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Reply #570 posted 08/15/09 9:18pm



Timmy84 said:

babybugz said:

lol and I was reading the new vanity fair issue(with michael on the cover)VF was going to do some kind of motown tribute and jermaine heard about it and wanted him and his brothers to be in it and VF said they wouldn't do it without michael so jermaine ask them to contact michael and michael didn't get back to them lol


lol my goodness this family lol
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Reply #571 posted 08/15/09 9:20pm



Jermaine would do better to revive the California Raisins with that claymation look of his.
‎"The first time I saw the cover of Dirty Mind in the early 80s I thought, 'Is this some drag queen ripping on Freddie Prinze?'" - Some guy on The Gear Page
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Reply #572 posted 08/15/09 9:21pm



carlcranshaw said:

Jermaine would do better to revive the California Raisins with that claymation look of his.

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Reply #573 posted 08/15/09 9:23pm



dearmother said:

sad how mj went from being a little girl-watching teen idol type to an awkward gay man taking hormones within a matter of years, poor guy

I think you read tabloids too much. lol
"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #574 posted 08/15/09 9:30pm



Was Bryan Loren's blog posted?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Philadelphia, Pa.- Wow. This is really tough for me.

It’s always hard losing someone that you called friend. But even more when you felt that they really understood some part of you that most people don’t. For me, that was Michael.

I spent a lot of time with Michael. Yes, a lot of time in the studio, but a lot of personal time as well. Among other times, Michael spent at least one Christmas and one Thanksgiving at my house. Just the two of us. We spent a lot of time talking. About life, music, art, movies, people, women(yes, women), and what it meant for him to be who he was at the time in which he lived. We talked about Elvis. He actually conjectured as to whether his musical legacy would be considered as great as Elvis'. I always assured him it would. I was with him in N.Y. working on ‘History’ around the time he first started seeing Lisa Marie. I was actually even a little jealous, then. I’d always thought she was very attractive(lol). I was with him when he decided he was going to the Oscars with Madonna. I stayed at, and went back and forth to Neverland. I spent many days at the ‘Hideout’. This was a condo that Michael had in Westwood, in L.A. I remember going with him into a room there where he kept a lot of the wardrobe from the ‘Bad’ tour. He showed me a jacket that I’d seen him wear on stage during the ‘Thriller’ performance. It looked like the one in the video, with the exception that it was loaded with neon lights that he would turn on during the dance routine. I put it on. This jacket was HEAVY. It seemed to have weighed 30 or more pounds. To think, he wore this during a big dance routine. It was then that I realized how strong he was for his very lean frame. On several occasions, we drove in this big white pick-up truck he used to drive, to Tower Records. Before going into the store, he would put on some glasses, a hat and these really weird teeth. Invariably, someone would recognize and watch him, but usually people would repectfully allow him to shop. I remember once being on the 101 freeway coming from the Hideout on the way to the studio in my car, with Michael in my passenger seat. At some point, a man driving on the passenger side of my car looks in the window at Mike, curly hair and Fedora in tow. Does a double-take and shruggs his shoulders as if to say ‘nah, couldn’t be’. Now that was funny. Then, there’s the people. The endless parade of high-profile people I met, just because I was with him when they showed up. From Michael Milken to Eddie Murphy, Steve Wynne, and Little Richard. I did the arrangement on the song he wrote for the Sigfried and Roy show in Los Vagas. The list goes on.

I still have the Fedora I took off his head while he was annoyingly poking at a plate of food I was eating at the studio one day, making him recoil because he had ‘hat-hair’(lol). I remember clearly the day he brought Bubbles(the chimp) to the studio, and Bubbles hit me(open-hand) in my chest(that s$%t hurt!). I wanted nothing to do with the chimp after that. Michael said it meant he liked me. He could not have been more amused. We shared laughter about things that only we knew. We could be in a room full of people, and either one of us could make the other laugh about something that would have others thinking ‘what’s so funny?’ It really made me feel special when Michael told me how talented he thought I was, knowing what the whole world thought of him. Likewise it was a special feeling working with him.

