the adoption of a child that is of a different race than the adoptive parents,” :
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Reply #18 posted 04/18/12 3:58pm


Shyra said:

I work with this woman who can get on my last nerve with her religious banter. She's a "Christian." She comes across as very judgemental and holier than thou which really irks me. I believe in God, and I try to respect others beliefs, but I hate it when these so called "saved" folk just start spewing bullshit. A person came into our office who was obviously homosexual. I didn't pay it much attention because I accept folk for who they are and try not to judge. After the person left, my coworker said, "Humph! You know he's not getting into heaven!" I asked her why she said that, and she said, "Because he's a sinner! The Lord does not condone homosexuality. He is wrong for choosing to live in sin! He's wrong for choosing that lifestyle!" I couldn't help it, and, "BITCH, PLEASE!" popped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. She looked at me all bug-eyed and said, "What??? Why did you say that???" I said, "Because the man is homosexual, he's going to hell? God will cast him to Hell to burn forever? I'm sorry, but I don't accept that. I believe that folk are born with their sexual identify in tact. I don't believe it is a choice. Here she goes, "OH, NO! THEY ARE SINNERS BEFORE GOD! THEY WILL BURN IN HELL. KEEP THEM AWAY FROM ME!" At that point I said, "OK. I see this conversation is not going anywhere sane, so let's just end it with the agreement to agree to disagree because I see I will never be able to hold a sensible conversation with you when it comes to this." Lawd, give me strength... She couldn't let it rest, "So you believe they are born that way?" I said, "Yes, I do." And the rant continued. I asked her why she believed that it's a choice, and why is it that children discover their homosexuality even before they become sexually active. She said, "Because people tell them they're Gay and they believe it!" I gave up. rolleyes Your thoughts?

OMG, give me her phone number! I'm totally going to tell her the bat dick joke.

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Reply #19 posted 04/18/12 4:06pm



A lot of folks are ignorantly set in their ways. rolleyes

surviving on the thought of loving you, it's just like the water
I ain't felt this way in years...
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Reply #20 posted 04/18/12 4:11pm



She's probably a lesbian. Ask her out for a date, see what goes down. It may well be her that does. smile

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Reply #21 posted 04/18/12 4:25pm



Cloudbuster said:

She's probably a lesbian. Ask her out for a date, see what goes down. It may well be her that does. smile

YES! falloff

surviving on the thought of loving you, it's just like the water
I ain't felt this way in years...
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Reply #22 posted 04/18/12 4:26pm


Cloudbuster said:

She's probably a lesbian. Ask her out for a date, see what goes down. It may well be her that does. smile

lol lol lol

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Reply #23 posted 04/18/12 4:34pm



Man the judgement!

Why do so many religious people not get that they are not the ones who decide who goes to heaven and who does not?

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Reply #24 posted 04/18/12 4:42pm


NDRU said:

Man the judgement!

Why do so many religious people not get that they are not the ones who decide who goes to heaven and who does not?

Because they think they KNOW the Lord by reading the Bible - and misintrepreting what they think he says not even realizing men wrote it, not God himself.

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Reply #25 posted 04/18/12 4:54pm



Timmy84 said:

NDRU said:

Man the judgement!

Why do so many religious people not get that they are not the ones who decide who goes to heaven and who does not?

Because they think they KNOW the Lord by reading the Bible - and misintrepreting what they think he says not even realizing men wrote it, not God himself.

That's exactly why I don't read the bible.

surviving on the thought of loving you, it's just like the water
I ain't felt this way in years...
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Reply #26 posted 04/18/12 5:01pm



Timmy84 said:

NDRU said:

Man the judgement!

Why do so many religious people not get that they are not the ones who decide who goes to heaven and who does not?

Because they think they KNOW the Lord by reading the Bible - and misintrepreting what they think he says not even realizing men wrote it, not God himself.

THANK YOU!! I have been preaching this ever since I can remember and noone listens to me! lol

And half the so called "christians" who behave in such a manner havent even read the bible... they are just spreading the shit they hear from their other fucked up friends..

~~~~~ Oh that voice...incredible....there should be a musical instrument called George Michael... ~~~~~
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Reply #27 posted 04/18/12 5:02pm


That woman is obviously very stupid. No point in wasting time and energy on idiots.

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Reply #28 posted 04/18/12 5:09pm


tinaz said:

Timmy84 said:

Because they think they KNOW the Lord by reading the Bible - and misintrepreting what they think he says not even realizing men wrote it, not God himself.

THANK YOU!! I have been preaching this ever since I can remember and noone listens to me! lol

And half the so called "christians" who behave in such a manner havent even read the bible... they are just spreading the shit they hear from their other fucked up friends..

Yup. It's like "follow the asshole and everyone goes in". lol

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Reply #29 posted 04/18/12 5:13pm



Timmy84 said:

tinaz said:

THANK YOU!! I have been preaching this ever since I can remember and noone listens to me! lol

And half the so called "christians" who behave in such a manner havent even read the bible... they are just spreading the shit they hear from their other fucked up friends..

Yup. It's like "follow the asshole and everyone goes in". lol

No kidding!! lol

~~~~~ Oh that voice...incredible....there should be a musical instrument called George Michael... ~~~~~
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Forums > General Discussion > LAWD, HELP ME! I'm About to Bust My Coworker in Her Face!