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Reply #90 posted 08/22/12 12:22am


SoulAlive said:

kibbles said:

which you clearly stated. and these people have nerve to criticize mj fans. . .

nod I was actually giving Janet the benefit of the doubt.

I don't know what's going on with her.

This suggested to me, that you believed these tabloid lies. It wouldn't be the first time.

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Reply #91 posted 08/22/12 12:24am



Is there anyone who's been on this earth longer than 15 years that doesn't have some mental health issues? Probably not. And I'm sure there are some who have been on this earth less than 15 years that have mental health issues (depending on their circumstances).

We all have some 'ish to work out. Life sees to that. The longer you live the more you'll have to work out. I don't believe the rich are any different. They just have the money to "purty" it up and make it look nice and shiny!

Just my opinion.


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Reply #92 posted 08/22/12 12:25am


duccichucka said:


Meh. Whatever Jermaine Dupree has beat up, I want nothing to do with.

lol lol lol

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Reply #93 posted 08/22/12 12:29am


How much is Janet paying you to defend her against every lie and rumor that is printed about her? hmmm I'm just curious

Azz said:

SoulAlive said:

I don't know what's going on with her.

This suggested to me, that you believed these tabloid lies. It wouldn't be the first time.

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Reply #94 posted 08/22/12 12:37am


kibbles said:

Stymie said:

kibbles said:

exactly. i'm still trying to figure out why these three posters got their noses all out of joint about a one-off comment about the j5/osmonds, esp. when my post wasn't really about that.

beyond race, the j5 were seen to be the 'black osmonds' b/c of this media driven narrative of them being a 'wholesome, middle-american, tight knit family', which as scorp also touched on. this was always a lie, as i went on to address about in my post.

The problem I have with your statement and the statements in some other jacksons threads is there is no proof of such claims offered up. I stay away from 99% of these threads because the Jackson fans spreading mistruths.

stymie, as i posted above, i grew up in the mid to late 70s. i know from my OWN experience that the j5 were sometimes referred to as the black osmonds. ok? i'm sorry i wasn't taking notes. if i had known 35 yrs. later that i would be accused of lying to make a point about it by some embittered jackson fans, i would have.

FURTHER, you will note that i NEVER SAID that i had heard them referred to as the black osmonds LATELY, b/c as we all know, mj blew up like a rocket ship while the osmonds faded and all comparisons that had been made were rendered moot. hence, it isn't something that one could google, asswipe.

also as this is an opinion board i wasn't aware that everyone's opinions or comments needed to be footnoted and sourced. god damn, are you fucking kidding me? so what if i called them the black osmonds? what is the big deal about that?

i think you, ass and dull are just going out of your way to zoom in on a picayune comment to justify your anger towards me or anyone else who happens to be an mj fan. calling me a liar b/c i remember a time when some people made that comparison to make yourselves feel superior? fuck all of you.

Are you fucking serious? Anger at mj fans? Get tha fuck outta here.

You said they were referred to as the black osmonds and gave the impression tat it was the media saying it. I could not find anything backing that up. You didn't give me te impression it was just something you heard so forgive me for making an assumption.

I do not harbor any anger towards mj fans and have zero idea where disagreeing with some of you gives you that impression.

I'm starting to get the impression that Janet ain't the only one with issues.
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Reply #95 posted 08/22/12 12:40am


Shaolin325 said:


Is there anyone who's been on this earth longer than 15 years that doesn't have some mental health issues? Probably not. And I'm sure there are some who have been on this earth less than 15 years that have mental health issues (depending on their circumstances).

We all have some 'ish to work out. Life sees to that. The longer you live the more you'll have to work out. I don't believe the rich are any different. They just have the money to "purty" it up and make it look nice and shiny!

Just my opinion.



