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Reply #30 posted 09/18/10 10:35pm


ZombieKitten said:

FauxReal said:

I can't function on as little sleep as I used to. It used to be that I could go on 3-4 hours if need be. Now, I'll sleep through my alarm if I try that.

Also my beard is changing color. Strangely it isn't turning gray. I have random hairs that are turning light brown almost blond, like my daughter's hair color. It's like I have a Benjamin Button beard.

watch it will go ginger!!!

Lol, my mom's hair does get a reddish tint at times.


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Reply #31 posted 09/18/10 10:38pm


Cerebus said:

I was going to say I'm cool with it, but then I read this entire thread and I have to agree with eyesight getting worse. That sucks. Also, for the first time in my 38 years I started getting sore joints after a full day of sports or hiking this last summer. I wasn't really ready for that.

Since I was a kid I've had terrible eyesight. Worse than my grandfather's even.

batting eyes <---- These pretty motherfuckers didn't come free. Astigmatism, cataracts, near-sightedness...

And all I really want is some glaucoma smoker

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Reply #32 posted 09/18/10 11:15pm



Weight issues are fucking with me!! I was a perfect, fine ass...YES FINE ASS...size 6 until 3 years ago.

Life got good and I got comfortable. shrug But I'm still ME and my hubby STILL loves and adores the fuck he should...because I am STILL...ME!

However, I didn't actually understand the DIFFERENCE...until I went to his ANNUAL Family Reunion...and the other men folk in his family longer...falling all over themselves at MY presence...and the women folk...were no longer "hating" but embraced they've just loved me all the time!

whofarted WTF???? confuse

Weight the fuck I come! nod

I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #33 posted 09/19/10 12:11am




slower metabolism

body not doing what its supposed to do, failing at the wrong times.

seems that i was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before music beret
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Reply #34 posted 09/19/10 1:42am


purpledoveuk said:

Lisa10 said:

Where shall I start?

Grey hair - I'm getting quite a lot of that. I like it on men, but not on me.

Frown lines - My biggest nightmare. Grrr.

Big hangovers.

Not being able to wear the stuff I used to be able to wear.

Going to a club and feeling like one of the oldies.

Looking at m friends and realising they're grown-ups.

Looking back and wondering where all the time went.

Frown lines - hell yeah...I forgot to mention those because I've got so used to them. Also the fact it's Saturday night and I'm already in bed writing this

I thought about botox... but i'd be fighting a losing battle with mine.

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Reply #35 posted 09/19/10 3:02am


MoniGram said:

My biggest one....that I don't wanna get old....I have never had a chance to be young...I have been a Mom since I was 15!

Well on the one hand that's tough bu on the other you've had that special thing

I can sort of relate....I grew up in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and no friends for miles and miles...not until I was 21 and went to uni did I go out to a club, get jiggy...that was with a girl I met within the first week, I've married her and have kids - don't regret it for a min but I've never played the field, one night stands, 'got off' with people and never will so I've missed that part of growing up
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Reply #36 posted 09/19/10 6:20am



grey goatie sad

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Reply #37 posted 09/19/10 8:18am



Bulldog said:

Uncontrollable hair coming out and from my ears!!! pissed Why is this necessary??

I hate that one!

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Reply #38 posted 09/19/10 8:26am


johnart said:

Bulldog said:

Uncontrollable hair coming out and from my ears!!! pissed Why is this necessary??

THANK YOU. I never dreamed I'd ever be runnin a razor down my mf ear. neutral

biggrin - Don't get me started with the hair thing! I don't have hair wear I want it, and I have hair growing like wild fire in places where it doesn't matter....I'm always like WTF????? eek

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Reply #39 posted 09/19/10 11:59am



purpledoveuk said:

MoniGram said:

My biggest one....that I don't wanna get old....I have never had a chance to be young...I have been a Mom since I was 15!

Well on the one hand that's tough bu on the other you've had that special thing I can sort of relate....I grew up in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and no friends for miles and miles...not until I was 21 and went to uni did I go out to a club, get jiggy...that was with a girl I met within the first week, I've married her and have kids - don't regret it for a min but I've never played the field, one night stands, 'got off' with people and never will so I've missed that part of growing up

I don't regret having my kids...they are 24, 23, 19, 17 now and I was a stay at home Mom, but now I am in college at the age of 39 and trying my best to catch up on what I misses.

Proud Memaw to Seyhan Olivia Christine ,Zoey Cirilo Jaylee & Ellie Abigail Lillian mushy
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Reply #40 posted 09/19/10 12:20pm



Bulldog said:

johnart said:

THANK YOU. I never dreamed I'd ever be runnin a razor down my mf ear. neutral

biggrin - Don't get me started with the hair thing! I don't have hair wear I want it, and I have hair growing like wild fire in places where it doesn't matter....I'm always like WTF????? eek

I think ear hair must be a guy thing. I've noticed it on my brother and husband. Can't stand it and hit it w/t he eyebrow trimmer everytime. They are thankfull after and so am I smile

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Reply #41 posted 09/19/10 2:50pm


sex ... less of it


this 3-5 times a week sucks


DAILY was much better !!

and ...

some peers and their " falling apart at 40" mindsets n shit rolleyes

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Reply #42 posted 09/19/10 3:30pm



BklynBabe said:

grey pubes disbelief

thumbs up!

"Let love be your perfect weapon..." ~~Andy Biersack
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Reply #43 posted 09/19/10 4:16pm



* Back pain

* General irritability

* Less time to waste deciding what it is I want to be when I grow up. confused

Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.”
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Reply #44 posted 09/19/10 5:50pm



noimageatall said:

BklynBabe said:

grey pubes disbelief

thumbs up!

I can shave it off for free.99!

another peeve....getting down and not being able to get back up sad

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Reply #45 posted 09/19/10 8:35pm



Gray hair and the thinning of the skin below my eyes which enhances the dark circles. Oh, and the random hairs that grow on my face in strange places. And as hard as dating was in my youth, it's ten times harder in my thirties. No more of those a friend of a friend of a friend situations because all my friends are married and so are their friends. Now I have to rely on my own wit and charm. confused Yeah, I'm fucked.

Shake it til ya make it dancing jig
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Reply #46 posted 09/19/10 8:38pm


JuliePurplehead said:

Gray hair and the thinning of the skin below my eyes which enhances the dark circles. Oh, and the random hairs that grow on my face in strange places. And as hard as dating was in my youth, it's ten times harder in my thirties. No more of those a friend of a friend of a friend situations because all my friends are married and so are their friends. Now I have to rely on my own wit and charm. confused Yeah, I'm fucked.

Yeah I've noticed that I grow hair in areas of my face I would expect. I am afraid it'll only get worse as I get older to the point I'll look like Teen Wolf when I'm 40.

And all my friends are married, or divorced and dating someone. I don't get out enough now to meet someone new.

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Reply #47 posted 09/19/10 8:51pm



FauxReal said:

JuliePurplehead said:

Gray hair and the thinning of the skin below my eyes which enhances the dark circles. Oh, and the random hairs that grow on my face in strange places. And as hard as dating was in my youth, it's ten times harder in my thirties. No more of those a friend of a friend of a friend situations because all my friends are married and so are their friends. Now I have to rely on my own wit and charm. confused Yeah, I'm fucked.

Yeah I've noticed that I grow hair in areas of my face I would expect. I am afraid it'll only get worse as I get older to the point I'll look like Teen Wolf when I'm 40.

And all my friends are married, or divorced and dating someone. I don't get out enough now to meet someone new.

If this keeps up I can get a side job as a bearded lady...or a Kenny Rogers impersonator. smile

Shake it til ya make it dancing jig
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Reply #48 posted 09/19/10 10:09pm





Cinnie said:

I hate that my eyesight is getting worse. hmm

And I got my first ever reading glasses. neutral


Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #49 posted 09/19/10 10:20pm


JuliePurplehead said:

FauxReal said:

Yeah I've noticed that I grow hair in areas of my face I would expect. I am afraid it'll only get worse as I get older to the point I'll look like Teen Wolf when I'm 40.

And all my friends are married, or divorced and dating someone. I don't get out enough now to meet someone new.

