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Thread started 01/04/13 3:36am


The Jacksons live - new footage from TV broadcast (great quality)

Great quality

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Reply #1 posted 01/04/13 4:52am


no, just no.

They can't sing

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Reply #2 posted 01/04/13 5:37am



Azz said:

no, just no.

They can't sing

Michael, could have told you that.... lol lol

"Love is like peeing in your pants, everyone sees it but only you feel its warmth"
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Reply #3 posted 01/04/13 5:48am



I think it would be better to draw a good lead singer from the side. Perhaps even from their family ... not Janet, she can`t sing too ... so many members of the Jackson family, that at least someone should be able to sing well - just a theory of probability. wink

[Edited 1/4/13 5:49am]

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Reply #4 posted 01/04/13 7:30am


LiLi1992 said:

I think it would be better to draw a good lead singer from the side. Perhaps even from their family ... not Janet, she can`t sing too ... so many members of the Jackson family, that at least someone should be able to sing well - just a theory of probability. wink

[Edited 1/4/13 5:49am]

Jermaine is the second best singer of the family, He would be the one that would have to bring it vocally.

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Reply #5 posted 01/04/13 7:47am



I don`t think Jermaine is good enough to be the lead singer. co-leader - yes.
they don`t sound good, so, IMHO, needed fifth performers with leadership qualities ang great vocals. their performance is similar to the show of back-vocalists.
they need to gain, it is quite obvious.

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Reply #6 posted 01/04/13 7:57am


LiLi1992 said:

I don`t think Jermaine is good enough to be the lead singer. co-leader - yes.
they don`t sound good, so, IMHO, needed fifth performers with leadership qualities ang great vocals. their performance is similar to the show of back-vocalists.
they need to gain, it is quite obvious.

I agree.

However, looking at the vocal abilities/talents of the entire family Jermaine would be the choice for lead and Jermaine is not horrible. He was a pretty good singer in his hey day.

Why would Jackie, Marlon etc be singing lead?

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Reply #7 posted 01/04/13 9:30am



The title of this thread is soooo misleading. I seriously got all pumped up thinking new footage of the Triumph Tour had surfaced! In otherwords, the "Jackson's Live" abum!

It is sad to see them like this. They are struggling to hold onto something that left the earth over 3 years ago. The magic is gone. Poor Tito and Marlon have to lip synch. Jermaine's vocals are nowhere near as strong as they once were, and Jackie is lucky to get a background vocal in here and there.

I have to go listen to the Jackson's Live CD, just to get this out of my head. Not hating, just disappointed.

Lovesexy Funkateer
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Reply #8 posted 01/04/13 11:05am


LovesexyIsThe1 said:

The title of this thread is soooo misleading. I seriously got all pumped up thinking new footage of the Triumph Tour had surfaced! In otherwords, the "Jackson's Live" abum!

It is sad to see them like this. They are struggling to hold onto something that left the earth over 3 years ago. The magic is gone. Poor Tito and Marlon have to lip synch. Jermaine's vocals are nowhere near as strong as they once were, and Jackie is lucky to get a background vocal in here and there.

I have to go listen to the Jackson's Live CD, just to get this out of my head. Not hating, just disappointed.

i thought the same thing! but i could see that these clips were going to be of the new tour, so i did not click on them. i knew what to expect.

back on another thread last year, i posted that the brothers should have reconfigured themselves as a new group. they should have brought in a new lead singer, because i agree jermaine has never been a lead singer, only a good co-lead on some songs, and gotten away from their "jacksons" roots. they should have become another group, instead of trying to convince themselves that they carry on w/o mj as the same group.

i got a lot of shit from some posters for that, but as i posted at the time, if they had done that, they wouldn't be in the situation they are now. they are indeed struggling to hold on to mj, and they've been doing that for nearly thirty years, not just three, imho.

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Reply #9 posted 01/04/13 12:31pm



I find it ironic that the brother, who was the most jealous and envious of Michael, is the one who is singing his parts. Jermaine is not a good singer or even great singer and this tour should not have been put togther....smh.

"Love is like peeing in your pants, everyone sees it but only you feel its warmth"
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Reply #10 posted 01/04/13 1:08pm



Family have there issues, people go on and on about the Jackson drama as if this is something new under the sun. Cain & Able... the good news, no one in the Jackson family killed another.

A couple of decades late and a brother short. I can't begrudge them for doing this, Jermaine voice isn't close to what it use to be, they are middle age men. shrug

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Reply #11 posted 01/04/13 1:38pm


LiLi1992 said:

I think it would be better to draw a good lead singer from the side. Perhaps even from their family ... not Janet, she can`t sing too ... so many members of the Jackson family, that at least someone should be able to sing well - just a theory of probability. ;-

awhile back,I suggested that they should bring in Tito's son...the one who sang lead in the 3T group.He's a decent vocalist and I bet he knows all of these songs already.

