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New EWF album scheduled for Summer/Fall this year.. http://blog.washingtonpos...re_ta.html
“…Verdine White: Well we’re in the middle of it now. It’s going along really great …it’s been a great creative period. We’ve been working pretty hard the last few weeks. PB: “For a long period of time, the creative process changed and it was just more – the songs were more computer-driven, and more written with computers and augmented by the musician. This time we decided to just go back to the way we always knew to do it – to go in the studio, with the band and try to drive the creative process from the band - because we are a band. So we’ve been having a lot of fun doing it. Hopefully the project’s going to come out late summer. It’s going to be called “Earth Wind & Fire – Yesterday, Today & Forever.” It’s going to have some remixes by some [top] producers of some of the catalog stuff, and some new music as well. And then a couple of songs that were not A-list songs in our catalog that we’ll bring from the “Fire” catalog.
Glad to hear they are going back to the way they recorded music back in the SHOULD always be so...
I am only not too thrilled about remixes....
I honestly never heard another artist/group interpret an EWF song better than the original, although I was pleasantly surprised at the results of the Fantasy and Cant Hide Love remixes on the Soul Sources CD that was put together some many years ago...
[Edited 2/25/11 9:37am] [Edited 2/25/11 9:38am] | |
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Sounds like an interesting project, hope it actually gets released ( opposed to just being talked about). CAMEO comes to mind, as a band that's been "recording" this next double album of theirs for about the past 3 or 4 years now. It would seem these veteran bands aren't having as easy a time as they remember when it comes to releasing new material, as I'm sure the money is not behind them as it was at one time. But man, we could sure use a shot of some new Funk and Classic Soul from these masters.
In any event, looking forward to hearing the new EWF. ![]() | |
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True, PDogz....I know Phil mentioned on Twitter that they were in the studio (i dont do Twitter, but other EWF fans advised of this on another forum) so it aint no BS, but who knows what the label (whoever they are) will decide to do when push comes to shove, as they say...
It may have a good shot since it is their 40th year and would be nice way to tie in their legacy and anniversary with new music......
as long as Maurice is involved in some meaningful way, despite his health issues, I will be excited and hopeful... | |
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Oh, I don't doubt that they're actually recording - I just wonder if we'll ever hear it. I'm sure we might, at some point. I hope we do anyway. To take all their collective experiences from over all these years, and to put it down in a new recording; I think will be awesome. I even look forward to the remixes. ![]() | |
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If it's of any comfort, EWF has been putting out new material the entire time. They don't go too many years without releasing new material. It just doesn't usually sell well. Their last album was released in 05 (I think). So, I hope this one comes out also. **--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••-
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose! | |
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Since being schooled by the OP in previous posts, I've subsequently gone back and collected ALL of EWF's albums that I had previously overlooked, and found them all to be worthy (...even the one or two most critics had slammed). ![]() | |
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I agree with u. I don't have all of their albums (I'm only missing about 4 or 5), but their projects are very good. Even albums like Heritage had some high points. **--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••-
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose! | |
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That news deserves a big Scooby Doo graphic and sound effect. And then we can run around trying to solve the mystery release date with Velma. Lunch provided by Shaggy. Patience tested by Mr. Cold Dark Dirt stuck under my fingernails. Ms. Blue Sky and her etherial hips has the funk in her trunk. And Mr. Blue Flame is stoking the spark in my heart. Big geek that I am, I cannot wait. | |
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"Electric Universe" got beat-up pretty bad too. I didn't find it to be so awful. Sort of like if you asked Michelangelo or Rembrandt to paint with their fingers instead of using brushes. The outcome may be different, probably unlike what you might expect, but it would still have value. ![]() | |
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Wow, you ran far and deep with that one, lol. ![]() | |
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Open our Eyes was my very first album! It came under the Christmas tree that year with a little hand held cassette player.
"We are People of the Mighty, Mighty People of the Sun."
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I agree. I didn't care for "Electric Universe" very much either, but it too has some decent material. **--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••--**--••**--••-
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose! | |
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My first EWF album was "Head To The Sky", quickly followed by "Open Our Eyes". Those were such important albums back in the day. Music, in general, seemed so much more important back then. Though I'm willing to concede that perhaps it's just my perspective that allows me to see it that way. ![]() | |
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I think the reason is that from my recollection of growing up with EWF and other legends of that time, the focus was very much on the quality of the music, and the message...both of which artists like EWF and Stevie always had in abundance in their music.
EWF also had a signature sound that distinguished them from any other funk/RnB/Soul/Pop group of its era, and so it was easy for avid fans and many other casual music aficionados to single out an EWF tune.
Outside of the costumes, which echoed their roots in the African Diaspora and references to Egypt, there was very little focus on what the EWF members looked like...and I dare say that that was how most of their contemporaries were similarly viewed..
REAL artists were looked at for Music FIRST, looks next and if they had one, attitude, I suppose...
Now practically everything you hear is disposible nonsense and noise, and it really does not matter who the artist is that is trying to sing into the mic...or rap or whatever...
The focus is NOW on the artist, and how they look, and how cute they are and what they are dressed in, and how they influence fashion, and how young they look etc....