How Janet is immune to this is beyond me.
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Reply #96 posted 08/22/12 12:50am



Coming from a really fucked up family and knowing people personally whose families are just as messed up as the Jackson bunch--I would say that family members dragged Janet back into the drama after all the years she stayed out--that tends to happen after a family member dies and peeps fight, no matter how well-intentioned the family member who has stayed out of the mix! Take it from me. If, anything, I bet Janet had a moment of mixed-up madness... No excuse...but it is an explanation. I went through it with my family...and millions of dollars weren't at stake! Mehhhh to all this kind of melodrama in any family! mad

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #97 posted 08/22/12 12:54am


Stymie said:

kibbles said:

stymie, as i posted above, i grew up in the mid to late 70s. i know from my OWN experience that the j5 were sometimes referred to as the black osmonds. ok? i'm sorry i wasn't taking notes. if i had known 35 yrs. later that i would be accused of lying to make a point about it by some embittered jackson fans, i would have.

FURTHER, you will note that i NEVER SAID that i had heard them referred to as the black osmonds LATELY, b/c as we all know, mj blew up like a rocket ship while the osmonds faded and all comparisons that had been made were rendered moot. hence, it isn't something that one could google, asswipe.

also as this is an opinion board i wasn't aware that everyone's opinions or comments needed to be footnoted and sourced. god damn, are you fucking kidding me? so what if i called them the black osmonds? what is the big deal about that?

i think you, ass and dull are just going out of your way to zoom in on a picayune comment to justify your anger towards me or anyone else who happens to be an mj fan. calling me a liar b/c i remember a time when some people made that comparison to make yourselves feel superior? fuck all of you.

Are you fucking serious? Anger at mj fans? Get tha fuck outta here. You said they were referred to as the black osmonds and gave the impression tat it was the media saying it. I could not find anything backing that up. You didn't give me te impression it was just something you heard so forgive me for making an assumption. I do not harbor any anger towards mj fans and have zero idea where disagreeing with some of you gives you that impression. I'm starting to get the impression that Janet ain't the only one with issues.

there were people in the media who said it, okay? i didn't just come with it whole cloth, all right?

BUT IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO and i never, ever posted that the media was currently saying it. scorp was talking about how when the jacksons first arrived on the scene and how they were taught to defer and bow to the media in order to garner their favor.

i picked up on that and also mentioned how they had been referred to as the black osmonds AT THE TIME, but the greater point of my post was that while i understood their sometimes racist marginalization, i also believed that the jacksons were never what they were propped up to be e.g., this wholesome, tightly knit large family. you know ... like the pristine, osmonds. if i didn't give you that impression it's b/c you fucking fail at reading comprehension.

and excuse me, but given your broad swipe at mj fans, why wouldn't i take you at your word as being serious and filled with contempt and anger, esp. since you chose to zero in on a minor, minor point in my post, take it out of context, and set up a strawman by which to render my broader argument moot? issues? you've got a fucking lifetime subscription.

[Edited 8/21/12 18:00pm]

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Reply #98 posted 08/22/12 1:17am


kibbles said:

Stymie said:

kibbles said:

stymie, as i posted above, i grew up in the mid to late 70s. i know from my OWN experience that the j5 were sometimes referred to as the black osmonds. ok? i'm sorry i wasn't taking notes. if i had known 35 yrs. later that i would be accused of lying to make a point about it by some embittered jackson fans, i would have.

FURTHER, you will note that i NEVER SAID that i had heard them referred to as the black osmonds LATELY, b/c as we all know, mj blew up like a rocket ship while the osmonds faded and all comparisons that had been made were rendered moot. hence, it isn't something that one could google, asswipe.

also as this is an opinion board i wasn't aware that everyone's opinions or comments needed to be footnoted and sourced. god damn, are you fucking kidding me? so what if i called them the black osmonds? what is the big deal about that?

i think you, ass and dull are just going out of your way to zoom in on a picayune comment to justify your anger towards me or anyone else who happens to be an mj fan. calling me a liar b/c i remember a time when some people made that comparison to make yourselves feel superior? fuck all of you.

Are you fucking serious? Anger at mj fans? Get tha fuck outta here. You said they were referred to as the black osmonds and gave the impression tat it was the media saying it. I could not find anything backing that up. You didn't give me te impression it was just something you heard so forgive me for making an assumption. I do not harbor any anger towards mj fans and have zero idea where disagreeing with some of you gives you that impression. I'm starting to get the impression that Janet ain't the only one with issues.

there were people in the media who said it, okay? i didn't just come with it whole cloth, all right?