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Reply #12 posted 01/04/13 6:55pm



LiLi1992 said:

I don`t think Jermaine is good enough to be the lead singer. co-leader - yes.
they don`t sound good, so, IMHO, needed fifth performers with leadership qualities ang great vocals. their performance is similar to the show of back-vocalists.
they need to gain, it is quite obvious.

Jermaine is good enough, these guys are just 60 years old or damn near close to it.

Also, Jermaine is not singing his songs, these songs are not in his register. Marvin Gaye couldn't sing James Brown songs ...

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MICHAEL JACKSON: Always and Forever
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Reply #13 posted 01/04/13 10:56pm


The up tempo MJ songs are not Jermaine's forte. However comparing Jermaine's version of I'll be there to Michael's version of the song at MSG 2001 it is clear that Jermaine did pretty well.

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Reply #14 posted 01/05/13 6:22am


I thought it was new "old" footage. Sorry bros, i love yall, but I just cant.
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Reply #15 posted 01/05/13 3:18pm


kibbles said: LovesexyIsThe1 said: The title of this thread is soooo misleading. I seriously got all pumped up thinking new footage of the Triumph Tour had surfaced! In otherwords, the "Jackson's Live" abum! It is sad to see them like this. They are struggling to hold onto something that left the earth over 3 years ago. The magic is gone. Poor Tito and Marlon have to lip synch. Jermaine's vocals are nowhere near as strong as they once were, and Jackie is lucky to get a background vocal in here and there. I have to go listen to the Jackson's Live CD, just to get this out of my head. Not hating, just disappointed. i thought the same thing! but i could see that these clips were going to be of the new tour, so i did not click on them. i knew what to expect. back on another thread last year, i posted that the brothers should have reconfigured themselves as a new group. they should have brought in a new lead singer, because i agree jermaine has never been a lead singer, only a good co-lead on some songs, and gotten away from their "jacksons" roots. they should have become another group, instead of trying to convince themselves that they carry on w/o mj as the same group. i got a lot of shit from some posters for that, but as i posted at the time, if they had done that, they wouldn't be in the situation they are now. they are indeed struggling to hold on to mj, and they've been doing that for nearly thirty years, not just three, imho. why in the world would they need to "reconfigure" when they represent the original Jackson Five....the one person who moved beyond his roots is the very man who's no longer present in the equationif he would have embraced his roots, he would still be performing, or conceiving viable music today, that person being Michael Jacksonthese guys are doing great, but MJ KING OF POP/POST THRILLER MJ FANS don't want to acknowledge that and do everything in their bag of tricks to influence others to think otherwisebut there's always somebody out there who knows the unequivocal truth and nothing can defeat thatand all of these guys would have experienced lasting careers individually if their careers weren't sabotaged beginning in 1991, late 1991and what's missing out of all of this is that these guys are presenting the love message which audiences are enjoying, a message that stands above the crap music, destructive lyrical content that has destroyed essence and integrity, and excellencemany POST THRILLER MJ are attending these showings and coming away shocked what they witnessed....but even if I never get to see this show, it doesn't shock me one bit, because all of the brothers were consummate professionals, the very reason why they are able to performing on stage live even while they grow 2001, during those MSG concerts celebrating MICHAEL'S 30 years as a solo artist, when NSYNC came on stage to dance with the brothers during the performance of DANCING MACHINE, NSYNC couldn't even keep up w/them, the brothers had them beat even when they were 20 plus years older

[Edited 1/5/13 15:24pm]

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Reply #16 posted 01/05/13 3:28pm


and as far as lyp synching....Michael lyp sanc the majority of the show for the HISTORY that in contrast to his performances for the TRIUMPH TOUR where all of his vocals, including the brothers were 150% livethe best show they ever did, including MIKE
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Reply #17 posted 01/05/13 5:26pm



LovesexyIsThe1 said:

The title of this thread is soooo misleading. I seriously got all pumped up thinking new footage of the Triumph Tour had surfaced! In otherwords, the "Jackson's Live" abum!

It is sad to see them like this. They are struggling to hold onto something that left the earth over 3 years ago. The magic is gone. Poor Tito and Marlon have to lip synch. Jermaine's vocals are nowhere near as strong as they once were, and Jackie is lucky to get a background vocal in here and there.

I have to go listen to the Jackson's Live CD, just to get this out of my head. Not hating, just disappointed.

Ditto sad

I was listening to the Come And Get It: Rare Pearls album this week and Jermain actually used to be a really strong singer in his teens. Marlon is like Jermaine but less distinct; Randy has no ability to project his voice (see Triumph tour where he and Michael share a microphone for Can You Feel It so accusations of raised/lowered sound levels can't be made); Jackie has a lovely tone but is best harmonising in the background rather than lead; I actually like Tito's voice a lot.