If this keeps up I can get a side job as a bearded lady...or a Kenny Rogers impersonator. smile


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Reply #50 posted 09/19/10 11:18pm


Realising that the biggest bitch is "gravity"

Less energy but more to do

Grey hairs and such a shock to find some in me pubes!!

Policemen look like kids

Drs looks like they have just finished with their diapers!

Teachers do not know more or better than you because they have just graduated!

Your good old days were in the 70s/80s and music now is rubbish

You sound like your parents

"I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight for your right to say it"
Be proud of who you are not what they want you to be...
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Reply #51 posted 09/19/10 11:52pm



FauxReal said:

JuliePurplehead said:

If this keeps up I can get a side job as a bearded lady...or a Kenny Rogers impersonator. smile


I actually saw a lady the other day whose beard AND sideburns were grown in fuller than mine will ever be. She was in a different line while I was checking out at a grocery store, so I could look across and see her the whole time. It was fascinating, funny and sad all at the same time. All I can say about it is that she seemed to be totally at peace with the situation. I'd guess she was probably in her fifties. I suppose you'd probably get used to it over time.

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Reply #52 posted 09/20/10 12:00am


Cerebus said:

I actually saw a lady the other day whose beard AND sideburns were grown in fuller than mine will ever be. She was in a different line while I was checking out at a grocery store, so I could look across and see her the whole time. It was fascinating, funny and sad all at the same time. All I can say about it is that she seemed to be totally at peace with the situation. I'd guess she was probably in her fifties. I suppose you'd probably get used to it over time.

Yeah, after awhile I guess it ain't worth the effort, it's easier to just shrug it off. Got a lady at work like that. Not quite as bad as what you describe, but too much to simply consider it "stubble".

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Reply #53 posted 09/20/10 1:41am


Mach said:

sex ... less of it


this 3-5 times a week sucks


DAILY was much better !!

and ...

some peers and their " falling apart at 40" mindsets n shit rolleyes

Point 2 - lucky you
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Reply #54 posted 09/20/10 2:05am


Had a dance class injury when I was 17, and it healed just fine. Now, nearly 20 years laters, everytime we get a chilly day with rain that ankle gets shot straight to hell. mad

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Reply #55 posted 09/20/10 2:21am


Ottensen said:

Had a dance class injury when I was 17, and it healed just fine. Now, nearly 20 years laters, everytime we get a chilly day with rain that ankle gets shot straight to hell. mad

Same with a couple of rugby Injuries (I had to play and hated it) - twisted knee gives out now and again and I got whacked in the back 25 years ago and NOW it hurts.

I've also recently discovered that I must have damaged my hand at some point right hand can point no problem with everything but the pointy finger tucked in left hand however, if I try to tuck my thumb in my pointy finger curls like a hook; straighten the finger and the thumb pops out ....crazy but may explain why I could never play guitar
[Edited 9/20/10 2:24am]
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Reply #56 posted 09/20/10 2:41am



luv4u said:

Cinnie said:

I hate that my eyesight is getting worse. hmm

And I got my first ever reading glasses. neutral

I started wearing glasses my freshman year of college... Bifocals by the time I was 20.

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #57 posted 09/20/10 2:42am



Waking up with aches, and having no clue what I did the day before to be that sore. mad

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #58 posted 09/20/10 2:58am


purpledoveuk said:

Ottensen said:

Had a dance class injury when I was 17, and it healed just fine. Now, nearly 20 years laters, everytime we get a chilly day with rain that ankle gets shot straight to hell. mad

Same with a couple of rugby Injuries (I had to play and hated it) - twisted knee gives out now and again and I got whacked in the back 25 years ago and NOW it hurts. I've also recently discovered that I must have damaged my hand at some point right hand can point no problem with everything but the pointy finger tucked in left hand however, if I try to tuck my thumb in my pointy finger curls like a hook; straighten the finger and the thumb pops out ....crazy but may explain why I could never play guitar [Edited 9/20/10 2:24am]



mad mad mad mad

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Reply #59 posted 09/20/10 3:03am


BklynBabe said:

grey pubes disbelief

Say it AIN't so!

I have a girlfriend who turned 60 recently, doesn't look a day over 43, she's already given warning that this is going to happen at some point...I'm going to rebel if it does mad !!!

This whole thread is scrunching my mouth up.

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

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