BUT IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO and i never, ever posted that the media was currently saying it. scorp was talking about how when the jacksons first arrived on the scene and how they were taught to defer and bow to the media in order to garner their favor.

i picked up on that and also mentioned how they had been referred to as the black osmonds AT THE TIME, but the greater point of my post was that while i understood their sometimes racist marginalization, i also believed that the jacksons were never what they were propped up to be e.g., this wholesome, tightly knit large family. you know ... like the pristine, osmonds. if i didn't give you that impression it's b/c you fucking fail at reading comprehension.

and excuse me, but given your broad swipe at mj fans, why wouldn't i take you at your word as being serious and filled with contempt and anger, esp. since you chose to zero in on a minor, minor point in my post, take it out of context, and set up a strawman by which to render my broader argument moot? issues? you've got a fucking lifetime subscription.

[Edited 8/21/12 18:00pm]

Yeah I'm te one with issues wen you org noted me about this bullshit. Anger and contempt? No. You moterfuckers crack me up. lol
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Reply #99 posted 08/22/12 1:28am



rdhull said:

kibbles said:

yes, i have. that's why i posted what i posted. neutral

youa god damned liar..aint nobody in Journalism call Jacksons the black Osmonds..gtfooh...the Osmonds were a rip off of THEM.

Next you'll say some shit like Womack was copying Jodeci

Thank You. lol

"You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Water can nourish me, but water can also carry me. Water has magic laws." - JCVD
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Reply #100 posted 08/22/12 1:32am



Stymie said:

Yeah I'm te one with issues wen you org noted me about this bullshit. Anger and contempt? No. You motherfuckers crack me up. lol


This is some hilarious crap, LOL. Best responses I've seen in months. lol

"You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Water can nourish me, but water can also carry me. Water has magic laws." - JCVD
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Reply #101 posted 08/22/12 1:32am


musicology54 said:

Sometimes I feel like we are hated on so damn much.

I know that but I had no idea that it was to this degree eek eek eek

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Reply #102 posted 08/22/12 1:32am



WaterInYourBath said:

rdhull said:

youa god damned liar..aint nobody in Journalism call Jacksons the black Osmonds..gtfooh...the Osmonds were a rip off of THEM.

Next you'll say some shit like Womack was copying Jodeci

Thank You. lol

Gotta say, I agree with this. Although the Osmonds are talented, there is no doubt in my mind, having grown up with both, that the Osmonds, as kids, weren't told to copy the singing and dancing style of the Jackson 5. No "children" group will ever compare to the Jackson 5. I'm really looking forward to the new J-5 CD. cool

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #103 posted 08/22/12 1:33am


Stymie said:

kibbles said:

there were people in the media who said it, okay? i didn't just come with it whole cloth, all right?

BUT IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO and i never, ever posted that the media was currently saying it. scorp was talking about how when the jacksons first arrived on the scene and how they were taught to defer and bow to the media in order to garner their favor.

i picked up on that and also mentioned how they had been referred to as the black osmonds AT THE TIME, but the greater point of my post was that while i understood their sometimes racist marginalization, i also believed that the jacksons were never what they were propped up to be e.g., this wholesome, tightly knit large family. you know ... like the pristine, osmonds. if i didn't give you that impression it's b/c you fucking fail at reading comprehension.

and excuse me, but given your broad swipe at mj fans, why wouldn't i take you at your word as being serious and filled with contempt and anger, esp. since you chose to zero in on a minor, minor point in my post, take it out of context, and set up a strawman by which to render my broader argument moot? issues? you've got a fucking lifetime subscription.

[Edited 8/21/12 18:00pm]

Yeah I'm te one with issues wen you org noted me about this bullshit. Anger and contempt? No. You moterfuckers crack me up. lol

i had serious problem with being called a liar. i wasn't lying, that's why i sent the org note. but i should have known better than to get down in the mud with you. so it it is my fault.

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Reply #104 posted 08/22/12 1:34am


kibbles said:

Stymie said:

kibbles said:

there were people in the media who said it, okay? i didn't just come with it whole cloth, all right?