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Reply #18 posted 01/05/13 6:09pm



TD3 said:

Family have there issues, people go on and on about the Jackson drama as if this is something new under the sun. Cain & Able... the good news, no one in the Jackson family killed another.

A couple of decades late and a brother short. I can't begrudge them for doing this, Jermaine voice isn't close to what it use to be, they are middle age men. shrug

Well said.

Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint
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Reply #19 posted 01/05/13 6:34pm


Great to see the brothers keeping THEIR legacy alive for the people who never had a chance to see them when they were touring in the 70's and 80's. When MJ went solo he merely adapted the Jacksons live act to fit his needs. He even went so far as to hire stand-ins for the other 4 brothers. Nothing wrong, imo, with the brothers, using a similar stategy in adapting The Jacksons show around their abilities to keep the music alive.

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Reply #20 posted 01/05/13 6:46pm



funksterr said:

Great to see the brothers keeping THEIR legacy alive for the people who never had a chance to see them when they were touring in the 70's and 80's. When MJ went solo he merely adapted the Jacksons live act to fit his needs. He even went so far as to hire stand-ins for the other 4 brothers. Nothing wrong, imo, with the brothers, using a similar stategy in adapting The Jacksons show around their abilities to keep the music alive.

Really? To me it's the equivalent of Queen or INXS touring without a replacement lead singer or the Rolling Stones touring without Mick. I suppose sometimes it works. There are always former band members that tour and sing their band's hits (Diana Ross, the Gallagher brothers, surviving Beatles), but in those cases they also sing new material to define the fact that it's their show as individuals.

It would be interesting to see the Jacksons sing nothing but their solo career songs or the group songs they did without Michael as lead. Jermaine certainly has enough of them to go around that people would recognise. For me though it always comes back to the fact that they could have done this years and years ago, but if several accounts are to be believed, they were more interested in making more money by trying to get Michael to to a proper round the world stadium tour instead of drawing in crowds on their own merits.

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Reply #21 posted 01/05/13 6:57pm



Ellie said:

funksterr said:

Great to see the brothers keeping THEIR legacy alive for the people who never had a chance to see them when they were touring in the 70's and 80's. When MJ went solo he merely adapted the Jacksons live act to fit his needs. He even went so far as to hire stand-ins for the other 4 brothers. Nothing wrong, imo, with the brothers, using a similar stategy in adapting The Jacksons show around their abilities to keep the music alive.

Really? To me it's the equivalent of Queen or INXS touring without a replacement lead singer or the Rolling Stones touring without Mick. I suppose sometimes it works. There are always former band members that tour and sing their band's hits (Diana Ross, the Gallagher brothers, surviving Beatles), but in those cases they also sing new material to define the fact that it's their show as individuals.

It would be interesting to see the Jacksons sing nothing but their solo career songs or the group songs they did without Michael as lead. Jermaine certainly has enough of them to go around that people would recognise. For me though it always comes back to the fact that they could have done this years and years ago, but if several accounts are to be believed, they were more interested in making more money by trying to get Michael to to a proper round the world stadium tour instead of drawing in crowds on their own merits.

"they were more interested in making more money by trying to get Michael to to a proper round the world stadium tour instead of drawing in crowds on their own merits."

In other words, they're as always, trying to ride their brother's coattails. It does not bother me that they are doing some of the songs, that they sung as brothers. What bothers me is, when they do Michael's solo stuff. They sound horrible doing it, but continue to milk it for everything that it's worth. Do you really think, that all of those people, are coming to hear the remaining Jacksons, sing all of the songs that they made as a group? Nope. The majority of them, are coming to see that moment in the show, where they pay tribute to Michael. They want to see that montage of pictures, while the MUSIC, of "Gone To Soon", plays; and not the "vocal stylings"of Jermaine.

[Edited 1/5/13 19:17pm]

"Love is like peeing in your pants, everyone sees it but only you feel its warmth"
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Reply #22 posted 01/05/13 7:12pm



^ True. You don't get Paul McCartney singing Ringo's solo songs in concert, or Take That singing Robbie Williams' material etc. Imagine if they did - it would be fucking weird! I wouldn't be surprised if Marlon started moonwalking around the stage next.
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Reply #23 posted 01/05/13 7:15pm



Ellie said:

^ True. You don't get Paul McCartney singing Ringo's solo songs in concert, or Take That singing Robbie Williams' material etc. Imagine if they did - it would be fucking weird! I wouldn't be surprised if Marlon started moonwalking around the stage next.

lol lol lol lol

"Love is like peeing in your pants, everyone sees it but only you feel its warmth"
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Reply #24 posted 01/05/13 7:25pm



Ellie said:

^ True. You don't get Paul McCartney singing Ringo's solo songs in concert,

The Eagles perform various members solo songs.

