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Thread started 08/21/14 12:11am



Little Richard... well being Little Richard.


I love this man... lol lol lol

Everyonce in a while I check the Tube to see if anyone uploaded the show where Little Richard, Tina Turner, The Who and Sly & The Family of Stones appeared. Richard took over and stoled the show from everyone. I do recall this show... Mr. Brown's stoic coolness is priceless. lol

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Reply #1 posted 08/21/14 1:54am


I learned a lot about Richard that i always suspected.

1. Macho Man Randy Savage took his costume idea from this razz

2. Little Richard is the gayest thing since the rainbow

3. Rappers ain't got shit on this bragadocious.

Pistols sounded like "Fuck off," wheras The Clash sounded like "Fuck Off, but here's why.."- Thedigitialgardener

All music is shit music and no music is real- gunsnhalen

Datdonkeydick- Asherfierce

Gary Hunts Album Isn't That Good- Soulalive
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Reply #2 posted 08/21/14 2:35am



"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #3 posted 08/21/14 7:44pm


TD3 said:


I love this man... lol lol lol

Everyonce in a while I check the Tube to see if anyone uploaded the show where Little Richard, Tina Turner, The Who and Sly & The Family of Stones appeared. Richard took over and stoled the show from everyone. I do recall this show... Mr. Brown's stoic coolness is priceless. lol


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Reply #4 posted 08/21/14 8:42pm


HuMpThAnG said:

TD3 said:


I love this man... lol lol lol

Everyonce in a while I check the Tube to see if anyone uploaded the show where Little Richard, Tina Turner, The Who and Sly & The Family of Stones appeared. Richard took over and stoled the show from everyone. I do recall this show... Mr. Brown's stoic coolness is priceless. lol


Man, ain't that the prettiest thing ... lol

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Reply #5 posted 08/21/14 9:40pm



Little Richard probably tried everything on bed, but what I liked about him is that he made make up unexlusive anymore for only women, dude never gave a rat's ass about what others thought of him, you didn't really see that in other artists who lacked self-confidence.

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Reply #6 posted 08/23/14 12:21pm


HuMpThAnG said:

TD3 said:


I love this man... lol lol lol

Everyonce in a while I check the Tube to see if anyone uploaded the show where Little Richard, Tina Turner, The Who and Sly & The Family of Stones appeared. Richard took over and stoled the show from everyone. I do recall this show... Mr. Brown's stoic coolness is priceless. lol


I love this shit " I am the BRONZE LIBERACE" Absolutely priceless and gay as fuck. I love me some Little Richard, he was the architect and the Innovator of Rock and Roll and he was the first to go WHH000000000000!!!!! So shut up already! lol

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #7 posted 08/23/14 6:44pm



"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #8 posted 08/23/14 8:14pm


"You got to be poured back on to the world"

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Reply #9 posted 08/23/14 11:04pm


Slave2daGroove said:

"You got to be poured back on to the world"

I love this video and have watched it numerous times. He was so stioned here it wasn't true. The lines are funny too.

"He made the big toe in my boot shoot up"

"He loved the way way I worked, wore headbands and looked freaky on stage, so he came with me"

"He used to dress all wild and wear headands, of course I did it first and he got that from me"

"I wanted to see him, and they said no, I said "Why not, I'm Little Richard!"


And in the book "Electric Gypsy" by Harry Shapiro and Ceasar Glebbek (1995) they mention that when Jimi was in the Upsetters, he resented all the control.

"Brothers, we have got to have a meeting, I am the beautiful Little Richard, the king of rock and rhythm and I am the one who is going to look good on stage. Glyn and Jimi please turn in those shirts (The shirts had ruffles a la Purple Rain) or you will suffer the consequences of a fine"


Jimi remembers its differently - "I had been in the group for several months and we hadn't been paid for seven weeks, and we needed money, you can't feed your faqmily with promises, so I left" Apparently the Upsetters had been dropped from the bill at the Paramount theater on April 18 1965, because they had not paid some fee.


The Quasar of Rock and Roll was a good book, but we need an update, something more in depth, as this book was back in 1984 and Little Richard ios not getting any younger (He is 81). Little Richard has always fascinated me, because he is like Prince in an earlier generation, flamboyant, androgynous, egotistical, God fearing and a musical genius.

