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Reply #30 posted 09/13/07 2:23am





Sweeny79 said:

Every once in a while.
I tell them they made my day, when they ask to see my ID.

I'll remember to used that line lol

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #31 posted 09/13/07 2:25am


If I go out to a bar all the time, If I am in the store with my kids no:| They see all the boys and probably feel that I need the wine lol
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Reply #32 posted 09/13/07 2:26am


Very rarely anymore... unfortunately.
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Reply #33 posted 09/13/07 2:41am



violator said:

Very rarely anymore... unfortunately.

That doesn't matter, you're hot.

Come here...I'll comfort you.
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Reply #34 posted 09/13/07 2:43am



Im 41 and I STILL get carded sometimes! eek sigh
The one and only Technagirl
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Reply #35 posted 09/13/07 3:20am


JustErin said:

violator said:

Very rarely anymore... unfortunately.

That doesn't matter, you're hot.

Come here...I'll comfort you.

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Reply #36 posted 09/13/07 3:53am


oh, i guess i never get carded cause I dont drink, buy alcohol or tobacco products

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Reply #37 posted 09/13/07 3:58am


Girl, I get carded in Blockbuster every time...
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Reply #38 posted 09/13/07 4:00am



ThreadCula said:

For the second time this week,I've been asked to show my ID

The college kid in line ahead of me wasn't asked to show I.D.

Sunday-bought Lottery tickets. (got carded)
Today-bought Hard Lemonade (got the side eye hmm and carded)

The one time I didnt get carded I just turned 21 and I was buying booze for my mother in law.

yep for stupid stuff lotto tickets,in the past it was cd's a few times lol

but i dont mind!
[Edited 9/12/07 21:04pm]
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Reply #39 posted 09/13/07 4:01am


I don't have enough hair left to be carded. sad
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Reply #40 posted 09/13/07 4:05am



ThreadBare said:

Girl, I get carded in Blockbuster every time...

OMG!! I got carded there today too

"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood...NOBODY!"
johnart says: "I'm THE shit"
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Reply #41 posted 09/13/07 4:11am


ThreadCula said:

ThreadBare said:

Girl, I get carded in Blockbuster every time...

OMG!! I got carded there today too


It's their policy to check IDs now. I almost flipped, the first time they did it.

I was about to get all Samuel L. Jackson on 'em...

Then, when I saw them check other folks, I cooled off. lol
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Reply #42 posted 09/13/07 4:20am


Sr. Moderator



I go out with older friends and they'll get carded and I'll be overlooked. confused

On a somewhat related note....

When I was 21, I went out to dinner with my grandmother (about 80 at the time). Both of us ordered a glass of wine. The server first checked my ID, and then she said something to the effect of:

"When I was trained, they told me that as a matter of professionalism, if I need to check one person's ID, I'm supposed to check the ID's of everyone at the table. I hope you won't be offended if I break that rule."

Fortunately, my grandmother has a good sense of humor. smile
Please note: effective March 21, 2010, I've stepped down from my Moderator position.
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Reply #43 posted 09/13/07 4:23am


Sr. Moderator


luv4u said:

Another time was when I visited Florida I had to show ID in a bar, and the only thing I was having was food off the restaurant menu neutral

In some states, you have to be 21 to enter a bar (or the bar area of a restaurant). That's how it is here in Washington state. Other states, like Massachusetts, will allow people under 21 to enter the bar area of a restaurant... they just can't be served adult beverages.

Perhaps the oddest rule is the one they have in Oregon. I was down there on business, and according to a sign on the door to the hotel bar, under-21's can enter a bar only if they're with a spouse over 21. How do they verify whether someone is married to another person, especially if the wife didn't change her name? confuse
Please note: effective March 21, 2010, I've stepped down from my Moderator position.
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Reply #44 posted 09/13/07 4:36am


last time I was asked for ID I was 28

sigh those were the days

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Reply #45 posted 09/13/07 4:39am



Spookymuffin said:

evenstar3 said:

i carded for the first time ever buying cigarettes the other day. lol SO weird.

When I bought cigarettes I used to get annoyed because you only have to be 16, and when I'd give them my ID card - A DRIVING LICENSE, FOR WHICH YOU HAVE TO BE 17 YEARS OLD TO OWN - they'd examine it. I'd be like, "for fuck's sake you MORON that's a driving license, I have to be AT LEAST 17, a YEAR OVER the legal age."

Spooky I wouldnt serve you in an Off Licence untill you showed me id as there is a 2 grand fine for serving under age drinkers and smokers. And did you know they are putting up the age to buy ciggys to 18 in October.