You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
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Reply #25 posted 01/05/13 7:43pm


shorttrini said: Ellie said: Really? To me it's the equivalent of Queen or INXS touring without a replacement lead singer or the Rolling Stones touring without Mick. I suppose sometimes it works. There are always former band members that tour and sing their band's hits (Diana Ross, the Gallagher brothers, surviving Beatles), but in those cases they also sing new material to define the fact that it's their show as individuals. It would be interesting to see the Jacksons sing nothing but their solo career songs or the group songs they did without Michael as lead. Jermaine certainly has enough of them to go around that people would recognise. For me though it always comes back to the fact that they could have done this years and years ago, but if several accounts are to be believed, they were more interested in making more money by trying to get Michael to to a proper round the world stadium tour instead of drawing in crowds on their own merits. "they were more interested in making more money by trying to get Michael to to a proper round the world stadium tour instead of drawing in crowds on their own merits." In other words, they're as always, trying to ride their brother's coattails. It does not bother me that they are doing some of the songs, that they sung as brothers. What bothers me is, when they do Michael's solo stuff. They sound horrible doing it, but continue to milk it for everything that it's worth. Do you really think, that all of those people, are coming to hear the remaining Jacksons, sing all of the songs that they made as a group? Nope. The majority of them, are coming to see that moment in the show, where they pay tribute to Michael. They want to see that montage of pictures, while the MUSIC, of "Gone To Soon", plays; and not the "vocal stylings"of Jermaine. [Edited 1/5/13 19:17pm] nobody is riding anyone's coattails...I never believed it one second because it's not trueif they were really riding coattails, they never, ever would have release music of their own like they did back in the daysuch as when Marlon earned the #1 r&b song in the united states during the same period Michael's single BAD was released in 1987, Marlon's single DON'T GO overtook BAD on the r&b charts, and for a 2-3 week period, Marlon was the most successful r&b artist in the countrynot to mention Marlon used to work w/Michael to develop the group's dance routines for the Destiny Tour and Triumph Tour (which is Michael's best tour). The world doesn't know that nor do they care to know it but its true they were riding coattails, they never would have been responsible for writing or producing some of the group's signature songs of the late 70s/early 80slike Randy co-writing/producing SHAKE YOUR BODY DOWN TO THE GROUNDor JACKIE co-writing CAN YOU FEEL ITso when the brothers perform these songs while performing their current tour, those songs belong to all of them.......Randy also worked w/Mike in developing rhythm arrangement for a number of Michael's songs for OFF THE WALL, the very album that Mike said was his favorite to work on and his best workwhat's amazing about all of this, all of this information has been available the whole time....All one has to do is review the song credits on these albumsand as far as what songs the audience prefers to hear.....the feedback I've gotten firsthand is that they love the classic J5 songs along w/the songs they performed as THE JACKSONS along w/Michael's solo work......
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Reply #26 posted 01/05/13 7:44pm



Duran Duran is doing Power Station's Some Like It Hot, which was sung by Robert Palmer, not Simon. Also when Power Station did their first tour, Robert did not participate, and the group had Michael Des Barres doing vocals

[Edited 1/5/13 19:49pm]

You can take a black guy to Nashville from right out of the cotton fields with bib overalls, and they will call him R&B. You can take a white guy in a pin-stripe suit who’s never seen a cotton field, and they will call him country. ~ O. B. McClinton
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Reply #27 posted 01/06/13 7:41am



How come "Can You Feel It" sounds so weird? Michael didn't sing lead on the entire original song. Who sang those verses before????

I thought I would see The Jacksons in concert but I'm not so sure now! I thought Jermaine would actually be able to take the lead.

How come I am counting 4 brothers? I know Michael isn't there but Jermaine added to the post-J5 lineup should make 5.

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Reply #28 posted 01/06/13 7:46am


Cinny said:

How come "Can You Feel It" sounds so weird? Michael didn't sing lead on the entire original song. Who sang those verses before????

I thought I would see The Jacksons in concert but I'm not so sure now! I thought Jermaine would actually be able to take the lead.

How come I am counting 4 brothers? I know Michael isn't there but Jermaine added to the post-J5 lineup should make 5.

Not sure about what you mean with "weird" but could it be due to the fact that non of the lead singers on "Can you feel it" are included in the this live version. Little brother Randy sings the verses on the original recording and Michael sings the chorus. Randy isn't a part of this reunion - thus only four brothers (Jermaine included)

Jermaine does good on the slow tempo songs but his voice doesn't fit the up tempo MJ type of songs. His versions of songs like "Push me away" and "All I do is think of you" are impeccable.

[Edited 1/6/13 7:56am]

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Reply #29 posted 01/07/13 10:24pm



aw man, they need Randy!!

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