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Reply #30 posted 08/13/14 4:08am


Armond White on MJ. Read him.

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Reply #31 posted 08/13/14 10:38am


The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #32 posted 08/13/14 11:46am



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Reply #33 posted 08/13/14 2:20pm


midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

No, going to have to disagree.. This recent thing with Wade isn't getting attention because people aren't stupid.. The whole thing is just complete bullshit, he just so happens to "remember" that he was raped right as the jackson family goes to trial with AEG.. Get real. Just like all the others, their stories jump from one extreme to the other, but can never show NOT ONE piece of actual evidence to prove anything.

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Reply #34 posted 08/13/14 2:27pm



^ Don't bite.

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Reply #35 posted 08/13/14 2:31pm


dm3857 said:

midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

No, going to have to disagree.. This recent thing with Wade isn't getting attention because people aren't stupid.. The whole thing is just complete bullshit, he just so happens to "remember" that he was raped right as the jackson family goes to trial with AEG.. Get real. Just like all the others, their stories jump from one extreme to the other, but can never show NOT ONE piece of actual evidence to prove anything.

falloff That's hysterical. First off, the recent story is not Wade. Wade is accuser number 5. I'm talking about accuser number 6, Jimmy Safechuck. I realize it's getting hard to keep up, but really, you can do better than that. Obviously you haven't heard about Jimmy, which makes sense since it's being massively under-reported just like so many other damning facts about MJ (such as his anti-semitic rant in 2005).

If you want an excuse to ignore the media's pro-MJ bias you're gonna have to come up with a better explanation than "they don't report stuff if it's bullshit". That's a joke. They LOVE bullshit. It's what they report all day. Come on, try again. I know you can get more creative than that.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #36 posted 08/13/14 3:09pm


midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

FYI, the maid or maids HAVE been paid to tell these lies and are STILL getting paid. Surely, you know that these are the same maids who said to a grand jury that they had never witnessed anything inappropriate between these accusers and Michael and then went to tabloids and embellished their story and got paid.Surely, you are not that dense and naive to think that these purported maids aren't getting paid to LIE. A small detail that YOU and others like you seem to have conveniently noticed.

As for your assertion of the bodyguards "whitewashing' their story, these guys didn't paint a rosy picture of Michael, they painted him as human, with faults like the rest of us. What you really mean is that they didn't portray him as YOU and others WANTED them to. These guys turned down BIG MONEY because they REFUSED to do what YOU and the media wanted them to do-trash Michael.

I say BULLSHIT to your assertion that the media are Michael's friend. What you should say is that, since Michael's MURDER, that the media is feeling guilty about all of the shit that they spewed about him when he was alive and are trying to rectify that in small steps.Of course, you have ass-wipes like Stacy Brown and his cronies like Diane Dimond, who have no other way to make money than to spew lies about Michael. Have you noticed that no one gives a #$%@ about these people unless they say something about Michael?

As intelligent as you THINK you are, you are sadly ineffective in your attempts of being persuasive.

I would mop the floor with you, if we were ever in a debate. Btw, there is fuck way that I would support a person, if I thought that person was an abuser. That is just how sure I am that these accusers are FAKE. That was the reason that a CONSERVATIVE jury didn't believe that punk Arvizzo. Of course, the transcripts, the LACK of evidence and Gavin Arvizzo's OWN words would alert any INTELLIGENT person that he was full of shit. It's all about $$$$$ and until there is proof that these false allegations are true, and I am 1000% sure, that there is NO PROOF, I will continue to support Michael.

Btw, I want CONCRETE proof, and neither you or ANY of these accusers have that because they are lying. FTR, IF there was ANY proof of these allegations, Sneddon would have presented it in court and put Michael in jail. He did everything he could to frame this man, and the bottomline is that he had NO PROOF, NO EVIDENCE. All you have to do is to look at the court transcripts. Don't take my word for it. Finally, Michael fans don't blindly defend him because he is Michael, we defend him because we have researched these allegations from EVERY angle. I have said this many times, you donit have to be a genius to know that Robson and Safechuck are ONLY doing this for $$$$. You sound/portray yourself as quite young. Were you even old enough to follow these allegations from the start? Were you old enough to hear the recording that was released worldwide of the on TV , radio, etc. of Evan Chandler saying that if he went through with these allegations that he would "win big". Of course, being young may not have anything to do with your guillibility. There are also old fools who are too weak and lazy to know the facts. Sadly, you could be one of those people who WANT to believe these allegations because it is Michael being accused or because you have a sickness that causes you to find pleasure in the idea of a child being abused. I sincerely hope that it is the former reasons and not the latter.

