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Thread started 03/23/11 3:13pm



Living with Spirits

Would you put up with Ghosts in your house/apartment?

If so, for how long?

A friend of mine has a spirit in her apartment. Felt it and even see it. But she can't afford to move right now without it really being detrimental to her finances...not until about September/October.

Meanwhile she keeps getting the occassional spook. Such as coming home and finding her television lying facedown (base and all) without any apparent cause nor damage. Or seeing a man in the doorway for a split second while she's in the bathroom, while her boyfriend was dead asleep in the bedroom.


I don't know that I could live with it, money or no money.

What about you?

p.s. - non-believers just skip to the next thread please. hrmph

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #1 posted 03/23/11 3:24pm



PurpleJedi said:

Would you put up with Ghosts in your house/apartment?

If so, for how long?

A friend of mine has a spirit in her apartment. Felt it and even see it. But she can't afford to move right now without it really being detrimental to her finances...not until about September/October.

Meanwhile she keeps getting the occassional spook. Such as coming home and finding her television lying facedown (base and all) without any apparent cause nor damage. Or seeing a man in the doorway for a split second while she's in the bathroom, while her boyfriend was dead asleep in the bedroom.


I don't know that I could live with it, money or no money.

What about you?

p.s. - non-believers just skip to the next thread please. hrmph

hmmm It's been about 13yrs now.. I guess it has become normal for me. I don't really even notice it anymore. shrug

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
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Reply #2 posted 03/23/11 3:43pm



Depends on if the spirit was good or evil. I think there's some ghost in my flat, but I haven't seen any yet. I have many dreams about evil spirits though..
Kill All Hipsters

I'm not living, I'm just killing time.
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Reply #3 posted 03/23/11 3:50pm


I think I could, but depending if it was a bad or good one, I'd probably work on having it removed.

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Reply #4 posted 03/23/11 5:07pm



eek spirits are everywhere

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Reply #5 posted 03/23/11 5:54pm



What I told her is that since she doesn't feel "threatened" then it's probably not a bad one.

But she's still spooked.

To make matters worse about a week ago a friend of hers brought over a Ouija board and they tried to communicate with it. Now she's all creeped out.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #6 posted 03/23/11 6:10pm



PurpleJedi said:

What I told her is that since she doesn't feel "threatened" then it's probably not a bad one.

But she's still spooked.

To make matters worse about a week ago a friend of hers brought over a Ouija board and they tried to communicate with it. Now she's all creeped out.

No Ouijas. EVER.

I had a spirit that was present in an old apartment I lived in. I acknowledged it and established that I wanted a peaceful existence and never had any problems. Found out after I moved out that someone had died there.

Saw a friend about 10 years after I moved and asked him if he remembered coming to that apartment, the first thing he said was that there was a spirit there. We never talked of it til then.

She doesn't have to cede anything to this spirit. She is not the lesser power here.

2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #7 posted 03/23/11 6:19pm



My sorority house was (is) haunted. But I never saw Martha (the ghost), myself.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #8 posted 03/23/11 6:25pm



Genesia said:

My sorority house was (is) haunted. But I never saw Martha (the ghost), myself.

How does anyone know her name? How was it revealed?

2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #9 posted 03/23/11 6:32pm



SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

Genesia said:

My sorority house was (is) haunted. But I never saw Martha (the ghost), myself.

How does anyone know her name? How was it revealed?

That, I don't know. It may be that someone named her that.

I only know that several generations of women have seen her - and that she appears primarily in just a few rooms in the old section of the house, which was built in the 1870s. (She's never been seen in the part of the house that was built in the 60s.)

She's a benign presence. Nobody has ever reported feeling threatened by her appearances. And she seems to appear primarily at times of stress in the house - during final exams, for example.

I'm going to a tea at the house next month - and will ask any of the girls currently living there if they've seen her lately.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #10 posted 03/23/11 6:36pm



Genesia said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

How does anyone know her name? How was it revealed?

That, I don't know. It may be that someone named her that.

I only know that several generations of women have seen her - and that she appears primarily in just a few rooms in the old section of the house, which was built in the 1870s. (She's never been seen in the part of the house that was built in the 60s.)

She's a benign presence. Nobody has ever reported feeling threatened by her appearances. And she seems to appear primarily at times of stress in the house - during final exams, for example.

I'm going to a tea at the house next month - and will ask any of the girls currently living there if they've seen her lately.

That is fantatic actually. It's as if she appears in times when the girls may need comfort! smile

2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #11 posted 03/23/11 6:42pm



My husband would be out of a haunted house before the boxes were unpacked. Actually, we'd never buy one so no packing would be involved at all.


