[Edited 2/27/14 4:47am] | |
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Good point! | |
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However one feels about Bey taking it there, I HATE when that makes people call her or any other woman a slut and whore! Seriously, those words should be banned! | |
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I avoid using those words myself, but people should accept that their actions have consequences and name-calling is hardly among the worst of them.
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Right, but women are being called sluts and whores for so many things, most of them nothing that justifies those words being used. I don't see Bey having sex here. | |
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I won't call her a slut but she's definitely a follower like everyone else trying to out sex each other. I'd been fine if this was to "stand out" but since it's the norm... [Edited 2/27/14 8:31am] | |
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Yeah, I would have agreed on that 10 years ago, or even just a few years ago. It's just that this sort of stuff has gone so overboard in contemporary entertainment that I can't say I'd feel sympathy for someone like Beyonce for being subjected to name-calling. What did she expect the reactions to be anyway? | |
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But it's surely about what the point behind the name calling is, i.e. what kinds of 'actions' it wants to call out and why (not to mention the 'consequences' it threatens). I think you're right to say that the problem with all this stuff is not female sexuality but the way it's bound up with submissiveness, and the message that helps send; but calling a woman a 'slut' is usually about telling her she's been too free with her sexuality and needs to be more submissive to the demands of what the men of the society want from 'their' women, conserving her 'virtue' by confining her sexuality within the bounds of monogamy, marriage, etc - lest she gets 'a reputation'. Maybe that's what some of her critics are angling at, but it seems to be expressing something quite different to what your well-said point against this dismal submissiveness, but not against female sexuality, was all about. [Edited 2/27/14 9:52am] "Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin | |
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But that's not what it's about at all anymore at this point. Your analysis of the usage of that word might have been correct still just a while ago, but these days I can't agree on that interpretation. The word really just means that someone is not behaving in a "dignified" manner, especially when trying to use sex as a "shortcut" for materialist ends. Again, I should stress that I don't like to use the word myself, but I'm not as opposed to people using it as much as I once was.
[Edited 2/27/14 10:57am] | |
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^ The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything. | |
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I agree on pretty much all of that, except for the bolded bits - and I can even go along with the criticism of hawking oneself for quick materialist gain you're saying the word now makes. But I just don't think words 'shed their skin' or shake off their old associations quite so easily, especially not in a short time; and I would still say 'slut' hasn't lost its old meaning, even if there really is some subset of people now using it with the intention of conveying something novel and less misogynist. I mean, I'd have to ask: why don't you use it if it really has lost its old, unpleasant whiff? "Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin | |
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Okay, I've used a bit too strong expression there myself ("but that's not what it's about at all anymore"). I think the "old" use described is still common, but people are also using it to convey their disappointment in how some people have chosen to behave (especially celebrities). They're using a strong word that has a long history and I suppose that's at least part of the motivation for it. Personally, if I see it used in a reactionary manner, like in this thread, my first assumption is not that the person using it wants women to be "just good wives" etc. [Edited 2/27/14 12:11pm] | |
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Ain't gonna apologize for the "slut" word
when I say "slut" I mean a "slut" -> not women in general, and many modern female pop stars LOOK LIKE sluts, expensive cinematography included...
I'd be mad if 8 of every 10 male musicians looked like pimps or muscled pornstars... ![]() | |
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I think its appropriate at this time in her career to be sexual.
From 1997, Beyonce never really been a sexual diva. I feel this album, and the 4 seems like Beyonce finally being herself as they are both more laid back.
This one being more sensual and sexual...but blatantly honest in my opinion.
This is her Erotica for sure...all the albums she previosuly released I have to say have all been different from eachother.
Damn yall acting like she is Rihanna now
Anyway, with songs like Pretty Hurts, Haunted, Jealous, Xo, Blow, Grown Woman and Flawless on the same album I can't judge its a great play [Edited 2/27/14 17:50pm] Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records. | |
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Beyonce is an exact motherfucking 5 way split rip off of Janet/Mariah/Diana/Whitney and ESPECIALLY TINA.
What's Madonna Got to do With it?
Britney is Janet/paula/madonna breed...
