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Thread started 02/05/08 5:17pm


Britney's "Manager" Was Drugging Her, Keeping Her "Crazy"

This is Lynne Spears official statement to the courts as to why they wanted a restraining order against Osama Lutfi, Britney's close friend and appointed manager. Truly shocking and disgusting.

I, Lynne Spears, declare:

I am the mother of Britney Spears (“Britney”)., who is the subject of this action. I have personal knowledge of each of the facts set forth in this Declaration, and can testify completely thereto, except as this matters stated on information and belief, and as to such matters I believe them to be true.

This past Monday night (Jan. 28), Britney’s father, Jamie, and I (in separate cars) went to Britney’s house in Beverly Hills because we had heard news reports that Britney had just been in a big fight with Sam Lufti aka Sam Lufti (“sam”), the man who has inserted himself into my daughter’s life, home and finances, and that she was crying. We were very concerned about her safety. We arrived at the Summit Community gatehouse in BHPO at approximately 10 p.m. I was with my friend Jackie.

The guards at the gatehouse stopped us there for awhile. Jackie, Jamie and I finally proceeded to Britney’s house and entered it. We were able to enter the house because it was not locked. Britney does not lock her doors and currently there are no security guards around her residence. Britney was not home. We found Sam, and sam said as we walked in the door that Britney only wanted me to come to the house, and that she was afraid to see her dad.

Two or three paparazzi came into the house and entered the kitchen. They greeted Sam. The paparazzi then reported to Sam where Britney currently was. From the conversation between Sam and the paparazzi I determined that sam had given Felipe (another paparazzi) one of Britney’s cars to get her out of the house when he heard that Jamie and I were on our way to see Britney. I also understood from the conversation that Sam disabled all of Britney's cars. (she has several at her residence.)

Sam had told Britney that Jamie and I were coming to the house to do an intervention, and that Britney panicked and took off with Felipe. Another man named Chad Hardcastle was in the house.

I also heard the evening that Britney’s and Sam’s fight that evening, Sam had told Britney that she was an unfit mother, a piece of trash and a whore, that she cares more about Adnan, her current boyfriend, than she cares about her kids, and that she does not deserve her kids.

The paparazzi reported to Sam and addressed him with great respect. They treated him like a general. He instructed them to get her back to the house.
They later told Sam that Britney was on her way back.

Britney then came back to the house with Adnan, who is also a paparazzi. Sam then told Jackie that we needed to do whatever he tells us. I objected. He then told me, “I’m the one who spends 24/7 with your daughter. I sleep in cars outside her house so she can’t leave.” Sam then said, “You people throw everyone under the bus, if you don’t listen to me I’m going to make your name sh** in the papers.”

As I looked around the kitchen, I noticed that in the middle of the kitchen table there was a large car battery. At some point during the evening I learned that the car battery was there so Sam could charge his cell phone. Although Britney has several cell phones, he told us that he had disposed of all of the phone chargers and had made the house phones unworkable.

Sam told Jackie and me to tell Adnan to leave Britney alone and to get the F*** out of the house. Jackie refused. Sam then said to tell Britney that Adnan is gay. Adnan stayed at the house a little longer. Sam quietly said something to Adnan and Adnan promptly left the house.

Britney came into the room looking for Adnan. Sam told her that Adnan was in the bathroom. Britney then asked me, “Is Adnan gay?” While Britney was out of earshot, Sam told Jackie and me that we should pretend that Adnan was in the bathroom so Britney wouldn’t leave.

Britney then became very agitated and could not stop moving. She cleaned the house. She changed her clothes many times. She also changed her three dogs’ clothes many times. Britney spoke to me in a tone and with the level of understanding of a very young girl. Britney then picked up a bottle of pill sand read part of the label and asked us, “What does insomnia mean?” Sam told her that the pills will help her stay awake.

Sam told Jackie and me that he grinds up Britney’s pills, which were on the counter and included Risperdol and Seroquel. He told us that he puts them in her food that that was the reason she had been quiet for the last three days (she had been sleeping.) He told us that the doctor who is treating her now is trying to get her into a sleep-induced coma so that they could then give her drugs to heal her brain.