We recorded some twenty-plus tracks together. Sadly, many of these we never finished. But when we did do vocals, beyond his lead work it was always a pleasure to listen to this man lay background harmonies. His voice was truly unique. Really pure tone, and great intonation. On The Simpson's song ‘Do The Bartman’, the background vocals in the bridge are just me(contrary to what the press believed at that time). But, the harmonies in the chorus are performed by the two of us. We are each, singing each part harmony. We did them simultaniously. It was a quick, and painless process. I mixed the record, and I promise you all the vocals are equal gain. That’s two people, and it’s tight! It was really cool for me, as I’d never so easily before doubled with someone doing background vocals. He did the backing chorus voices on ‘To Satisfy You’ from my ‘Music From The New World’ CD because I’d written it for him, for 'Dangerous'. When it was decided he wasn’t going to use it, I told him I wanted to keep his vocals and put it on my record. He said, ‘Of course’. We actually did the finishing work on ‘Superfly Sister’ from ‘Blood On The Dance Floor’ a few years after I’d already done the track, as this was a song that I started writing during the ‘Dangerous’ sessions. Which made me feel it was always possible that we might revist some of the other music we’d started all that time ago. This was not unusual for Michael, as in the case of ‘They Don’t Care About Us’ from the ‘History’ album. This was a song that he’d started even before I joined him for 'Dangerous'. One of the first things I heard was this song, but it got bumped at that time. ‘Earth Song’ was also started during 'Dangerous'.

'Dangerous' was a rough period for me as well. As we’d recorded so much music and none of it was used for that project, and much else occured that I won’t go into here. But, I will say that I spent a great deal of enjoyable time with Michael and made some great music with him as well. There are some songs that even in there unfinished format, you can hear their potential. And over the next few months I will be posting some of those that have enough content to hear that potential.

When we began working, it was my hope to return to a form of feeling that you got from the 'Off The Wall' or even the 'Thriller' Lp. Where there was a very organic feeling about the content. ‘Work That Body’, is complete with Michael repeating(at my behest) the rap from The Jackson Five’s ‘ABC’. He DID NOT want to do this(lol), but realized the toungue-in-cheek fun contained in it. I produced this track, and am performing all of the music. There are no sequencers on it, as I do not generally use them in the course of my work. The two of us wrote the lyric and melody.

Ironically, I’d intended a while ago to post this and other songs that we’d done together because somehow, they’d been leaked to the internet. I would occasionally get email here at Myspace and otherwise asking if I had done this work. Well, to finally and officially answer that question: yes. A bunch of these are my songs, produced by me and co-written with Michael. It is sad that this would be the occasion to finally get to this, but I suppose people who love Michael would especially now like to hear work of his that was unreleased. There is also some amount of catharsis for me in this process.

I am proud to have produced and written for Michael. I am also proud to have called him my peer, and my friend. We shared a friendship that he had with very few people. It was very special to me. I am deeply saddened by his sudden, and untimely passing. My best wishes and sympathy go out to his children and all of the Jackson family. It goes without saying, he will be missed. R.I.P., big bruh...
"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #575 posted 08/15/09 9:37pm



dag said:

dearmother said:

sad how mj went from being a little girl-watching teen idol type to an awkward gay man taking hormones within a matter of years, poor guy

I think you read tabloids too much. lol

haha that's my point, how the media turned on him so quick
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Reply #576 posted 08/15/09 9:37pm


dearmother said:

dag said:

I think you read tabloids too much. lol

haha that's my point, how the media turned on him so quick

Yeah, very weird shit. confused

Nice story, Jay. smile
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Reply #577 posted 08/15/09 9:53pm



"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #578 posted 08/15/09 10:03pm


Remembering Michael

by Ice-T

I met him once. He was in New York at the Sony studios shooting a video, and I was there with one of my groups. And I was requested — Michael wanted to meet me. I went in the back, and he was sitting between two women and he shook my hand, and it was cool. Somebody like Michael Jackson — you don't even think they know you exist. You know, you're a rapper. And the fact that he was like, "Ice-T is here. I would like to meet Ice-T." And I shook his hand and it was a very cool moment. One of my friends said, No matter how tough you are, Michael Jackson will have the biggest gangster in the front row screaming like a bitch at his concert. That's about the best compliment you can give.