When I worked in an Off Licence I went out with the manager who went ot another Off Licence to buy some smokes and was asked for i they where most put out by that.
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Reply #46 posted 09/13/07 4:46am


evenstar3 said:

i carded for the first time ever buying cigarettes the other day. lol SO weird.

eek you smoke?
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Reply #47 posted 09/13/07 5:00am



ArielB said:

evenstar3 said:

i carded for the first time ever buying cigarettes the other day. lol SO weird.

eek you smoke?

not everyday, but yeah. i stopped for about nine months this year and then couldn't be bothered caring anymore. lol
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Reply #48 posted 09/13/07 5:01am


Sr. Moderator


Spookymuffin said:

When I bought cigarettes I used to get annoyed because you only have to be 16, and when I'd give them my ID card - A DRIVING LICENSE, FOR WHICH YOU HAVE TO BE 17 YEARS OLD TO OWN - they'd examine it. I'd be like, "for fuck's sake you MORON that's a driving license, I have to be AT LEAST 17, a YEAR OVER the legal age."

Here in Washington state, driver's licenses and state ID cards are printed in a vertical format if you're under 21:

and a horizontal format if you're over 21:

I've never quite understood why they need to scrutinize my date of birth, since the horizontal layout of my license should make it clear immediately that I'm over 21.
Please note: effective March 21, 2010, I've stepped down from my Moderator position.
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Reply #49 posted 09/13/07 12:30pm



Christopher said:

ThreadCula said:

For the second time this week,I've been asked to show my ID

The college kid in line ahead of me wasn't asked to show I.D.

Sunday-bought Lottery tickets. (got carded)
Today-bought Hard Lemonade (got the side eye hmm and carded)

The one time I didnt get carded I just turned 21 and I was buying booze for my mother in law.

yep for stupid stuff lotto tickets,in the past it was cd's a few times lol

but i dont mind!
[Edited 9/12/07 21:04pm]


I got carded once trying to buy a lotto ticket.
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Reply #50 posted 09/13/07 12:41pm


JustErin said:

Christopher said:

yep for stupid stuff lotto tickets,in the past it was cd's a few times lol

but i dont mind!
[Edited 9/12/07 21:04pm]


I got carded once trying to buy a lotto ticket.

so you weren't allowed? confused
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Reply #51 posted 09/13/07 12:42pm



Depends on if I'm somewhere that actually cares, which is hard to find in KY. Typically Alex gets carded first, and they see he's 30, and then they don't bother any one else at our table.
This one's for you.
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Reply #52 posted 09/13/07 12:42pm



ZombieKitten said:

JustErin said:


I got carded once trying to buy a lotto ticket.

so you weren't allowed? confused


I always get what I want eventually. biggrin
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Reply #53 posted 09/13/07 12:43pm


JustErin said:

ZombieKitten said:

so you weren't allowed? confused


I always get what I want eventually. biggrin

I have never bought a lottery ticket hmmm

no wonder I've never won neutral
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Reply #54 posted 09/13/07 12:44pm



ZombieKitten said:

JustErin said:


I always get what I want eventually. biggrin

I have never bought a lottery ticket hmmm

no wonder I've never won neutral

I don't play very often. I'm not that lucky.
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Reply #55 posted 09/13/07 12:45pm


JustErin said:

ZombieKitten said:

I have never bought a lottery ticket hmmm

no wonder I've never won neutral

I don't play very often. I'm not that lucky.

I once got a run of green lights, lucky eh
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Reply #56 posted 09/14/07 8:18am



JustErin said:

Christopher said:

yep for stupid stuff lotto tickets,in the past it was cd's a few times lol

but i dont mind!


I got carded once trying to buy a lotto ticket.

lol it has to be the dumbest thing to be carded for.

i remember having to sign for something forget what and the guy didnt want to let me without proof of age hes like "yeh just making sure man..theres some big 16 years olds out there" falloff
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Reply #57 posted 09/14/07 8:28am



Nope, I look like I need a shave even if I've had one!
There's Joy In Expatriation.
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Reply #58 posted 09/14/07 11:46am



I got carded last Saturday night! I was the only one out of 6 of us! woot!
Proud Memaw to Seyhan Olivia Christine ,Zoey Cirilo Jaylee & Ellie Abigail Lillian mushy
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Reply #59 posted 09/14/07 1:59pm


Yes, I do I am 37 years old let tell you it get old.I try going to
same places that way they don't keep asking for ID.
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