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Reply #30 posted 06/03/07 12:08am


it's like any other microsuck OS-u have 2 tweak it 2 ur liking and then just get used 2 it.there's a definate lack of programs 4 it,but u can 'force' things 2 work most of the time.
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Reply #31 posted 06/03/07 3:58am


ascenderx said:

it's like any other microsuck OS-u have 2 tweak it 2 ur liking and then just get used 2 it.there's a definate lack of programs 4 it,but u can 'force' things 2 work most of the time.


Do I spy a nin fan?
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Reply #32 posted 06/03/07 1:12pm


Spookymuffin said:

ascenderx said:

it's like any other microsuck OS-u have 2 tweak it 2 ur liking and then just get used 2 it.there's a definate lack of programs 4 it,but u can 'force' things 2 work most of the time.


Do I spy a nin fan?

what ever gave u that idea? lol

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Reply #33 posted 06/03/07 3:59pm


i got it when it first came out and had major problems with it

XP is better, noproblems at least
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Reply #34 posted 06/03/07 4:23pm


missmad said:

i got it when it first came out and had major problems with it

XP is better, noproblems at least

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Reply #35 posted 06/03/07 4:26pm


I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!
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Reply #36 posted 06/03/07 4:26pm



I'm boycotting Vista hmph!
"18 years old, and she knows her funk!!! headbang"
~ funkpill
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Reply #37 posted 06/03/07 4:28pm



ArielB said:

I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!
"18 years old, and she knows her funk!!! headbang"
~ funkpill
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Reply #38 posted 06/03/07 4:41pm


FruitToAttractBears said:

ArielB said:

I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!

And yet they still rock woot!
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Reply #39 posted 06/03/07 7:31pm


FruitToAttractBears said:

ArielB said:

I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!

I thought they sat in basements and hipster apartments. Alone.
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Reply #40 posted 06/03/07 10:36pm



FruitToAttractBears said:

ArielB said:

I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!

Bill Gates, is that YOU?
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Reply #41 posted 06/03/07 10:42pm



FruitToAttractBears said:

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!


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Reply #42 posted 06/04/07 7:56am


get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.

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Reply #43 posted 06/04/07 8:02am



evenstar3 said:

FruitToAttractBears said:

Macs poison the earth and piss in the seas!



"18 years old, and she knows her funk!!! headbang"
~ funkpill
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Reply #44 posted 06/04/07 9:39am


jerseykrs said:

get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.


or move to a Mac system. or Linux nod
Microsoft really fucked up with Vista. so much that many laptop systems went back to be sold with XP installed.
The system takes too much resources out of your PC. so instead of buying a powerful computer to operate softwares that need that much power, you buy it just to be able to be able to run the operating system.
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Reply #45 posted 06/04/07 10:13am


jerseykrs said:

get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.


get real, dude. it's gonna be a couple years (at least) before anyone has to upgrade for any reason. razz
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Reply #46 posted 06/04/07 10:14am


Wheres Dan??

He would know the total answer to this.

The rest of you are incompetent to his computer knowledge!
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Reply #47 posted 06/04/07 10:19am



ArielB said:

jerseykrs said:

get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.


or move to a Mac system. or Linux nod
Microsoft really fucked up with Vista. so much that many laptop systems went back to be sold with XP installed.
The system takes too much resources out of your PC. so instead of buying a powerful computer to operate softwares that need that much power, you buy it just to be able to be able to run the operating system.

That's how it's always been with Windows releases. I was selling and supporting it since way back in the dark ages (around 1991/92) and everyone was always needing memory upgrades or new systems to hop on the latest bus. IMO, the only really decent version of Windows, so far, has been Windows 2000.