BUT IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO and i never, ever posted that the media was currently saying it. scorp was talking about how when the jacksons first arrived on the scene and how they were taught to defer and bow to the media in order to garner their favor.

i picked up on that and also mentioned how they had been referred to as the black osmonds AT THE TIME, but the greater point of my post was that while i understood their sometimes racist marginalization, i also believed that the jacksons were never what they were propped up to be e.g., this wholesome, tightly knit large family. you know ... like the pristine, osmonds. if i didn't give you that impression it's b/c you fucking fail at reading comprehension.

and excuse me, but given your broad swipe at mj fans, why wouldn't i take you at your word as being serious and filled with contempt and anger, esp. since you chose to zero in on a minor, minor point in my post, take it out of context, and set up a strawman by which to render my broader argument moot? issues? you've got a fucking lifetime subscription.

[Edited 8/21/12 18:00pm]

Yeah I'm te one with issues wen you org noted me about this bullshit. Anger and contempt? No. You moterfuckers crack me up. lol

i had serious problem with being called a liar. i wasn't lying, that's why i sent the org note. but i should have known better than to get down in the mud with you. so it it is my fault.

I never called you a liar. shrug
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Reply #105 posted 08/22/12 1:36am



Wow! eek People are really super-invested in the Jackson Family mess! Why? Can't people just appreciate the music, shake their heads at the family drama, and move on... Don't really get it...

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #106 posted 08/22/12 1:37am


mjscarousal said:

musicology54 said:

Sometimes I feel like we are hated on so damn much.

I know that but I had no idea that it was to this degree eek eek eek

oh please. No one is hating on you guys. Some of you say some pretty hateful shit and called on it some of you want to play victim.

And this is why I don't post o any thread with the last name Jackson.
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Reply #107 posted 08/22/12 1:46am


kibbles said:

Stymie said:

kibbles said: Yeah I'm te one with issues wen you org noted me about this bullshit. Anger and contempt? No. You moterfuckers crack me up. lol

i had serious problem with being called a liar. i wasn't lying, that's why i sent the org note. but i should have known better than to get down in the mud with you. so it it is my fault.

I dont know how you go back and forth with these people... razz

They have to be some of the most biased, narrow, spiteful, and nasty people ever over NOTHING!

And I agree with the simple point that you made earlier....

I have never never heard the Osmonds being referenced as the white Jackson 5. That doesnt even make sense lol especially during a a still segregated period for blacks. Most of the black entertainers/artists were compared to the whites and being the white version and never got the credit for being the true innovators of what the white entertainers copied especially during the 1960s.

I have always heard the Jackson 5 being referenced as the black Osmonds and even Michael himself said this and I believe Donny has as well because the groups were always compared but the Osmonds were always held as the pinnaple of boy bands during that period and the Jackson 5 was as well but they were seen as the black version.

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Reply #108 posted 08/22/12 1:49am



Some of you people on here are crazier than the Jacksons could ever even dream to be The shit has died down, the storm has calmed, and nothing new has been on the horizon except for more of the usual lies from TMZ. and yet some moron starts up a thread just to say that Janet Jackson has mental issues? What in the FUCK? Get. A. Life. Dotcom. Janet Jackson is going about the business of living her life. It's a shame that some people with nothing more to do than sit on their fat asses and bitch and moan on a Prince forum haven't taken the same hint and gotten on with theirs. And yes, that stupid TMZ article is nothing but a bunch of lies. Janet bought that Vegas house for Katherine YEARS ago. It's not a condo, and there is no mortgage.

It's funny how whenever there is a positive Janet thread, some of you never even enter it, but whenever some silly shit like this is started up, a lot of you come in in droves and turn it into a 20-page thread of bullshit. And yet you worship at the feet of newbies, thugs and bitter old hags who are pathetically holding on to their long-gone youth. Haters are most definitely going to hate... lol



eye will ALWAYS think of prince like a "ACT OF GOD"! N another realm. eye mean of all people who might of been aliens or angels.if found out that prince wasn't of this earth, eye would not have been that surprised. R.I.P. prince
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Reply #109 posted 08/22/12 1:49am


purplethunder3121 said:

WaterInYourBath said:

Thank You. lol

Gotta say, I agree with this. Although the Osmonds are talented, there is no doubt in my mind, having grown up with both, that the Osmonds, as kids, weren't told to copy the singing and dancing style of the Jackson 5. No "children" group will ever compare to the Jackson 5. I'm really looking forward to the new J-5 CD. cool

purple, to repeat one last time: i never said i believed that the osmonds were in any way comparable to the j5.

what i said was i had heard OTHERS, in the media, refer to the j5 as the black osmonds. it was obviously a long, long time ago when both groups were at their apex. even though the j5 were leagues above the osmonds, in the media, they weren't always given the same respect. that's all i was stating. i never said it was right or good or proper or that i agreed with it.

i'm not in the habit of lying for the sake of lying, esp. on such a ridiculous point as this. so what if i do remember that some people referred to the j5 as the black osmonds? what does that have to do with the topic of the thread, or the post that i was responding to? i admit i'm blindsided by the viciousness of this attack, b/c i would think if anyone's going to attack a point, there were other issues i raised which i would think would be more open for discussion. this just seems to be sooo overboard and crazy. but whatever.

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Reply #110 posted 08/22/12 1:53am


purplethunder3121 said:

Wow! eek People are really super-invested in the Jackson Family mess! Why? Can't people just appreciate the music, shake their heads at the family drama, and move on... Don't really get it...


“Transracial is a term that has long since been defined as the adoption of a child that is of a different race than the adoptive parents,” :
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Reply #111 posted 08/22/12 1:55am


Stymie said:

mjscarousal said:

I know that but I had no idea that it was to this degree eek eek eek

oh please. No one is hating on you guys. Some of you say some pretty hateful shit and called on it some of you want to play victim. And this is why I don't post o any thread with the last name Jackson.

Oh boo who nobody made you come in here. lol And nobody hasnt done anything to you lol

Save your sobs for somebody that gives a shit confused ....... And you have came in here and have been disrespectful and nasty for no reason.

Kibbles has tried and tried and tried and tried to be rational with you and took the time and patience to explain his or her point.....(I would not have done that I would have just sat here and cussed your disrespectful ass out) but regardless a poster came and tried to understand your point and explain their point but you persisted in being nasty but then turn around and say some bullshit that your tired of coming into Jackson threads and that people have been hateful........ WHO has been hateful to you in THIS THREAD? lol YOU have been doing most of the raving in here at someone trying to maturely understand your point.

I dont see what MJ fans as WHOLE have to do with somebody trying to explain their opinion to you in this thread. Thats the problem. To many generalizations being made of what certain stans are or are not and not enough of being open minded and respectful to someone elses opinion but then the person expects for their opinion to be respected..

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Reply #112 posted 08/22/12 2:01am



kibbles said:

i think you, ass and dull

lol lol lol That is some grade A namecalling clapping clapping

you, ass, and dull..sounds like a conglomerate or some shit lol

ok I have no horse in this race of jackson lover or hater or whatever yall have created on this forum lol..

but kiblets, I will again reitierate for your lying make believe self..nobody ever called The Jackson 5 the black Osmonds..

and Im older than you and grew up in that era so kindly sit down somewhere and shut the fuck up when you do..soundin like a stupid mutherfucker each time you go off runnin around here following folks like Janet did J.J. on Good Times

"Climb in my fur."
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Reply #113 posted 08/22/12 2:03am



kibbles said:

purplethunder3121 said:

Gotta say, I agree with this. Although the Osmonds are talented, there is no doubt in my mind, having grown up with both, that the Osmonds, as kids, weren't told to copy the singing and dancing style of the Jackson 5. No "children" group will ever compare to the Jackson 5. I'm really looking forward to the new J-5 CD. cool

purple, to repeat one last time: i never said i believed that the osmonds were in any way comparable to the j5.

what i said was i had heard OTHERS, in the media, refer to the j5 as the black osmonds. it was obviously a long, long time ago when both groups were at their apex. even though the j5 were leagues above the osmonds, in the media, they weren't always given the same respect. that's all i was stating. i never said it was right or good or proper or that i agreed with it.

i'm not in the habit of lying for the sake of lying, esp. on such a ridiculous point as this. so what if i do remember that some people referred to the j5 as the black osmonds? what does that have to do with the topic of the thread, or the post that i was responding to? i admit i'm blindsided by the viciousness of this attack, b/c i would think if anyone's going to attack a point, there were other issues i raised which i would think would be more open for discussion. this just seems to be sooo overboard and crazy. but whatever.

