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Reply #510 posted 11/20/11 2:57pm


ThruTheEyesOfWonder said:

MyNameIsPiper said:

Well, there was obviously the occasional groupie romp... lol Doesn't surprise me at all.

spit Bahaha!

I'm glad that man got some love here and there...

Nerdy in a sexy way?? Gaddamn... cool razz

Tito said MJ got more stuff than any of them. I think it's only revisionist history that has altered the perception so greatly. There is plenty of on camera evidence that Mike got it in - as Teddy Riley said.

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Reply #511 posted 11/20/11 3:07pm



Rev. Barbara Kaufmann: Michael Jackson on Trial Again -- Part II

Submitted by Celebrity News Wire on November 18, 2011

Conrad Murray's trial for manslaughter predictably became about Michael Jackson instead of his doctor because the use of Propofol was unusual and the patient was famous. In court, the displaying of medication bottles was high drama and the media pounced and rushed to publish "Michael Jackson's addiction."

A close look at the dates, the number of pills prescribed measured against the number taken, number left and span of time the pills sat in that bedroom proves not that Jackson was an addict, but that he was actually non-compliant with medications he was prescribed. But that isn't sexy; and it's all about sexy and getting viewers for a trial that was predicted to be "bigger than the Casey Anthony trial." Except it wasn't. Hysteria fatigue, perhaps? Have we had enough?

Pundits on HLN seemed to push the "addict" label because it suited their agenda to promote books and careers. "Michael Jackson" has promoted many books and careers involuntarily as people conscripted his name for their own purposes. HLN was no exception. An addiction specialist physician jumped on the same "addict" meme despite the conflicting information between addiction, bottle labeling and usage, and despite medical records entered in evidence that were unsigned and confusing. The physician's questionable records were allowed in court but the physician was not and he wasn't made able to explain his treatment of Jackson for facial procedures to reconstruct his face. Jackson had Vitiligo and Discoid Lupus -- the same disease which has left the entertainer Seal, facially scarred. It is entirely reasonable that Michael Jackson's face be treated and re-sculpted; he made his living on stage.

That same physician also hypothesized that the nightly use of Propofol accounted for the poor condition of Jackson's lungs while it was well known to insiders that Michael Jackson had a Tryptophan Synthetase Deficiency which is a lung disease characterized by a lack of protein for lubrication. Jackson's fans could have enlightened any one of these talking heads but they didn't fact check nor ask fans. If you want to know something about a sports or pop culture figure, ask fans who know everything about them.

In fairness to the pundits, the coverage could have been much worse and the fans could have been depicted in a much poorer or darker light. Unfortunately the fringe elements of fandom were highlighted and that included conspiracy theorists who believe that Jackson is alive and in hiding. And for the most part, fans behaved well except for an occasional scuffle.

Mainstream Jackson fans who get less attention than the vocal fringe, are articulate, thoughtful, bright, and interested in justice and vindication. Many are professionals who contribute to society, pay their taxes and raise children in the suburbs and cities. They have an interesting story to tell society should anyone ever want to listen. What they have to say is shocking.

The trial, it seems was all about Michael Jackson despite Murray's dalliances are well known -- seven children with six women, his methodology even in his clinic appeared reckless to other physicians and one who ventured: "The only thing Murray could have done that was more dangerous was to push Jackson out of an airplane without a parachute." And what doctor ships a stockpile of medication to a private residence? What doctor using a dangerous drug does not have the proper emergency equipment required for safety and for resuscitation when he is the only one there in case something happens to the patient? The drug labeling requires it as do protocols. A simple regulator pump that would have saved Jackson's life by regulating the flow of Propofol according to body weight and dosage guidelines would have cost $1,500 of a salary one hundred times that per month. Murray owned a clinic; if he could order Propofol in bulk, he could order medical equipment that would have saved Jackson's life.

Yes, it was the Michael Jackson trial because once again, Jackson was put on trial even in the afterlife. And it's ironic that the most compelling piece of evidence came not from the prosecutor or from the defense, but from Michael Jackson himself. Jackson, whom a nurse anesthetist says sounded like he was under the influence of Propofol -- with no cameras filming, no media in attendance, was clear about his motivation, his intention and his future plans even in that sedated state. He said:

"Elvis didn't do it. The Beatles didn't do it. When people leave my show I want them to say 'I've never seen nothing like it in my life. Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this. Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer in the world.' I'm taking that money, a million children, a children's hospital, the biggest in the world. Michael Jackson's Children's Hospital.

