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Reply #30 posted 09/23/09 1:00pm



mimi07 said:

this is terrible, a father having sex and doing drugs with his daughter. damn

i could never talk about this if i were her, it's shameful

I love that she is telling the truth clapping
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #31 posted 09/23/09 1:02pm



TD3 said:

Timmy84 said:

Why am I not shocked that John abused his daughter?

I know....

It's crazy but it doesn't surprise me either.
"Funkyslsistah… you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude"!
"It's just my imagination, once again running away with me."
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Reply #32 posted 09/23/09 1:03pm



Ottensen said:

DesireeNevermind said:

I feel bad for Chyna...who the hell wants that shit in your family? Drugs are bad enough but incest over a 10 year period between your sis and your pop? Murder in a family seems easier to contend with. disbelief

Surely you're not blaming it on Mackenzie though, no? It seems to me a parent needs to have boundaries to not shoot their own kid up with heroin and fuck'em senseless hmm. Besides that, when these sorts of traumas happen in families, quite often everyone in the family nucleus knows. It often simply becomes a matter of what members choose to enable, ignore, block, or conveniently forget.
[Edited 9/23/09 12:29pm]

And exactly why the truth is so important, as disturbing as it is. The truth shall set you free!
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #33 posted 09/23/09 1:31pm


Ottensen said:

DesireeNevermind said:

I feel bad for Chyna...who the hell wants that shit in your family? Drugs are bad enough but incest over a 10 year period between your sis and your pop? Murder in a family seems easier to contend with. disbelief

Surely you're not blaming it on Mackenzie though, no? It seems to me a parent needs to have boundaries to not shoot their own kid up with heroin and fuck'em senseless hmm. Besides that, when these sorts of traumas happen in families, quite often everyone in the family nucleus knows. It often simply becomes a matter of what members choose to enable, ignore, block, or conveniently forget.
[Edited 9/23/09 12:29pm]

I certainly don't blame her for initiating the drug abuse or the sick twisted relations with her daddy however, she bears responsibility for it continuing. At some point even a druggie knows what is right and wrong and what they want to do and don't want to do. Somewhere over the course of 10 years this disgusting behavior became acceptable and normal for her. Perhaps the other family members knew and were in denial or perhaps they couldn't stop either of these depressed souls from stopping the incest. I'm saying ole daddy bears the brunt of responsibility for this tragedy but McKenzie has to own up to her part in it. She's doing that now only after the dude is gone which is sad because he should have been put in jail. Oprah will get it out of her though. I won't be surprised if she admits to "loving him" and not in a daughter kind of way.
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Reply #34 posted 09/23/09 1:32pm


No wonder she couldn't get through "One Day At A Time" without being high off her ass. I'm just trying to imagine what it's like to have your dad shoot you up and have sex with you as a teenager. I wonder what far reaches of self destruction a person will go to to block out that level of pain and wretchedness....
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Reply #35 posted 09/23/09 1:38pm


Ottensen said:

No wonder she couldn't get through "One Day At A Time" without being high off her ass. I'm just trying to imagine what it's like to have your dad shoot you up and have sex with you as a teenager. I wonder what far reaches of self destruction a person will go to to block out that level of pain and wretchedness....

I wonder why she didn't kill him mad
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Reply #36 posted 09/23/09 2:01pm


DesireeNevermind said:

Ottensen said:

Surely you're not blaming it on Mackenzie though, no? It seems to me a parent needs to have boundaries to not shoot their own kid up with heroin and fuck'em senseless hmm. Besides that, when these sorts of traumas happen in families, quite often everyone in the family nucleus knows. It often simply becomes a matter of what members choose to enable, ignore, block, or conveniently forget.
[Edited 9/23/09 12:29pm]

I certainly don't blame her for initiating the drug abuse or the sick twisted relations with her daddy however, she bears responsibility for it continuing. At some point even a druggie knows what is right and wrong and what they want to do and don't want to do. Somewhere over the course of 10 years this disgusting behavior became acceptable and normal for her. Perhaps the other family members knew and were in denial or perhaps they couldn't stop either of these depressed souls from stopping the incest. I'm saying ole daddy bears the brunt of responsibility for this tragedy but McKenzie has to own up to her part in it. She's doing that now only after the dude is gone which is sad because he should have been put in jail. Oprah will get it out of her though. I won't be surprised if she admits to "loving him" and not in a daughter kind of way.