He won't stay anywhere if there's even a HINT that it's ever been haunted whether or not it was actually haunted.

So, since he and I stick together, I'd not live with spirits.

I'm firmly planted in denial
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Reply #12 posted 03/23/11 7:46pm



SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

PurpleJedi said:

What I told her is that since she doesn't feel "threatened" then it's probably not a bad one.

But she's still spooked.

To make matters worse about a week ago a friend of hers brought over a Ouija board and they tried to communicate with it. Now she's all creeped out.

No Ouijas. EVER.

I had a spirit that was present in an old apartment I lived in. I acknowledged it and established that I wanted a peaceful existence and never had any problems. Found out after I moved out that someone had died there.

Saw a friend about 10 years after I moved and asked him if he remembered coming to that apartment, the first thing he said was that there was a spirit there. We never talked of it til then.

She doesn't have to cede anything to this spirit. She is not the lesser power here.

Yeah, personally I would never allow one in the house. EVER.

Crazy thing is, they asked it "what happened to you" and they got "911" either there was an accident, or he's a victim of 9/11.


By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #13 posted 03/23/11 7:51pm



If it was a good looking hairy ghost that walked around naked, I wouldn't mind at all. lol

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #14 posted 03/23/11 8:04pm



vainandy said:

If it was a good looking hairy ghost that walked around naked, I wouldn't mind at all. lol


By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #15 posted 03/23/11 8:09pm


PurpleJedi said:

Would you put up with Ghosts in your house/apartment?

If so, for how long?

A friend of mine has a spirit in her apartment. Felt it and even see it. But she can't afford to move right now without it really being detrimental to her finances...not until about September/October.

Meanwhile she keeps getting the occassional spook. Such as coming home and finding her television lying facedown (base and all) without any apparent cause nor damage. Or seeing a man in the doorway for a split second while she's in the bathroom, while her boyfriend was dead asleep in the bedroom.


I don't know that I could live with it, money or no money.

What about you?

p.s. - non-believers just skip to the next thread please. hrmph

I made a post about a strong "presence" I've felt couple of months ago. Yes, I believe, but the only times I've encountered such things were far & few and even sometimes unnoticeable, the last one though seemed so damn tangible, it felt like there was somebody in the room with me,,,,physically.

To answer your question, yes I could live with it, and I have, to some extent anyway.

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Reply #16 posted 03/23/11 8:26pm



Harlepolis said:

PurpleJedi said:

Would you put up with Ghosts in your house/apartment?

If so, for how long?

A friend of mine has a spirit in her apartment. Felt it and even see it. But she can't afford to move right now without it really being detrimental to her finances...not until about September/October.

Meanwhile she keeps getting the occassional spook. Such as coming home and finding her television lying facedown (base and all) without any apparent cause nor damage. Or seeing a man in the doorway for a split second while she's in the bathroom, while her boyfriend was dead asleep in the bedroom.


I don't know that I could live with it, money or no money.

What about you?

p.s. - non-believers just skip to the next thread please. hrmph

I made a post about a strong "presence" I've felt couple of months ago. Yes, I believe, but the only times I've encountered such things were far & few and even sometimes unnoticeable, the last one though seemed so damn tangible, it felt like there was somebody in the room with me,,,,physically.

To answer your question, yes I could live with it, and I have, to some extent anyway.

Actually, I believe that there is a prescence in my parents' house. I had two "experiences" there...but never actually SAW anything.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #17 posted 03/23/11 11:51pm



SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

PurpleJedi said:

What I told her is that since she doesn't feel "threatened" then it's probably not a bad one.

But she's still spooked.

To make matters worse about a week ago a friend of hers brought over a Ouija board and they tried to communicate with it. Now she's all creeped out.

No Ouijas. EVER.

I had a spirit that was present in an old apartment I lived in. I acknowledged it and established that I wanted a peaceful existence and never had any problems. Found out after I moved out that someone had died there.

Saw a friend about 10 years after I moved and asked him if he remembered coming to that apartment, the first thing he said was that there was a spirit there. We never talked of it til then.

She doesn't have to cede anything to this spirit. She is not the lesser power here.

Amen to that! Co-inciding with spirits is one thing,but you do not want to unintentionally piss them off. shake

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
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Reply #18 posted 03/24/11 12:22pm



EmeraldSkies said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

No Ouijas. EVER.

I had a spirit that was present in an old apartment I lived in. I acknowledged it and established that I wanted a peaceful existence and never had any problems. Found out after I moved out that someone had died there.

Saw a friend about 10 years after I moved and asked him if he remembered coming to that apartment, the first thing he said was that there was a spirit there. We never talked of it til then.

