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Thread started 10/03/13 2:24pm


Sinead O'Connor to Miley Cyrus: The music business doesn’t give a s**t about you, or any of us.

Love her and love this.

[Edited 10/3/13 7:25am]

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Reply #1 posted 10/03/13 2:52pm



Good stuff. thumbs up! Kudos to Sinead.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin
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Reply #2 posted 10/03/13 2:53pm


I agree, but not the talented part. razz

Just Music-No Categories-Enjoy It!
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Reply #3 posted 10/03/13 3:27pm





deebee said:

Good stuff. thumbs up! Kudos to Sinead.



Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #4 posted 10/03/13 6:05pm


tru dat.

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Reply #5 posted 10/03/13 8:03pm


Miley didn't take her advice, and compared Sinead O'Connor to Amanda Bynes.


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Reply #6 posted 10/03/13 8:36pm



The minute you sign a recording contract you have already prostituted yourself. Whether you're wearing a black dress playing an acoustic guitar or dancing around half naked, you're a ho. The music executives are hos to the bottom line.

The game is getting out of it what you can to further your career. Pay a little up and try to keep as much as you can for yourself to get to the next day. Some people know how to work the game and some dont. Some come out of it a better person and some come out of it bitter and used.

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Reply #7 posted 10/03/13 8:46pm


Poor girls attempt at scoring "cool points" with credible artists backfired lol. I'm glad Sinead didn't decide to ignore her and actually address what is really going on here.
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Reply #8 posted 10/03/13 9:53pm


1. I'M FUCKING SICK of hearing about Miley Cyrus! i hear about her more than the state of politics, life, or drinking water. People just will not shut their fucking crusty holes about her.

2. I love Sinead's first few album... she was a rebel of her time. Why the hell is she even talking about her? did she really think she was going to listen? lol

3. Naturally vagina Citrus was mad... and apperently one of her videos was inspired by Sinead blah blah.

Sinead really didn't have to say shit! Sinead chica sex sells! ripping pictures of religious leaders is brave as hell! but it DOES NOT sell records. So there is a difference...

Pistols sounded like "Fuck off," wheras The Clash sounded like "Fuck Off, but here's why.."- Thedigitialgardener

All music is shit music and no music is real- gunsnhalen

Datdonkeydick- Asherfierce

Gary Hunts Album Isn't That Good- Soulalive
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Reply #9 posted 10/03/13 10:21pm


Gunsnhalen said:

1. I'M FUCKING SICK of hearing about Miley Cyrus! i hear about her more than the state of politics, life, or drinking water. People just will not shut their fucking crusty holes about her.

2. I love Sinead's first few album... she was a rebel of her time. Why the hell is she even talking about her? did she really think she was going to listen? lol

3. Naturally vagina Citrus was mad... and apperently one of her videos was inspired by Sinead blah blah.

Sinead really didn't have to say shit! Sinead chica sex sells! ripping pictures of religious leaders is brave as hell! but it DOES NOT sell records. So there is a difference...

I had a discussion with a friend of mine who stumbled across a cd of Sinead's in my car and insisted on telling me how weird she was and how wrong she was for ripping up that picture of the pope. I tried to reason by saying she was protesting the crimes (especially the rampant child molestation cover ups) of the church but she was not swayed. Something about how it was wrong to make such a personal attack. I further tried to say how I felt it was appropriate to hold the boss accountable. She wasn't swayed. I think Sinead's bald head was probably the real culprit. The funny thing is (and it was hardly a secret) when it was exposed later that the church was systematically protecting abusers I never heard anyone in the media (Quayle was right they are mindless sheep) say how Sinead was right.


My final point; You're right Sinead is so above this.


P.S. I'm also SHOCKED and FLABBERGHASTED that Sinead's point was lost on Smiley Miley, but she's coming from the Modanna school of exploitation where if you feel you're the one doing the exploiting then it isn't exploitation!