I would say that she certainly bears responsibility for the messes she's gotten herself into, but I do also feel that as a kid we can't forget that our parents are our guardians, our protectors, and form the boundaries in our minds as to what is right or wrong behavior. If we don't get that from our parents in our formative years, just exactly when and where are we supposed to learn it? It certainly doesn't come by way of some mysterious form of osmosis.

Additionally, if in the formative years you're reared in a closed, dysfunctional environment,with no clue as to what the alternatives are outside of the family nucleus are ( often the case with abusive families, religious sects, and high profile secluded celebrities), I find it a bit cavalier of people outside of those situations to paint these scenarios with so broad a brushstroke and say ...'well, by 18 they should have had their head on their shoulders straight enough to say no'...I think there are so many layers and colors to the complexities of this type of just doesn't seem that easy to remedy to me.

With all due respect, though Desi, do you mind if I ask if you've had intimate experience with sexual abuse victims or junkies? Hell, even psychological incest victims?
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Reply #37 posted 09/23/09 2:17pm


DesireeNevermind said:

Ottensen said:

No wonder she couldn't get through "One Day At A Time" without being high off her ass. I'm just trying to imagine what it's like to have your dad shoot you up and have sex with you as a teenager. I wonder what far reaches of self destruction a person will go to to block out that level of pain and wretchedness....

I wonder why she didn't kill him mad

Grrrrrl.....I'm wondering myself!

But then again,sometimes the impetus one feels after childhood trauma is to self-destruct and do everything short of killing themselves...sort of like a way to numb the psychological pain, excercise guilt, grieve over innocence lost....

damn....Julie, Julie, Julie....that character was hella popular on tv when I was little. She was so fucked up then but folks just chalked it up to "oh another Hollywood kid out of control"...

..ever notice how a lot of the (lifelong) addicts follow a pattern of having jacked up childhoods:

Judy Garland= They had her hopped up on speed by age 12

Billie Holiday= Raped at 9 and sent to reform school because the adult said she seduced him

Richard Pryor= raised in a whorehouse ( I have a friend now that's foster parenting brothel children, it's rough)

Anyhooo: after all this talk about Phillips, I just got nostalgic for some 70's t.v. :

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Reply #38 posted 09/23/09 2:22pm


Ottensen said:

DesireeNevermind said:

I certainly don't blame her for initiating the drug abuse or the sick twisted relations with her daddy however, she bears responsibility for it continuing. At some point even a druggie knows what is right and wrong and what they want to do and don't want to do. Somewhere over the course of 10 years this disgusting behavior became acceptable and normal for her. Perhaps the other family members knew and were in denial or perhaps they couldn't stop either of these depressed souls from stopping the incest. I'm saying ole daddy bears the brunt of responsibility for this tragedy but McKenzie has to own up to her part in it. She's doing that now only after the dude is gone which is sad because he should have been put in jail. Oprah will get it out of her though. I won't be surprised if she admits to "loving him" and not in a daughter kind of way.

I would say that she certainly bears responsibility for the messes she's gotten herself into, but I do also feel that as a kid we can't forget that our parents are our guardians, our protectors, and form the boundaries in our minds as to what is right or wrong behavior. If we don't get that from our parents in our formative years, just exactly when and where are we supposed to learn it? It certainly doesn't come by way of some mysterious form of osmosis.

