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Thread started 08/12/11 8:15pm


Janet Jackson vs Paula Abdul

To get away from all this madness, I think it's about high time for this thread to be posted.nod

Who was the better dancer and artist in their prime?


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Reply #1 posted 08/12/11 8:22pm



Is this a real question? Especially since Paula was one of the members of the team that molded Janet into the star we know and love. I love JJ, but this battle has to got to Paula for me.

What solidified my love for Paula was this performance.

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #2 posted 08/12/11 8:24pm


daPrettyman said:

Is this a real question? Especially since Paula was one of the members of the team that molded Janet into the star we know and love. I love JJ, but this battle has to got to Paula for me.

What solidified my love for Paula was this performance.

as much as I love Paula, her choreographies for Janet always seemed to bore me. Im sorry.

It didnt get interesting until Janet's rhythm nation scene

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Reply #3 posted 08/12/11 8:26pm


lol lol lol lol lol

[Edited 8/12/11 13:27pm]

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Reply #4 posted 08/12/11 8:29pm



ThePopLover2 said:

daPrettyman said:

Is this a real question? Especially since Paula was one of the members of the team that molded Janet into the star we know and love. I love JJ, but this battle has to got to Paula for me.

What solidified my love for Paula was this performance.

as much as I love Paula, her choreographies for Janet always seemed to bore me. Im sorry.

It didnt get interesting until Janet's rhythm nation scene

Paula's choreography of the video "Nasty" is very iconic. Also, choreography she did for Janet's award show and television performances during the Control era were really good.

I agree that her RN stuff was great and solidified her as a dance icon, but Paula was the person who helped mold her into the star she is today.

U 'gon make me shake my doo loose!
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Reply #5 posted 08/12/11 8:35pm



I will give a handjob to anybody who photoshops Janet's head on this mexican...

[Edited 8/12/11 13:36pm]

2012: The Queen Returns
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Reply #6 posted 08/12/11 8:39pm



Paula A. hands down! cool Janet worship to Paula! lol lol

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Reply #7 posted 08/12/11 8:45pm


Quite the influx of Janet threads lately.

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Reply #8 posted 08/12/11 8:52pm




[Edited 5/22/22 11:48am]

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Reply #9 posted 08/12/11 8:57pm


Paula is so much better. cool

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Reply #10 posted 08/12/11 9:01pm


Although my favourite record of the two is Rhythm Nation, I choose Paula. Two great albums by her.

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Reply #11 posted 08/12/11 9:03pm



I dig the moves in "Opposites Attract." I wonder who "The Wild Pair" are, who sang along on the track.

Read somewhere that a few from Mazarati were involded on that release.

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Reply #12 posted 08/13/11 12:16am






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Reply #13 posted 08/13/11 12:21am



Paula's still got it.

worshipdancing jigworshipdancing jig


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Reply #14 posted 08/13/11 2:00am


In terms of dancing, Paula definitely. When Janet dances it's like she' do I explain it...she's kinda clunky with her movements...

In terms of being an artist though...I would choose JJ even though I liked Paula's music too. (Except for that Rush, Rush song and video. Ugh!)

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Reply #15 posted 08/13/11 5:20am





"I don't think you'd do well in captivity." - random person's comment to me the other day
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Reply #16 posted 08/13/11 6:04am


Paula Abdul. Paula has more "flow" with her feet and legs. Janet's dancing is more upper body with arms. I've always wondered how Janet's dancing would be viewed if she didn't dqnce with her arms. I never noticed this as much in the past; however, now I notice that she seems stiffer in her lower body movements/legs vs. the slashing of the upper body/arms.

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Reply #17 posted 08/13/11 12:15pm


Free2BMe said:

Paula Abdul. Paula has more "flow" with her feet and legs. Janet's dancing is more upper body with arms. I've always wondered how Janet's dancing would be viewed if she didn't dqnce with her arms. I never noticed this as much in the past; however, now I notice that she seems stiffer in her lower body movements/legs vs. the slashing of the upper body/arms.

Isn't that a bad thing? When you are dancing, you are supposed to be looking at the dancer's feet. If they can barely use their legs and feet doesn't that kinda defeat the point?

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Reply #18 posted 08/13/11 12:30pm



Paula was so badass. Perhaps the only person I'd place above Britney & Janet in prime.

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Reply #19 posted 08/13/11 7:40pm


Paula was the teacher, and Janet was the student who excelled. So I'm going with Paula in this case.

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Reply #20 posted 08/14/11 9:18am


Unholyalliance said:

Free2BMe said:

Paula Abdul. Paula has more "flow" with her feet and legs. Janet's dancing is more upper body with arms. I've always wondered how Janet's dancing would be viewed if she didn't dqnce with her arms. I never noticed this as much in the past; however, now I notice that she seems stiffer in her lower body movements/legs vs. the slashing of the upper body/arms.

Isn't that a bad thing? When you are dancing, you are supposed to be looking at the dancer's feet. If they can barely use their legs and feet doesn't that kinda defeat the point?

Yes, I consider it a bad thing, because Janet dances more with her arms than her feet,IMO. From looking at her live performances, stage performances recently; it really shows that her dancing has become stiff and slow. She relies more on the upper body movement. Of course, her dancing has always been more arms flashing and flailing than actually dancing with her legs and feet.

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Reply #21 posted 08/14/11 7:27pm


Free2BMe said:

Unholyalliance said:

Isn't that a bad thing? When you are dancing, you are supposed to be looking at the dancer's feet. If they can barely use their legs and feet doesn't that kinda defeat the point?

Yes, I consider it a bad thing, because Janet dances more with her arms than her feet,IMO. From looking at her live performances, stage performances recently; it really shows that her dancing has become stiff and slow. She relies more on the upper body movement. Of course, her dancing has always been more arms flashing and flailing than actually dancing with her legs and feet.

What are you talking about? lol

Scream? Miss You Much? IF? Alright? Rhythm Nation? Janet ALWAYS uses footwork

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Reply #22 posted 08/14/11 8:41pm


But Janet does different things with her legs. While she had more structured and defined moves in earlier videos, in videos/performances like All Nite(Don't Stop), So Excited, she's moving much more loosely, and she was moving with a lot of confidence at most of her tours.

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Reply #23 posted 08/14/11 10:32pm



On pure dancing skill? Paula all the way, she's so underrated and really should be judging a dance competition and not vocals.

Janet of course is a better singer and artist. I'll have to watch Paula's videos to see who is better there. I'll go with Janet since I know the most about her work and consider her the female MJ.

Stevie Wonder = EARTH
Prince = WIND
Chaka Khan = FIRE
Sade = WATER
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Reply #24 posted 08/15/11 1:17am


Check out Paula's drink commercials and MTV award show performances too, girl can move!

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Reply #25 posted 10/06/11 12:40am



RKJCNE said:

I will give a handjob to anybody who photoshops Janet's head on this mexican...

[Edited 8/12/11 13:36pm]

N E V A H !

"Get up off that grey line"
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Reply #26 posted 10/06/11 12:42am


Janet had better choreographers than Abdul. yawn


[Edited 10/5/11 17:42pm]

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Reply #27 posted 10/06/11 12:47am



Better Dancer - Paula by a mile

Better Artist - Janet by a mile

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Reply #28 posted 10/06/11 12:49am


But seriously, Paula did have some great moves.

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Reply #29 posted 10/06/11 2:21am


SEANMAN's going to be all over this. But seriously? Janet Janet Janet JANET!!!!! Paula was the first ripoff of Janet before Beyonce walked in the picture

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