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Thread started 07/16/08 8:09pm



Am I the only one that bought and has now read the Chris Ciccone book?


i found it interesting...

my 2 cents: she is and idiot to have banished him for working with her creatively. he can paint, draw, interior design, direct music videos, and direct tours. it turns out he had more involvement with each of her tours up through Blond Ambition, where he did much of the work in creating the show (her 2nd best), and then was full on artistic director of The Girlie Show (her best). he is dead on when he says that once she got rid of him as director that her tours massively suffered - he totally disses DWT and RIT. he's so right. they were total bores with Jamie King on board, as compared to his brilliance. the book kind of makes me think he is the truly creative, innovative on in the family and in terms of creativity she is second to him
[Edited 7/16/08 13:33pm]
I'll leave it alone babe...just be me
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Reply #1 posted 07/16/08 8:58pm


I found it interesting too. I think he could have written much much worse but was relatively restrained and told his story too which I really enjoyed.

I agree about the tours although it was nice to have a different feel to them too but aside from confessions tour the other two were lame in my opinion.

She WAS stupid to ditch him. If what he says is true about treatement and salary (and I am guessing he can back it up) then he was treated terribly. And anyone who says it's only money - well for someone with so much to do that to her brother who did hard work for her it's a power thing. Her having a power trip over him and personally I think he has the upper hand in alot of the situations (not all though).

I don't believe he is as innocent as he makes out in the book but I do think he has been treated unfairly.

Can't say that I think he is more creative than her - maybe but I don't think so personally.

Oh and I LOVED the story about the guy he went home with who had all those Madonna posters. What an awful situation, funny to read but OMG! I am pleased they are still friends.

Have you had your + signs today?
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Reply #2 posted 07/17/08 2:26am



badujunkie said:


i found it interesting...

my 2 cents: she is and idiot to have banished him for working with her creatively. he can paint, draw, interior design, direct music videos, and direct tours. it turns out he had more involvement with each of her tours up through Blond Ambition, where he did much of the work in creating the show (her 2nd best), and then was full on artistic director of The Girlie Show (her best). he is dead on when he says that once she got rid of him as director that her tours massively suffered - he totally disses DWT and RIT. he's so right. they were total bores with Jamie King on board, as compared to his brilliance. the book kind of makes me think he is the truly creative, innovative on in the family and in terms of creativity she is second to him
[Edited 7/16/08 13:33pm]

Is Christopher Ciccone the new Rene? I bought that awful Andrew Morton book and it had nothing in it. All his interviews make him come off as foolish and very full of himself. Get it ain't Madonna and whatever talents you have would never had made you a name on your own. I can't believe that people are buying into this....of course he is going to talk about how brilliant he is....I guess he wrote "Erotica", huh? Very bitter. He might have valid points about Guy's homophobia but guess who isn't asking about that....the media! I might be worth looking for when it hits the bargin bin (and even if it's a best seller, it will hit the bargain bin...most non-fiction does. I think that "The Girlie Show" is brilliant, but this is coming off as very Rene-ish.
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Reply #3 posted 07/17/08 5:58am


Bought the book. All I can say is "meh". Alot of the info is really nothing new, only stuff that's an extension of things that were already known, such as:

-Madonna is a fame whore
-Madonna can be rude
-Sean Penn could be temperamental
-Guy Richie is a homophobe(read it somewhere a couple of years back)
-Madonna has experimented with drugs(I was hoping there'd be some shed light on this, but it says she only did ecstasy and pot, which was already said before and I believe even acknowledged by Madonna).

These are just examples of things that were heavily mentioned and expanded upon, but yet already known. It's not like Madonna's some star with alot of hidden secrets. This is the same woman who made the SEX book!

On the plus side, Christopher doesn't seem to hide alot of his own shit. He does admit his cocaine usage and even acknowledges that Madonna thinks he's addicted to drugs. There's also some juicy stuff mentioned about other celebs like Courtney Love, Donatella Versace, Jack Nicholson, etc. Shit, his insightfullness of Ingrid Casarez is quite interesting, and he even throws in a pic that includes Chris Paciello (the infamous thug-turned-Miami nightclub owner that dated Madonna).

Overall, the book wasn't the scandalous read I was expecting. Not really a bad read, but I kind of feel like a dumbass for paying $26 for the book.
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Reply #4 posted 08/15/08 8:30am


I saw the book this week and bought it.

I have read as far as Madonna calling Christopher to come back to New York because she has the record "Everybody" and needs him as a backup dancer.

Am I the only one that loves this Holiday vid?
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Reply #5 posted 08/15/08 8:36am


I am TOTALLY SoulAlive mode: I just finished reading Christopher Anderson's Madonna Unauthorized,

and immediately began reading Christopher Ciccone's lol
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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Am I the only one that bought and has now read the Chris Ciccone book?