Additionally, if in the formative years you're reared in a closed, dysfunctional environment,with no clue as to what the alternatives are outside of the family nucleus are ( often the case with abusive families, religious sects, and high profile secluded celebrities), I find it a bit cavalier of people outside of those situations to paint these scenarios with so broad a brushstroke and say ...'well, by 18 they should have had their head on their shoulders straight enough to say no'...I think there are so many layers and colors to the complexities of this type of just doesn't seem that easy to remedy to me.

With all due respect, though Desi, do you mind if I ask if you've had intimate experience with sexual abuse victims or junkies? Hell, even psychological incest victims?

To your question, yes. I've had relatives and friends with drug problems and and ex boyfriend who was sexually abused by an uncle. Unfortunately those I've known who've had addiciton issues are now gone after they got clean (physical damage resulting from drugs and alchohol). My ex never willingly had relations with is uncle, he was just flat out raped and shamed for two years. I think it resulted in his codependecy and hatred of his family.

With McKenzie, since her sex abuse/relationship with her father began in her teens it's harder to view her as victim only. You are right about formative years and influences but I would think that's early childhood and not so much teen years where most of us are coming into our own, rebelling, trying to establish our own identity outside of what our parents taught us. Again, maybe she was using drugs as a small child and never considered John an actual father. But if this stuff started when she was a little older and tad wiser (not a small kid), at what point do you say "enough!" and try and stop the cycle/madness. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around her fucking her dad for 10 years and using drugs with him. Now if she was being forced and doped up (literally targeted by him)...then I can put 100% of the blame on him. Guess we will see how she explains it on Oprah but from past interviews I've seen with her, she just seemed like a lonely kid with a pre-disposition to drugs (ole john was life long druggie) whose casual drug use began to take over her life. Again, the more you peel back the layers with people in her position, the more horror you see within their lives. disbelief It's like Tatum O'Neal, the more she talks the more horrible her childhood seems, the more stories come out and she was drinking and drugging early on.
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Reply #39 posted 09/23/09 2:31pm


carlcranshaw said:

I read his bio Papa John a few years back.

He had some pretty sleazy stuff going on. He wrote great songs and gets those super Leon Russell sized publishing checks and blew it on drugs.

Now this thing with Mackenzie is here.

It makes me listen to this song in a new light.

[Edited 9/23/09 8:56am]

That put a severe chill on spine disbelief

Wow,,,,,shit like this make me hate being a human.
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Reply #40 posted 09/23/09 2:32pm


SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

mimi07 said:

this is terrible, a father having sex and doing drugs with his daughter. damn

i could never talk about this if i were her, it's shameful

I love that she is telling the truth clapping

It tells me that she came to terms with that part of her life,,,,and THAT tells me how much of a strong woman she is.

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Reply #41 posted 09/23/09 2:33pm


Harlepolis said:

carlcranshaw said:

I read his bio Papa John a few years back.

He had some pretty sleazy stuff going on. He wrote great songs and gets those super Leon Russell sized publishing checks and blew it on drugs.

Now this thing with Mackenzie is here.

It makes me listen to this song in a new light.

[Edited 9/23/09 8:56am]

That put a severe chill on spine disbelief

Wow,,,,,shit like this make me hate being a human.

Maybe he's in hell right now. Where the hell was her momma?
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Reply #42 posted 09/23/09 2:36pm


DesireeNevermind said:

Ottensen said:

I would say that she certainly bears responsibility for the messes she's gotten herself into, but I do also feel that as a kid we can't forget that our parents are our guardians, our protectors, and form the boundaries in our minds as to what is right or wrong behavior. If we don't get that from our parents in our formative years, just exactly when and where are we supposed to learn it? It certainly doesn't come by way of some mysterious form of osmosis.

Additionally, if in the formative years you're reared in a closed, dysfunctional environment,with no clue as to what the alternatives are outside of the family nucleus are ( often the case with abusive families, religious sects, and high profile secluded celebrities), I find it a bit cavalier of people outside of those situations to paint these scenarios with so broad a brushstroke and say ...'well, by 18 they should have had their head on their shoulders straight enough to say no'...I think there are so many layers and colors to the complexities of this type of just doesn't seem that easy to remedy to me.

