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Thread started 03/13/25 1:34pm



Dawn from En Vogue

Reading some article it says Dawn has lived in her car for several years. So sad. I have such great memories of her beautiful voice in En Vogue and Lucy Pearl, I even liked some of the songs on her solo album.

if it was just a dream, call me a dreamer 2
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Reply #1 posted 03/13/25 6:08pm


yeah,it appears that she's been having some rough times in her life

Dawn Robinson of 90s grou...hree years


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Reply #2 posted 03/15/25 1:52am



I've always had this theory about almost every group or band has that one troubled soul. The one who jets at the height of everything, then ever really has much of a career after. There are exceptions (Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, etc).

Dawn was that for En Vogue. She went on and on about contracts and not getting good pay. So she left and never had much pay of anything. Yes, there was Lucy Pearl for a hot second, and R&B Divas: LA. But what else? She could've rejoined En Vogue at any time probably and made some kind of cash instead of nothing at all.

I sat in on a radio interview with her once, and she comes across as scared, fearful, or troubled. Not sure where it comes from. We all have a past, but hers seemed to really do her in professionally (and privately) over time.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Reply #3 posted 03/15/25 7:52am


Exactly.Even after all the drama and a lawsuit,the other original members have said that "the door is always open" for Dawn to return.EnVogue still tours regularly to this day.Last year,they even did some well-received shows with freestyle/pop group Expose'.Dawn needs to swallow her pride and reunite with EnVogue.Gotta keep it going.

TrivialPursuit said:

She could've rejoined En Vogue at any time probably and made some kind of cash instead of nothing at all.

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Reply #4 posted 03/16/25 3:04am



SoulAlive said:

Exactly.Even after all the drama and a lawsuit,the other original members have said that "the door is always open" for Dawn to return.EnVogue still tours regularly to this day.Last year,they even did some well-received shows with freestyle/pop group Expose'.Dawn needs to swallow her pride and reunite with EnVogue.Gotta keep it going.

TrivialPursuit said:

She could've rejoined En Vogue at any time probably and made some kind of cash instead of nothing at all.

Even Maxine came back onboard this year.

Dawn is the eternal troubled soul.

Sorry, it's the Hodgkin's talking.
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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Dawn from En Vogue