Gonna have a movie theater, game room. Children are depressed -- in those hospitals, no game room no movie theater, They're sick because they're depressed, Their mind is depressing them I want to give them that, I care about them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it. I'm gonna do it, Conrad.

Don't have enough hope; no more hope. That's the next generation that's going to save our planet starting with - well talk about it. United States, Europe, Prague, my babies.

They walk around with no mother. They drop them off, they leave -- a psychological degradation -- that. They reach out to me -- please take me with you.

I want to do that for them. I'm gonna do that for them. That will be remembered more than my performances. My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream. I love them. I love them because I didn't have a childhood. I had no childhood. I feel their pain. I feel their hurt, I can deal with it.

'Heal the World,' 'We are the World,' 'Will You Be There?', 'The Lost Children.' These are the songs I've written because I hurt, you know, I hurt."

A children's hospital or healing center was Michael Jackson's dream. And this is not the first time the subject of medical treatment and healing of children has come up in Michael Jackson's legacy. When Jackson's slurred declaration was first reported Jane Velez Mitchell of HLN declared on air that this recording of Jackson proves what Michael Jackson fans have been saying all along -- that Michael was misunderstood and mischaracterized and Neverland Ranch was misrepresented to the public. She called the conversation vindication for Michael Jackson. She only said it once as that very same day people who made money with "hit piece" biographies chastised her on Twitter and she went silent.

Conrad Murray is not the first nor the last person to be privy to Michael Jackson's dream for children . In an article by Italian journalist Silvia Bizio, Angelica Houston who played opposite Jackson in the Captain EO film for Disney, accidentally ran into Michael Jackson about a month before he died. They hugged, hunkered down in a room together and caught up on each others' lives.

Huston remembered Michael as being tender and fragile, having trouble mustering up enough anger to carry out his role as Captain EO with a spaceship crew who sings 'We are here to change the world.' She said it was as if anger didn't live in his DNA. He needed her there, in costume and sneering her lines to play off her villainous character. Huston said he seemed even more fragile especially emotionally, during their brief encounter. She put her arms around him; she says:

"We talked about how he had felt humiliated by the accusation of sexual harassment and about the sorrow for the loss of Neverland, where he had lived many years. I remember his words: 'They ruined my dream. I had this dream, perhaps childish and foolish, a place designed to celebrate the innocence of that childhood that I never had, and they took it from me. I love children, I could never do them harm. I spent all my life loving them and trying to do good things for them. The libel of harming a child--that breaks my heart. It is an unbearable pain, those accusations are unjust and terrible...' As he said these things, he began to cry. I held him in my arms...He was so skinny and frail."

Jackson told her he was preparing for the London concerts. She remembers:

"He was training hard because he would have 'no more hope to be loved back again.' He wanted to be let back in to the hearts of the public after his public lynching for something he said he didn't do and a jury of his peers agreed with. Huston goes on: "he was thin and pale; I could feel so much pain in him for the past and a lot of anxiety and uncertainty for the future."

When asked by Bizio, "What do you think really killed Michael Jackson?' Anjelica Huston didn't hesitate: "Michael had a broken heart. For this he died. The truth is that they broke his heart."

"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #512 posted 11/20/11 4:08pm


MyNameIsPiper said:

mjscarousal said:

He would have been very straightfoward but I wouldnt trust him to walk with across the street.. very shady character... even if it was true what the hell... why are you saying this now?

Cascio's not the only one who has told stories about Mike's Dirty Diana encounters. Let's not forget that we can even catch Michael himself on camera bein' a Filthy McNasty:

Here's a throwback for good measure:

Nasty... giggle


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Reply #513 posted 11/21/11 5:35am


You want to hear something very weird? When mj died, I was afraid of him for ages. I read news and watched positive specials though I would tape them to watch when I'm ready, but I mostly ran away from tv cause putting it on was too much after a minute though I watched the memorial, too too lightheaded to cry or feel anything in full until later. I was numb and floating it seemed and that lasted over a year. But there was no getting away from him either despite that, in public, from people, etc. I miss him in that sense now, but couldn't really enjoy him with others cause it was too much of an alternate universe for me and mostly, I was afraid of myself and what would happen if I gave in 100 percent to how I felt, so my mind and body was numbing me from pain, it was really scary. I hate the fact I never met him and he made me feel this way, and all along, I would criticize fans who acted crazier than me.