With all due respect, though Desi, do you mind if I ask if you've had intimate experience with sexual abuse victims or junkies? Hell, even psychological incest victims?

To your question, yes. I've had relatives and friends with drug problems and and ex boyfriend who was sexually abused by an uncle. Unfortunately those I've known who've had addiciton issues are now gone after they got clean (physical damage resulting from drugs and alchohol). My ex never willingly had relations with is uncle, he was just flat out raped and shamed for two years. I think it resulted in his codependecy and hatred of his family.

With McKenzie, since her sex abuse/relationship with her father began in her teens it's harder to view her as victim only. You are right about formative years and influences but I would think that's early childhood and not so much teen years where most of us are coming into our own, rebelling, trying to establish our own identity outside of what our parents taught us. Again, maybe she was using drugs as a small child and never considered John an actual father. But if this stuff started when she was a little older and tad wiser (not a small kid), at what point do you say "enough!" and try and stop the cycle/madness. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around her fucking her dad for 10 years and using drugs with him. Now if she was being forced and doped up (literally targeted by him)...then I can put 100% of the blame on him. Guess we will see how she explains it on Oprah but from past interviews I've seen with her, she just seemed like a lonely kid with a pre-disposition to drugs (ole john was life long druggie) whose casual drug use began to take over her life. Again, the more you peel back the layers with people in her position, the more horror you see within their lives. disbelief It's like Tatum O'Neal, the more she talks the more horrible her childhood seems, the more stories come out and she was drinking and drugging early on.

Totally off topic (sort of), but Tatum....damn, that's another one. Did you hear her tell the story recently how her father didn't even recognize her at Farrah's
funeral and hit on her to go boozing with him hmm.? She had to look her own father straight in the face and say,

"Daddy, it's me, Tatum neutral "

He brushed it off in the press as 'well, it's no secret I'm not that great a parent'...I was,uh, no fucking kidding, Ryan feeling ill
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Reply #43 posted 09/23/09 2:37pm



Harlepolis said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

I love that she is telling the truth clapping

It tells me that she came to terms with that part of her life,,,,and THAT tells me how much of a strong woman she is.


totally admirable.
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #44 posted 09/23/09 2:41pm


Ottensen said:

DesireeNevermind said:

To your question, yes. I've had relatives and friends with drug problems and and ex boyfriend who was sexually abused by an uncle. Unfortunately those I've known who've had addiciton issues are now gone after they got clean (physical damage resulting from drugs and alchohol). My ex never willingly had relations with is uncle, he was just flat out raped and shamed for two years. I think it resulted in his codependecy and hatred of his family.

With McKenzie, since her sex abuse/relationship with her father began in her teens it's harder to view her as victim only. You are right about formative years and influences but I would think that's early childhood and not so much teen years where most of us are coming into our own, rebelling, trying to establish our own identity outside of what our parents taught us. Again, maybe she was using drugs as a small child and never considered John an actual father. But if this stuff started when she was a little older and tad wiser (not a small kid), at what point do you say "enough!" and try and stop the cycle/madness. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around her fucking her dad for 10 years and using drugs with him. Now if she was being forced and doped up (literally targeted by him)...then I can put 100% of the blame on him. Guess we will see how she explains it on Oprah but from past interviews I've seen with her, she just seemed like a lonely kid with a pre-disposition to drugs (ole john was life long druggie) whose casual drug use began to take over her life. Again, the more you peel back the layers with people in her position, the more horror you see within their lives. disbelief It's like Tatum O'Neal, the more she talks the more horrible her childhood seems, the more stories come out and she was drinking and drugging early on.