Admirable qualities, I suppose, if you selling some sort of product, which now that I think about, I guess they are!!! [Edited 2/25/11 14:59pm] | |
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Yeah, MUSIC was the focus back then. And as you mentioned, I never knew what some of my favorite artists looked like back in the day, until maybe seeing them on TV years later. Often, it was a surprise when you actually saw what some of them looked like, lol. And also as you've said: I believe that today the MAIN focus is on what the "artist" LOOKS like, and doesn't matter so much whether they can actually sing or not. Maybe less-so the case if that artist can play an instrument. ![]() | |
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I have seen many orgers here lament the state of music today, and the fact that no label is willing to nurture an artist that may have a vision, but doesnt have that out of the box smash they play it safe, and regurgitate the next hot thing who sounds just like everyone else,
In a sense, many listeners today, save for a few artists, feel they owe no allegiance to any music entity and so will quickly throw them to the side in order to lap up the Label's current artist of the moment. I mean, truthfully, how do you really look at a singer or group and have them be an important part of your life, your good times and bad, if the only reason you find them great is that first and foremost, they look great in a dress or jeans, they are young and attractive and can dance effectively and yes, they can also sing a bit..
Their 15 minutes of fame quickly pass and then the revolving door pushes out the next great thing...
Labels are really not interested in putting out quality music FIRST....and the hypocrisy in my mind is that I doubt that most head honchos at the major labels actually listen to the artists that they is ALL about a business, and to heck with the music....they will smile for a hot minute as long as that person is successful, but watch out if the numbers start to slide....
It wont change, it really wont...the avid among us can always fight with our dollars, and buy the product that WE enjoy, but it is highly unlikely due to demographics that we will make a significant difference.....
It wont change the way I feel about the subject and my opinion, but I fear we will still be arguing the lack of initiative and creativity, for the most part, for years to come...... [Edited 2/25/11 15:57pm] | |
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Several years ago,there was talk of EW&F recording an album with Chicago.I guess they cancelled that project. | |
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You talking about "Illumination"? Because that album was really good and I throughly enjoyed it. I loved how they stayed true to their sound while creating new material and didn't conform to "today's standards" of music by including guest appearances by rappers using auto tune. [Edited 2/28/11 5:58am] I will forever love and miss sweet Prince. | |
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my favourite earth wind & fire song: it wasn't written by them, but still...
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The most important factor this time is that they are recording LIVE in the studio, the way they used to. That is the EWF I know and love.
Illumination was a very good effort despite it wasnt 100% EWF (with the outside producers, who did a nice job of keeping EWF sounding like EWF, despite Maurice not being the Producer for the CD).
I prefer The Promise over Illumination, because it sounded more like authentic EWF music..although it was too low-key and down-tempo, save a few tunes....
but still, I cant get with the Drum machines they used on that I had my issues with it...
I want the raw drums, and horns blaring, and rhythm changes, etc....that you really feel and enjoy the intricacy of, when recorded with real instruments... | |
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if you thought illumination stayed true to the ewf sound, check out 2003 The Promise. Maurice white and the Emotions(backing vocals) were all over it. They even had one duet with Angie Stone on it. just too many ballads. Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint | |
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I will forever love and miss sweet Prince. | |
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I agree,'The Promise' is a superb album.It's a got a cool 70s vibe on most of the tracks.This album sounds like classic EW&F.Two songs,in fact,really were recorded in the 70s ("Where Do We Go From Here" and "Dirty",two outtakes from the 1978 'I Am' sessions).
The only complaint is,there are far too many ballads. | |
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I thought "Illumination" was just ok. It had some really good songs, though. My favorite of the last few years is:
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose! | |
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Yeah i would give the Promise a slight nod over Illumination. Illumination had a few brilliant songs like Pure Gold, Show Me The Way, and Love's Dance but i thought the Promise had more depth with the classic interludes despite the album being ballad heavy. I thought the back half of Illumination was a little lacking but the first 5 cuts were cool. Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint | |
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'Illumination' is a good album,but I mainly just listen to two songs on it:
"This Is How I Feel" and "The One".
These tunes were produced by the same production crew (Organized Noize) and they did an excellent job.It wouldn't be a bad idea to let them produce an entire EW&F album. | |
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I never get excited anymore when I hear that an old group is releasing a new album because it usually ends up sounding like the shit that's on the radio today. I've learned over the years to not get my hopes up and not spend my money unless I hear it first. That way, I'm not disappointed and not out of any money when the product turns out shitty, which is most of the time. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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I agree with you. Most artists/groups have tried 2 keep up with the times and it usually sounds crappy. EWF is the exception. They do what's best for them. Here are some of my favorite recent EWF songs.
U 'gon make me shake my doo loose! | |
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And the above are just some of the ways in which EWF has NOT gone over "that" bridge" to sound contemporary...Illumination was a good attempt to sound contemporary without sacrificing their integrity....
but, again, I agree with many before that The Promise is a better EWF album...interesting that Maurice changed course with The Promise, in that i recall they had done some tunes with Eric Benet and Wyclef that were "scheduled" for their next release which would have been The Promise, but Maurice decided to "Do EWF". and pushed those songs to the bench...never to be released under the EWF name!!
The one reason, VainAndy, to maybe hold out a little more hope this time, is that the group has indicated they are going back into the studio to record Live, and so one can hope that means autotune, and beats and machinse drum patterns are out of the question this time around.... | |
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