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Thread started 10/10/02 1:10pm


prince cassettes

Hi guys, I'm living in the UK so this probably only applies to people in UK, Europe or somewhere that can be shipped stuff to quite easily!

I have lots of Prince albums on cassette... from For You up to D&P and other stuff like singles etc. I don't have a cassette player anymore, and I doubt I ever will. So if anyone wants to get a hold of these albums, give me a shout on email or orgnote and I'll tell you what I have.

I'm looking for huge amounts of cash for them - frankly I'd rather someone gets them and listens to them, instead of me just throwing them out.

Give me a shout

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Reply #1 posted 10/10/02 2:39pm


Okay I've listed out what I've found lurking in a cardboard box:

Minneapolis Genius 94 East
For You
Dirty Mind
Purple Rain
Lovesexy (x2)
Sign O the times
Around the world in a Day
prince album (x2)
Graffiti Bridge
Diamonds and Pearls (1 with hologram cover, 1 with other cover)
Pandemonium (the Time)

Sexy MF
If I was your girlfriend
Arms of Orion
Sign O the times
When Doves Cry (4 track cassette)
The Holy River promo
Gett Off US
Gett Off UK Maxi
Cream Maxi
Money Don't Matter 2nite
My Name is Prince
NPG Maxi
Insatiable US
Thieves in the temple
Diamonds and Pearls US
Diamonds and Pearls UK
Get Wild
NPG Records Sampler Experience


Please reply on this thread and tell me (a) what you think they are worth (honestly, what's a fair price for this stuff, I don't wanna rip anyone off) and (b) if you are interested. Ideally I'd like to sell the whole lot together. Whoever buys the lot off me pays delivery costs but I'll throw in some "freebies" (read: lots of cassette bootlegs of varying quality... I'm not selling them because that would be illegal, so I'll give them away).

  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #2 posted 10/15/02 11:15pm


Hey Ian i think the only 'valuable' cassingle u have is the when doves cry one... unfortunately cassettes are not worth much sad
"The Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens"
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #3 posted 10/17/02 10:58pm


If ur looking 4 "huge amounts of cash" I doubt u'll get it from cassettes. They're just not worth much, as Persian said. sad

I'd say vinyl is the only thing worth anything anymore. Possibly cd's that r rare or limited edition or something.
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #4 posted 10/17/02 11:53pm


Persian said:

Hey Ian i think the only 'valuable' cassingle u have is the when doves cry one... unfortunately cassettes are not worth much sad

I'm not really looking for money for them. I just don't want them anymore. I'll probably throw them out if I don't shift them soon.
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Forums > The Marketplace: For Sale/Trade > prince cassettes