Totally off topic (sort of), but Tatum....damn, that's another one. Did you hear her tell the story recently how her father didn't even recognize her at Farrah's
funeral and hit on her to go boozing with him hmm.? She had to look her own father straight in the face and say,

"Daddy, it's me, Tatum neutral "

He brushed it off in the press as 'well, it's no secret I'm not that great a parent'...I was,uh, no fucking kidding, Ryan feeling ill

It made me sick when I heard that. But he's not kidding, I don't think any of his children like him. disbelief
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Reply #45 posted 09/23/09 2:48pm


Harlepolis said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

I love that she is telling the truth clapping

It tells me that she came to terms with that part of her life,,,,and THAT tells me how much of a strong woman she is.


Precisely. It's the element of shame and fear of judgement that often keeps people from healing themselves and being able to lead healthy, productive lives. Forget about "shameful", that is too heavy a cross to bear going through this life. It's the secret keeping that will twist you up, rot you inside out and eventually kill you.... be it from drugs, alcohol, abusive relationships, or just plain good old fashioned heartbreak.
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Reply #46 posted 09/23/09 2:53pm



speaking from my own experience... meth addict here.

drugs are bad.
You CANNOT use the name of God, or religion, to justify acts of violence, to hurt, to hate, to discriminate- Madonna
authentic power is service- Pope Francis
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Reply #47 posted 09/23/09 2:55pm



You CANNOT use the name of God, or religion, to justify acts of violence, to hurt, to hate, to discriminate- Madonna
authentic power is service- Pope Francis
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Reply #48 posted 09/23/09 3:13pm


ehuffnsd said:

speaking from my own experience... meth addict here.

drugs are bad.

I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free the chains


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Reply #49 posted 09/23/09 3:29pm



these are the days of wild....
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Reply #50 posted 09/23/09 3:34pm



Ottensen said:

ehuffnsd said:

speaking from my own experience... meth addict here.

drugs are bad.

I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free the chains



thanks love.
You CANNOT use the name of God, or religion, to justify acts of violence, to hurt, to hate, to discriminate- Madonna
authentic power is service- Pope Francis
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Reply #51 posted 09/23/09 5:01pm



Graycap23 said:

Mackenzie Phillips: I slept with my father

The bombshell that Mackenzie Phillips will drop on Oprah today? She slept with her father.

In her tell-all book, out today, the actress says that her dad, musician John Phillips of the '60s band the Mamas and the Papas, engaged with her in a long-term incestuous relationship.

A part of me would like to believe that Mackenzie is telling the truth, since there was a lot of freaking s*** going on in the 1960's, not to mention her own drug problem that was a lot worse than her father's.

And beside, didn't John Phillips also have bisexual relations with the other 3 band members of The Mamas and The Papas as well?!?
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Reply #52 posted 09/23/09 5:29pm


I just watched this on Oprah and I am truly stunned. I do believe what she said is true because I can't see why someone would make this up. I feel for her but can't understand why she went on with it for 10 years. Why was she so desperate for her father's love? Where was her mother?? I thought it was weet of Valerie Bertinelli to come out and support her.
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Reply #53 posted 09/23/09 5:41pm



ewwwww Was she a Mormon?
All you others say Hell Yea!! woot!
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Reply #54 posted 09/23/09 9:38pm


Chynna and Michelle Phillips React To Mackenzie Phillips Incest Bombshell

September 2009

Former child star Mackenzie Phillips said Wednesday that she maintained a sexual relationship with her father, John Phillips of acclaimed '60s vocal group The Mamas and the Papas, for more than a decade. According to a report in People magazine, Phillips, now 49, was 19 years old when she was raped by her father on the night before her wedding.

"I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father," she writes in her memoir, "High On Arrival," which was released today.

In an interview that aired on the Oprah Winfrey Show Wednesday, Philips said the relationship became "consensual" and lasted for nearly a decade, until she became pregnant. Philips also told Winfrey that her father, who died in 2001, introduced her to drugs at the age of 11, teaching her how to roll joints and injecting her with cocaine. She has since been in and out of rehab, and was arrested for drug possession in 2008.

Phillips' family -- which includes former stepmother and Mamas and Papas member Michelle Phillips and half-sister Chynna Phillips of the 1990's trio Wilson Phillips -- had mixed reactions to the accusations.