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Reply #10 posted 10/03/13 10:32pm



Great letter Sinead! clapping

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Reply #11 posted 10/03/13 10:48pm



First thing SInead and Miley are from two different periods of record company, SINEAD could actually get artistic on her label and was given the freedom to do so and encouraged, there is no encouragement now, NOW you sell or your gone, Like Elton John said, if i did my first album now, and it sold the same way, there would be no album two. So i get the whole labels rip you off blah blah blah shit that is played like a broken record, read the contract is all i can say. ALSO lets make two points that sinead totally misses here, ONE is record industry, that doesnt exist now, now its all one MEDIA industry and TWO Miley got naked, no one made her do it, and she is the one HYPING stuff, creating fake rumours to jump start interest in her which there was ZERO before that twerking bullshit.

"We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F
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Reply #12 posted 10/03/13 10:49pm



Gunsnhalen said:

1. I'M FUCKING SICK of hearing about Miley Cyrus! i hear about her more than the state of politics, life, or drinking water. People just will not shut their fucking crusty holes about her.

thumbs up! Until the VMA Awards, I had totally forgotten about her. Now, people can't stop talking about her. And, unfortunately for her, none of the talk is about how talented she is.

"It's not nice to fuck with K.B.! All you haters will see!" - Kitbradley
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
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Reply #13 posted 10/03/13 10:51pm


Love Sinead. She's spot on.

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Reply #14 posted 10/03/13 10:53pm


lastdecember said:

First thing SInead and Miley are from two different periods of record company, SINEAD could actually get artistic on her label and was given the freedom to do so and encouraged, there is no encouragement now, NOW you sell or your gone, Like Elton John said, if i did my first album now, and it sold the same way, there would be no album two. So i get the whole labels rip you off blah blah blah shit that is played like a broken record, read the contract is all i can say. ALSO lets make two points that sinead totally misses here, ONE is record industry, that doesnt exist now, now its all one MEDIA industry and TWO Miley got naked, no one made her do it, and she is the one HYPING stuff, creating fake rumours to jump start interest in her which there was ZERO before that twerking bullshit.

True they come from two different times. But your point about the industry automatically made me think of this:

where I think, "They still do business like this"? But it is Rihanna. Maybe it still pays off for them.

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Reply #15 posted 10/03/13 10:57pm



CynicKill said:

lastdecember said:

First thing SInead and Miley are from two different periods of record company, SINEAD could actually get artistic on her label and was given the freedom to do so and encouraged, there is no encouragement now, NOW you sell or your gone, Like Elton John said, if i did my first album now, and it sold the same way, there would be no album two. So i get the whole labels rip you off blah blah blah shit that is played like a broken record, read the contract is all i can say. ALSO lets make two points that sinead totally misses here, ONE is record industry, that doesnt exist now, now its all one MEDIA industry and TWO Miley got naked, no one made her do it, and she is the one HYPING stuff, creating fake rumours to jump start interest in her which there was ZERO before that twerking bullshit.

True they come from two different times. But your point about the industry automatically made me think of this:

where I think, "They still do business like this"? But it is Rihanna. Maybe it still pays off for them.

Paying for a hit is what many labels do but there is a difference, Chris Brown tweeting nonsense or Kanye West do something stupid is not label generated its idiot generated, its the new way and cheap way to market yourself, its why i refuse to even call today, a music industry, because Music is not even the relevant thing going on in any way shape or form.

"We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F
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Reply #16 posted 10/03/13 11:17pm


CynicKill said:

Gunsnhalen said:

1. I'M FUCKING SICK of hearing about Miley Cyrus! i hear about her more than the state of politics, life, or drinking water. People just will not shut their fucking crusty holes about her.

2. I love Sinead's first few album... she was a rebel of her time. Why the hell is she even talking about her? did she really think she was going to listen? lol

3. Naturally vagina Citrus was mad... and apperently one of her videos was inspired by Sinead blah blah.

Sinead really didn't have to say shit! Sinead chica sex sells! ripping pictures of religious leaders is brave as hell! but it DOES NOT sell records. So there is a difference...