At the end of the day, his legacy to me is, he was original. That's one thing about Michael Jackson — you can't say any of his stuff was taken from anybody else. It was 100% original. All the new people who are going to mimic him — the little 'N Sync kid [Justin Timberlake] — they know they doing the Michael Jackson.,00.html
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Reply #579 posted 08/15/09 10:13pm


I was waiting for Ice-T. lol Nice one, Ice! thumbs up!
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Reply #580 posted 08/15/09 10:23pm



Mike flirting with a girl asking for her phone-number starting at 5:36.

"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #581 posted 08/15/09 10:34pm



dag said:

Mike flirting with a girl asking for her phone-number starting at 5:36.


"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world."
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Reply #582 posted 08/15/09 10:50pm



He seems to like that girl at 9:37, too.

And looking for some "hot girl" in the crowd at 0:36.


I love the NY signing.
"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #583 posted 08/15/09 11:24pm



bboy87 said:

Nice picture, but why is MJ portrayed as his 10 year old self when he was OLDER than Pac
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Reply #584 posted 08/15/09 11:40pm


Remembering Michael

by Lenny Kravitz

I saw the Jackson 5 at Madison Square Garden, which was the first concert I'd ever seen, and they were wearing these knicker pants with these boots that came up to the knees. So I would put these galoshes on and dance around the living room and pretend that I was Michael Jackson. We got together a few years ago and we decided to go into the studio together. I had written a song for him and actually produced the track before he showed up. I played all the instruments, got it ready. We recorded at Marvin Gaye's old studio, up on Sunset Boulevard. We did his vocals for about three days.

He was a lot of fun. He stayed for hours. We'd sit on these little stools and eat together and talk.

That's where I really got to know him.

His children were there. They were extremely well behaved. I grew up in an old-school West Indian family, where respect was paramount. And these kids were just like that, full of respect but not robotic. Really sweet. They drew pictures for me and signed them. They were making art all day while we were working. My daughter Zoe came in. We were all together. We played music, we drew, we talked, we ate, we laughed. [He was] extremely respectful toward the chef, the engineers, myself, the kids — just the same to everybody.

I was in Glasgow, coming off the stage before an encore, when I heard the news. I went back on, did the last two songs. Came off and they announced he had died. Coming off the stage like that, when you're amped up and on a high, and hearing that news and having to go downstairs and digest this — it was difficult. I came off stage and went right to my computer and played the track we had done. It was about his life and where he'd been. It's quite triumphant.,00.html
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Reply #585 posted 08/15/09 11:49pm



Copycat said:

Remembering Michael

by Lenny Kravitz

I saw the Jackson 5 at Madison Square Garden, which was the first concert I'd ever seen, and they were wearing these knicker pants with these boots that came up to the knees. So I would put these galoshes on and dance around the living room and pretend that I was Michael Jackson. We got together a few years ago and we decided to go into the studio together. I had written a song for him and actually produced the track before he showed up. I played all the instruments, got it ready. We recorded at Marvin Gaye's old studio, up on Sunset Boulevard. We did his vocals for about three days.

He was a lot of fun. He stayed for hours. We'd sit on these little stools and eat together and talk.

That's where I really got to know him.

His children were there. They were extremely well behaved. I grew up in an old-school West Indian family, where respect was paramount. And these kids were just like that, full of respect but not robotic. Really sweet. They drew pictures for me and signed them. They were making art all day while we were working. My daughter Zoe came in. We were all together. We played music, we drew, we talked, we ate, we laughed. [He was] extremely respectful toward the chef, the engineers, myself, the kids — just the same to everybody.

I was in Glasgow, coming off the stage before an encore, when I heard the news. I went back on, did the last two songs. Came off and they announced he had died. Coming off the stage like that, when you're amped up and on a high, and hearing that news and having to go downstairs and digest this — it was difficult. I came off stage and went right to my computer and played the track we had done. It was about his life and where he'd been. It's quite triumphant.,00.html

Leak the song lenny please lol
مايكل جاكسون للأبد
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Reply #586 posted 08/16/09 1:21am



bboy87 said:

kinda cute smile
[Edited 8/15/09 18:23pm]
"we make our heroes in America only to destroy them"
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Reply #587 posted 08/16/09 1:25am



Timmy84 said:

I was waiting for Ice-T. lol Nice one, Ice! thumbs up!

he said some mean things years ago and now he wants to be all nice...well whatever join the crowd i guess
"we make our heroes in America only to destroy them"
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Reply #588 posted 08/16/09 1:30am


mimi07 said:

Timmy84 said:

I was waiting for Ice-T. lol Nice one, Ice! thumbs up!

he said some mean things years ago and now he wants to be all nice...well whatever join the crowd i guess

What did he say? I missed it.
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Reply #589 posted 08/16/09 1:47am



Timmy84 said:

mimi07 said:

he said some mean things years ago and now he wants to be all nice...well whatever join the crowd i guess

What did he say? I missed it.

the usual,michael didn't like being black and left his people bla bla bla
"we make our heroes in America only to destroy them"
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Reply #590 posted 08/16/09 1:48am


mimi07 said:

Timmy84 said:

What did he say? I missed it.

the usual,michael didn't like being black and left his people bla bla bla

Oh that garbage. rolleyes lol
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Reply #591 posted 08/16/09 1:49am



so this site is clearly about jermaine
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Reply #592 posted 08/16/09 1:52am


babybugz said:

so this site is clearly about jermaine

Why yes it is, as soon as I clicked on it, the only thing on it was Jermaine's mug. spit
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Reply #593 posted 08/16/09 1:57am



Timmy84 said:

babybugz said:

so this site is clearly about jermaine

Why yes it is, as soon as I clicked on it, the only thing on it was Jermaine's mug. spit

falloff ....weird confused lol
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Reply #594 posted 08/16/09 2:01am


babybugz said:

Timmy84 said:

Why yes it is, as soon as I clicked on it, the only thing on it was Jermaine's mug. spit

falloff ....weird confused lol

He should've waited a good year like they did with Diana and Freddie.
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Reply #595 posted 08/16/09 2:09am



Timmy84 said:

babybugz said:

falloff ....weird confused lol

He should've waited a good year like they did with Diana and Freddie.

You know jermaine need that child support money now lol
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Reply #596 posted 08/16/09 2:17am


babybugz said:

Timmy84 said:

He should've waited a good year like they did with Diana and Freddie.

You know jermaine need that child support money now lol

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Reply #597 posted 08/16/09 2:57am



babybugz said:

Timmy84 said:

He should've waited a good year like they did with Diana and Freddie.

You know jermaine need that child support money now lol

lol but seriously i think someone outside of the family should arrange this, but what's the rush like timmy said i think they should do this next year
[Edited 8/15/09 19:58pm]
"we make our heroes in America only to destroy them"
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Reply #598 posted 08/16/09 3:39am


babybugz said:

Timmy84 said:

Poor Jermaine. lol

lol and I was reading the new vanity fair issue(with michael on the cover)VF was going to do some kind of motown tribute and jermaine heard about it and wanted him and his brothers to be in it and VF said they wouldn't do it without michael so jermaine ask them to contact michael and michael didn't get back to them lol

VF has been at the forefront of some of the worst yellow journalism about mj since the '93 scandal; why on earth would VF or jermaine think that mj would deign to speak to them? i saw the resulting article about motown (on this board) and they mentioned the j5, and mj wasn't quoted, but they could have spoken to jermaine or tito, couldn't they? after all, they spoke to some of the 'lesser' known members of the other popular motown groups. unless you're really a motown aficianado, do you really know the name of the lead singers of the tempts or tops, or other members at all? they could have given poor jermaine some press! wink
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Reply #599 posted 08/16/09 3:41am


kibbles said:

babybugz said:

lol and I was reading the new vanity fair issue(with michael on the cover)VF was going to do some kind of motown tribute and jermaine heard about it and wanted him and his brothers to be in it and VF said they wouldn't do it without michael so jermaine ask them to contact michael and michael didn't get back to them lol

VF has been at the forefront of some of the worst yellow journalism about mj since the '93 scandal; why on earth would VF or jermaine think that mj would deign to speak to them? i saw the resulting article about motown (on this board) and they mentioned the j5, and mj wasn't quoted, but they could have spoken to jermaine or tito, couldn't they? after all, they spoke to some of the 'lesser' known members of the other popular motown groups. unless you're really a motown aficianado, do you really know the name of the lead singers of the tempts or tops, or other members at all? they could have given poor jermaine some press! wink

I don't know about mimi but I do. wink

Four Tops - Levi Stubbs
Temptations - David Ruffin, Eddie Kendricks, Dennis Edwards (of the classic periods)

Unfortunately like MJ, three of the mentioned are dead. rose
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