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Thread started 04/09/08 8:32am



Elvis´ granddaughter voted most beautiful by Paper magazine

With her rock royalty lineage, Riley Keough is remarkably un-famous. Because even though the 18-year-old model had a grandfather more celebrated than all the Hiltons and Richies put together, dates a Simpson-sister's ex and has been a face for a Christian Dior fragrance and ready-to-wear campaigns, she has yet to fall into the fold of gratuitous partying and the paparazzi culture that inevitably stalks behind. "I guess it's just personalities," she says. "Also, I think because I grew up in Los Angeles, I've been around it my whole life. You know? There's nothing new and exciting about it to me and I could see how it would be really easy to get caught up in something like that if it was new to you. That's not to say I don't go out. I'm a night person 100 percent. I'm just not insane about it." Plus, it helps that her mom, Lisa Marie Presley, and dad, musician Danny Keough, have been pretty protective of Riley since she started modeling for Tommy Hilfiger at 12. "Both my parents are really caring," she says. "I was never allowed to run around and do whatever I wanted to do. If my daughter wanted to be a model I would never let her!" So what is the self-proclaimed night person usually doing at, say, 2 a.m.? "Either watching a movie, hanging out with my friends somewhere, or sleeping," she says. Good girl. Grandpa Elvis can rest easy.
Claudine Ko

Riley wears a jacket by Galliano and dress by Luella. Makeup: Rimmel London.

She´s quite down-to-earth.
[Edited 4/9/08 1:33am]
"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #1 posted 04/09/08 8:55am



wow, he's still showing up in the face, 2 generations down.
"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." - Kahlil Gibran
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Reply #2 posted 04/09/08 11:58am



Raze said:

wow, he's still showing up in the face, 2 generations down.

Yes. A striking looking fellow. I wonder what his Mom looked like.

As for his granddaughter (damn, did I just say that?), she's a lil' big ain't she?

But yes, pretty like her mom.
batman guitar

Some people tell me I've got great legs...
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Reply #3 posted 04/09/08 12:04pm



ok why the hell is she so big? she wasn't that big before
is she a plus size model now?
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Reply #4 posted 04/09/08 12:14pm



Alasseon said:

Raze said:

wow, he's still showing up in the face, 2 generations down.

Yes. A striking looking fellow. I wonder what his Mom looked like.

As for his granddaughter (damn, did I just say that?), she's a lil' big ain't she?

But yes, pretty like her mom.

That´s what the dress makes her look like.
She´s slim.

I see semething of Priscilla in her, too.

[Edited 4/9/08 5:18am]
"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #5 posted 04/09/08 2:05pm


She's pretty, but I'm going to need for her to torch that sequins, looking like somebody's purse I seen the other day
[Edited 4/9/08 7:05am]
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Reply #6 posted 04/10/08 1:35am



she looks very Ann-Margret in some of those other photos. I wonder if that's an intentional style choice.
"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." - Kahlil Gibran
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Reply #7 posted 04/10/08 2:17am


Looks like Lisa Marie spit her out... all I see is Elvis and Priscilla! eek
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Reply #8 posted 05/06/08 5:46pm



Average white girl who looks slightly like a Presley/Beaulieu.
[Edited 5/6/08 10:47am]
White Americans, what? Nothing better to do? Why don't you kick yourself out? You're an immigrant too. -White Stripes
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Reply #9 posted 05/06/08 8:01pm


Hope this works out for her. But yeah, that red sequins dress definitely not working for working for her.
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Reply #10 posted 05/14/08 8:41pm



Average white girl who looks slightly like a Presley/Beaulieu.

I just came across these new pictures of her and wow, she looks real beautiful.
Love the looks.

"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #11 posted 05/14/08 8:47pm



the dress makes her look big.

and Elvis had some genes!!!
You CANNOT use the name of God, or religion, to justify acts of violence, to hurt, to hate, to discriminate- Madonna
authentic power is service- Pope Francis
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Reply #12 posted 05/14/08 8:54pm



Alasseon said:

Raze said:

wow, he's still showing up in the face, 2 generations down.

Yes. A striking looking fellow. I wonder what his Mom looked like.

As for his granddaughter (damn, did I just say that?), she's a lil' big ain't she?

But yes, pretty like her mom.

nod Elvis looked JUST like his mama, so them Presley's got some strong genes. Cute girl, but she's really giving me Ann-Margret in that layout. Wow.

You can see his mom here.

