Parliament (but I plan to change that soon; and I do own Funkadelic stuff, so... )
Hope you do, you can leave or take everything else, but there's no sense of having the Funkadelic discography without its sister group
Not only that, but when you finally invest some time into tracking down Parliament stuff, you'll get so addicted you'll go after Parlet, Mutiny, Quazar, Eddie Hazel,, Bootsy and the rest of the side projects.
Funny thing is, I know better. I grew up with Parliament-Funkadelic. I've just been lazy in really digging into their catalog.
I'm missing a ton of folk! The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, elvis Presley, mostly because I like their music but I don't buy their music. And of course there is no Justin Beiber I would spend thousand and have a 1000gb card if I had every single song I loved.
But I'm getting Midnite Vultures immediately after hearing Debra
" met you at JC Penny I think your nametag said Jenny I cool step to you With a fresh pack of gum Somehow I knew you were looking for some"
Debra is a jam! And Midnite Vultures is a pretty solid album choice if you dig Debra. A lot of his stuff is hit and miss, though. And the styles of each album vary WIDELY, sometimes to the point of frustration. Hip-hop pastiche, retro funk jams, acoustic singer songwriter, weirdo art rock experimentalist - the guy has done it all (and released it). IMO Odelay is a must own, Midnite Vultures and Sea Change are very solid purchases, but I'm not sure he's released another album as a whole that I think is as good as those three. Also, I personally miss the weird indie freedom of his earlier releases. Even when he tries to go there now it's hard to get the same sound and feel when you're in a multi-million dollar top of the line studio.
Out of my 12,419 songs in I-tunes, I have zero: Madonna
Justin Bieber
Ray Charles
Bruno Mars
Mike Posner
Taylor Swift
Trey Songz
Taio Cruz
Flo Rida
Kanye West
Lil' Wayne
The Beatles
Bob Dylan
I could go on and on, but 16 is enough. I think one of the points of liking music is liking what you hear, not because of who is singing, but because you actually like the song. So had I been into music around The Beatle's hey day and I didn't like any of their songs, I would not have any of their songs. It wouldn't matter that it seemed that most of the world was crazy about them. That part is irrelevant to me.
I have had friends to make me homemade CD-Rs of hard to find songs and they have put a Shitney Houston song on the CD as a joke so that I can no longer say that I don't have anything in my collection by her. Well, the joke is on them because every time they do it, I take all the other songs and place them onto another CD and throw the CD they made me with Shitney Houston in the trash (where it belongs). I STILL have NO Shitney Houston in my collection and never will!
[Edited 11/9/10 14:29pm]
So you do have a few Antia Baker tracks, right?!?
Admit it, you have a soft spot for Same Ole Love:
Hell to the naw! I don't own anything by her either. Her music is even more boring than Shitney's.
Eh, I don't have many of the big names you'd might expect most music enthusiasts to have: no Gaga, no Madonna, no Rolling Stones, no Pink Floyd, no Radiohead, no Tori Amos, No Pink Floyd ... seems like the only Elvis record I got is "Having Fun With Elvis Onstage", hah. That's an LP of Elvis telling jokes on stage.