I was sad he was gone and how, but that was too scary to take in at the time too though when it would hit me, it felt unreal like I'm reading about someone else with the same name and then would get hysterical later on.

[Edited 11/21/11 5:37am]

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Reply #514 posted 11/21/11 10:50am


AnaisKarim said:

Cloudbuster said:


I'm not disagreeing with you, lighten up. lol

I get annoyed by the misuse of terms like "courage" especially when leveled against someone who was a pioneer in so many ways and showed more courage than his distractors can ever fathom. If MJ had shown his naked body to prove vitiligo that would have just been spun into something else by the media. MJ's willingness to reveal details was not the root cause of the public's confusion. The root cause was the disingenuous media that wanted people to be confused. So there was nothing he could have done to clear it up as long as you were geting his message through the media's filter.

After MJ spoke about his skin condition in the Oprah interview in 1993, Geraldo Rivera did a show on vitiligo with people who suffered from it - soon after. MJ's vitiligo was acknowledged by medical profressionals in 1994. So why were people on tv in 2009 saying that he bleached himself white for cosmetic reasons? Because the media deliberately kept the confusion going all this time. So the lack of courage is on the part of people who deliberately lied about this rather than stand against the bullshit status quo for how the media treated Michael Jackson. Looking for cowards? Try your nearest mediat outlet.

PREACH!!! Speak the TRUTH! Michael always told the truth about things; however, the morons in the public and the media MANIPULATED that truth at every turn. I remember during the Bashit Mockumentary when Michael said that he had only had TWO things done on his face-nose and chin- the fucking public and media went crazy saying he was lying. The idiots never went back and really LISTENED to what Michael said. He said that all of the other shit that they claimed he had done to his face that they went "too far" . It was not the business of that Bashit bastard or the public how many "touch-ups" Michael may have had done on those TWO areas. People are stupid because they WANT to be.

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Reply #515 posted 11/21/11 3:18pm



Seeing IMMORTAL earlier this month I really enjoyed how they presented the music. As you know the live show mixes a band with MJ's vocal tracks, and when I heard that a soundtrack was being released I was curious as to how they would handle it. Thankfully they have used all the master recordings and mixed the music you know and love rather than re-record it or do a "live take" on it.

It's a wonderful soundtrack and one that I know many doubters will be converted with.

For those that have seen the show it will bring all the highlights back to you.

For those yet to see it, or who have chosen not to, it gives you a chance to enjoy the music in a new way.

Well worth getting.

"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #516 posted 11/21/11 9:41pm


i was out at happy hour with my friend at a restaurant on melrose in l. wink wink
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Reply #517 posted 11/21/11 9:46pm



Spike Lee gave Joe Vogel's book his co-sign biggrin

"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #518 posted 11/21/11 9:51pm


kibbles said:

i was out at happy hour with my friend at a restaurant on melrose in l. wink wink

don't know why my message didn't appear.

anyway, i was out at happy hour with my friend at a restaurant on melrose in l.a. when tom mesereau came in and sat at the bar. this is second time i've seen him. the first was at the whole foods at 3rd and fairfax before mj died. both times i haven't had the courage to go up to him and thank him for all that he did for mj and continues to try to do in his name. maybe if i see him again the third time will be the charm.

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Reply #519 posted 11/22/11 10:24am





thumbs up!

"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #520 posted 11/22/11 1:13pm



Listening to the IMMORTAL Album...

The last 36 seconds of Dangerous are where it's at. Wish it would go on longer.

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Reply #521 posted 11/22/11 2:06pm



Michael Jackson - Immortal

November 18, 2011

Michael Jackson was a genius of unrivaled artistic grace who gave the world a story that may never be fully absorbed. Eccentric to the point of painful isolation, yet deeply loved by myriad fans of many different stripes, Jackson embodied the extremes of America's glittering, punishing popular culture. His music ranks among its highest achievements, while the details of his life and death, at age 50 in 2008, confound us.

Michael Jackson: Immortal adds another dimension to the Jackson omnibus. He's the third pop star to earn his own Cirque du Soleil production — after The Beatles and Elvis Presley — but he probably should have been the first. No contemporary pop star identified more with the flash and magic of old-time entertainment, which Cirque has so artfully brought into the age of new technologies. And none have been as open as Jackson was to the dark side of the circus arts — to the pomp and tomfoolery, the weirdness of the freak show, the god-defying hubris of the acrobats.

