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Thread started 04/15/11 8:52pm



Bed Bugs (and bugs in your bed).

I am paranoid of bed bugs. I often take the BART train to commute in the morning and evening and I have picked up the flu once, a few colds, and probably HPV from the train (just kidding on the last one), but I am pretty nervous about bed bugs. I had a coworker who would explain his bed bug trauma to me and how awful his apartment complex was about it.

Thankfully, I've not yet seen one in person, but they are not the cutest little buggers.

[Edited 4/15/11 15:18pm]

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Reply #1 posted 04/15/11 8:54pm



Spinlight said:

I am paranoid of bed bugs. I often take the BART train to commute in the morning and evening and I have picked up the flu once, a few colds, and probably HPV from the train (just kidding on the last one), but I am pretty nervous about bed bugs. I had a coworker who would explain his bed bug trauma to me and how awful his apartment complex was about it.

Thankfully, I've not yet seen one in person, but they are not the cutest little buggers.

Ouch....That seems really hmmmm. Ive never seen bed bugs before I know right before I left the bronx. My aunt was telling me how there was a bed bug outbreak all over.

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Reply #2 posted 04/15/11 8:57pm



Bed Bugs have made a resurgence in nearly every metropolitan area, unfortunately. sad That is primarily why I'm so paranoid about them. biggrin

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Reply #3 posted 04/15/11 9:00pm



Spinlight said:

Bed Bugs have made a resurgence in nearly every metropolitan area, unfortunately. sad That is primarily why I'm so paranoid about them. biggrin

you can say that again , especially over the summer time when it gets hot....oh my

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Reply #4 posted 04/15/11 9:20pm


I'm more paranoid of bastards like spiders in or on my bed.

I once lived in the country, and there was a huge ivy growing up the side of the house where my bedroom window was. It was alive with spiders, not just little ones, i'm talking big hairy fuckers.

Even having my window closed almost 24/7, I would wake up almost every night of the week during the night to find at least two of the shitting things crawling on my duvet.

Once woke to find one about 3 inches from my face.....on my pillow. How I never died I do not know.

Swapping rooms would have made no difference, that place was infested.

We lasted one summer and moved out.

Now, in spring/summer, I check under, in and around my bed for spiders every single night before I retire.

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Reply #5 posted 04/15/11 9:22pm



TheDigitalGardener said:

I'm more paranoid of bastards like spiders in or on my bed.

I once lived in the country, and there was a huge ivy growing up the side of the house where my bedroom window was. It was alive with spiders, not just little ones, i'm talking big hairy fuckers.

Even having my window closed almost 24/7, I would wake up almost every night of the week during the night to find at least two of the shitting things crawling on my duvet.

Once woke to find one about 3 inches from my face.....on my pillow. How I never died I do not know.

Swapping rooms would have made no difference, that place was infested.

We lasted one summer and moved out.

Now, in spring/summer, I check under, in and around my bed for spiders every single night before I retire.

DAMN !!!!!! Im afraid of insects espcially roaches and spiders. LOL I wouldnt last one sec if I saw a spider that big and hairy OUCH!

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Reply #6 posted 04/15/11 9:31pm



TheDigitalGardener said:

I'm more paranoid of bastards like spiders in or on my bed.

I once lived in the country, and there was a huge ivy growing up the side of the house where my bedroom window was. It was alive with spiders, not just little ones, i'm talking big hairy fuckers.

Even having my window closed almost 24/7, I would wake up almost every night of the week during the night to find at least two of the shitting things crawling on my duvet.

Once woke to find one about 3 inches from my face.....on my pillow. How I never died I do not know.

Swapping rooms would have made no difference, that place was infested.

We lasted one summer and moved out.

Now, in spring/summer, I check under, in and around my bed for spiders every single night before I retire.

Okay that is a dealbreaker for me. I could never, ever manage that. I hate bugs of all kinds - flies, bees, butterflies, moths, spiders, roaches, those skinny things with pinchers on their asses, beetles, etc. I do not fucks wit no bugs. And to know there are bugs residing next to my bed or in my bed would petrify me, lol.

As it is, these big fucking California exotic scary wooly mammoth spiders see fit to make a nest out of my front stoop. If I go out at night, I need to bring my lighter with me to burn the support strands of webbing so the webs collapse and stick to themselves and blow away or I get a mouth full of something that came out of a spider's butthole.

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Reply #7 posted 04/15/11 9:33pm




these fuckers!!! I've caught them in my shower before.

edit: to clarify, these are earwigs.

[Edited 4/15/11 15:16pm]

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Reply #8 posted 04/15/11 9:39pm



Spinlight said:


these fuckers!!! I've caught them in my shower before.

those are nasty! I see them too

As for bedbugs, I hear different stories about them.

Some people say they are harmless and feed on dead flesh, and that there is not much you can do about them.

Some people say they are the cause of a lot of issues like rashes or other skin conditions. They say you can vaccuum your bed, or maybe put the mattress in the sun. All of that is more work than I'm interested in, but I am curious to know if they actually are harmful.

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Reply #9 posted 04/15/11 9:41pm



wait, those ones in the first video are nasty.

I was thinking of the microscopic ones

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Reply #10 posted 04/15/11 9:42pm


Spinlight said:

TheDigitalGardener said:

I'm more paranoid of bastards like spiders in or on my bed.

I once lived in the country, and there was a huge ivy growing up the side of the house where my bedroom window was. It was alive with spiders, not just little ones, i'm talking big hairy fuckers.

Even having my window closed almost 24/7, I would wake up almost every night of the week during the night to find at least two of the shitting things crawling on my duvet.

Once woke to find one about 3 inches from my face.....on my pillow. How I never died I do not know.

Swapping rooms would have made no difference, that place was infested.

We lasted one summer and moved out.

Now, in spring/summer, I check under, in and around my bed for spiders every single night before I retire.

Okay that is a dealbreaker for me. I could never, ever manage that. I hate bugs of all kinds - flies, bees, butterflies, moths, spiders, roaches, those skinny things with pinchers on their asses, beetles, etc. I do not fucks wit no bugs. And to know there are bugs residing next to my bed or in my bed would petrify me, lol.

As it is, these big fucking California exotic scary wooly mammoth spiders see fit to make a nest out of my front stoop. If I go out at night, I need to bring my lighter with me to burn the support strands of webbing so the webs collapse and stick to themselves and blow away or I get a mouth full of something that came out of a spider's butthole.

I'm shit scared of all insects, they are evil, they should be abolished.

I know that feeling of walking into webs, we were forever getting webs on our faces in that house.

I'm sure the neighbour must have thought I was beating my g/friend at the time, as there was just constant screams comming from that house, though half the time they came from me. lol

Even Scottish spiders are big these days.

I have a bottle of this stuff called "Flash," it is a kitchen cleaner/spray thing and contains bleach. I bought this stuff specifically to kill spiders and any other bug that dares to darken my door. It's great, no ore hunting for a shoe or rolled up newspaper, just one little squirt of that shit and it's instant death to the wee shites.

[Edited 4/15/11 14:43pm]

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Reply #11 posted 04/15/11 10:13pm



NDRU said:

wait, those ones in the first video are nasty.

I was thinking of the microscopic ones

Like dust mites? Newp. These are legit bed bugs, the kind you can see crawling to and from your bed. They apparently reside in nooks and crannies on the wall and also WITHIN the bedframe.




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Reply #12 posted 04/15/11 10:15pm




You can pick them up in ANY communal area just like lice and fleas!

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Reply #13 posted 04/15/11 10:25pm



My assistant manager just had a case of bedbugs.

Had to remove every artical of clothing, every bit of fabric, and take it to the laundry mat; it was horrible.

batting eyes ACRYLIC batting eyes
I do nothing professionally.
I only do things for fun.

johnart: Acrylic's old bras is where tits of all sizes go to frolic after they die. Tit Heaven.
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Reply #14 posted 04/15/11 10:35pm



Spinlight said:

NDRU said:

wait, those ones in the first video are nasty.

I was thinking of the microscopic ones

Like dust mites? Newp. These are legit bed bugs, the kind you can see crawling to and from your bed. They apparently reside in nooks and crannies on the wall and also WITHIN the bedframe.




right I was thinking of dust mites

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Reply #15 posted 04/15/11 11:06pm



My dog bought fleas into the house not to long ago

Usually he has his flea and tick rub on and gets a bath at the vet but i got lazy because i was depressed.

Anyway, at first i had this itchy senations on my legs didnt think anything of it because im a itchy person but it porgress and felt like tiny bugs crawling everywhere on my feet.