In a conversation with Hollywood Reporter columnist Roger Friedman, Michelle Phillips said, "John was a bad parent, and a drug addict. But [expletive deleted] his daughter? If she thinks it's true, why isn't she with a good psychiatrist on a couch? I think it's unconscionable that Oprah would let her do her show. I have every reason to believe it's untrue. Oprah should be more judicious about who she has on her show."

On the broadcast, Winfrey read a statement from Genevieve Waite, John Phillips' wife at the time of the alleged abuse and Mackenzie's stepmother that said he was "incapable, no matter how drunk or drugged he was, of having such a relationship with his own child."

But Chynna supports her half-sister's version of events, and even claims to have known about the abuse since 1997 after a shocking phone call from Mackenzie.

"She said, 'I don't know why, but I just really felt the need to call you and tell you something that I think you need to know,'" Chynna told Us Weekly. "And she went on to tell me that she had had an incestuous relationship with our dad for about 10 years.

"Somebody could have dropped a piano on my head and I probably wouldn't have felt it," she continued. "But I knew it was true. I mean, who in their right mind would make such a claim if it wasn't true?"

Michelle and John Phillips were half of the Mamas and the Papas, along with Cass Elliott and Denny Doherty. The group's songs included hits like "Calfornia Dreamin'," "Monday Monday," and "I Saw Her Again Last Night." Mackenzie was born before the group formed in 1965.
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Reply #55 posted 09/23/09 10:21pm



Yeah I heard about it earlier, pretty disgusting to say the very least. If I was Mackenzie, this is one secret I'd take to the grave with me or at least never tell the public about. That is just too much info if you ask me. She really should be in therapy. I don't see what good sharing this kind of thing with the whole world will do. Her father was sick no doubt, but why did Mackenzie continue to sleep him for 10 years until she was almost 30 years old after it happened the first time? I just don't get that. The whole thing is very disturbing.
[Edited 9/23/09 22:22pm]
"And When The Groove Is Dead And Gone, You Know That Love Survives, So We Can Rock Forever" RIP MJ heart

"Baby, that was much too fast"...Goodnight dear sweet Prince. I'll love you always heart
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Reply #56 posted 09/23/09 10:36pm



I am not a fan of Michelle at all. She is nowhere near as bad as John, but she is pretty reprehensible in her own way.

And who and where was Mackenzie's mom? And how does Mackenzie have money? Has she acted in anything recently?
"Lack of home training crosses all boundaries."
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Reply #57 posted 09/24/09 6:30am



Cinnamon234 said:

Yeah I heard about it earlier, pretty disgusting to say the very least. If I was Mackenzie, this is one secret I'd take to the grave with me or at least never tell the public about. That is just too much info if you ask me. She really should be in therapy. I don't see what good sharing this kind of thing with the whole world will do. Her father was sick no doubt, but why did Mackenzie continue to sleep him for 10 years until she was almost 30 years old after it happened the first time? I just don't get that. The whole thing is very disturbing.
[Edited 9/23/09 22:22pm]

But what about other victims of incest that are too afraid to speak out to anyone for help, never mind a psychologist?!?

You have to take in consideration that it isn't easy for someone to admit that they had sexual relations (by rape, by choice, whatever) with a blood relative, especially if it's one of their parents.
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Reply #58 posted 09/24/09 7:04am



This story was all over the radio yesterday and again this morning, and I am shocked at the number of people who've called or e-mailed the radio station to state their belief that this is all a lie generated to sell books.


A bunch of people (including the deejay) were calling it "the new 'A Million Little Pieces'." Ugh. Why oh why would someone lie about incest? Honestly, I just don't get it. She didn't have to come out and tell this story (even if she does have a book coming out). I think it took a whole lot of courage to write that book and tell her story on Oprah.
"She made me glad to be a man"
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Reply #59 posted 09/24/09 7:23am


damn... eek
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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Mackenzie Phillips: I slept with my father