mltijchr said: MarySharon said: [color=mediumpurple:38cfd701cf]Hi sexy...[/color]
'Hi Sexy' to you, MarySharon ! you know that I am just hanging around waiting to find out the name & address of the current president of the "MarySharon fan club".. once I find that out, I'm going to "spike" that person's orange juice with either "Bacardi 151" or some good old "grain" alcohol- whichever is cheaper & works faster. then once that person is "incapacitated" & can no longer fulfil the duties & responsibilities of this position, I plan to work - or sleep - my way up to the top, into this position! autrement dit : NE SOIS PAS TROP SEXY A COTE DE NOUS LES PAUVRES AMERLOQUES QUI AURONT CERTAINMENT DU MAL A NE PAS ETRE COMPLETEMENT DISTRAIT D'UNE SEDUCTRICE DELICIEUSE COMME TOI. Is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity | |
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mltijchr said: well I THANK ALL Y'ALL for showin' some love..
it is appreciated ! I'm almost speechless, receiving compliments from you fine women here on the org..! still.. my 'ego' is waitin' for someone to admire my "writin' skills" & my ego just might keep this baby going for a while yet. LOVE ME FOR MY MIND NOT JUST FOR MY ('FIRM') BODY ! ! ! ! ! It's not about the body, it's about the mind! But you are a cutie!!! | |
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AndGodCreatedMe said: Sinister said: Crotch grabbing to Jungle Love? simply baffling..... I told yall michael jackson was really a bald headed gangsta crip!!! Take a bow brotha! The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them. -- Mark Twain.
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VinaBlue said: It's not about the body, it's about the mind! But you are a cutie!!! ah, VinaBlue! to 1 beautiful, creative mind from another, I dig that you're feelin' me! DexMSR : I may be "bad", & I may even be "dangerous".. but I definitely don't "share the bed" with teenage boys ! holding "cuddly" domesticated animals is as far as I go, bro ! I'll see you tonight..
in ALL MY DREAMS.. | |
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mltijchr said: extolling the musical brilliance & virtues of Donald Fagan & Walter Becker..
For that one point alone props must be bestowed. tA Tribal Disorder "Ya see, we're not interested in what you know...but what you are willing to learn. C'mon y'all." | |
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mltijchr said: Cloudbuster said: Iz u gay?
NO. just cool. Cool. Just making sure. It's possible to be both. | |
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MrJoker said: Sinister said: Yes....but i don't know about him using my Morris Day quotes though....those are mine buddy! I even have a Jerome....JEROME!!! Bring me my mirror!
Sorry I'm late, boss! (morris day voice) Yesssss.....When I look into the tells me something I already know....Im just cool.....Ain't nobody bad like me! | |
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hey Sinister!
I dig that camera you have in your profile, it looks like the 1 for the shot I did here in Roma back in Febbraio.. I'll see you tonight..
in ALL MY DREAMS.. | |
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theAudience said: mltijchr said: extolling the musical brilliance & virtues of Donald Fagan & Walter Becker..
For that one point alone props must be bestowed. tA Tribal Disorder you're still here hello handsome | |
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mltijchr said:[quote]TRUE identity
so without further a due : mltijchr ! now, go easy on the compliments - I blush VERY easily![quote] well u should, u shyster! passing off pictures of young LAURENCE FISHBURNE as urself, will profit u nothing n the end... resembling SPIKE LEE, is still very acceptable n some circles... but its all about the mind, not the body ain't it boo? when u take the coke bottles off, ur cross eye won't show much, if u make ur other eye look n the same direction it is going.... it's alright boo, u have frens here... we have ALL come out on the Org eventually, it's just that most of us warn ppl WAAAY n advance b4 we do.... u no, the shock of c ing actual (gasp) Ogers, er, uh, Orgers, can b a bit much...LOL! ...AND? | |
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