Sam then encouraged us to sit down on a sofa and do “tequila shots.” Jackie and I said we did not want to. Britney seemed to follow our lead. Sam then got some wine out and said, “Let’s all do toasts with wine.” Britney said that she didn’t want to, she wanted a pretty glass. Sam found a glass with a stem and poured wine for Britney when we were not looking. Britney refused to drink her wine and asked to drink mine.

Shortly afterward, Sam went back into the kitchen and was standing behind a raised bar so that we could not see what his hands were doing on the counter. Sam then said to Britney, “let’s go upstairs,” and Britney followed him. Britney had calmed down by the time she went upstairs.

A little while later, Britney came downstairs. She seemed agitated again and told us that she wanted to go to Rite Aid for lipsticks. It was now past midnight. Jackie and I said we would take her. Sam told us that he wanted to follow us in his car. We told him that he shouldn’t because the paparazzi were in front of the neighbor’s house and would harass us. As were were about to drive off, Sam jumped into the bask seat of the car. The paparazzi followed. Sam and I were sitting in the back seat, with Chad as well. He told me that he gave Britney something (when they were upstairs) to make her more light-hearted, happy, and fun. We entered Rite Aid and Britney chose her lipstick. The manager said it is dangerous out there, which it was. When Britney gave the cashier her credit card, the cahsier told her it was not working. I paid for the lipstick and the manager told us we could leave through the side door so no one could see us. Sam insisted we leave through the front door and he put his arms around Britney and me for the paparazzi to take photos. I disengaged as quickly as I could.

Sam told me,” You’d better learn that I control everything. I control Howard Grossman, Britney’s business manger. I control her attorney's and the security guards at the gate. They don’t listen to Britney, they listen to me. That’s why Jamie was gone tonight.”

At another point in the evening, Sam bragged to me that he is the one who receives Britney's checks and that one of them was for me. I told Sam that I hadn't gotten any checks from Britney. Sam then told me that they are in his car. He told me that if he weren't in the house to give Britney her medicine, she would kill herself. Then he said to me "If you try to get rid of me, she'll be dead and I'll piss on her grave."

He then proclaimed that he has been in the family for a year and that he had one nothing but good for Britney. At this point, it was two or three in the morning. Britney was meandering around the house. She would let me hug her, but she was out of it.

At one point during the night, Sam was screaming at me and Britney said to me, “Sam treats me like that.” Then she picked up the house phone and said, “Look at the phone, it doesn’t work.” Sam then blamed the dead phone on Britney. Jackie spoke up and said to Sam, “You said you cut down the phone wire.”

Britney then said again at some point during the night, “When do I get to see my babies?” Sam answered, “Wednesday. “ Britney then said, “What do I have to do to see them?” Sam responded, “Take the pills I tell you to take.” Britney said, “I don’t like the pills and I don’t like the psychiatrist. Can’t I see another psychiatrist so I can see my babies?” Sam responded, “If I told you to take 10 pills a day, you should do what I tell you to see your babies.” Jackie then said, “Britney, your parents can help you find a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist needs to get to know you to give you the right medicine.” Sam then raised his voice and said, “Why don’t you get back with Kevin.”

Britney then said, “I’ll do anything to get them back.”

At some point during the evening, Sam said that Britney decided that he should be her manager.

Adnan has called me and told me he’s worried about Britney. He told me that Sam hides the phones and tells her he has lost them. He also hides her dog, London. She looks for him all over the house crying and then Sam brings the dog from the hiding place and acts like her savior.

While we were at Rite Aid, Britney went in and out of her British accent.

At 4 a.m., I was exhausted and wanted to leave. Sam blocked my car so I could not leave. I threatened to call Jamie on the phone.

Britney said, “I want my Daddy up here. I want to talk to my Daddy.” I reached Jamie on the phone and gave the phone to Britney. I heard her tell him that she wanted to see him. He said, “right now baby?” and she said, “no.” He said, “10:00 in the morning?” and she said, “no, noon.”

I spent the rest of the night at Britney’s house and for the first time in a very long time, when I lay down to sleep, I felt very agitated. I could not fall asleep at all. I felt like I had had coffee. Jackie, who had gone home earlier, later told me that she also could not sleep at all, and felt like she had had coffee.

Jamie came to pick me up the next morning. Jamie gave Britney a big hug and said to her, “baby, you’re OK?” Britney said, “I’m fine,” then burst into tears.