She doesn't have to cede anything to this spirit. She is not the lesser power here.

Amen to that! Co-inciding with spirits is one thing,but you do not want to unintentionally piss them off. shake

My wife, as a teen, did the Ouija board once with a group of friends.

He grandmother was always sickly (constantly in & out of hospital), so she wanted to know if she would pull through her latest bout of illness. The board said yes, but as for her grandfather it said he was deathly sick. He was the picture of health, but lo & behold he soon discovered that he had colon cancer and died shortly thereafter.

They stopped playing the board after they asked the spirit if it was good or bad, and it answered "bad".


That was the one & only time she ever touched that thing.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #19 posted 03/24/11 2:05pm


my grandparents were spiritual mediums, my grandad was an exorcist lol so grew up with all things ghostie. they never messed with ouija boards, my grandad clairvoyant & my nan was into spiritual healing

i've never had anything weird going on in my house so it's hard to say how i'd cope. At least your friend doesn't live alone?

it sounds corny & bogus but i remember my g/dad saying that if there was a presence or spirit activity, just tell them out loud get out my house, you're scaring me, u are not welcome... words to that effect lol it has to be worth a try? i think his exorcism ritual would have been more sophisticated but boiled down to same thing!

i always had an open mind about this stuff & never experienced anything until my 30's. never seen a ghost, but have witnessed plenty of strange occurances through my job & even recently.

i will share that my nan died couple of months ago & although she was muddled towards the end she kept saying something to me, it was very obscure & she was distressed that it made no sense to her...

but it was something that my g/dad had said to me years b4 when i asked him 4 a 'reading'. neither of us knew the significance, but he explained that one day it would mean something to me eek

she died following day & i knew he was there & waiting 4 her.

i thought it was mindblowing & not scary at all

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Reply #20 posted 03/24/11 3:51pm



DoffieParker said:

my grandparents were spiritual mediums, my grandad was an exorcist lol so grew up with all things ghostie. they never messed with ouija boards, my grandad clairvoyant & my nan was into spiritual healing

i've never had anything weird going on in my house so it's hard to say how i'd cope. At least your friend doesn't live alone?

it sounds corny & bogus but i remember my g/dad saying that if there was a presence or spirit activity, just tell them out loud get out my house, you're scaring me, u are not welcome... words to that effect lol it has to be worth a try? i think his exorcism ritual would have been more sophisticated but boiled down to same thing!

i always had an open mind about this stuff & never experienced anything until my 30's. never seen a ghost, but have witnessed plenty of strange occurances through my job & even recently.

i will share that my nan died couple of months ago & although she was muddled towards the end she kept saying something to me, it was very obscure & she was distressed that it made no sense to her...

but it was something that my g/dad had said to me years b4 when i asked him 4 a 'reading'. neither of us knew the significance, but he explained that one day it would mean something to me eek

she died following day & i knew he was there & waiting 4 her.

i thought it was mindblowing & not scary at all

My friend lives with her 5 y.o. son.

ACTUALLY...she performed some type of "cleansing" ritual last night with a friend that is into Native American "stuff". It involved plenty of Sage and going around the house with representations of the four elements, and telling the spirit that it's not welcome and to move on.

shrug She feels better now, so that's at least something. nod

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #21 posted 03/24/11 4:01pm



PurpleJedi said:

What I told her is that since she doesn't feel "threatened" then it's probably not a bad one.

But she's still spooked.

To make matters worse about a week ago a friend of hers brought over a Ouija board and they tried to communicate with it. Now she's all creeped out.

Oh no, no, no, no! No Ouijas!!

She needs to move. The TV thing would make me move. It doesn't seem to be threatening YET.

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Reply #22 posted 03/24/11 5:35pm


I had once an experience in my flat. I was feeling someone else was here with me... I just told him that he wasn't welcome, that this world belonged to the living ones, and to get out of my house.

It worked, but it scared the hell out of me.

I had strange nightmares too, and I managed, with prayers, to make them STOP.

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Reply #23 posted 03/25/11 12:14am


PurpleJedi said:

DoffieParker said:

my grandparents were spiritual mediums, my grandad was an exorcist lol so grew up with all things ghostie. they never messed with ouija boards, my grandad clairvoyant & my nan was into spiritual healing

i've never had anything weird going on in my house so it's hard to say how i'd cope. At least your friend doesn't live alone?

it sounds corny & bogus but i remember my g/dad saying that if there was a presence or spirit activity, just tell them out loud get out my house, you're scaring me, u are not welcome... words to that effect lol it has to be worth a try? i think his exorcism ritual would have been more sophisticated but boiled down to same thing!

i always had an open mind about this stuff & never experienced anything until my 30's. never seen a ghost, but have witnessed plenty of strange occurances through my job & even recently.

i will share that my nan died couple of months ago & although she was muddled towards the end she kept saying something to me, it was very obscure & she was distressed that it made no sense to her...

but it was something that my g/dad had said to me years b4 when i asked him 4 a 'reading'. neither of us knew the significance, but he explained that one day it would mean something to me eek

she died following day & i knew he was there & waiting 4 her.

i thought it was mindblowing & not scary at all

My friend lives with her 5 y.o. son.