Certainly a Mac is a better alternative if you need to buy a whole new computer. You can run Windows on it along-side OS X if you really need to do so anyway. shrug

Linux, though, has a ways to go yet before it's a decent Desktop OS. The biggest issue with distros like Ubuntu is the difficulty in upgrading to newer versions of many apps. In a lot of cases the typical user has to upgrade his entire OS if he wants newer releases of individual programs. Imagine having to upgrade to a new version of Windows just to access a new release of iTunes. neutral
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Reply #48 posted 06/04/07 10:19am


live4lust said:

jerseykrs said:

get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.


get real, dude. it's gonna be a couple years (at least) before anyone has to upgrade for any reason. razz

yeah, but it's still a true statement, that's all I'm saying. you know?
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Reply #49 posted 06/04/07 10:22am



live4lust said:

jerseykrs said:

get used to it people, they'll slowly phase out support for anything other than Vista, so you'll have to use it.


get real, dude. it's gonna be a couple years (at least) before anyone has to upgrade for any reason. razz

Yeah, absolutely NO ONE (except maybe M$ itself) is going to be dropping support for XP any time soon. There's no need to rush out and buy Vista. Just wait until you would normally get a new system.
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Reply #50 posted 06/04/07 2:32pm


ArielB said:

I'm glad Vista is out. Once XP will not be sold anymore, it'll get people to buy more Mac computers and make them more popular! woot!

Sure. Then more hackers and people who create viruses will be using Macs, too, and the Mac OS will be deemed just as much of a piece of shit as what Mac users think of Windows. Which would just prove my point (and the point of many others) all along.,00.htm

Apple no safer than other OSs?
Desautels acknowledges that by design, OS X could be seen to be safer than Windows, as services are run in isolation, rather than on a system-based level.

"If an attacker hacks the web service on a Windows system, then the attacker immediately has full system access with system privileges," he said.

But due to its higher market penetration, Desautels said Windows has been "beaten to death by the hacker community".

If OS X had the same install base as Windows, Linux and other systems, it would be less secure or, at the very most, as secure as the other systems," he said. "It's just a matter of what [attackers] focus on."

Richmond warns Mac users not to be complacent. "A lot of people who use Macs tend to think that it is a more secure machine that is invulnerable to malware," he said.

Desautels said that Apples are no more secure than other computer systems. "In fact, it is this misconception that might make them more insecure."
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Reply #51 posted 06/04/07 3:35pm


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Reply #52 posted 06/04/07 3:47pm



I knew people who hated XP when it forst came out. By the time I got it it worked perfectly for me, and it still does 4 years later. Almost never crashes or freezes on me.

I wouldn't upgrade my computer, though. I'd start fresh with a new one w/Vista.
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Reply #53 posted 06/04/07 4:27pm


What happened to my post??

Hubby was sent a new Dell computer after the service person re-set his computer to factory settings. He couldn't transfer data from his old computer to the new one. Got the Vista at the same time he bought the computer. Does not like it at all....
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Reply #54 posted 06/04/07 7:15pm


I usually have a Dilly Bar after dinner.
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Reply #55 posted 06/04/07 7:45pm


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Reply #56 posted 06/05/07 11:08am



JediTodd said:

Sure. Then more hackers and people who create viruses will be using Macs, too, and the Mac OS will be deemed just as much of a piece of shit as what Mac users think of Windows. Which would just prove my point (and the point of many others) all along.

Speculation is nice and wonderful, however, the reality of it is that in over 6 years no one has managed to make a self-replicating virus for OS X that has survived out in the wild... not a single one. Reports of real world attacks on Macs are like Big Foot sightings. The market-share argument only gets you so far as OS 9 had a smaller installed base but had numerous viruses (well, 20-40 maybe, that's a drop in the bucket to the 17,000 variants for Windows). ...AND the few 'test lab' cases that have come to light only work under specific circumstances where the USER has to specifically do a set of actions in order to harm the system.

