Robbie Williams playing at Soccer AidRobbie Wiliams' missus has become the first casualty of the World Cup. Ayda Field reportedly managed just a few days before the incessant pre- and post-match analysis, endless games and highlights got the better of her.

According to The Sun, his American fiancée just couldn't face any more and has moved in with her mum in a bid to avoid football talk of any kind.

Apparently it was Sunday's match between Algeria and Slovenia that proved the last straw. Even though Robbie wasn't in the house for the first few days, he still managed to wind her up by banging on about it non-stop.

And when he did get back, he invited all his pals round to watch the games on his massive telly. A source told the paper: "Ayda was dreading a house full of blokes chanting Three Lions and blowing vuvuzelas - so she's legged it."

We're wondering whether that was Robbie's plan all along.

Anyway, Ayda is also believed to have said that "if she ever hears the Three Lions song again it will be too soon". She should count herself lucky it's not Vindaloo.

Ayda might be avoiding the football, but these World Cup WAGs are no doubt glued to their TVs...