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Reply #30 posted 04/05/12 2:28am



paintedlady said:

.... I like all those except for camping since I don't do mosquitoes.

Every kid should learn to swim... going to an actual beach should be a requirement but also to learn how to respect nature.

Every child should learn how to work the earth and garden a bit... growing something from seed and eating something fresh that they grew teaches a kid much... like how to make a perfect mud pie. mushy

Teaching a child how to cook is a must. Breakfast for dinner is always a fun way to do it. Extra whipped cream is a necessity

A family night is right on track... we don't do camping in my household. I let the kids set up a tent or fort in the living room and they camp out there when we have a "movie" night.

Instead of roasting marshmallows, we pop popcorn (off the stove) and add melted marshmallows, butterscotch, nuts and other fun stuff that we make... ALL HOMEMADE.

Every child should have a parent around them to play with at least for one hour a day.

Every child should have a pet... mine have allergies but they keep fish/frogs. Gotta know about life cycles and death.

Every child should be told NO. As often as possible, especially if they are an only child.

Every child should learn how to buy things from the icecream truck/cornerstore/bakesale/yardsale... teach a kid what money is for.

Every child should have a formal holiday they dress up for to learn proper manners... can't be raising wild animals, that's what spring break is for.

Everychild should visit the ocean or the forest or a majestic looking part of their surrounding world to appreciate the world they live in.



By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #31 posted 04/05/12 2:29am



KingBAD said:


this thread still here???


Here you go Sir...have another... fishslap

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #32 posted 04/05/12 7:28am


Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

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Reply #33 posted 04/05/12 7:38am


I'm going with playing "old school" music as well... that's what I experienced. lol

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Reply #34 posted 04/05/12 8:25am



novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.

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Reply #35 posted 04/05/12 8:30am


Jump in puddles, collect frog spawn, play hide and seek outside, fall over lots, get stung by a bee, learn to ride a bike, learn to bunnyhop, kiss a girl, play doctors and nurses, British Bulldog, learn to swim and dive, Christmas, banana sandwiches, days at the beach where it's so hot your feet burn underneath, sand in the picnic, have a dog, hold a rabbit, fish, play war, learn how to make a proper machine gun sound, ride down a hill on an Action Man tank, earn pocket money, deliver newspapers, kiss a girl, have sleep overs, prepare a midnight feast but never stay awake long enough, baths on Sunday, get haircuts from mum, do P.E. in your underwear, climb a rope, get gravel under your skin from falling over, be loved by your family, feel the extra pain of having a plaster put on, be told to come in when it gets dark.
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Reply #36 posted 04/05/12 8:42am


imago said:

I know this is impossible, but I wish every kid could spend at least one summer overseas in another country, radically different from his own.

I really think there'd be a lot more tolerance if kids got at least some exposure. Sure, some will walk away from the experience reinforcing their bias or prejudices, but many will broaden.

Well we've been sending some of ours to Afghanistan. It's not working out.
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Reply #37 posted 04/05/12 8:43am


paintedlady said:

novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.

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Reply #38 posted 04/05/12 8:44am


Out of those things I only did/experienced 1. and 4.

To me, team sport is important, as is learning at least one instrument, good education and travelling a lot.

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Reply #39 posted 04/05/12 10:19am


PurpleJedi said:

So there's an article titled;

8 Things Every Kid Should Experience

Apparently every kid should do these at least once in their life;

1. Being part of a team

Teamwork, the sweet taste of victory, and the bitterness of defeat are just a few of valuable lessons children can learn from team sports.

2. Camping

Every child deserves the chance to experience nature in its purest form. From hiking and roasting marshmallows, to sleeping under the stars - camping is the stuff of cherished childhood memories.

3. Chores

A little hard work never hurt anybody. Besides, why should Mom and Dad have all the fun?

4. Snow

Snow is an experience to remember. Only children can block out the cold and see the beauty of snow for what it really is - a soft place to land.

5. Farm life

Every child should witness the hard work and dedication that goes into farm life. Oh, and the smell of cows is a memory they won't soon forget.

6. A lemonade stand

Encourage your young entrepreneur at every possible opportunity. Greatness surely awaits those with the fortitude to succeed.

7. Flying a kite

Is there anything more perfect than flying a kite on a beautiful day? Didn't think so. Any excuse to look up towards the heavens is good enough for me.

8. Bowling

Bowling is like a metaphor for life, there are lessons to be learned from the gutter.