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Reply #37 posted 08/13/14 3:57pm


Free2BMe said:

midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

FYI, the maid or maids HAVE been paid to tell these lies and are STILL getting paid. Surely, you know that these are the same maids who said to a grand jury that they had never witnessed anything inappropriate between these accusers and Michael and then went to tabloids and embellished their story and got paid.Surely, you are not that dense and naive to think that these purported maids aren't getting paid to LIE. A small detail that YOU and others like you seem to have conveniently noticed.

As for your assertion of the bodyguards "whitewashing' their story, these guys didn't paint a rosy picture of Michael, they painted him as human, with faults like the rest of us. What you really mean is that they didn't portray him as YOU and others WANTED them to. These guys turned down BIG MONEY because they REFUSED to do what YOU and the media wanted them to do-trash Michael.

I say BULLSHIT to your assertion that the media are Michael's friend. What you should say is that, since Michael's MURDER, that the media is feeling guilty about all of the shit that they spewed about him when he was alive and are trying to rectify that in small steps.Of course, you have ass-wipes like Stacy Brown and his cronies like Diane Dimond, who have no other way to make money than to spew lies about Michael. Have you noticed that no one gives a #$%@ about these people unless they say something about Michael?

As intelligent as you THINK you are, you are sadly ineffective in your attempts of being persuasive.

I would mop the floor with you, if we were ever in a debate. Btw, there is fuck way that I would support a person, if I thought that person was an abuser. That is just how sure I am that these accusers are FAKE. That was the reason that a CONSERVATIVE jury didn't believe that punk Arvizzo. Of course, the transcripts, the LACK of evidence and Gavin Arvizzo's OWN words would alert any INTELLIGENT person that he was full of shit. It's all about $$$$$ and until there is proof that these false allegations are true, and I am 1000% sure, that there is NO PROOF, I will continue to support Michael.

Btw, I want CONCRETE proof, and neither you or ANY of these accusers have that because they are lying. FTR, IF there was ANY proof of these allegations, Sneddon would have presented it in court and put Michael in jail. He did everything he could to frame this man, and the bottomline is that he had NO PROOF, NO EVIDENCE. All you have to do is to look at the court transcripts. Don't take my word for it. Finally, Michael fans don't blindly defend him because he is Michael, we defend him because we have researched these allegations from EVERY angle. I have said this many times, you donit have to be a genius to know that Robson and Safechuck are ONLY doing this for $$$$. You sound/portray yourself as quite young. Were you even old enough to follow these allegations from the start? Were you old enough to hear the recording that was released worldwide of the on TV , radio, etc. of Evan Chandler saying that if he went through with these allegations that he would "win big". Of course, being young may not have anything to do with your guillibility. There are also old fools who are too weak and lazy to know the facts. Sadly, you could be one of those people who WANT to believe these allegations because it is Michael being accused or because you have a sickness that causes you to find pleasure in the idea of a child being abused. I sincerely hope that it is the former reasons and not the latter.

Oh boy, someone has forgotten to take his meds. Maybe that's why your memory is failing. You say that you would "mop the floor" with me if we were in a debate, yet you've forgotten we were. You were one of about ten MJ fans who tried to debate me last year when Wade Robson came out and accused MJ of abuse. Here is the thread. The fun starts on page 6 when I step in. After that it's one MJ fan after another unsuccessfully trying to debate me.

Many of the points I made in that debate have only been vindicated since, particularly now that another "special friend" has broken cover and the media have YET AGAIN ignored it. In that thread I gave a precise breakdown of how long the media have been protecting Jackson. No-one was able to refute those points. I think it's worth reading from page 6 right up to the end when the mods locked it (yet more MJ protectionism). A lot of good points were made.

