Did any LaFace artist make any money? | |
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hahha you're funny!
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I'm serious. | |
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There's only so much zeal one can put forth while performing and producing music today. Once that zeal is taken away as a result of all the talentless and machine-generated "crap" that plagues the industry, radio and retail, what's left? NUTHIN'. I'm glad she is seeing that it's a no-win battle. I DO, however wish her the best of health in the years to come and I hope there are MANY. She seems really, really sweet, but I don't know. I don't know her. Hungry? Just look in the mirror and get fed up. | |
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in the end she is doing what she wants to do, she isnt a super young woman stopping, she has a family and their were health issues there, she has her own too, that effects you alot too. I dont think she is making this decision because she is bored with her old stuff and cant sell now, there are tons of artists that dont sell that dont stop, shit 90% of the industry makes no money and the artists dont either, so her decision is much deeper than the typical shit people say, "oh you dont sell" you should quit, honestly the next person who tells someone to quit there life and what they do i hope that person gets hit by a truck. "We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F | |
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I remember hearing that Toni made only about $2000 off Unbreak My Heart | |
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idgaf about her music so I am affected in no way. | |
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I agree. Now she wants to star in movie and have a lesbian love scene.
Music Royalty in Motion | |
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I haven't felt the love from Toni's music since "He Wasn't Man Enough". But Toni has health issues and her son's autism to contend with so maybe she should've made that announcement years ago. I understand she has to perform to provide money but I just wish she had handled her financial business instead of being led to trust conniving people for messing with her money. It's sad. But I do wish her well. But yeah I'm also not that affected. | |
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Shes made bad business choices but honestly alot of them were the ones that were making her a star in the first place, so the deals she had were just bad, but again, people I FEEL didnt really start waking up to knowing how to read contracts FULLY till Prince did his "slave" thing and really took a major $$ hit for it. Now there were many artists that didnt sign bad deals, but many many have bad deals. As for her music, i was never big on her early stuff or even her albums, im not into that ballad era of vocalists be it Dion or Carey or Braxton i found alot of those songs pretty boring, mainly production wise. But always thought she was great looking and had alot of talent, i just thought musically she was boring, and the people around her then were boring. Now that she is older, for a female you really cant do the mainstream thing without trying to sell to 9year olds, that shouldnt interest her, and doesnt but thats what her genre really dictates. I think she should do what she feels at this point, dont tour and do laundry lists if you arent interested in it at all, sometimes artists have to rediscover their own music. "We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F | |
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I love Toni. I even have her underrated albums and released singles from the past few years. So sad that the industry wants all R&B singers to end like this. | |
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I'm surprised some folks just sign contracts just to sign a contract. I think people back then didn't comment about contracts prior to Prince, George Michael and 'em because they didn't wanna "upset" things. | |
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Bad business choices? That's not 100% accuarate..Here's a couple deals that were made Public.
Business Deal #1: After battling LaFace/Arista she re-singed with them and received a $10-Million sign on bonus for X-amount of Albums.
Business Deal #2: Toni signed a Muti-Million dollar deal to do 5 to 6 shows a week in Vegas. That was an EXCELLENT deal that would have seen heaps of cash-flow for YEARS but SHE reneged on the contract and got into financial ruins...She claims health issues...
Other smart moves early on was Toni's decision to do the role on Broadway where she was paid $50,000 to $100,000 a week for X-amount of Months.
And remember she never stopped touring over-seas where she makes her Greatest Booking-paycheck...
Probably one of the Baddest decisons she ever made with her $10-Mil was spending Millions on her dream wedding when it was obvious she wasnt rolling in the Dough like that and neither was Keri Lewis...
Toni tried to Live like a VERY-very Rich Diva and that was her downfall....Somebody forgot to tell her she needed to marry someone that was 10X's Richer than herself if she wanted to live the lavish-life...
I LOVE Toni but she should've married Vince's RICH Fat Ass instead of letting Big-Mouth Tamar Hump that Brotha all the way to the Court House....Tamar got MOUTH but she knew what she was doing when she married Toni's Manager....
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