My children have experienced all of this already. (except the Lemonade...but they've sold other stuff)

I want them to have a whole range of experiences. Even if it means I have to do something I don't want to do myself.

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Reply #40 posted 04/05/12 10:50am



paintedlady said:

novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.


Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #41 posted 04/05/12 12:48pm


PurpleJedi said:

So there's an article titled;

8 Things Every Kid Should Experience

Apparently every kid should do these at least once in their life;

1. Being part of a team

Teamwork, the sweet taste of victory, and the bitterness of defeat are just a few of valuable lessons children can learn from team sports.

The sweet taste of victory? How very dumb. Winning is the worst thing that can happen. You're chasing a magical tail in ever-decreasing vomiting circles until the day your children nail you in a cheap box and mention you maybe once a year. That time you were drunk. At the engagement party. How funny it was. Anyway, what's for tea? Processed meat sprayed from the bones on homogenized, injected, rejected caged birds and dyed white to fool your cancerous consumerist viral mindset? Great! Keep some for sandwiches tomnorrow!

2. Camping

Every child deserves the chance to experience nature in its purest form. From hiking and roasting marshmallows, to sleeping under the stars - camping is the stuff of cherished childhood memories.

Pish. Experiencing nature in its purest form? Camping? With a nice Bestbuy tent sewn together by a child on a 28 hour shift? With sausages (scraped hoof enamel), beans (sugar, starch and sulphates) and sleeping bags (the 29th hour of his shift). The school playground is our modern arena of brutality and the birthplace of all our forced and hand-me-down conformity. Reebok Pump my arse. Tossed by our anethitised, enslaved parents into a concrete jungle with hundreds of your unempathetic peers all looking to claim the top branch of the alpha tree for themselves? Find your own branch kiddies. Stay there. Don't throw the apples. Keep them for winter.

3. Chores

A little hard work never hurt anybody. Besides, why should Mom and Dad have all the fun?

Eh?! The vast, vast majority of kids are born either by accident (oops, I came in your vagina!) or to kick the welfare Pinata until a million flatscreen TVs are paid off - or to get that bigger council house in a 'nice area'. Inflate your insane sense of privilege, have a shag then make the discharge clean up, tidy and wipe your crusty, prolapsed arsehole when you're ancient and robbed of all dignity by the unrelenting, uncaring onward march of time. Chores? Conciousness is hard enough. Let it be and let it turn to medicine. Tie a knot in your dick. Don't be selfish. Be wise.

4. Snow

Snow is an experience to remember. Only children can block out the cold and see the beauty of snow for what it really is - a soft place to land.

Fucking hell. Did Jesus write this?? No, snow turns to ice, like people, like planets, like the universe one day when all the stars eventually burn out. Ice. It also stops you getting to work in time. And I hate late cunts.

5. Farm life

Every child should witness the hard work and dedication that goes into farm life. Oh, and the smell of cows is a memory they won't soon forget.

What pish. Utter patronising, utterly untrue shite. Shite. Farms are fields of death. Old MacDonald was an allegory for fascism. You hear that sheep bleating? A noise to press in an electronic kids book to make your baby giggle? No, it's the scream of an animal calling out for its children which will never return. To be smeared in 'spicy sauce' on a pitta bread and swallowed by a vile drunk with no respect for the four billion years of unimaginably wondrous natural selection that went into engeneering their bodies, who will have little recollection far less appreciation of what he or she consumed the previous evening's larkish escapades trying to find a mate of similar dumbness. Farms are horrifying places of deeply fasicst intent. Everyone a Belsen or Auchwitz. Only no-one gets liberated. Ever. These doe eyed beasts are not pets. They are not loved. No Charlotte will spin a web for them. 'They're bred for meat!' you hiss. Let me take your baby away to skewer and roll on top of a fire then. Watch as I tear a leg of succulent flesh off and guide that perfectly formed limb to my salavitating mouth. Like those human farms in Terminator which so entertained you no doubt. Skin factories. Flesh fields. And the smell of cow shit is actually good for your lungs. It's a treat. Google it.

6. A lemonade stand

Encourage your young entrepreneur at every possible opportunity. Greatness surely awaits those with the fortitude to succeed.

Hitler wanted to succeed. So did Stalin. Pol Pot. Idi Amin. Muammar Gaddafi. Steve Jobs. Ronald McDonald. Asinine point, you may think, but shouldn't we teach children that there is no definitive success beyond that which is personal? That admiration or respect will not greet wilful domination, only fear? That until our politicians are elected by random lottery there can be no 'democracy'? To think for themselves and share the wealth of their envedours so others can be inspired and motivated instead of driven by jealously and envy in an ever diseased rat race to nowhere? I like lemonade though.

