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Reply #30 posted 01/11/03 1:38am



well..lessee...we already seen threads about larry graham, michael jackson, Jehovah Witnesses, Jesus, the npgmc, and God done to death...

i guess it's just the 'fams' turn...

what's next? i guess that depends on who gets offended...if people are offended by a topic, count on an explosion of threads devoted to that topic...
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Reply #31 posted 01/11/03 1:40am



[Snip. Flame removed. Ian]


flaming a fam...

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Reply #32 posted 01/11/03 1:55am



Offended? No.

It can be overkill when it's as equally over the top as the suspected "fams" though. I'm not against poking fun at over the top fans, I do that often to Natasha and she knows I mean no harm beause she's ... out there. Actually I rarely read any thread with "fam" in the title. But when it's driven into the ground it's no less high school-ish as the "naysayers vs. asskissers"/us vs. them mentality on amp.
This post not for the wimp contingent. All whiny wusses avert your eyes.
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Reply #33 posted 01/11/03 2:24am


Supernova said:

Offended? No.

It can be overkill when it's as equally over the top as the suspected "fams" though. I'm not against poking fun at over the top fans, I do that often to Natasha and she knows I mean no harm beause she's ... out there. Actually I rarely read any thread with "fam" in the title. But when it's driven into the ground it's no less high school-ish as the "naysayers vs. asskissers"/us vs. them mentality on amp.

I agree with the overkill with this and other topics... but it was amusing to me and it gave me something to do for a few hours. smile

Now everything seems so slow... I should have went out. confused

In any case... I guess no one was really offended by them, but rather tired of them and bored. smile

[This message was edited Fri Jan 10 18:27:47 PST 2003 by AzureStar]
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Reply #34 posted 01/11/03 2:39am



teller said:

<---bored with it

i second that... not offended by it, but it got old and did so very quickly...

i generally skip over them now when i see them...

coming from one who has been busted for flaming innocent, i'm wondering, is this really just ok-ed flaming..?
oral Mr. Ellis Dee-licious, the Official NPGigolo pimp2

Candy Dulfer is my boo... razz
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Reply #35 posted 01/11/03 3:20am



[Snip. Flame removed. Ian]

That's the smartest thing you ever said GRACE biggrin
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Reply #36 posted 01/11/03 5:14am



If you get that offended over a damn thread, then you are a miserable specimen.

That's just my two cents, of course. I really can't be bothered with getting offended by a thread. rolleyes
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti...
"I've just had an apostrophe!"
"I think you mean an epiphany..."
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Reply #37 posted 01/11/03 12:30pm



No not offended in the slightest.
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Reply #38 posted 01/11/03 1:18pm


Some of my coworkers all go to the same church. They are very very fanatical about it and stick together in a cult like manner. They will go to the extent of ganging up and defending any one person in their group, even if that person is blatantly wrong.

The fams act in a similar manner.
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Reply #39 posted 01/11/03 2:31pm



eye was devastated. 1st the Vibe artlessticle, then the BLANDer One... and now... THIS! eye have CONcluded that we must cross the Graffiti Bridge and burn it... Let's cut our ties 2 evilization!
[This message was edited Sat Jan 11 6:37:21 PST 2003 by Aerogram]
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Reply #40 posted 01/11/03 3:17pm


Aerogram said:

eye was devastated. 1st the Vibe artlessticle, then the BLANDer One... and now... THIS! eye have CONcluded that we must cross the Graffiti Bridge and burn it... Let's cut our ties 2 evilization!
[This message was edited Sat Jan 11 6:37:21 PST 2003 by Aerogram]


big grin
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Reply #41 posted 01/11/03 3:48pm



<--still going to sign up for NPGMC 2003
Fear is the mind-killer.
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Reply #42 posted 01/11/03 6:32pm



NPGMCsucks said:

Some of my coworkers all go to the same church. They are very very fanatical about it and stick together in a cult like manner. They will go to the extent of ganging up and defending any one person in their group, even if that person is blatantly wrong.

The fams act in a similar manner.

That is a wonderful anaolgy and is part of the point that I am making.
A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
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Reply #43 posted 01/14/03 7:37pm



NPGMCsucks said:

Some of my coworkers all go to the same church. They are very very fanatical about it and stick together in a cult like manner. They will go to the extent of ganging up and defending any one person in their group, even if that person is blatantly wrong.

The fams act in a similar manner.

That's just not true!
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Reply #44 posted 01/14/03 7:57pm


you forgot to add Has a jail house tatoo self administered in a fit of latent teenage gothic rage in there late 20's~!
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Forums > General Discussion > Who Here Feels Attacked By The Recent "Fam" ThreadS?