“To my knowledge, Britney never went to sleep that night and was very agitated for most of the night.

Sam and Chad, however, slept in the “smoking room,” a small room downstairs on the first floor of the house.

Later the next day, on January 29, Jackie showed me a text message she had received from Sam: “Thanks for telling Jamie all your bulls**t. He just hit me. Now you guys did your deed. Much accomplished. Good job.

I did not see Britney again until I arrived at her house on Wednesday night after Sam called me and told me to come to the house. When we arrived, Britney seemed subdued. The police arrived and took her to the Neuro Psychiatric Institute at UCLA (“NPI”). While at NPI, I l earned that Britney informed her doctor, Lee Sadja, MD, that she had also taken Aderol.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 31, 2008 at Los Angeles, California.


That's some Kathy Bates/Misery bullshit!

This dude is insane. I wonder how much of Britney's behaviour is a result of this nob drugging her up every day?
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Reply #1 posted 02/05/08 5:22pm


How long is she going to play the helpless victim for?
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Reply #2 posted 02/05/08 5:25pm



disbelief Gawd! Her life is really out of her control!
So SAD! She should go to madatory rehab
If you will, so will I
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Reply #3 posted 02/05/08 5:26pm


that is fucking awful disbelief

the media is blaming her but it is really the Muslim dude's fault.
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Reply #4 posted 02/05/08 5:34pm


2Jay said:

that is fucking awful disbelief

the media is blaming her but it is really the Muslim dude's fault.

who is this guy? the guy who is always on tv talking for her and acting like her new BF?
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Reply #5 posted 02/05/08 5:37pm


poor britney...
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Reply #6 posted 02/05/08 5:50pm



This sheds some light on her plight. I hope she gets the help she needs and away from this asshole. mad
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Reply #7 posted 02/05/08 6:30pm





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Reply #8 posted 02/05/08 6:35pm



VoicesCarry said:

How long is she going to play the helpless victim for?

Thank you. This twit needs to start taking some responsibility for her actions.
I really wish she would release a CD, and it would flop, and the fans would disappear. The best thing that could happen to her is if she lost her fame, lost her status and had to be NORMAL.

Don't feel sorry for her! Feel sorry for her kids!
MJ Fan 1992-Forever

My Org Family: Cinnie, bboy87, Cinnamon234, AnckSuNamun, lilgish, thekidsgirl, thesexofit, Universaluv, theSpark, littlemissG, ThreadCula, badujunkie, DANGEROUSx, Timmy84, MikeMatronik, DarlingDiana, dag, Nvncible1
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Reply #9 posted 02/05/08 6:39pm



Vanilli said:

VoicesCarry said:

How long is she going to play the helpless victim for?

Thank you. This twit needs to start taking some responsibility for her actions.
I really wish she would release a CD, and it would flop, and the fans would disappear. The best thing that could happen to her is if she lost her fame, lost her status and had to be NORMAL.

Don't feel sorry for her! Feel sorry for her kids!

Why do you have to choose sides? I definitely feel sorry for Britney too. This goes beyond just being a diva, having a drug problem or choosing a lame boyfriend.
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Reply #10 posted 02/05/08 6:56pm


I think her British accent might be better than Madonna's
tho' I battled blind
love is a fate resigned
memories mar my mind
love it is a fate resigned

Over futile odds
and laughed at by the Gods
and now the final frame
Love is a losing game
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Reply #11 posted 02/05/08 10:16pm





Restraining order accuses manager of taking over Spears' life, drugging her

at 16:36 on February 5, 2008, EST.

LOS ANGELES - A restraining order against the man who's been at Britney Spears' side during her downward spiral alleges that he drugged her, took over her finances and controlled the ravenous paparazzi "like a general."

The order against Sam Lutfi was based on a lengthy declaration from Spears' mother, Lynne, who says Spears met the 33-year-old in October 2007 and "essentially moved into Britney's home and has purported to take control of her life, home and finances."

The documents released by the court Tuesday ordered Lutfi to stay away from Spears. In a section of the order detailing previous harassment, Lynne Spears says Lutfi "drugged Britney, he has cut Britney's home phone lines and removed her cell phone chargers. He yells at her. He claims to control everything - Britney's business manager, her attorneys and the security guards at the gate."