This soundtrack album crafts a new version of Jackson's life story through remixes of his biggest hits and a few obscurities, as well as his own stated favorite songs. The final product forms a brightly colored backdrop specifically designed to suit Cirque's candy-coated acid-trip style. Musical director Kevin Antunes, who's worked with glossy acts like Madonna and Justin Timberlake, uses touchstones from Jackson's life — his childhood as a member of his era's most famous family band, speeches he gave about his love of nature and dedication to helping needy children, the fascination with horror that produced "Thriller" — to form a sonic narrative that's both instantly familiar and sometimes jarring. It's a fitting complement to the Cirque method of dazzling its audiences while also aiming to unsettle them.

The Immortal Show

Medleys like the one devoted to Jackson 5 hits or the hit-strewn "Immortal Megamix" offer a new way into very familiar material ("Billie Jean," "ABC") without really altering the basic ingredients. Sometimes the songs break up as if someone had turned the knob on an old radio; sometimes Antunes throws a snippet of Jackson's speaking voice into his mash-ups. The effect is startling — instead of absorbing the music in the habitual way, you're forced to pay attention, as if you've just walked in on somebody else's listening experience.

It's a fun new way to take on Jackson's music — not offering a ton of new insights, but helping us hear more clearly what we thought we knew so well. Removed from the Cirque production (which is likely on its way to a city near you soon), this soundtrack becomes a kind of Zen stick — it gives your ears a slap and reminds you how fresh these great songs sounded when you first discovered them.

There are some moments of great beauty, too: the voice of the young Michael, ringing like a glass bell, in a minimalist remix of "I'll Be There," or the impeccable, iridescent "Human Nature" given a soft new introduction. Mostly, though, this is music meant to inspired Cirque's body artists and dancers. Lesser-known Jacksons songs like "This Place Hotel" and late-career highlights like "They Don't Care About Us" feature big beats: You can just see the Spandex-clad chorus line busting some smooth criminal moves.

Michael Jackson: Immortal joins a burgeoning number of posthumous releases inviting new listeners (children, for example) and old fans into this classic body of work through a new door. It's always good to go back to the music. The recent trial and conviction of Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, for his part in the singer's death took the world's attention away from his art again, a problem that will always plague his legacy. Jackson was our tragic object lesson, our golden boy genius, our angelic messenger and our most heartbreaking fallen star. But, above all, he was pop's magician. Like the sequined costumes he loved to wear, Jackson's music reflected in seemingly infinite directions, melding elements of jazz, soul, pop, hip-hop, rock, schmaltz, rage, raw eroticism and seraphic spirituality.

Jackson himself compared his gift to the world-creating force of nature itself. "When I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature," he once said. "I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God-given talents. The sound of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our hearts, for what we've glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life." Antunes samples part of that speech on Immortal. For a moment, Jackson seems to be right here with us. It's a trick, of course. Michael Jackson, that illusionist, would have loved it.


"I'm not human I'm a dove, I'm ur conscience. I am love"
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Reply #522 posted 11/22/11 3:29pm


kibbles said:

kibbles said:

i was out at happy hour with my friend at a restaurant on melrose in l. wink wink

don't know why my message didn't appear.

anyway, i was out at happy hour with my friend at a restaurant on melrose in l.a. when tom mesereau came in and sat at the bar. this is second time i've seen him. the first was at the whole foods at 3rd and fairfax before mj died. both times i haven't had the courage to go up to him and thank him for all that he did for mj and continues to try to do in his name. maybe if i see him again the third time will be the charm.

The third time may be the charm wink

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Reply #523 posted 11/22/11 3:32pm


AnaisKarim said:

ThruTheEyesOfWonder said:

spit Bahaha!

I'm glad that man got some love here and there...

Nerdy in a sexy way?? Gaddamn... cool razz

Tito said MJ got more stuff than any of them. I think it's only revisionist history that has altered the perception so greatly. There is plenty of on camera evidence that Mike got it in - as Teddy Riley said.

