A guy named Rick Beato has a big YouTube music channel and one of his series is "What Makes This Song Great" (not a question, a statement). He's done lots of them. No Prince, though. Probably because like with Led Zeppelin or the Eagles, it would be taken down immediately.
Here are two. "Kid Charlemagne" from Steely Dan and "Hitch a Ride" from Boston. Best part is when he compares Bernard Purdie's live drumming in "Kid Charlemagne" to Bruno Mars's drum machine from "24 Karat whatever". Night and day.
If you ever wanted to see how real music by real musicians was made back in the day, watch these. This is the kind of stuff we all learned to play when I was a kid. And it's not the kind of stuff kids today learn to play. Draw your own conclusions, but enjoy this look at how the sausage is made!