Much of the six-page declaration centres on the night of Jan. 28., just a few days before she was whisked to a hospital's psychiatric ward. She outlined increasingly bizarre behaviour through the night and said her daughter asked at one point, "When do I get to see my babies?" to which Lutfi answered, "Wednesday."

Lynne Spears said she, her husband and a friend went to Britney's home, but security guards kept everyone but her out. Once inside, Lynne Spears said she found several paparazzi, that there had been "a big fight" with Lutfi, and that her daughter was crying.

"The paparazzi reported to Sam and addressed him with great respect. They treated him like a general."

She said during the evening, "Sam had told Britney she was an unfit mother, a piece of trash and a whore, that she cares more about Adnan, her current boyfriend, than she cares about her kids and that she does not deserve her kids."

It was unclear how Lynne Spears knew details of the fight.

Lynne Spears said Britney was not home when she first arrived and she understood Lutfi had disabled all of her daughter's cars to keep her from leaving. She said he ordered one of the photographers to take her away when he found out her parents were on their way to intervene.

Eventually, she said, "Britney returned and became very agitated and could not stop moving. She cleaned the house. She changed her clothes many times. She also changed her three dogs' clothes many times. Britney spoke to me in a tone and a level of understanding of a very young girl. Britney then picked up a bottle of pills and read the label and asked us, 'What does insomnia mean?' "

Lynne Spears said at one point, Lutfi told her, "You'd better learn that I control everything," and said he was the one giving Britney her medications and, "he told me if he weren't in the house to give Britney her medicine, she would kill herself."

She alleged that Lutfi threatened her. "Then he said to me, 'If you try to get rid of me, she'll be dead and I'll piss on her grave.' "

Throughout the night, she said Britney - who recently lost custody of her two young children to ex-husband Kevin Federline - kept asking when she could see them.

"What do I have to do to see them?" her mother quoted her as saying. "Sam responded, 'Take the pills I tell you to take.' Britney said, 'I don't like the pills and I don't like the psychiatrist. Can't I see another psychiatrist so I can see my babies?' "

At that point, Lynne Spears said, "Sam responded, 'If I told you to take 10 pills a day, you should do what I tell you to see your babies."

She said one time Lutfi raised his voice and said "Why don't you get back with Kevin (Federline)." Britney then said, "I'll do anything to get them back."

Spears was barred from contact with her children after she refused last month to relinquish them to representatives of Federline after a court-sanctioned visit.

©The Canadian Press, 2008

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #12 posted 02/05/08 10:18pm



Poor managers, they always get the blame confused
"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." - Kahlil Gibran
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Reply #13 posted 02/05/08 10:34pm



My manager keeps pulling my pants down and injecting me with an unknown substance that he claims will help.

These managers are a tricky sort.
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Reply #14 posted 02/05/08 10:35pm



Brendan said:

My manager keeps pulling my pants down and injecting me with an unknown substance that he claims will help.

that's hot
"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." - Kahlil Gibran
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Reply #15 posted 02/05/08 10:41pm



[Edited 2/5/08 22:44pm]
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Reply #16 posted 02/05/08 10:42pm



Says the parent that whored her daughter out in the first place.

The Most Important Thing In Life Is Sincerity....Once You Can Fake That, You Can Fake Anything.
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Reply #17 posted 02/05/08 10:43pm



Raze said:

Brendan said:

My manager keeps pulling my pants down and injecting me with an unknown substance that he claims will help.

that's hot

That's what I keep telling myself as my eyes are tightly held in denial.


*** Proper Quote ***
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Reply #18 posted 02/05/08 11:33pm


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Reply #19 posted 02/05/08 11:41pm


2Jay said:

that is fucking awful disbelief

the media is blaming her but it is really the Muslim dude's fault.

Why even throw the "MUSLIM" moniker in there? That's offensive to me, because you're clearly using it as something derogatory or with ambivilent connotation to sway the way the guy will be viewed, as if him being a controlling sociopath weren't enough. I think an asshole can pretty much be an asshole without his religious denomination really having anything to do with it confused
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Reply #20 posted 02/05/08 11:53pm


Ottensen said:

2Jay said:

that is fucking awful disbelief

the media is blaming her but it is really the Muslim dude's fault.

