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Reply #60 posted 08/07/11 12:05pm


itsjustaroundthecorner said:

HonestMan13 said:

Seriously everytime a celebrity makes a statement that doesn't 100% endorse the gay community they get smacked with the homophobe label. Not everyone agrees with everyone on everything! Life would be hella boring if it was that way. Opinions shouldn't carry so much weight after all you only have to hear them if you ask about them.

oh please, give me a break.

no one can say anything remotely against black people without the whole community going nuts.

and everything is always placed with the race card.

i doubt an answer like 'not everyone can agree on black people' would fly.

sometimes i think the gays need to get a little more violent and crack some skulls in order to get some respect.

so fucked up.

(Bolded part) No actually that would be a very "f'd up" thing to do, and would make absolutely no sense for anyone. Some education about the LGBT community would be a much better move, than "Cracking some skulls" to get respect. Many people in this world will always have an opinion about everything from culture, religion, race, gender, etc., that many of us will find very ignorant, racist, disrespectful and ugly. Now if we go around "cracking skulls" everytime someone says something offensive, what good would come out of it other than people getting hurt or killed.

Like I've said many times, it is pathetic when some people allow ignorance to become their educator or life's teacher. Sure it gets tiring when you hear people say unsavory things about your racial/ethnic or gender group, but the best you can do is "educate ignorance".

[Edited 8/7/11 12:13pm]

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Reply #61 posted 08/07/11 12:20pm



phunkdaddy said:

chocolate1 said:

AND I HAD A BALL!!! biggrin

Mint Condition opened, then Anthony Hamilton did a set, DJ Jazzy Jeff & Doug E. Fresh warmed up the crowd between sets, and then Jill THREW DOWN.

Bland? Nah...

You have to experience her live!

AWESOME SHOW! dancing jig

I'm planning to check this show out Aug. 24

How much stage time did Mint get and did they perform the drum

duel on Why Do We Try?

August 24th is my birthday! biggrin

Mint Condition was on for about 40 minutes. I don't really know their music (except for "Keep Breaking My Heart"), so I'm not sure... But I don't really remember a drum duel.

They were extremely loud, so it was hard to tell what the songs were.

I think I read in one of the LA W2A show threads that they were too loud at the Forum, too.

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #62 posted 08/07/11 12:30pm



chocolate1 said:

phunkdaddy said:

I'm planning to check this show out Aug. 24

How much stage time did Mint get and did they perform the drum

duel on Why Do We Try?

August 24th is my birthday! biggrin

Mint Condition was on for about 40 minutes. I don't really know their music (except for "Keep Breaking My Heart"), so I'm not sure... But I don't really remember a drum duel.

They were extremely loud, so it was hard to tell what the songs were.

I think I read in one of the LA W2A show threads that they were too loud at the Forum, too.

I'm going to the show on Friday the 12th, which is my birthday. smile This will be my first time seeing Mint Condition, who comes to the bay area a couple of times a year, and i miss them every time. I hope they perform "Forever In Your Eyes," that's my song.

"Funkyslsistah… you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude"!
"It's just my imagination, once again running away with me."
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Reply #63 posted 08/07/11 12:38pm



chocolate1 said:

phunkdaddy said:

I'm planning to check this show out Aug. 24

How much stage time did Mint get and did they perform the drum

duel on Why Do We Try?

August 24th is my birthday! biggrin

Mint Condition was on for about 40 minutes. I don't really know their music (except for "Keep Breaking My Heart"), so I'm not sure... But I don't really remember a drum duel.

They were extremely loud, so it was hard to tell what the songs were.

I think I read in one of the LA W2A show threads that they were too loud at the Forum, too.

Happy B Day in advance. I hope i remember on Aug. 24. biggrin That's what kind of scares me off

from going to this show. I know Jill is the headliner and she's going to get the Lions share of

stage time but giving an act like MC who's been in the game for a long time and has a loyal fan

base only 40 minutes of stage time is a complete joke. That's why i'd prefer seeing them

by themselves or headlining. I like the other acts as well especially Jill but not Anthony Hamilton

so much but MC is the draw for me. I may settle for the cheap lawn seats for this show.

Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint
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Reply #64 posted 08/07/11 2:12pm



It's good to try and remember that not all people who say distasteful or unpopular things are...






they're just people with their own opinions.

Society is hellbent on slapping a label onto every single thing nowadays. Celebrities are being touted as the social and politcal commentators of the generation with their every tweet being taken as gospel from the mountaintop. It's ridiculous! there are bigots and homophobes out there but not everyone who disagrees with a certain aspect of another persons life is one of them.

When eye go 2 a Prince concert or related event it's all heart up in the house but when eye log onto this site and the miasma of bitchiness is completely overwhelming!
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Reply #65 posted 08/07/11 2:45pm


Lammastide said:

Not sure if she's homophobic or not. Don't much care either. But as relationships go, I'm none too bowled over by Mrs. Ms. Scott's "insights." I'm gay, out and have been married happily for 15 years and counting. Meanwhile, where's Lyzel? ...Or Lil' John? shrug

You're married to a woman?