7. Flying a kite

Is there anything more perfect than flying a kite on a beautiful day? Didn't think so. Any excuse to look up towards the heavens is good enough for me.

The heavens?! Fuck off. That's infinity. And it's endlessly more fascinating and awe-inspiring than any Judeo-Christian, Arabic or Indian myth. There are collosal planets of solid diamond out there. Gas giants bigger than our minds can conceive coloured by rainbows. Civilisations which make our own look like hoover dust. Anything you can possibly imagine, or conjure, or project - has happened, somewhere, in this endless unfathomable universe. It's that big. Marshmallow men with carrots for toes? Somewhere, on some rock, no doubt. Our thought process is the universe trying to understand itself. It's why we exist. Why all life exists. the thought is there because it has to be. You are owned. Imagination is the currency of happiness and truth. Nothing else really exists.

8. Bowling

Bowling is like a metaphor for life, there are lessons to be learned from the gutter.

Well, that's true. Not the bowling part obviously. Bowling is for kids and fat American retards. The gutter however, that's for us all. Every last one of us. Except Prince and Larry Graham. They will both ascend to a timeless wonderland of true enlightenment upon release from their finite shells. I know that because it was written down somewhere.

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Reply #42 posted 04/05/12 12:56pm



paintedlady said:

novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.

I couldn't have said this better myself.


The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Dr. V. Frankl

"When you close your heart, you close your mind." - Michael Jackson (Man In The Mirror)

"I don't need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off" lol
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Reply #43 posted 04/05/12 1:41pm



paintedlady said:

novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.



I nearly spit out my coffee reading this!!!


By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #44 posted 04/05/12 1:46pm



Number23 said:

PurpleJedi said:

So there's an article titled;

8 Things Every Kid Should Experience

Apparently every kid should do these at least once in their life;

1. Being part of a team

Teamwork, the sweet taste of victory, and the bitterness of defeat are just a few of valuable lessons children can learn from team sports.

The sweet taste of victory? How very dumb. Winning is the worst thing that can happen. You're chasing a magical tail in ever-decreasing vomiting circles until the day your children nail you in a cheap box and mention you maybe once a year. That time you were drunk. At the engagement party. How funny it was. Anyway, what's for tea? Processed meat sprayed from the bones on homogenized, injected, rejected caged birds and dyed white to fool your cancerous consumerist viral mindset? Great! Keep some for sandwiches tomnorrow!

2. Camping

Every child deserves the chance to experience nature in its purest form. From hiking and roasting marshmallows, to sleeping under the stars - camping is the stuff of cherished childhood memories.

Pish. Experiencing nature in its purest form? Camping? With a nice Bestbuy tent sewn together by a child on a 28 hour shift? With sausages (scraped hoof enamel), beans (sugar, starch and sulphates) and sleeping bags (the 29th hour of his shift). The school playground is our modern arena of brutality and the birthplace of all our forced and hand-me-down conformity. Reebok Pump my arse. Tossed by our anethitised, enslaved parents into a concrete jungle with hundreds of your unempathetic peers all looking to claim the top branch of the alpha tree for themselves? Find your own branch kiddies. Stay there. Don't throw the apples. Keep them for winter.

3. Chores

A little hard work never hurt anybody. Besides, why should Mom and Dad have all the fun?

Eh?! The vast, vast majority of kids are born either by accident (oops, I came in your vagina!) or to kick the welfare Pinata until a million flatscreen TVs are paid off - or to get that bigger council house in a 'nice area'. Inflate your insane sense of privilege, have a shag then make the discharge clean up, tidy and wipe your crusty, prolapsed arsehole when you're ancient and robbed of all dignity by the unrelenting, uncaring onward march of time. Chores? Conciousness is hard enough. Let it be and let it turn to medicine. Tie a knot in your dick. Don't be selfish. Be wise.

4. Snow

Snow is an experience to remember. Only children can block out the cold and see the beauty of snow for what it really is - a soft place to land.

Fucking hell. Did Jesus write this?? No, snow turns to ice, like people, like planets, like the universe one day when all the stars eventually burn out. Ice. It also stops you getting to work in time. And I hate late cunts.

5. Farm life

Every child should witness the hard work and dedication that goes into farm life. Oh, and the smell of cows is a memory they won't soon forget.