I had a discussion with a friend of mine who stumbled across a cd of Sinead's in my car and insisted on telling me how weird she was and how wrong she was for ripping up that picture of the pope. I tried to reason by saying she was protesting the crimes (especially the rampant child molestation cover ups) of the church but she was not swayed. Something about how it was wrong to make such a personal attack. I further tried to say how I felt it was appropriate to hold the boss accountable. She wasn't swayed. I think Sinead's bald head was probably the real culprit. The funny thing is (and it was hardly a secret) when it was exposed later that the church was systematically protecting abusers I never heard anyone in the media (Quayle was right they are mindless sheep) say how Sinead was right.


My final point; You're right Sinead is so above this.


P.S. I'm also SHOCKED and FLABBERGHASTED that Sinead's point was lost on Smiley Miley, but she's coming from the Modanna school of exploitation where if you feel you're the one doing the exploiting then it isn't exploitation!

Well, i mean she is a young girl. So i kind of figured her ''point'' would be lost on her which is why i didn't think Sinead needed to comment.

Oh, and i can't imagine what Mileys fans are saying lol

Pistols sounded like "Fuck off," wheras The Clash sounded like "Fuck Off, but here's why.."- Thedigitialgardener

All music is shit music and no music is real- gunsnhalen

Datdonkeydick- Asherfierce

Gary Hunts Album Isn't That Good- Soulalive
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Reply #17 posted 10/03/13 11:21pm


lastdecember said:

CynicKill said:

True they come from two different times. But your point about the industry automatically made me think of this:

where I think, "They still do business like this"? But it is Rihanna. Maybe it still pays off for them.

Paying for a hit is what many labels do but there is a difference, Chris Brown tweeting nonsense or Kanye West do something stupid is not label generated its idiot generated, its the new way and cheap way to market yourself, its why i refuse to even call today, a music industry, because Music is not even the relevant thing going on in any way shape or form.

I agree. It's one of the things I admire about J Cole, who flat out said that he's not into social media unless it's strictly to promote a project and naively said the "Twitter" way of promotion won't last.


My point with the paying for hits thing is that it seems they're still doing it the old way (Flying songwriters in to expensive hotels, expensive studio time, etc.) I thought the industry was in dire straits. Apparently there's still money to be made in this digital age.

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Reply #18 posted 10/03/13 11:25pm


And... as said i love Sineads music. And i appreciate the things she did in her time.

But, the girl has done some crazy shit of her own. I mean she got married and divorced within like what a few months? and wasn't she openly talking about cruising for sex on dating sites?

She had her own brief spin in the media doing crazy shit just 2 years ago... and you know this man.

Pistols sounded like "Fuck off," wheras The Clash sounded like "Fuck Off, but here's why.."- Thedigitialgardener

All music is shit music and no music is real- gunsnhalen

Datdonkeydick- Asherfierce

Gary Hunts Album Isn't That Good- Soulalive
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Reply #19 posted 10/03/13 11:27pm



CynicKill said:

lastdecember said:

CynicKill said:

True they come from two different times. But your point about the industry automatically made me think of this:

where I think, "They still do business like this"? But it is Rihanna. Maybe it still pays off for them.

Paying for a hit is what many labels do but there is a difference, Chris Brown tweeting nonsense or Kanye West do something stupid is not label generated its idiot generated, its the new way and cheap way to market yourself, its why i refuse to even call today, a music industry, because Music is not even the relevant thing going on in any way shape or form.

I agree. It's one of the things I admire about J Cole, who flat out said that he's not into social media unless it's strictly to promote a project and naively said the "Twitter" way of promotion won't last.


My point with the paying for hits thing is that it seems they're still doing it the old way (Flying songwriters in to expensive hotels, expensive studio time, etc.) I thought the industry was in dire straits. Apparently there's still money to be made in this digital age.

Oh i have been saying this for years here. the industry is not hurting, music is. The idea of music that is, the way its put out the way its marketed. No one at a label is "hurting"

"We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F
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Reply #20 posted 10/03/13 11:32pm


Gunsnhalen said:

And... as said i love Sineads music. And i appreciate the things she did in her time.

But, the girl has done some crazy shit of her own. I mean she got married and divorced within like what a few months? and wasn't she openly talking about cruising for sex on dating sites?