Finally, you show yourself to be a nutjob the moment you use the word "murder" to describe MJ's death. MJ was not murdered. He was playing russian roulette in his room every night and one night his luck ran out.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #38 posted 08/13/14 5:27pm


midnightmover said:

dm3857 said:

No, going to have to disagree.. This recent thing with Wade isn't getting attention because people aren't stupid.. The whole thing is just complete bullshit, he just so happens to "remember" that he was raped right as the jackson family goes to trial with AEG.. Get real. Just like all the others, their stories jump from one extreme to the other, but can never show NOT ONE piece of actual evidence to prove anything.

falloff That's hysterical. First off, the recent story is not Wade. Wade is accuser number 5. I'm talking about accuser number 6, Jimmy Safechuck. I realize it's getting hard to keep up, but really, you can do better than that. Obviously you haven't heard about Jimmy, which makes sense since it's being massively under-reported just like so many other damning facts about MJ (such as his anti-semitic rant in 2005).

If you want an excuse to ignore the media's pro-MJ bias you're gonna have to come up with a better explanation than "they don't report stuff if it's bullshit". That's a joke. They LOVE bullshit. It's what they report all day. Come on, try again. I know you can get more creative than that.

Woah Woah Woah.. I assumed you were talking about Wade because he recently came out with more information on what "happened to him"

As far as Jimmy Safechuck, no i haven't heard much about it.. Thank god..

To say that the media was "pro-MJ" is the farthest thing from the truth.. If Michael Jackson abused children, it would be known, there would be evidence..If Michael Jackson really left Neverland the way the maids claim, dirty, not picking anything up, etc.. Wouldn't there be some type of evidence of abuse? More than 70 officers raided Neverland, doors were broken, matresses slashed open.. Journals, and books, and photos, and videos, taken away in boxloads.. Went through a strip search (which didn't match the accuser's description) MILLIONS of dollars were spent by prosecutors and police departments, two grand juries questioned close to 200 witnesses, including 30 children who knew Michael Jackson, and not ONE corroborating witness could be found. The father of the accuser in a recorded phone call actually acknowledged that the welfare of his son was "irrelevant" he says "There are people involved that are waiting for my phone call that are in certain positions" "I've paid them to do it. Everything is going according to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy (attorney Barry Rothman) is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel, way that he can do it. And I've given him full authority to do so. And IF I go through with this, I win big time. There's no way I lose. I've checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. Michael's career will be over.. This man is going to be humiliated beyond belief." seriously? I don't see how someone could read that and not think the whole thing was just complete bullshit..

And i'm not even going to bring up the Arvizo case because that thing was so wacky that there's no point.

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Reply #39 posted 08/13/14 6:17pm


dm3857 said:

SoulAlive said:

1.2 million copies worldwide isn't bad at all,considering that we live in an era of declining record sales.Even Mariah Carey can't sell records these days.

This. And plus Michael is not here to actively make appearances/support the album. If MJ were here, we would be looking at completely different numbers.. For example, if (hypothetically) MJ would have put out an album aroun 09/10, coming off of the success of 50 sold out shows, television specials/ other projects.. I think we would be looking at some big numbers.. But sadly, Michael isn't here to promote the work.

Yup you are both right. Justine Timberlake's CD was the best selling one of last year with sales of only 2 milllion+ in the USA. Considering that fact, Xscape is doing well.

To All the Haters on the Internet
No more Candy 4 U
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Reply #40 posted 08/13/14 6:25pm



Tonight, Michael Jackson Will Become the First Person to Premiere a Music Video on Twitter

Though he’s been gone for several years now, new material from Michael Jackson just keeps on coming.

On Monday, the Jackson Estate and Epic Records (the label that owns much of his material and continues to release posthumous songs and albums) announced that a new video was coming from the King of Pop, and it is set to be released in a unique way.

At 10 PM EST tonight, the music video for new single “A Place With No Name” is set to be released via Jackson’s Twitter account, marking the first such premiere for the social media site. While artists have always used Twitter to alert fans about new clips on YouTube and the like, viewing videos within tweets is a fairly new feature, and Jackson will be the first to actually debut a new video within a single tweet.

Before premiering in full on Twitter, a preview of the video will air on a special Michael Jackson-themed episode of FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance. The episode begins at 8 PM EST with a performance by all top eight performers on the show choreographed by the Emmy award-winning Travis Payne, who worked as both back-up dancer and choreographer for Michael Jackson. Every performance during tonight’s broadcast will be a rendition of a famous Michael Jackson song, all leading up to the new video.

On top of the television and Twitter showings, “A Place With No Name” will be shown on a massive screen in Times Square in New York City at the same time.

