It's better that there are two authority figures in the family. It's possible, for example, that a grandparent sometimes takes the role of the "father" in that sense. Children will need to learn that they cannot rely on one person alone and they will also learn a lot by observing the way the two "authority figures" will have conflicts together from time to time.
Having said that, I agree with several .orgers here that a bad parent does more damage than the absence of that parent.
I think I'm myself a rather stereotypical case of someone that was brought up with no father around. To say that I have trouble recognizing authority on a larger social scale would be an understatement - but I still call my mother when making big decisions and asking her to "validate" my choices (I'm nearly 32).
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Of course - Without fathers, who would most women fleece for child support? | |
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Of course they're needed. After a nice convo with my daughter this weekend there is no doubt in my mind that they are needed. Children need that 2nd person, whether that person is perfect or not is irrelavant, children notice the void, and it affects them to some degree whether they come out okay or not, a part of who they are is missing they feel the hole. And since they're not puppies or weeds, it impacts to their overall wellbeing knowing that person didn't want to be a part of their life. [Edited 5/10/11 12:19pm] | |
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RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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Well in all fairness, that's what I call him. She calls him by his name or refers to him as "that douche."
But yes, I think he bit off more than he could chew with my friend. She's an alpha female and such women should only ever mate with alpha males. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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i know some fathers that r better parents than the mums!!!
so yes they r needed!!!
although there is a need for good parents in this world..... sometimes i just wonder | |
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Im sure this has already been said but Im too fucking lazy to read through all the bs and what not so here is my 2 cents... Parents are needed to raise children , even grandparents. But wtf do I know , my sons' father has always been in their lives and will ALWAYS be in their lives. It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it. | |
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Yup. | |
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A good man is a wonderful example for a child! These days, just to show that they do exist..... I love seeing someone like Barack Obama with his kids! Charlie Sheen? Not so much.... | |
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By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Yeah, that's what I mean. The term "baby daddy/momma" implies a lack of seriousness or commitment, and certainly a lack of maturity. It's like having the child was a joke.
Except for the child, it's no joke.
If they want to act adult about the matter, they should refer to the child's parents as "father" and "mother". If a dude thinks of himself as a "baby daddy", he's fooling himself and probably hopes this will all go away.
But if he's called "father" every time he's referred to, he should get the message. This is the real deal. | |
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Yes, fathers are needed. Children need a mother and a father to be raised properly. However, every situation is different. After a child is born, a couple finds out that they are not compatible, do not love one another, e.t.c. Then it is too late. That is why people should not have kids on a whim. Children need responsible parents, alot of attention, love, e.t.c. If a child does not have a father in his or her life, then another male family member should be involved in the child's life. Children, especially boys, need positive male figures in their lives.[Edited 5/11/11 10:46am] | |
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I believe that there should be someone in the "mothering role" and someone in the "fathering role." Now, 1 person can fulfill both duties, and a man can do the "mothering" and the woman the "fathering." =0P Brace yourself
The best is yet to come | |
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I think now there should be a thread called "Are Mothers Needed?". Can a single father raise his child/children on his own? The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Dr. V. Frankl
"When you close your heart, you close your mind." - Michael Jackson (Man In The Mirror) "I don't need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off" ![]() | |
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I've known several single fathers that are the better parent. We don't want people to think all you men are douches. I mean there has GOT to be a few good ones. Right? | |
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why, just look at little ashley and mary kate! aren't both of them are successful young women in their own right?
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By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Of course. I don't want you to think like me. I just want you to think. | |
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Sometimes I think maybe it would've been cool to have my dad around. | |
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Both parents are really needed, yeah.
Can kids get by without them? Yeah, but there's no way that that's the optimum situation. If in anyway possible, kids need their mom AND their dad there, present with them. "I don't think you'd do well in captivity." - random person's comment to me the other day | |
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What is needed is Parents who are responsible, Mother and Father. Sadly this isn't always possible and all that truly matters is how you raise your child.
Whats the point of having both parents if they just sit on their ass feeding you Microwave meals and smoking pot all night? Using the TV as a babysitter while they get drunk in the back room etc
A child needs love and guidance through their life and it doesn't matter which parent is there to give it. Though, if both parents are there then that is obviously better as I think Mum and Dad often create a balance as well within the home.
On a personal note, My Dad died when I was 3 years old, I don't have any recollection of him but I do miss him, or at least I missed having the Father figure there in my life, having that Bond that all children should have with their Fathers.
My Son is 6 years old now and I cherish every moment I can with him, we have a lot of "Dad + Son" time, where its just us and we do all kinds of stuff, whether its watch TV, play the Xbox or read books, hell we even play with Toys and have a little train set too lol.
I love being a Dad and I wouldn't change it for all the money in the world, it is the best thing that ever happened in my Life and on my Death bed, I hope that my last thoughts are the day I first held my Son in the hospital, the first time he smiled, his first steps, the sound of his laughter and all the other memories I will have of him. Then I will die a happy man.
So I think it is equally important for a Child to have a Mum and Dad present, though not essential.
Life is short, don't be a dick.
R.I.P Prince - Thank you for your Music, Your Talent and for helping me find out who I was and am. | |
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By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory! | |
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Agreed....if the parents are not getting along, it's better to separate and be happy than be miserable together.. That said, fathers are absolutely needed when they are doing a good job and have their child's best interest at heart. [Edited 5/12/11 10:01am] | |
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Yes. My dad took on the challenge, when I was an infant, in a time when it was virtually unheard of, a black man at that. His point of reference was The Courtship of Eddie Father, we watched that show a lot. He had help of course since he was in the Navy and had to go to WesPac and all of that, but he was highly involved in every part of my life, then had a very hard-headed 11 year old girl on his hands when he retired. Poor guy. To think now of all the things he had to do to try to give me as good a life as he could with all the challenges he faced, it blows me away sometimes, especially when you see how easily people give up when things get hard. | |
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