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #10 posted 08/30/14 4:24pm


Adorecream said:

Slave2daGroove said:

"You got to be poured back on to the world"

I love this video and have watched it numerous times. He was so stioned here it wasn't true. The lines are funny too.

"He made the big toe in my boot shoot up"

"He loved the way way I worked, wore headbands and looked freaky on stage, so he came with me"

"He used to dress all wild and wear headands, of course I did it first and he got that from me"

"I wanted to see him, and they said no, I said "Why not, I'm Little Richard!"


And in the book "Electric Gypsy" by Harry Shapiro and Ceasar Glebbek (1995) they mention that when Jimi was in the Upsetters, he resented all the control.

"Brothers, we have got to have a meeting, I am the beautiful Little Richard, the king of rock and rhythm and I am the one who is going to look good on stage. Glyn and Jimi please turn in those shirts (The shirts had ruffles a la Purple Rain) or you will suffer the consequences of a fine"


Jimi remembers its differently - "I had been in the group for several months and we hadn't been paid for seven weeks, and we needed money, you can't feed your faqmily with promises, so I left" Apparently the Upsetters had been dropped from the bill at the Paramount theater on April 18 1965, because they had not paid some fee.


The Quasar of Rock and Roll was a good book, but we need an update, something more in depth, as this book was back in 1984 and Little Richard ios not getting any younger (He is 81). Little Richard has always fascinated me, because he is like Prince in an earlier generation, flamboyant, androgynous, egotistical, God fearing and a musical genius.

I agree with everything you said here. I've been in a room with people that things have happened to in the past and I'll remember it one way and they'll remember it totally different. Time is weird that way when it comes to the hiuman experience. Not getting paid is an age old problem that I experience so I'm going with Jimi on this . Your Pronce comparisons are spot on and I never really put the two together before. Thanks!

The only thing that sticks in my head about this interview is where he says "He was a star! We're all a star! Sly told you that we're all a star" this is in reference to the Sly tune obviously but it's like he's on a pulpit preaching the gospels of Rock & Roll. High, stoned, on pcp, I don;t give a shit, Little Richard speaks of music in terms of religion and he's got something there.


"He made the big toe in my boot shoot up"


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Reply #11 posted 08/30/14 5:10pm



That bitch is bad as hell! Living proof that getting older doesn't mean that you have to slow down and become a dull stuff shirt. And he can still talk plenty of shit to this very present day.

Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #12 posted 09/10/14 9:06am


vainandy said:

That bitch is bad as hell! Living proof that getting older doesn't mean that you have to slow down and become a dull stuff shirt. And he can still talk plenty of shit to this very present day.



And maybe whenever Prince gets too big for his boots, Richard needs to go over there and bitchslap him. Prince is all great and mighty, but he would not have a career if it was not for the beautiful Little Richard who was the pioneer and the architect of rock and roll. He was the burning bush, not Prince.

Got some kind of love for you, and I don't even know your name
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Reply #13 posted 09/10/14 3:48pm


Adorecream said:

vainandy said:

That bitch is bad as hell! Living proof that getting older doesn't mean that you have to slow down and become a dull stuff shirt. And he can still talk plenty of shit to this very present day.



And maybe whenever Prince gets too big for his boots, Richard needs to go over there and bitchslap him. Prince is all great and mighty, but he would not have a career if it was not for the beautiful Little Richard who was the pioneer and the architect of rock and roll. He was the burning bush, not Prince.

oooooooooooooooo eek

you're in trouble lol

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Reply #14 posted 09/10/14 8:50pm


HuMpThAnG said:

Adorecream said:



And maybe whenever Prince gets too big for his boots, Richard needs to go over there and bitchslap him. Prince is all great and mighty, but he would not have a career if it was not for the beautiful Little Richard who was the pioneer and the architect of rock and roll. He was the burning bush, not Prince.

oooooooooooooooo eek

you're in trouble lol

It could certainly be convincingly argued imo that the beautiful Little Richard (along with Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone to a lesser extent) was the 'pioneer and architect' of Prince's whole look/ image through his career to this very day cool .

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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Little Richard... well being Little Richard.