Like a sex tape no one knows about, but him hmmm

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Reply #524 posted 11/22/11 6:32pm



The "Michael Jackson Immortal (Deluxe Edition)" CD is WAAAAAAAAY better than anything I was expecting! This thing was very, very, VERY WELL DONE! Love the way "Ben" was done, and all the other mixes are... (...yeah, I'll say it...) a refreshing re-take of the originals, if not BETTER. This CD is absolutely amazing! And you never see me on this side going-on about Michael Jackson! This CD is The ish! Michael would have been very proud, and I sincerely believe he would have given this project his blessings, it's THAT good.

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

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Reply #525 posted 11/22/11 6:41pm


MyNameIsPiper said:

mjscarousal said:

He would have been very straightfoward but I wouldnt trust him to walk with across the street.. very shady character... even if it was true what the hell... why are you saying this now?

Cascio's not the only one who has told stories about Mike's Dirty Diana encounters. Let's not forget that we can even catch Michael himself on camera bein' a Filthy McNasty:

Here's a throwback for good measure:

Nasty... giggle

I cant understand a word of that last one. What exactly is the nasty said in that?

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Reply #526 posted 11/22/11 7:12pm


I don't think it's going to us the tape!

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Reply #527 posted 11/22/11 7:17pm



I love Immortal. The new version of "Childhood" is simply breath-taking. Worth the price of the entire album for that one edit. I also love a lot of the other new edits, and I LOVE the IMMORTAL album booklet. The collage of photos of MJ are great. So beautiful and perfect.

With that being said, I hate how there are random "artistic" things thrown into the show that are more fitting for Lady Gaga and not MJ. This show shouldn't have been the time for Jamie King to throw that crap in there. This was about Michael and his legacy. Not adding in crap cus he or his "artistic" directors liked it. I'm totally stoked for the show but just wanted to get that off my chest.

Also do MJ fans really consider "Michael" - a proper MJ album? It's just weird seeing it listed on the flyer for Michael's catalg. Maybe I'll get use to it in a few years but it still feels strange as of today.

Anyone else feel what I'm trying to say with this?

MJ Fan 1992-Forever

My Org Family: Cinnie, bboy87, Cinnamon234, AnckSuNamun, lilgish, thekidsgirl, thesexofit, Universaluv, theSpark, littlemissG, ThreadCula, badujunkie, DANGEROUSx, Timmy84, MikeMatronik, DarlingDiana, dag, Nvncible1
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Reply #528 posted 11/22/11 7:28pm


Are you talking about the pole dancing? Cause I think MJ was going to use that anyways for This Is It

I don't know about reacting to the Michael album in that way, but when it was about to be released and came out, the excitement level was nothing like Invincible. It's so much different with him being alive and putting his final say into the project.

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Reply #529 posted 11/22/11 7:35pm



Vanilli said:

Also do MJ fans really consider "Michael" - a proper MJ album?


Wasn't feeling that album one bit. And really wasn't expecting much from "Immortal", until I heard it!

"There's Nothing That The Proper Attitude Won't Render Funkable!"

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Reply #530 posted 11/22/11 7:41pm



angel345 said:

AnaisKarim said:

Tito said MJ got more stuff than any of them. I think it's only revisionist history that has altered the perception so greatly. There is plenty of on camera evidence that Mike got it in - as Teddy Riley said.

Like a sex tape no one knows about, but him hmmm


A sex tape??? Oh hell....hmmm

The salvation of man is through love and in love. - Dr. V. Frankl

"When you close your heart, you close your mind." - Michael Jackson (Man In The Mirror)

"I don't need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off" lol
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Reply #531 posted 11/22/11 8:11pm


PDogz said:

Vanilli said:

Also do MJ fans really consider "Michael" - a proper MJ album?


Wasn't feeling that album one bit. And really wasn't expecting much from "Immortal", until I heard it!

I know I didn't consider it a proper MJ album...

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Reply #532 posted 11/22/11 9:20pm



PDogz said:

Vanilli said:

Also do MJ fans really consider "Michael" - a proper MJ album?


Wasn't feeling that album one bit. And really wasn't expecting much from "Immortal", until I heard it!

I'm 50/50 about it. I think had they actually included more of the songs that Michael was working on his final years not put random tracks along with those other 3 songs, I definitely would have

I view it like Farewell My Summer Love

"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #533 posted 11/22/11 9:21pm



Timmy84 said:

PDogz said:


Wasn't feeling that album one bit. And really wasn't expecting much from "Immortal", until I heard it!