I look at my leg and looks like tiny bugs the size of pepper crawling on me....gross ill

Looked up on the net about fleas and sure enough we had them. We had to clean and disinfect the whole house because my asshole dog thinks hes high society and jumps on everyones bed and goes in everyones room.

[Edited 4/15/11 16:09pm]

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Reply #16 posted 04/15/11 11:10pm



formallypickles said:

My dog bought fleas into the house not to long ago

Usually he has his flea and tick rub on and gets a bath at the vet but i got lazy because i was depressed.

Anyway, at first i had this itchy senations on my legs didnt think anything of it because im a itchy person but it porgress and felt like tiny bugs crawling everywhere on my feet.

I look at my leg and looks like tiny bugs the size of pepper crawling on me....gross ill

Looked up on the net about fleas and sure enough we had them. We had to clean and disinfect the whole house because my asshole dog thinks hes high society and jumps on everyones bed and goes in everyones room.

[Edited 4/15/11 16:09pm]


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Reply #17 posted 04/15/11 11:24pm



Spinlight said:

formallypickles said:

My dog bought fleas into the house not to long ago

Usually he has his flea and tick rub on and gets a bath at the vet but i got lazy because i was depressed.

Anyway, at first i had this itchy senations on my legs didnt think anything of it because im a itchy person but it porgress and felt like tiny bugs crawling everywhere on my feet.

I look at my leg and looks like tiny bugs the size of pepper crawling on me....gross ill

Looked up on the net about fleas and sure enough we had them. We had to clean and disinfect the whole house because my asshole dog thinks hes high society and jumps on everyones bed and goes in everyones room.

[Edited 4/15/11 16:09pm]


He likes to lay right in our sleeping spots too with his head resting on the pillows.

and the bastard doesnt even move when we ask him to. Its not like hes a small dog, he is a full grown yellow lab with a snotty attitude. I could go on and on about how entitled that asshole thinks he is.

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Reply #18 posted 04/15/11 11:26pm



formallypickles said:

Spinlight said:


He likes to lay right in our sleeping spots too with his head resting on the pillows.

and the bastard doesnt even move when we ask him to. Its not like hes a small dog, he is a full grown yellow lab with a snotty attitude. I could go on and on about how entitled that asshole thinks he is.

My cat doesn't even bother waiting a discretionary 5 mins after someone gets up from a seat. She jumps in right as your ass takes liftoff and makes a home of your warmspot.

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Reply #19 posted 04/15/11 11:41pm


Spinlight said:

formallypickles said:

He likes to lay right in our sleeping spots too with his head resting on the pillows.

and the bastard doesnt even move when we ask him to. Its not like hes a small dog, he is a full grown yellow lab with a snotty attitude. I could go on and on about how entitled that asshole thinks he is.

My cat doesn't even bother waiting a discretionary 5 mins after someone gets up from a seat. She jumps in right as your ass takes liftoff and makes a home of your warmspot.

Spinlight, my next-door neighbour works for a pest control co. One day I was going on to him about my fear that I would get bed bugs from someone when out in public; after all, if you get them, you have to pretty much throw out everything and start over. He assured me that bed bugs cannot jump from one person to another (if that's what you're worried about).

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Reply #20 posted 04/15/11 11:43pm



Spinlight said:

formallypickles said:

He likes to lay right in our sleeping spots too with his head resting on the pillows.

and the bastard doesnt even move when we ask him to. Its not like hes a small dog, he is a full grown yellow lab with a snotty attitude. I could go on and on about how entitled that asshole thinks he is.

My cat doesn't even bother waiting a discretionary 5 mins after someone gets up from a seat. She jumps in right as your ass takes liftoff and makes a home of your warmspot.

And the cat acts you were the rude one seating in her seat. lol Pets are a trip.

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Reply #21 posted 04/16/11 12:07am



strmn said:

Spinlight said:

My cat doesn't even bother waiting a discretionary 5 mins after someone gets up from a seat. She jumps in right as your ass takes liftoff and makes a home of your warmspot.

Spinlight, my next-door neighbour works for a pest control co. One day I was going on to him about my fear that I would get bed bugs from someone when out in public; after all, if you get them, you have to pretty much throw out everything and start over. He assured me that bed bugs cannot jump from one person to another (if that's what you're worried about).

What worries me is that the bums on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) could possibly be carrying them? I don't know if bed bugs will reside ON a person, but it skeeves me out as I've already contracted airborne shit from the bums.