...Madonna's next of kin are Gaga, Gwen, Pink, Miley IMO I'll leave it alone babe...just be me | |
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Hey Blaque, did you know that your boy, "Justin" co-wrote this song? "Love is like peeing in your pants, everyone sees it but only you feel its warmth" | |
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When I refer to the term whore-I mean the term to take on the biblical sense of the word the old Madonna and the whore syndrome thingy. 99.9% of everything I say is strictly for my own entertainment | |
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I totally agree.When Madonna was doing these things,she wasn't just being "nasty" for the sake of being nasty.She was making a statement,challenging people,breaking down taboos and making people think.There was a purpose to what she was doing.Nowadays,there are many female artists acting all sexually aggressive (lol),but there's no deeper meaning to what they're doing,no point that they're trying to make.They're just doing it because it helps them to sell records.
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I don't see how submissive female sexuality is a problem unless you're one of those people who thinks that because a stereotype exists, no one can behave in that fashion anymore, no matter how harmless the behavior is in and of itself. (see: people mad about Madea being "embarrassing" or WHATEVER)
If she likes being submissive sexually some of the time, or even all of the time, let her.
And it's not like she doesn't have a song about inviting/demanding cunnilingus on her album either................................
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Good post. I was thinking "maybe she plays sexually submissive because she IS sexually submissive. Not every woman wants to sleep with a guy and then throw on a strap-on, flip him over and say "my turn!" She's no Madonna because Madonna came off as a slut. Beyonce has never rocked that style. She, like almost all pop stars, has flirted with it. That is the nature of pop music - playfully sexual innuendo and a sexed-up image to titilate people into buying music and merch. Music business 101. | |
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The problem isn't what her own sexual preferences are like, the problem is how these things are portrayed and exploited in the media. | |
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I've always said Beyonce was definitely a clone of Tina Turner & Diana Ross, no doubts there. | |
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Yet you said this:
It's how SHE chooses to depict HER sexuality so yes, you actually have a problem with her own sexual preferences. *waits for a rant about the big bad corporate media making one of the richest people in the world write, sing, and perform an oddly specific song about wild sex in a limo*
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RIGHT. One will find that there are PLENTY of women out in the world who quite liked to be spanked, chocked, called bitch, and made to call their partners "Daddy". Doesn't mean they all were sexually abused as children or don't value themselves as women, it may just be what they like. Also, it's just one song. "Blow", "Drunk in Love" and even parts of "Rocket" are a bit more aggressive.
I wouldn't even say Madonna came off as a slut. Even during the Erotica era, she seemed to just be out to provoke. Sex is one of the coldest depictions of sexuality I've ever seen. Like "HERE. Here is an implied threesome. Here is public nudity on a highway."
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I don't think Beyonce is a slut or a whore for her sexual explicitness. I just think it's boring as hell. At least let the music be good. I don't really see people talk about Beyonce's music from this album, just how she released it or how hot she looked in such and such video. If she can't put out timeless music how does she expect to be this legend she's so obsessed about being one day? [Edited 3/1/14 22:03pm] | |
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There you go.
[Edited 3/1/14 23:49pm] | |
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She pretty much summed it up in the videos on the album in youtube.
She explains that her fans are growing up with her and it was time she express herself the way she wants to, how she feels as a mother and a wife. Really you should listen to the whole album instead of nitpicking. Straight Jacket Funk Affair
Album plays and love for vinyl records. | |
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nextedition said: Her recent videos actually make me like her songs less, it´s the same thing over and over again. ![]() However,hey when it comes to self pride and dignity, the lure of money superceds all integrity and moral logic for many. (Beyonce is a libidinous labeled product. nothing more, nothing less). as far as comparing her to madonna, the one thing they both seem to have in common is they both don't seem to care how deeply their stage and video imagery influence a large segment of young girls. [Edited 3/11/14 6:36am] “Transracial is a term that has long since been defined as the adoption of a child that is of a different race than the adoptive parents,” : https://thinkprogress.org...fb6e18544a | |
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Katamari, Prince.org's automatic functions for simplifying the HTML syntax can't handle that much formatting at the moment due to bugs. Responding to the post you've made above using the quoting functions is impossible without cleaning up the code manually (which is something I won't proceed to do for a poster that insists on adding unnecessary formatting like using a specific colour for his own comments).
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