“A Place With No Name” is Jackson’s reinvisioning of America’s hit single “A Horse With No Name” and was originally recorded back in 1998. It is one of many previously unreleased tracks on Jackson’s Xscape album that takes what the King of Pop originally fashioned and finishes it off with one of today’s top producers. To complete “A Place…”, Epic hired superproducer StarGate, the team behind big hits for the likes of Rihanna (“What’s My Name”, “S&M”, “Diamonds”), Katy Perry (“Firework”) and Beyonce (“Irreplaceable”).

Crafted by award-winning director Samuel Bayer —who has previously worked on videos with rock groups like Nirvana and the Rolling Stones—created the video by attempting to follow Michael’s typical vision for music films, which usually tell the song’s story in some way. The short film also includes outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage of Jackson shot during the production for “In The Closet” back in 1992.

While it is certainly no Thriller, Jackson’s Xscape is already a critical and commercial success, debuting at number two in the US and topping charts around the world. Lead single “Love Never Felt So Good”, a duet with Justin Timberlake, became his first top ten hit in the US on the Hot 100 since 2001’s “You Rock My World”.

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Reply #41 posted 08/13/14 6:47pm


midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

the reason why it's not "big news" is because it's just another un-proven accusation bored Unless there is some undeniable proof,it's not gonna amount to anything more.Anyone from MJ's past could come out now and make all types of crazy accusations against him,but it doesn't mean anything.

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Reply #42 posted 08/13/14 7:02pm


midnightmover said:

falloff That's hysterical. First off, the recent story is not Wade. Wade is accuser number 5. I'm talking about accuser number 6, Jimmy Safechuck. I realize it's getting hard to keep up, but really, you can do better than that. Obviously you haven't heard about Jimmy, which makes sense since it's being massively under-reported just like so many other damning facts about MJ (such as his anti-semitic rant in 2005).

I wanna see how Jimmy is gonna "prove" beyond a doubt that he was molested.That's what these accusers never seen to have: credibility.It's funny how,now that MJ is not around to defend himself,they suddenly make these charges.How convenient,huh? wink

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Reply #43 posted 08/13/14 7:45pm


SoulAlive said:

midnightmover said:

The ones cashing in on MJ's fame are the ones painting rosy, whitewashed pictures like his bodyguards. The maids are not writing books or being paid. A small detail none of you seem to have noticed.

And the media are MJ's biggest friend, not his enemy. They have consistently under-reported or just completely ignored the most disturbing aspects of his personality. The fact that the boy from the Pepsi advert (who slept with MJ night after night on the Bad Tour) has now become the sixth boy to accuse Michael of child abuse should obviously be big news. But it's barely being mentioned. The public are largely unaware of it. This has been the pattern for a long time now.

the reason why it's not "big news" is because it's just another un-proven accusation bored Unless there is some undeniable proof,it's not gonna amount to anything more.Anyone from MJ's past could come out now and make all types of crazy accusations against him,but it doesn't mean anything.

You guys are seriously dumb. There is no polite way of saying it. The media report the most inane trivia all the time. They report false stories all the time. They make mountains out of molehills all the time. And yet you're saying the FACT that MJ (still the biggest star in the world, even in death) has now been accused of child abuse by a boy who appeared with him in the iconic Pepsi ad and spent hundreds of hours in bed with him in hotels all around the world is somehow not significant enough for them to cover. You are truly living in la, la land.

By the way, I know you agree with me that MJ was a closet homosexual. So just so that we can get a full view of your absurd position, perhaps you'd like to explain to us all why you are so relaxed about a man who you think was gay sharing his bed with dozens of good looking young boys (even after six of them have said he sexually abused them). Because some people might think that is a completely insane position you've got there. Perhaps you'd like to explain it.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #44 posted 08/13/14 10:32pm


two words: Prove it :lol:

If you think MJ was a closet homosexual and child molester,prove it.

accusations are just that: accusations.
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Reply #45 posted 08/14/14 3:04am


still waiting for you to "prove" that Michael Jackson was a closeted homosexual and child molester bored I want some hardcore,unmistakable,undeniable,indisputable PROOF.

It's easy to talk shit about any celebrity,call them names,accuse them of everything from rape to murder,but if you can't prove what you say,then your words don't mean nothing.Hell,even I could lie and say I met Michael Jackson 20 years ago and he touched me how absurd this is? I could demand $10 million from his estate,too lol

That's why no one's really paying attention to these new charges.It's all bogus!