She had her own brief spin in the media doing crazy shit just 2 years ago... and you know this man.

Let's not forget that she was once a lesbian but decided she was longer one lol Sinead is bipolar so I can understand her problems.

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Reply #21 posted 10/03/13 11:37pm


aardvark15 said:

Gunsnhalen said:

And... as said i love Sineads music. And i appreciate the things she did in her time.

But, the girl has done some crazy shit of her own. I mean she got married and divorced within like what a few months? and wasn't she openly talking about cruising for sex on dating sites?

She had her own brief spin in the media doing crazy shit just 2 years ago... and you know this man.

Let's not forget that she was once a lesbian but decided she was longer one lol Sinead is bipolar so I can understand her problems.

She once said she was lesbian... and once talked about how ''hot'' she thought Dr. Dre was. She is bipolar witht he mind of a Gemini lol

Pistols sounded like "Fuck off," wheras The Clash sounded like "Fuck Off, but here's why.."- Thedigitialgardener

All music is shit music and no music is real- gunsnhalen

Datdonkeydick- Asherfierce

Gary Hunts Album Isn't That Good- Soulalive
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Reply #22 posted 10/03/13 11:46pm


I was just about to say her bipolar disorder pretty much absolves her of most wrongdoings. And for Miley to disregard that ( she probably doesn't even know about it) is immature at best. But bipolar people have moments of clarity just like everybody else, and she just missed it . She can't possibly think anyone really cares about what she does. Just becasue she's on tabloids and infotainment shows? She's not talented like Madonna so this WON'T last! But she got a little life and now she's all gassed up. The fall will be ugly, moreso then that teddy bear one piece she wore at the VMA's.

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Reply #23 posted 10/03/13 11:53pm


Gunsnhalen said:

aardvark15 said:

Gunsnhalen said:

And... as said i love Sineads music. And i appreciate the things she did in her time.

But, the girl has done some crazy shit of her own. I mean she got married and divorced within like what a few months? and wasn't she openly talking about cruising for sex on dating sites?

She had her own brief spin in the media doing crazy shit just 2 years ago... and you know this man.

Let's not forget that she was once a lesbian but decided she was longer one lol Sinead is bipolar so I can understand her problems.

She once said she was lesbian... and once talked about how ''hot'' she thought Dr. Dre was. She is bipolar witht he mind of a Gemini lol

Bitch is crazy lol . She's talented and has a lot of balls but she's still crazy lol
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Reply #24 posted 10/04/13 1:18am


Sinead O'Connor writes to Miley Cyrus again: 'It is not acceptable to mock any person for having suffered'


Image Credit: Fred Tanneau/Getty Images

Yesterday, outspoken Irish singer-songwriter Sinead O’Connor posted an open letter to Miley Cyrus on her website that chided the starlet for getting naked in her “Wrecking Ball” video — which Cyrus had told Rolling Stone was partly inspired by O’Connor’s iconic “Nothing Compares 2U” clip. “Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited,” O’Connor wrote to Cyrus, “and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.”

Cyrus didn’t take kindly to the harsh criticism, tweeting out a response that compared O’Connor to troubled starlet Amanda Bynes and included a screengrab of the bipolar singer’s very public Twitter meltdown from January 2012. Cyrus, who will host Saturday Night Live this weekend, then tweeted an image of O’Connor famously tearing up a photo of Pope John Paul II during her own Saturday Night Live gig in 1992.

O’Connor has now taken to her website to address Cyrus again — and she’s not playing nice this time around. “I mean really really… who advises you?” she asks. “Have you any idea how stupid and dangerous it is to mock people for suffering illness?”

She also takes issue with Cyrus’ tweet about O’Connor’s pope-tearing SNL stunt. “By mocking it you mock every child who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of priests and had it covered by the Vatican,” she says. “You could really do with educating yourself, that is if you’re not too busy getting your t–s out to read.” Yikes.