What pish. Utter patronising, utterly untrue shite. Shite. Farms are fields of death. Old MacDonald was an allegory for fascism. You hear that sheep bleating? A noise to press in an electronic kids book to make your baby giggle? No, it's the scream of an animal calling out for its children which will never return. To be smeared in 'spicy sauce' on a pitta bread and swallowed by a vile drunk with no respect for the four billion years of unimaginably wondrous natural selection that went into engeneering their bodies, who will have little recollection far less appreciation of what he or she consumed the previous evening's larkish escapades trying to find a mate of similar dumbness. Farms are horrifying places of deeply fasicst intent. Everyone a Belsen or Auchwitz. Only no-one gets liberated. Ever. These doe eyed beasts are not pets. They are not loved. No Charlotte will spin a web for them. 'They're bred for meat!' you hiss. Let me take your baby away to skewer and roll on top of a fire then. Watch as I tear a leg of succulent flesh off and guide that perfectly formed limb to my salavitating mouth. Like those human farms in Terminator which so entertained you no doubt. Skin factories. Flesh fields. And the smell of cow shit is actually good for your lungs. It's a treat. Google it.

6. A lemonade stand

Encourage your young entrepreneur at every possible opportunity. Greatness surely awaits those with the fortitude to succeed.

Hitler wanted to succeed. So did Stalin. Pol Pot. Idi Amin. Muammar Gaddafi. Steve Jobs. Ronald McDonald. Asinine point, you may think, but shouldn't we teach children that there is no definitive success beyond that which is personal? That admiration or respect will not greet wilful domination, only fear? That until our politicians are elected by random lottery there can be no 'democracy'? To think for themselves and share the wealth of their envedours so others can be inspired and motivated instead of driven by jealously and envy in an ever diseased rat race to nowhere? I like lemonade though.

7. Flying a kite

Is there anything more perfect than flying a kite on a beautiful day? Didn't think so. Any excuse to look up towards the heavens is good enough for me.

The heavens?! Fuck off. That's infinity. And it's endlessly more fascinating and awe-inspiring than any Judeo-Christian, Arabic or Indian myth. There are collosal planets of solid diamond out there. Gas giants bigger than our minds can conceive coloured by rainbows. Civilisations which make our own look like hoover dust. Anything you can possibly imagine, or conjure, or project - has happened, somewhere, in this endless unfathomable universe. It's that big. Marshmallow men with carrots for toes? Somewhere, on some rock, no doubt. Our thought process is the universe trying to understand itself. It's why we exist. Why all life exists. the thought is there because it has to be. You are owned. Imagination is the currency of happiness and truth. Nothing else really exists.

8. Bowling

Bowling is like a metaphor for life, there are lessons to be learned from the gutter.

Well, that's true. Not the bowling part obviously. Bowling is for kids and fat American retards. The gutter however, that's for us all. Every last one of us. Except Prince and Larry Graham. They will both ascend to a timeless wonderland of true enlightenment upon release from their finite shells. I know that because it was written down somewhere.


I nominate this for angry-or-stoned-Orger-thread-post of the YEAR!!!!



thumbs up!

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #45 posted 04/05/12 1:56pm


PurpleJedi said:

Number23 said:


I nominate this for angry-or-stoned-Orger-thread-post of the YEAR!!!!



thumbs up!

I haven't been stoned for years.

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Reply #46 posted 04/05/12 1:57pm


Number 23 wins the Internet
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Reply #47 posted 04/05/12 2:25pm


imago said:

Number 23 wins the Internet

Nah. Just another fanny sending thoughts into a black hole.

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Reply #48 posted 04/05/12 3:02pm



novabrkr said:

paintedlady said:

novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

I will be censored censored if I let my son censored some run down disease stained tired pussy covered in gray hairs and skin tags. censored that censored mutha censored! He has a better chance of NOT getting an infection from a girl his age. If he needs to learn how to censored , he should pick up a how-to-book or ask me. That's right censored !!! I would cut a censored if she gets near any one of my boys just the same as I would cut an old censored er who tried to get at my daughter.... I wish a censored would!!

You can let your sons get herpes by some old lonely censored censored censored that preys on young boys. Let her put her hot cabbage breath on your censored while your son manuvers around her censored asspimples and the cottage cheese sliding out her censored .... leave the rest of the well adjusted boys who can get young censored and tight asses in high school the hell alone.