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Reply #66 posted 08/07/11 3:07pm


RnBAmbassador said:

First off, who cares. I am not a fan of Jill Scott's music at all. <amy of my family and friends are, but for me - it doesn't work.

I agree with her in many respect, but I am not racist or homophobiac. I personally don't care for interracial dating or marriages - but if floats your boat, sail on.

I think it is an outrage for a homosexual male to perp and play the games of denial, confusion, etc. and date women and marry them, i.e. Eddie Long. I do recognize that in the Black community, the vast majority think homosexuality is morally wrong (based on their Christian beliefs - but funny thing, that is the only thing they blast about, all other things they cherry pick or willingly ignore, like eating pork and pre-marital sex).

I think people should keep it real. If you are a homosexual, do you and fugg what the other say or think.

No matter how much they hate it, they can't change it. Sexuality can't be changed.

To me gay is a lifestyle, and not every homosexual leads the lifestyle - but at the end of the day, what someone else eats does not make me shit!

People also need to realize the definition of racist. I do not think Blacks in America can be racist. Prejudiced, yes, racist no. We are not in control of the institutions that make determinations in people's lives, i.e. military, banking, insurance, real estate and the judiciary. A racist by their hatred of another race can make decisions that keep that race from prospering. Eleven per cent of a population is not controlling or defining anything.

Jill Scott certainly isn't. BTW before the fact hounds leap out, Barack Obama is not Black, he is bi-racial, period!

Haven't you ever wondered why gay men and women feel compelled to marry someone of the opposite sex? Because society is significantly prejudiced against homosexuality. If there was no prejudice, gays wouldn't be shamed into marriages that don't reflect their true selves. Don't you find it more than a coincidence that as said prejudice has gradually declined over the centuries, more and more gay people are living life openly and, in fact, marrying each other?

But, as someone who thinks homosexuality is a "lifestyle" (that word rubs me the wrong way like no other when used to describe sexuality), I can understand why you might not have given much thought about the prejudice gays encounter.

[Edited 8/7/11 15:14pm]

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Reply #67 posted 08/07/11 3:13pm


RnBAmbassador said:

First off, who cares. I am not a fan of Jill Scott's music at all. <amy of my family and friends are, but for me - it doesn't work.

I agree with her in many respect, but I am not racist or homophobiac. I personally don't care for interracial dating or marriages - but if floats your boat, sail on.

I think it is an outrage for a homosexual male to perp and play the games of denial, confusion, etc. and date women and marry them, i.e. Eddie Long. I do recognize that in the Black community, the vast majority think homosexuality is morally wrong (based on their Christian beliefs - but funny thing, that is the only thing they blast about, all other things they cherry pick or willingly ignore, like eating pork and pre-marital sex).

I think people should keep it real. If you are a homosexual, do you and fugg what the other say or think.

No matter how much they hate it, they can't change it. Sexuality can't be changed.

To me gay is a lifestyle, and not every homosexual leads the lifestyle - but at the end of the day, what someone else eats does not make me shit!

People also need to realize the definition of racist. I do not think Blacks in America can be racist. Prejudiced, yes, racist no. We are not in control of the institutions that make determinations in people's lives, i.e. military, banking, insurance, real estate and the judiciary. A racist by their hatred of another race can make decisions that keep that race from prospering. Eleven per cent of a population is not controlling or defining anything.

Jill Scott certainly isn't. BTW before the fact hounds leap out, Barack Obama is not Black, he is bi-racial, period!

Co-sign smile

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Reply #68 posted 08/07/11 6:47pm



Is Jill Scott Racist & Homophobic? I doubt it. That would get her dangerously close to having an interesting quality.

"does my cock look fat in these jeans?"
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Reply #69 posted 08/07/11 6:50pm



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Reply #70 posted 08/07/11 7:34pm



Ouch to the 2nd power lol

Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint
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Reply #71 posted 08/07/11 8:54pm



PenelopePaige said:

Lammastide said:

Not sure if she's homophobic or not. Don't much care either. But as relationships go, I'm none too bowled over by Mrs. Ms. Scott's "insights." I'm gay, out and have been married happily for 15 years and counting. Meanwhile, where's Lyzel? ...Or Lil' John? shrug

You're married to a woman?

I am.

Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.”
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Reply #72 posted 08/07/11 9:15pm



ThreadBare said:

Jill tweets a lot, it seems, about the obstacles many black women face in having sustained, fulfilling relationships with black men.

Her comments about black men dating non-black women or engaging in secret, gay behavior while dating black women articulate very plainly what a lot of black women deal with or observe.

I think it's a shame that our marketplace endorses so little of what black women have to say, if it's not coming from, say, an Oprah who talks only about things that will mollify society at large.


Never trust anything spoken in the presence of an erection.
H Michael Frase
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