Once again, Cyrus has responded to O’Connor’s open letter on her Twitter:

Read O’Connor’s full letter below:

Miley… Really? Who the f—k is advising you? Because taking me on is even more f—kin’ stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism. You have posted today tweets of mine which are two years old, which were posted by me when I was unwell and seeking help so as to make them look like they are recent. In doing so you mock myself and Amanda Bynes for having suffered with mental health issues and for having sought help.

I mean really really… who advises you? have you any idea how stupid and dangerous it is to mock people for suffering illness? You will yourself one day suffer such illness, that is without doubt. The course you have set yourself upon can only end in that, trust me.

I am staggered that any 20 yr old woman of the 21st century could behave in such a dangerous and irresponsible manner as to not only send the signal to young women that its ok to act like prostitutes but also to the signal that those who have suffered or do suffer mental health problems are to be mocked and have their opinions invalidated. Have you no sense of danger at all? or responsibility? Remove your tweets immediately or you will hear from my lawyers. I am certain you will be hearing from all manner of mental health advocacy groups also. It is not acceptable to mock any person for having suffered.

It is most unbecoming of you to respond in such a fashion to someone who expressed care for you. And worse that you are such an anti-female tool of the anti-female music industry. I hope that you will apologise to Amanda Bynes and to any person who has been wounded by your mockery of those who have suffered. And I hope that you will wake up and understand that you in fact are a danger to women.

Furthermore you posted a photo of me tearing the pope’s photo .. as if to imply insanity.. by doing so all you have achieved is to expose your staggering ignorance. I suggest you read The Philadelphia Report, The Boston Report, all the reports which will illuminate for you why that action of mine remains sane and valid. By mocking it you mock every child who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of priests and had it covered by the Vatican. You could really do with educating yourself, that is if you’re not too busy getting your t–s out to read.

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Reply #25 posted 10/04/13 2:40am



You know Ive stood by Miley through most of this cause I just see the whole vma/twerking as marketing of product, but going after Sinead and finding tweets that were posted years ago when Sinead was going through her mental illness is just white trash at its worse.


The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #26 posted 10/04/13 4:39am



They are both wrong. If Sinead had some criticism or advice of Miley, she should have communicated that in private, not online for everyone to see. Sinead made it personal by attacking her character, so Miley is obviously going to react defensively. Of course, Miley was way out of line for attacking Sinead's mental illness. Same thing happened with Harry Belafonte and Jay Z.

Public figures seriously need to get offline and pick up the phone or write a letter.

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Reply #27 posted 10/04/13 5:05am



As is the case all too often these days...seems that bad media behavior garners far more attention than positive... rolleyes

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #28 posted 10/04/13 5:21am



lrn36 said:

They are both wrong. If Sinead had some criticism or advice of Miley, she should have communicated that in private, not online for everyone to see. Sinead made it personal by attacking her character, so Miley is obviously going to react defensively. Of course, Miley was way out of line for attacking Sinead's mental illness. Same thing happened with Harry Belafonte and Jay Z.

Public figures seriously need to get offline and pick up the phone or write a letter.

But Sinead is not only talking to Miley here, shes warning all of the tween/teenager disney/sony "stars" out there of what the industry does.

The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #29 posted 10/04/13 6:24am



lastdecember said:

First thing SInead and Miley are from two different periods of record company, SINEAD could actually get artistic on her label and was given the freedom to do so and encouraged, there is no encouragement now, NOW you sell or your gone, Like Elton John said, if i did my first album now, and it sold the same way, there would be no album two. So i get the whole labels rip you off blah blah blah shit that is played like a broken record, read the contract is all i can say. ALSO lets make two points that sinead totally misses here, ONE is record industry, that doesnt exist now, now its all one MEDIA industry and TWO Miley got naked, no one made her do it, and she is the one HYPING stuff, creating fake rumours to jump start interest in her which there was ZERO before that twerking bullshit.

I somewhat disagree with you only on THAT^ point. Remember, Miley has handlers. The only choice she really had was to either say "no" (at the risk of not having a career as a pop star at all) OR to say "yes" and do what she is suppose to do like a good little pawn.

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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Sinead O'Connor to Miley Cyrus: The music business doesn’t give a s**t about you, or any of us.