Why even throw the "MUSLIM" moniker in there? That's offensive to me, because you're clearly using it as something derogatory or with ambivilent connotation to sway the way the guy will be viewed, as if him being a controlling sociopath weren't enough. I think an asshole can pretty much be an asshole without his religious denomination really having anything to do with it confused

I'm glad someone told this cunt off, thank you
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Reply #21 posted 02/05/08 11:54pm


What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused
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Reply #22 posted 02/05/08 11:57pm


Ottensen said:

What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused

when women are facing violence, they are controlled and trapped, without a solution to get out of their situation. Denial can also play a role in this, same with threats, if her family was getting them.

If this is all really true and there is more proof, I feel really bad for britney, especially cause bashing her became a full time hobby.
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Reply #23 posted 02/06/08 12:03am



Ottensen said:

What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused

Britney had very publicly cut her mother out of her life. What's she supposed to do?
"Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you." - Kahlil Gibran
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Reply #24 posted 02/06/08 12:05am


Thats terrible, wtf. sad
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Reply #25 posted 02/06/08 1:21am


Ottensen said:

What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused

This event only happened last week. There's even a pic of when he put his arms around Britney and her mother. It only just happened and it happened the day before she took her daughter to the hospital.

Again, like another poster said he was very aggressive towards them all and there were no other men around. He threatened them and there's even a hint in there that he drugged her drink as well (the part where she explains she couldn't sleep).
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Reply #26 posted 02/06/08 1:22am


Raze said:

Ottensen said:

What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused

Britney had very publicly cut her mother out of her life. What's she supposed to do?

I remember when she served her mother with some sort of legal papers to that weirded me out because she was actually smirking when she did it, and the mother looked shocked or confused rather than angry at the time. I wonder was this around the time that this Sam person entered the picture...?

What a bizarre story; the depth of trickery and deceit is like a storyline from an 80's nightime drama shrug
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Reply #27 posted 02/06/08 1:49am


purplesweat said:

Ottensen said:

What I'm trying to understand is the mindset of a mother that has privy to all this information, and didn't do anything about it sooner including opening a can of whoopass on him mad . This is not a situation in which her kid is married to the dude, making him legally her next of kin and therefore holding all the cards to control her. He is an outsider, a newly minted one at that who just showed up out of nowhere. Call me crazy, but after a few well initiated moves on the legal front, the next shot the paparazzi would have had would of been me going after this sicko to get my child with a crowbar in my hand confused

This event only happened last week. There's even a pic of when he put his arms around Britney and her mother. It only just happened and it happened the day before she took her daughter to the hospital.

Again, like another poster said he was very aggressive towards them all and there were no other men around. He threatened them and there's even a hint in there that he drugged her drink as well (the part where she explains she couldn't sleep).

Good grief. Sidney Sheldon couln't have made a better teleplay for one of his soap operas or crime dramas. I'm just trying to imagine what I would have done, even if being women we were intimidated without a man being there. Typically, the minute the bad guy gets physical he's played al lof his cards, there's nothing left for him to do but carry out full bodly harm or worse. But in Sam's situation, after that it would be game over for him. Considering his agenda, it's in his best interest to keep his package, ie, Britney, as well preserved (physically) as possible...and it certainly wouldn't look good on his behalf for Mama Spears or her other friend to come up threatened , bruised or battered...he's a small time thug, it's difficult for me to not see his threats as bluffing or intimidation tactics... hmmm

You know what? Regardless of the mistakes they've made I actually don't believe her parents want to do her in or control (any more of) her money. They're both already financially secure with numerous thriving businesses under their belts (which of course they owe in part to their daughter's career). Even though this sam person is a thug, he's got moments where he can be clever, which makes him a dangerous force to be reckoned with. he is pretty cocky though, and it's usually the ego that leads to the downfall. If the Spears' are (hopefully) a family that has this girl's best interest at may be time for them to call this guy, he's slayed bigger and badder dragons than any Sam Lufti and could squash him like a bug:


they have investigative services in addition to protective services, like James Bond/ Mission Impossible type of sh***,and they are NO joke. It could be helpful to this scenario, particularly since they handle everything from sports and media figures to political dignataries on up to the CIA...
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Reply #28 posted 02/06/08 1:53am


so sad
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Reply #29 posted 02/06/08 1:57am


Maybe we'll never have to so a picture of what this fucking mother fucker looks like

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