I know I didn't consider it a proper MJ album...

Can't do it since 3 of the songs aren't even sung by Michael Jackson lol

"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #534 posted 11/22/11 9:40pm


bboy87 said:

Timmy84 said:

I know I didn't consider it a proper MJ album...

Can't do it since 3 of the songs aren't even sung by Michael Jackson lol

Yeah lol it was really an EP of seven actual MJ songs lol

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Reply #535 posted 11/22/11 9:43pm


Vanilli said:

Also do MJ fans really consider "Michael" - a proper MJ album? It's just weird seeing it listed on the flyer for Michael's catalg. Maybe I'll get use to it in a few years but it still feels strange as of today.

Anyone else feel what I'm trying to say with this?

well.. i feel that songs like 'I like the way you love me' 'best of joy' 'another day' 'behind the mask' and 'much to soon'

so i can consider THESE and these songs only a proper part of Michaels catalog, but as far as he whole record, absolutly not..

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Reply #536 posted 11/22/11 11:07pm



Timmy84 said:

bboy87 said:

Can't do it since 3 of the songs aren't even sung by Michael Jackson lol

Yeah lol it was really an EP of seven actual MJ songs lol

Looking at the list that was on Michael's wall when he died, I replaced the Cascio tracks and the pre 2007 songs and replaced them with titles of songs that didn't make it

MICHAEL: What could have been

1. Hold My Hand (featuring Akon)

2. Hollywood Tonight

3. I Was The Loser

4. (I Like) the Way You Love Me

5. Bottom Of My Heart

6. Best of Joy

7. Adore You

8. Shut Up And Dance

9. Ghost Of Another Lover

10. Lady Of Summer

Deluxe edition Bonus Tracks

11. I Can't Make It Another Day

12. Behind The Mask

13. Much Too Soon


looks better in my opinion lol

"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #537 posted 11/22/11 11:11pm



bboy87 said:

Timmy84 said:

Yeah lol it was really an EP of seven actual MJ songs lol

Looking at the list that was on Michael's wall when he died, I replaced the Cascio tracks and the pre 2007 songs and replaced them with titles of songs that didn't make it

MICHAEL: What could have been

1. Hold My Hand (featuring Akon)

2. Hollywood Tonight

3. I Was The Loser

4. (I Like) the Way You Love Me

5. Bottom Of My Heart

6. Best of Joy

7. Adore You

8. Shut Up And Dance

9. Ghost Of Another Lover

10. Lady Of Summer

Deluxe edition Bonus Tracks

11. I Can't Make It Another Day

12. Behind The Mask

13. Much Too Soon


looks better in my opinion lol

good shit!

I swear, MJ's song titles always make me wonder

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Reply #538 posted 11/22/11 11:22pm


bboy87 said:

Timmy84 said:

Yeah lol it was really an EP of seven actual MJ songs lol

Looking at the list that was on Michael's wall when he died, I replaced the Cascio tracks and the pre 2007 songs and replaced them with titles of songs that didn't make it

MICHAEL: What could have been

1. Hold My Hand (featuring Akon)

2. Hollywood Tonight

3. I Was The Loser

4. (I Like) the Way You Love Me

5. Bottom Of My Heart

6. Best of Joy

7. Adore You

8. Shut Up And Dance

9. Ghost Of Another Lover

10. Lady Of Summer

Deluxe edition Bonus Tracks

11. I Can't Make It Another Day

12. Behind The Mask

13. Much Too Soon


looks better in my opinion lol

Yeah I like them odds myself. lol

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Reply #539 posted 11/22/11 11:26pm



ViintageJunkiie said:

bboy87 said:

Looking at the list that was on Michael's wall when he died, I replaced the Cascio tracks and the pre 2007 songs and replaced them with titles of songs that didn't make it

MICHAEL: What could have been

1. Hold My Hand (featuring Akon)

2. Hollywood Tonight

3. I Was The Loser

4. (I Like) the Way You Love Me

5. Bottom Of My Heart

6. Best of Joy

7. Adore You

8. Shut Up And Dance

9. Ghost Of Another Lover

10. Lady Of Summer

Deluxe edition Bonus Tracks

11. I Can't Make It Another Day

12. Behind The Mask

13. Much Too Soon


looks better in my opinion lol

good shit!

I swear, MJ's song titles always make me wonder


"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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