Nobody gives a shit about it.
The news outlets are reporting on it because they have airtime to fill and, in the moments that must be eaten up before the ad breaks, this can plausibly serve as a Big Thing that people somewhere are probably saying people somewhere else might give a shit about.
The football and broadcasting authorities are dutifully going through the motions of giving the obligatory "shocked and disappointed" response they're expected to give, just in case it is indeed true that some people somewhere actually give a shit about it.
Madonna's making the prudent move of throwing her guest star under the bus for making a gesture that naturally fitted the lyric, and is more or less consistent with said co-star's 'edgy' brand in the pop marketplace (a sense of youthful 'edginess' that, of course, any 53-year-old pop star whose own brand has largely been built on 'reinvention' and the ability to stay 'relevant' wants a whiff of; hence the reason she brought the young bird-flipper on board in the first place, presumably). But, unless she's believing her own PR and is quietly distraught that this totally unplanned gesture may have seriously dented prospects for achieving the state of world peace that seemed a dead cert last Sunday, I'd very much doubt she's genuinely buying the idea that anyone, anywhere really gives a shit.
Because, truthfully, nobody anywhere remotely gives even the first pelvic squeeze of a shit. "Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin |