What concerts in post corona virus world will be like for patrons and artists With tons of artists pushing their BIG tours in stadiums and outdoor venues festivals etc...till 2021 in most cases, and others pushing smaller shows till the fall, everyone is being very hopeful about what is to come, but having a discussion recently with a musician that primarily plays small venues, seated ones, not general admission and obviously he cannot play now either, he did say that artists big and small better be prepared to shrink their audience and also certain things may be a thing of the past LIKE festival gatherings without seating plans. Basically now the type of venue that is in the BEST place if there is one in these times, are the venues that do seating, tables, and are small, because they can distance within the guidelines they are given, though it cuts into overall revenue, its better than being closed fully. Now what this WILL eliminate is General Admission shows, you can kiss those things goodbye till there is a vaccine, cause venues will NOT be liable for the spreading of this going forward. Also artists that DO big shows, Madison Square garden and things like that, stadiums etc...those seating plans will be cut BIG TIME, so expect those kind of venues to pass their loss on to you the ticket buyer at some point. As someone that goes to alot of shows, everything I go to is small, I go to venues here in NYC like Iridium, Birdland, City Winery, Rock Wood Music Hall, etc...and these types of venues can easily acomodate distancing guidelines that may and will be in place so they can do some kind of business again. Artists doing things BIG may have to learn to do them SMALL again, or not at all for quite some time. AS for those events like festivals pushed back a year, and big tours, that is so the sponsors dont lose that money, they want ticket holders to keep the ticket because if they ask for a refund they will be screwed but dont be so confident those BIG things will happen next year either.
"We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F