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Reply #46 posted 08/14/14 3:14am


So the Video of "A Place with no Name" was released tonight on Twitter.

[Edited 8/13/14 20:25pm]

To All the Haters on the Internet
No more Candy 4 U
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Reply #47 posted 08/14/14 7:09am


DonRants said:

So the Video of "A Place with no Name" was released tonight on Twitter.

[Edited 8/13/14 20:25pm]

I like the first half of the video, how they work shots from In The Closet in and matched it stylistically with the new scenes they filmed. But after that it was a bit meh. Good effort considering there's only so much you can do when the artist is no longer around to film music videos. Good choice for the next single too. Probably the best track on Xscape.

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Reply #48 posted 08/14/14 3:16pm


SoulAlive said:

two words: Prove it lol If you think MJ was a closet homosexual and child molester,prove it. accusations are just that: accusations.

No, it's not that I think MJ was a closet homosexual. It's that YOU think MJ was a closet homosexual. You said it many times. You can't back out of it now. You made it clear that you think that.

So the question is what is going on in your head to make you think a gay man inviting a string of good-looking boys into his bed is perfectly fine and not remotely suspicious. I'm looking forward to hearing the twisted reasoning behind that. lol

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #49 posted 08/14/14 3:22pm



Jermaine is right, in my opinion.


Michael would not have approved of Xscape. But since when has anyone ever cared about his feelings?

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Reply #50 posted 08/14/14 3:30pm


SoulAlive said:

still waiting for you to "prove" that Michael Jackson was a closeted homosexual and child molester bored I want some hardcore,unmistakable,undeniable,indisputable PROOF.

It's easy to talk shit about any celebrity,call them names,accuse them of everything from rape to murder,but if you can't prove what you say,then your words don't mean nothing.Hell,even I could lie and say I met Michael Jackson 20 years ago and he touched me how absurd this is? I could demand $10 million from his estate,too lol

That's why no one's really paying attention to these new charges.It's all bogus!

The Jacksons suing AEG for cash was completely absurd yet it was widely reported. MJ being accused of abuse by a boy who slept with him hundreds of times is very serious yet it's being ignored. Just like MJ's anti-semitic rant was ignored in 2005. Just like a boy who was paid 2 million dollars hush-money by Jackson in 1996 testifying against him in 2005 was also ignored. Anyone with an IQ above single digits will notice the pattern here.

And the other pattern here is people making money by being POSITIVE about him since his death. The MJ industry is huge. A massive money-maker. That's where the money is being made. If I were a former employee I could make a fortune by lying through my teeth about what an angel he was. I'd get a book deal and MJ fans would salute me for my sincerity. That would be far smarter than going against everyone and saying bad things that no-one wants to hear.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #51 posted 08/14/14 3:58pm


midnightmover said:

SoulAlive said:

still waiting for you to "prove" that Michael Jackson was a closeted homosexual and child molester bored I want some hardcore,unmistakable,undeniable,indisputable PROOF.

It's easy to talk shit about any celebrity,call them names,accuse them of everything from rape to murder,but if you can't prove what you say,then your words don't mean nothing.Hell,even I could lie and say I met Michael Jackson 20 years ago and he touched me how absurd this is? I could demand $10 million from his estate,too lol

That's why no one's really paying attention to these new charges.It's all bogus!

The Jacksons suing AEG for cash was completely absurd yet it was widely reported. MJ being accused of abuse by a boy who slept with him hundreds of times is very serious yet it's being ignored. Just like MJ's anti-semitic rant was ignored in 2005. Just like a boy who was paid 2 million dollars hush-money by Jackson in 1996 testifying against him in 2005 was also ignored. Anyone with an IQ above single digits will notice the pattern here.

And the other pattern here is people making money by being POSITIVE about him since his death. The MJ industry is huge. A massive money-maker. That's where the money is being made. If I were a former employee I could make a fortune by lying through my teeth about what an angel he was. I'd get a book deal and MJ fans would salute me for my sincerity. That would be far smarter than going against everyone and saying bad things that no-one wants to hear.

Funny that you never mention the 2005 trial,where it was revealed that the boy's mother was a FRAUD who routinely lies,deceives and coaches her children to do the same.She has even filed bogus lawsuits against companies like JC Penneys',trying to get her hands on some big cash.This goes back to what I said earlier.People will lie and say anything,if it means a big payday for them.