ACTUALLY...she performed some type of "cleansing" ritual last night with a friend that is into Native American "stuff". It involved plenty of Sage and going around the house with representations of the four elements, and telling the spirit that it's not welcome and to move on.

shrug She feels better now, so that's at least something. nod

oh dear so she feels vulnerable there with her kid to protect? not nice.

i guess she's done the right thing, i think i'd try & flood the house with light & positive happy energy.

hope her ritual has done the trick

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Reply #24 posted 03/25/11 12:22am



We lived in our first home for 7 years with one. Saw him full on walk right into our downstairs door and walk down the hall. Then poof, he was gone. People who stayed in the downstairs bedroom said they could sometimes feel a prescence over them at night. He was not disrruptive in anyway.

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Reply #25 posted 03/25/11 4:23am



johnart said:

We lived in our first home for 7 years with one. Saw him full on walk right into our downstairs door and walk down the hall. Then poof, he was gone. People who stayed in the downstairs bedroom said they could sometimes feel a prescence over them at night. He was not disrruptive in anyway.

did u ever get any kind of history on who lived there before you?

Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!"
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Reply #26 posted 03/25/11 4:28am



PositivityNYC said:

johnart said:

We lived in our first home for 7 years with one. Saw him full on walk right into our downstairs door and walk down the hall. Then poof, he was gone. People who stayed in the downstairs bedroom said they could sometimes feel a prescence over them at night. He was not disrruptive in anyway.

did u ever get any kind of history on who lived there before you?

Yes. It was an estate sale. We bought it from the daughter of the man who died there. I described the man to Ron and it matched the pics that had been in the house when we first went there (I hadn't looked at the pics, you know me I was decorating in my head redface). The man was also an artist. touched

I found a piece he had done (combination carved/painted) of a house. I hung it over the door in my studio there (out of respect/acknowledgement I guess). I was tempted to take it when we moved but thought it belonged there. Hope the new folk didn't move it and piss him off. lol

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Reply #27 posted 03/26/11 2:49am



johnart said:

PositivityNYC said:

did u ever get any kind of history on who lived there before you?

Yes. It was an estate sale. We bought it from the daughter of the man who died there. I described the man to Ron and it matched the pics that had been in the house when we first went there (I hadn't looked at the pics, you know me I was decorating in my head redface). The man was also an artist. touched

I found a piece he had done (combination carved/painted) of a house. I hung it over the door in my studio there (out of respect/acknowledgement I guess). I was tempted to take it when we moved but thought it belonged there. Hope the new folk didn't move it and piss him off. lol


Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!"
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Reply #28 posted 03/27/11 9:05pm



PurpleJedi said:

EmeraldSkies said:

Amen to that! Co-inciding with spirits is one thing,but you do not want to unintentionally piss them off. shake

My wife, as a teen, did the Ouija board once with a group of friends.

He grandmother was always sickly (constantly in & out of hospital), so she wanted to know if she would pull through her latest bout of illness. The board said yes, but as for her grandfather it said he was deathly sick. He was the picture of health, but lo & behold he soon discovered that he had colon cancer and died shortly thereafter.

They stopped playing the board after they asked the spirit if it was good or bad, and it answered "bad".


That was the one & only time she ever touched that thing.

I hope for her sake that just that once wasn't all it took to open a door for more trouble.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
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Reply #29 posted 03/27/11 9:34pm



I lived in a house for almost 8 yrs that later we realized was haunted. Things would happen but we just ignored it. Things like the front bathroom's faucet running. Loud noises we couldn't explain. The feeling of being watched. Etc...

The ghost of a little girl really didn't show herself until the last year we lived there. We learned the ghost my eldest daughter saw was the same ghost that our neighbors saw in their home. After we moved out, some friends of ours rented it, and the man living in that house said he dreamt of a little girl with long black hair and dark black eyes. The description my daughter gave and our neighbor matched his. We now believe this girl would haunt the two houses. We both have moved away and not sure how the new tenants are doing, but my daughter says she still feels like that little girl comes to her.

Proud Memaw to Seyhan Olivia Christine ,Zoey Cirilo Jaylee & Ellie Abigail Lillian mushy
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