mistermaxxx said: PurpleJedi said: Interesting point that was brought up about the "crusades" that both MJ & Price have undertaken.
you got it Backwards My Friend.Can't take Prince's Ass Serious.Michael Jackson Owns His Masters&in a Business Move made a Fare Bid on the Beatles Catelog which by the way Paul Mccartney passed over back in 1980 for 20 Million.MJ bought it for 47 Million in 1985.scream at Mccartney for buying Buddy Holly&Other Catelogs that have Made Him the Richest Man in Rock??Prince Signed a Contract&then when His Ass Couldn't Cash He FLipped out&Blamed Everyone except no pun Intended the Man in the Mirrior.MJ wasn't under a Contract&He was already a Board Member on Sony thanks too His ATV Catelog Connection.MJ Pimped Sony&they not only co-roll ATV Together but MJ gets His Cut on Sony Artists Period&Exit the Building without Spelling Slave on His Face or trying too make a Excuse for His Reasoning.both have some serious Issues within the Matter but MJ though of the two clearly made out far better IMHO.ask yourself this question? MJ can cash his Chips on "Off The Wall",Thriller",Bad'",etc... whenever Prince has too wait out His Catelog too turn 25 Years unless He can Pony up some Loot too FLip the Script.not only have I Always Dug MJ the Music Artist but the Cat on the Business Savvy Tip ain't no Joke.MJ did what you are suppose too do.the Majors aren't gonna give you a Pension&Retirement Money.MJ flipped the Scripted on there Ass.You can't take the stance about them not willing to raise any issues during their "heydays" because face it - when things are good, you don't know what's wrong. Then when you hit a sour note, your bad deals are thrown in your face. The difference between MJ and Prince is that Prince outright declared his war in the name of regaining possession of his masters & breaking free of his contract. Meanwhile, MJ gets a hold of Al Sharpton and tries to use the race card (as if he hadn't been trying to become a white man for the past 20 years). Why all the smoke and mirrors? Why doesn't HE return the Beatles' masters that he owns the right to? Can't take MJ as seriously as Prince. Sorry. Mistermaxxx, u know your stuff, it's good to have some Jackson defenders around, most people hit on him simply because of who he is and how the media have portrayed him without ever bothering to dig for the truth. Cheerz man! | |
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