Any young man should be patient enough to learn his lover at any age, otherwise he shouldn't be fucking anybody.

and I am Latino... good music was a staple in my household when I was growing up and it shall remain so!

making me cuss and lose my damn mind up in this bitch.... disbelief like fucking some old broad is gonna make a nerd some superstar.... shit.

sorry... shit... just pray for me.

You meant an 18-20 year old woman probably falloff
a whore in sheep's clothing
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Reply #49 posted 04/05/12 3:30pm


Yeah, like a 26 year old cheerleader. It was a reference to that other thread.

Although if my son would one day come home and bragged that he'd just nailed my annoying neighbour's wife I'd be like SON I'M SO PROUD OF YOU RIGHT NOW.

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Reply #50 posted 04/05/12 5:18pm



This thread has gone down the toilet

RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. rose
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Reply #51 posted 04/05/12 5:37pm



novabrkr said:

Parents that play good music in the house. shrug

Getting to have sex with an older woman when they hit 16. shrug

lol I was just going to say this

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Reply #52 posted 04/05/12 6:06pm


they should experience love guidance caring understanding patience and acceptace .. all the rest will follow ..

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Reply #53 posted 04/05/12 6:26pm


HotGritz said:

morningsong said:

1. All the time as a kid

2. The one at the beach, as well as some amusement parks

3. Don't remember a time as a kid I didn't have a pet.

4. nod

5. Not particular creative but always trying

6. It was a staple in the homes I grew up in

7. Yep.

8. My grandmother at one time worked as a nurse in a nursing home and she'd take me along sometimes

I tell you I don't ever want to end up in one of those places. NEVER!

Yeah, they can be depressing. In a perfect world...

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Reply #54 posted 04/05/12 7:15pm



HotGritz said:

This thread has gone down the toilet

With the exception of painted's response. falloff

The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Dr. V. Frankl

"When you close your heart, you close your mind." - Michael Jackson (Man In The Mirror)

"I don't need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off" lol
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Reply #55 posted 04/05/12 7:26pm



CarrieMpls said:

I'd add experience playing a musical instrument. If I ever have kids I will ensure a proper music education but I think every kid should learn to play at least one instrument.


Except for the girl next door who is learning the trumpet.

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Reply #56 posted 04/05/12 11:01pm



Deadcake said:

novabrkr said:

You meant an 18-20 year old woman probably falloff

Doesn't matter to me... seriously I see it as a pervy pedophile trying to take advantage of a kid... before 16? Naw, I apply the same standard to my boys as I do to my girl.

but I agree 1000% with this...

they should experience love guidance caring understanding patience and acceptace .. all the rest will follow ..

not enough love is openly expressed to many kids and I have seen kids forced to grow too quickly.

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Reply #57 posted 04/05/12 11:15pm



Experiences every kid "should" have

payin for all the shit they tear up

bein made aware that it's their faul the pussy dried up

be made to look at a sussesion of picks of that fine ass

bitch i had growin old and fat

use some of that allowence and get they own teeth fixed


make them answer some of those really tuff qwestions (WHY?, HOW?, WHEN?)

save up for their parents divorce/retirement.

get a job when they six, like in the old days

listen to you cry for hours about some shit that didn't go your way


i am KING BAD!!!
you are NOT...
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Reply #58 posted 04/06/12 3:20am


i have my own mummy list ~

from new born to 10

1. Telling them u love them

2. Believing in magic and wishes

3. Getting told they make u proud

4. Laughing on a daily basis

5. Kissed and cuddled as often as possible

from 10 to 18

1. Telling them u love them

2. Telling them they make u proud

3. Trusting them

4. Giving them independence

5. making them responsible for their actions


1. Telling them u love them

2. Telling them how proud u r of them

3. being there for them in good n bad

4. bailing them out

5. supporting their decisions

these r the experiences i have given and would like to have with my own children mushy

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Reply #59 posted 04/06/12 9:41am


ThisOne said:

i have my own mummy list ~

from new born to 10

1. Telling them u love them

2. Believing in magic and wishes

3. Getting told they make u proud

4. Laughing on a daily basis

5. Kissed and cuddled as often as possible

from 10 to 18

1. Telling them u love them

2. Telling them they make u proud

3. Trusting them

4. Giving them independence

5. making them responsible for their actions


1. Telling them u love them

2. Telling them how proud u r of them

3. being there for them in good n bad

4. bailing them out

5. supporting their decisions

these r the experiences i have given and would like to have with my own children mushy


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Forums > General Discussion > Experiences every kid "should" have