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Reply #52 posted 08/14/14 5:03pm



DonRants said:

So the Video of "A Place with no Name" was released tonight on Twitter.

Not too bad that one, probably the best the estate has done since he passed.

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Reply #53 posted 08/14/14 5:07pm



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Reply #54 posted 08/14/14 5:18pm


Look, as far as the APWNN music video goes, its not bad, But that is not how that should be handled. I'm a fan of xscape, I think the fact that they gave us the original demo's of the songs was the right move. however, releasing music (which MJ did have creative conrol over because he recorded it) is a lot different than releasing a music video after his death. I understand, they paid a lot of money for these songs, and want to make a profit.. But there is so many better ways to go about that. Why not use some in the studio footage or other archival footage the have and make something actually special..

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Reply #55 posted 08/14/14 5:29pm



I forgot they even remixed it for Xscape, so when I went to watch the new video - yuck.

How can you remove all elements of the America sample? That made no sense to me.

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Reply #56 posted 08/14/14 5:31pm


Honestly, I wish the estate would treat MJ's legacy the way the Elvis Presley Estate treats his. Elvis's Estate has the "Follow That Dream Records" which serves as a collectors type label which releases rehearsals, live soundboard recordings, studio outtakes, home demos, concert footage, etc.

Thats what should be going on here. I'm probably going to sound like I'm repeating myself but I mean, for the most part, the fans that are buying the recent MJ releases are the dye hards. WE ARE THE TARGET AUDIENCE. Man, there's just so much they could do, from hayvenhurst and neverland demos, to album outtakes, recording sessions footage, live albums. Destiny, Triumph, Victory, Bad, Dangerous, HIStory tours, rehearsal footage, etc... Sometimes I wish they ran things kind of like the NPG music club, you pay so much amount of money monthly/yearly and new things are released throughout the year. That would be perfect.

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Reply #57 posted 08/14/14 7:08pm


SoulAlive said:

midnightmover said:

The Jacksons suing AEG for cash was completely absurd yet it was widely reported. MJ being accused of abuse by a boy who slept with him hundreds of times is very serious yet it's being ignored. Just like MJ's anti-semitic rant was ignored in 2005. Just like a boy who was paid 2 million dollars hush-money by Jackson in 1996 testifying against him in 2005 was also ignored. Anyone with an IQ above single digits will notice the pattern here.

And the other pattern here is people making money by being POSITIVE about him since his death. The MJ industry is huge. A massive money-maker. That's where the money is being made. If I were a former employee I could make a fortune by lying through my teeth about what an angel he was. I'd get a book deal and MJ fans would salute me for my sincerity. That would be far smarter than going against everyone and saying bad things that no-one wants to hear.

Funny that you never mention the 2005 trial,where it was revealed that the boy's mother was a FRAUD who routinely lies,deceives and coaches her children to do the same.She has even filed bogus lawsuits against companies like JC Penneys',trying to get her hands on some big cash.This goes back to what I said earlier.People will lie and say anything,if it means a big payday for them.

lol, talk about changing the subject. We're talking about the media's pro-MJ bias here. Your post is cowardly since it completely runs away from the clear evidence I gave of this bias. Do you actually want to address those points? If not then just walk away, but please don't try and change the subject. It's not honourable.

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
- Thomas Jefferson
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Reply #58 posted 08/14/14 7:18pm



midnightmover said:

about the media's pro-MJ bias here.

LOL where have you been the past 30 years? There never has been anything like a "pro-MJ bias". The media has destroyed the man. And if one has no honour and should walk away, it's clearly you.

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Reply #59 posted 08/14/14 7:23pm



dm3857 said:

Look, as far as the APWNN music video goes, its not bad, But that is not how that should be handled. I'm a fan of xscape, I think the fact that they gave us the original demo's of the songs was the right move. however, releasing music (which MJ did have creative conrol over because he recorded it) is a lot different than releasing a music video after his death. I understand, they paid a lot of money for these songs, and want to make a profit.. But there is so many better ways to go about that. Why not use some in the studio footage or other archival footage the have and make something actually special..

Rodney Jerkins has said that he has a lot of footage from the recordings sessions he did with Mike. Hopefully they'll surface someday.

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