[Edited 5/14/08 13:59pm]
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Reply #13 posted 05/15/08 1:09am



She really needs to ditch the racoon eye make up. Other than that I think she's a pretty girl and yes she does look a hell of a lot like Elvis! That man has some strong genes.
"And When The Groove Is Dead And Gone, You Know That Love Survives, So We Can Rock Forever" RIP MJ heart

"Baby, that was much too fast"...Goodnight dear sweet Prince. I'll love you always heart
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Reply #14 posted 05/15/08 1:49am



she's stunning.

ps.the last vogue photos remind me of alicia silverstone.
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Reply #15 posted 05/16/08 7:02pm



The first two pictures are nice.

She and her mama needs to let go out that eyeliner, its not cute.
White Americans, what? Nothing better to do? Why don't you kick yourself out? You're an immigrant too. -White Stripes
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Reply #16 posted 05/18/08 5:32pm



floetcist said:

The first two pictures are nice.

She and her mama needs to let go out that eyeliner, its not cute.

i like it.

Anyways, here are two more pictures from the photoshoot. In the first one, she looks just like Lisa Marie.

"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #17 posted 05/18/08 5:43pm



She's really beautiful, very much my type of woman !!!

You can tell she's the daughter of Lisa Marie (who I also fancy), but she looks more like a young version her grandmother Priscilla Presley who was really beautiful when she was younger.
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Reply #18 posted 05/18/08 7:43pm



BenS71 said:

She's really beautiful, very much my type of woman !!!

You can tell she's the daughter of Lisa Marie (who I also fancy), but she looks more like a young version her grandmother Priscilla Presley who was really beautiful when she was younger.

nod I was just thinking to myself that she looks a lot like her Grandmother Priscilla!
I knew from the start that I loved you with all my heart.
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Reply #19 posted 05/18/08 8:07pm


Come to Scandinavia..Every girl working at the supermarket looks like that !
Or Better...
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Reply #20 posted 05/18/08 8:27pm


dag said:

[Edited 4/9/08 5:18am]

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Reply #21 posted 05/21/08 6:37am



obsessed said:

dag said:

[Edited 4/9/08 5:18am]

Who´s that? Is it some Bond girl?

Here´s another picture, in a hippie style. I love that style.
"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #22 posted 05/21/08 6:40am


She dooooes resemble Ann Margaret nod

I love the eyeliner too,,,,fact is, I A-D-O-R-E 60s make-up(esp the eye-liner) love
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Reply #23 posted 05/21/08 11:48am



It is not known why FuNkeNsteiN capitalizes his name as he does, though some speculate sunlight deficiency caused by the most pimpified white guy afro in Nordic history.

- Lammastide
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Reply #24 posted 05/21/08 1:23pm


Harlepolis said:

She dooooes resemble Ann Margaret nod

I love the eyeliner too,,,,fact is, I A-D-O-R-E 60s make-up(esp the eye-liner) love

Me too! Love the look of it.

She's gorgeous, which isn't shocking since grammie and grampie were also gorgeous. Not sure why race even needed to become a part of this discussion (other than the fact that this is
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Reply #25 posted 05/21/08 2:42pm


Cinnie said:

Looks like Lisa Marie spit her out... all I see is Elvis and Priscilla! eek

Yeah, me too. eek

It's totally frightening. That's Elvis AND Priscilla mutated in one single human being right there! I guess they possess the type of rare cultural icon royalty genetic type that will effectively overturn the genetic offerings of any other potential mating partner for all eternity. It's the PRESLEY lineage.
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Reply #26 posted 05/21/08 4:28pm



I've always thought that Riley resembled her grandmother Pricilla more than her own mom Lisa, which is a good thing IMO. Lisa looks more like her dad than anything, like a female version of Elvis. eek
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Reply #27 posted 05/22/08 1:48pm



It's totally frightening. That's Elvis AND Priscilla mutated in one single human being right there! I guess they possess the type of rare cultural icon royalty genetic type that will effectively overturn the genetic offerings of any other potential mating partner for all eternity. It's the PRESLEY lineage

Even when she talks, she´s making those Elvis kind of expressions.

"When Michael Jackson is just singing and dancing, you just think this is an astonishing talent. And he has had this astounding talent all his life, but we want him to be floored as well. We really don´t like the idea that he could have it all."
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Reply #28 posted 05/22/08 1:54pm


She looks like Alicia Silverstone.
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Reply #29 posted 05/22/08 9:50pm


Cinnamon234 said:

She really needs to ditch the racoon eye make up. Other than that I think she's a pretty girl and yes she does look a hell of a lot like Elvis! That man has some strong genes.

Elvis had raccoon eyes, too, just like Mama. And yes, the Presley genes are no joke. The resemblance is scary.
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