Also, the argument that at some point in the distant future Macs might have a larger installed base and therefore theoretically be a bigger target for attack is absolutely NO reason not to buy one now. Hell, XP and Vista both had viruses attacking them before they were even officially released - they were the first shipping apps for those platforms! lol

On top of all that, OS X is simply a better designed system. No DLL hell, no such thing as registry corruption, drag-n-drop installs and uninstalls, etc...
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Reply #57 posted 06/05/07 11:41am



jtfolden said:

Reports of real world attacks on Macs are like Big Foot sightings.

That's because Apple makes much better viruses than Microsoft! smile
[Edited 6/5/07 11:42am]
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Reply #58 posted 06/05/07 2:32pm


jtfolden said:

Speculation is nice and wonderful, however, the reality of it is that in over 6 years no one has managed to make a self-replicating virus for OS X that has survived out in the wild... not a single one. Reports of real world attacks on Macs are like Big Foot sightings. The market-share argument only gets you so far as OS 9 had a smaller installed base but had numerous viruses (well, 20-40 maybe, that's a drop in the bucket to the 17,000 variants for Windows). ...AND the few 'test lab' cases that have come to light only work under specific circumstances where the USER has to specifically do a set of actions in order to harm the system.

No, market share DOES play a part in it. The majority of the people have or use PCs. That's fact. There are no OS X systems where I work. There are no OX X systems where my wife works. I see no businesses in my area that specifically use Macs unless they are doing graphical design. If I was a hacker with a PC, why would I want to waste my time creating a virus for a Mac when I'm only going to affect a small minority of people? And Windows isn't the only one with security holes. OS X stepped up to the plate with that one recently. Granted the number of holes found so far is small compared to those found in Windows, but they are there nonetheless. Macs are NOT 100% secure.


Despite a lack of known examples of "in the wild" malicious exploits, Mac OS X has recently come under increasing pressure by security teams discovering previously unknown exploits. The now well-known Month of Apple Bugs successfully discovered then-fresh vulnerabilities in QuickTime, Safari, and other components, all of which have forced Apple to release multiple patches to address the security holes in its software.

jtfolden said:

Also, the argument that at some point in the distant future Macs might have a larger installed base and therefore theoretically be a bigger target for attack is absolutely NO reason not to buy one now. Hell, XP and Vista both had viruses attacking them before they were even officially released - they were the first shipping apps for those platforms! lol

I'll agree with the "no reason not to buy one now". However, as for early attacks on XP and Vista before they were released, that's what beta versions are for. Having people find design flaws. If they were all corrected before going to retail is another matter... if MS was aware of each instance or not. And if they weren't beta versions of those OSs, then it was illegal for people to have those copies to begin with, so you can tell right there what kind of a crowd MS was working with (or against, rather).

Oh, and I see this over at Apple's website...this is just fucking hilarious:

Thinking about upgrading to Vista?
Even more reasons to get a Mac.

1. No upgrade nightmares. Oh, that's right. I'd only have to buy a whole new computer. rolleyes
2. You can even run Windows. So can my PC. Why the hell would I want to also run OS X?
3. It's simpler. That's really vague. Simpler at WHAT???
4. You don't have to buy new stuff. See #1. rolleyes Apple just going to GIVE me a Mac??? This statement is just fucking DUMB.
5. Know iTunes? You know Mac. iTunes runs on PCs, too.
6. Macs run Microsoft Office. So can Windows. DUH.
7. You can take it with you. And I can take my laptop running Windows with me, too. WTF?

What a joke! lol
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Reply #59 posted 06/05/07 3:32pm



JediTodd said:

1. No upgrade nightmares. Oh, that's right. I'd only have to buy a whole new computer. rolleyes

I use a Mac at work and we use OS 9. It's become impossible to continue because everything is incompatable with 9. So we're having this nightmare and there's a desperate need to upgrade to 10.

So when those apple commercials harp on PC's and the difficulty of upgrading I just have to laugh.

Nothing against Macs, it's just not as black & white as Mac is easy & hip PC is hard & nerdy.
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