Oh, no, I understood what you meant. I didn't think that you believed that mess about "black Osmonds" but you were just talking about others who did--and that is who I was referring to--not you, personally! If that wasn't clear in my post, I'm stating it now. My apologies if I wasn't clear.

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." --Plato
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Reply #114 posted 08/22/12 2:04am


the whole purpose of this recent smear campaign against janet is to make people think she is crazy, greedy,broke, and beats up didnt take much for it to work with the mj fanbase because most of them already hate her.its funny how all it took was signing her name to a letter challenging the executors to make people feel she has mental problems.i kinda remember somebody else being attacked in the media and declared crazy,broke, a child molester and all kinda other shit.

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Reply #115 posted 08/22/12 2:05am


mjscarousal said:

Stymie said:

mjscarousal said:

I know that but I had no idea that it was to this degree eek eek eek

oh please. No one is hating on you guys. Some of you say some pretty hateful shit and called on it some of you want to play victim. And this is why I don't post o any thread with the last name Jackson.

Oh boo who nobody made you come in here. lol And nobody hasnt done anything to you lol

Save your sobs for somebody that gives a shit confused ..... And you have came in here and have been disrespectful and nasty for no reason.

Kibbles has tried and tried and tried and tried to be rational with you and took the time and patience to explain his or her point.....(I would not have done that I would have just sat here and cussed your disrespectful ass out) but regardless a poster came and tried to understand your point and explain their point but you persisted in being nasty but then turn around and say some bullshit that your tired of coming into Jackson threads and that people have been hateful..... WHO has been hateful to you in THIS THREAD? lol YOU have been doing most of the raving in here at someone trying to maturely understand your point.

I dont see what MJ fans as WHOLE have to do with somebody trying to explain their opinion to you in this thread. Thats the problem. To many generalizations being made of what certain stans are or are not and not enough of being open minded and respectful to someone elses opinion but then the person expects for their opinion to be respected..

And this post is an example why I love you guys. falloff

And you continue to make my posts mean what yu want them to mean.

What sobs?

Where have I been disrespectful?

I didn't say anyone was being hateful to me on this thread.

I never said I was tired of coming on Jackson threads.

And sweetheart, you will know when I'm raving and this ain't it.

And what that I'm done.
[Edited 8/21/12 19:07pm]
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Reply #116 posted 08/22/12 2:07am


mjscarousal said:

kibbles said:

i had serious problem with being called a liar. i wasn't lying, that's why i sent the org note. but i should have known better than to get down in the mud with you. so it it is my fault.

I dont know how you go back and forth with these people... razz

They have to be some of the most biased, narrow, spiteful, and nasty people ever over NOTHING!

And I agree with the simple point that you made earlier....

I have never never heard the Osmonds being referenced as the white Jackson 5. That doesnt even make sense lol especially during a a still segregated period for blacks. Most of the black entertainers/artists were compared to the whites and being the white version and never got the credit for being the true innovators of what the white entertainers copied especially during the 1960s.

I have always heard the Jackson 5 being referenced as the black Osmonds and even Michael himself said this and I believe Donny has as well because the groups were always compared but the Osmonds were always held as the pinnaple of boy bands during that period and the Jackson 5 was as well but they were seen as the black version.

OMG THANK YOU!!! i was beginning to believe i was going crazy arguing with little m-effers.

'i, too, recall a time when the jacksons were seen as this kind of 'osmond family in sepia tone'.

that was the comment that started it all, and it wasn't even the point of my post! and yet, that's what these idiots have chosen to focus on? that? i never said i agreed with it. i never tried to say it was true. i went on to express far more arguments in the rest of the post, which no one has commented on, which in my mind were more worthy of commentary.

but no, it was water on the brain who chose to take exception to it, and the others started to pile on, which is odd b/c as you say, it was pretty common practice to reduce black performers to their white counterparts, if at all possible, and not give them their full props. telling the truth is now grounds for calling me a liar?