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Reply #22 posted 04/16/11 12:20am


Spinlight said:

strmn said:

Spinlight, my next-door neighbour works for a pest control co. One day I was going on to him about my fear that I would get bed bugs from someone when out in public; after all, if you get them, you have to pretty much throw out everything and start over. He assured me that bed bugs cannot jump from one person to another (if that's what you're worried about).

What worries me is that the bums on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) could possibly be carrying them? I don't know if bed bugs will reside ON a person, but it skeeves me out as I've already contracted airborne shit from the bums.

I was at UC Berkeley for a year, so I knew what BART is. I got the impression from my neighbour that they don't reside on people, that what you need to be most concerned about is mattresses, drawers, chairs with padded seats, etc. You should always check these things if you stay in a hotel room, and certainly if you buy second-hand furniture. Check around the seams of the mattress especially, and check to see that there aren't little specks of blood.

Incidentally, if you really can't cope with insects, don't go to Australia! The insects such as spiders and cockroaches are HUGE and they are everywhere.

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Reply #23 posted 04/16/11 12:22am



Spinlight said:

strmn said:

Spinlight, my next-door neighbour works for a pest control co. One day I was going on to him about my fear that I would get bed bugs from someone when out in public; after all, if you get them, you have to pretty much throw out everything and start over. He assured me that bed bugs cannot jump from one person to another (if that's what you're worried about).

What worries me is that the bums on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) could possibly be carrying them? I don't know if bed bugs will reside ON a person, but it skeeves me out as I've already contracted airborne shit from the bums.

I commute on train to and i hate it. But im to scared to drive downtown.

I feel like i could catch something and i feel dirty when i get home. i dont sit on my bed or couch with my school clothes on because it could spread disease and i wash my hands imediately when i get in.

Gross bums pee on the floor and asshole teens spill drinks on the train. Their was a bums in a wheelchair that pee peed everywhere and i stepped in his piss ill not mention i had moccasins on.

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Reply #24 posted 04/16/11 1:34am



Spinlight said:


these fuckers!!! I've caught them in my shower before.

edit: to clarify, these are earwigs.

[Edited 4/15/11 15:16pm]


RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #25 posted 04/16/11 2:00am



You are more likely now to get bedbugs by enjoying a nice movie in a dark movie theater.... yeah!

Scabies is making a comeback too! nod

You should just lotion your skin with gasoline.... and dust your hair with boric acid.

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Reply #26 posted 04/16/11 10:16am



paintedlady said:

You are more likely now to get bedbugs by enjoying a nice movie in a dark movie theater.... yeah!

Scabies is making a comeback too! nod

You should just lotion your skin with gasoline.... and dust your hair with boric acid.

There is a library about an hour from me that has had an outbreak of bed bugs. My pest control guy says they are making a come back in a big way. They can travel in suit cases or back packs. He said it costs a mini fortune to get rid of them too because they are very hardy. Like someone mentioned before, always check out your hotel room before you sleep in the bed. Keep your suitcases off the floor.

Scabies, don't they burrow in the skin? YUCK!

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Reply #27 posted 04/16/11 10:34am


paintedlady said:

You are more likely now to get bedbugs by enjoying a nice movie in a dark movie theater.... yeah!

Scabies is making a comeback too! nod

You should just lotion your skin with gasoline.... and dust your hair with boric acid.


No more movie theaters for me!!!!

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Reply #28 posted 04/16/11 10:42am



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Reply #29 posted 04/16/11 11:15am



TheDigitalGardener said:

I'm more paranoid of bastards like spiders in or on my bed.

I once lived in the country, and there was a huge ivy growing up the side of the house where my bedroom window was. It was alive with spiders, not just little ones, i'm talking big hairy fuckers.

Even having my window closed almost 24/7, I would wake up almost every night of the week during the night to find at least two of the shitting things crawling on my duvet.

Once woke to find one about 3 inches from my face.....on my pillow. How I never died I do not know.

Swapping rooms would have made no difference, that place was infested.

We lasted one summer and moved out.

Now, in spring/summer, I check under, in and around my bed for spiders every single night before I retire.

I salute you, because I'd be dead 24 times if that happened to me.
Kill All Hipsters

I'm not living, I'm just killing time.
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Forums > General Discussion > Bed Bugs (and bugs in your bed).