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Reply #117 posted 08/22/12 2:09am


Stymie said:

mjscarousal said:

I know that but I had no idea that it was to this degree eek eek eek

oh please. No one is hating on you guys. Some of you say some pretty hateful shit and called on it some of you want to play victim. And this is why I don't post o any thread with the last name Jackson.

and yet you're here posting and being a hateful s.o.b. to boot.

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Reply #118 posted 08/22/12 2:16am


kibbles said:

mjscarousal said:

I dont know how you go back and forth with these people... razz

They have to be some of the most biased, narrow, spiteful, and nasty people ever over NOTHING!

And I agree with the simple point that you made earlier....

I have never never heard the Osmonds being referenced as the white Jackson 5. That doesnt even make sense lol especially during a a still segregated period for blacks. Most of the black entertainers/artists were compared to the whites and being the white version and never got the credit for being the true innovators of what the white entertainers copied especially during the 1960s.

I have always heard the Jackson 5 being referenced as the black Osmonds and even Michael himself said this and I believe Donny has as well because the groups were always compared but the Osmonds were always held as the pinnaple of boy bands during that period and the Jackson 5 was as well but they were seen as the black version.

OMG THANK YOU!!! i was beginning to believe i was going crazy arguing with little m-effers.

'i, too, recall a time when the jacksons were seen as this kind of 'osmond family in sepia tone'.

that was the comment that started it all, and it wasn't even the point of my post! and yet, that's what these idiots have chosen to focus on? that? i never said i agreed with it. i never tried to say it was true. i went on to express far more arguments in the rest of the post, which no one has commented on, which in my mind were more worthy of commentary.

but no, it was water on the brain who chose to take exception to it, and the others started to pile on, which is odd b/c as you say, it was pretty common practice to reduce black performers to their white counterparts, if at all possible, and not give them their full props. telling the truth is now grounds for calling me a liar?

They know that as well as we do but just persisted it anyway to just bully you because your a MJ fan...There just being nasty to you as well as MJ fans because they dont like Michael Jackson

They dont want mature conversation and instead just want to play games and be childish

Dont pay some of these posters no mind... there not worth the energy of going back and forth.

[Edited 8/21/12 19:20pm]

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Reply #119 posted 08/22/12 2:18am



kibbles said:

mjscarousal said:

I dont know how you go back and forth with these people... razz

They have to be some of the most biased, narrow, spiteful, and nasty people ever over NOTHING!

And I agree with the simple point that you made earlier....

I have never never heard the Osmonds being referenced as the white Jackson 5. That doesnt even make sense lol especially during a a still segregated period for blacks. Most of the black entertainers/artists were compared to the whites and being the white version and never got the credit for being the true innovators of what the white entertainers copied especially during the 1960s.

I have always heard the Jackson 5 being referenced as the black Osmonds and even Michael himself said this and I believe Donny has as well because the groups were always compared but the Osmonds were always held as the pinnaple of boy bands during that period and the Jackson 5 was as well but they were seen as the black version.

OMG THANK YOU!!! i was beginning to believe i was going crazy arguing with little m-effers.

'i, too, recall a time when the jacksons were seen as this kind of 'osmond family in sepia tone'.

that was the comment that started it all, and it wasn't even the point of my post! and yet, that's what these idiots have chosen to focus on? that? i never said i agreed with it. i never tried to say it was true. i went on to express far more arguments in the rest of the post, which no one has commented on, which in my mind were more worthy of commentary.

but no, it was water on the brain who chose to take exception to it, and the others started to pile on, which is odd b/c as you say, it was pretty common practice to reduce black performers to their white counterparts, if at all possible, and not give them their full props. telling the truth is now grounds for calling me a liar?

Nah, it's Water in your lungs, that's why you're drowning to death after being called-out on your stupidity.

And if anybody in here was born with hydrocephalus, it was clearly you and your aliases, loser.

"You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Water can nourish me, but water can also carry me. Water has magic laws." - JCVD
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