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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Does any1 have Rafael Saadiq's "Instant Vintage"???
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Thread started 09/29/02 6:45pm


Does any1 have Rafael Saadiq's "Instant Vintage"???

If you do then what do you think of it?? wink

Personaly I LUV it, I picked it up last week and from hearing it right now I could tell that its very well produced LP comparing to the "Lucy Pearl" project. Not that "LP" is bad, its not LOL matta o' fact I luv it too but unlike 'Instant Vintage' it does have that raw sound ya know?? It sounded like "demo tapes" LOL and I won't be supriced if you told me that Rafael did that on purpose. I heard him talking a lot about how he loves the 'vinyl sound' and how he's trying to put it in his music.

Sad thang is its very OVER-LOOKED LP rolleyes but I couldn't care less. "Be there" is a very good choice of a 1st single, D'Angelo was cool LOL but I don't think he was ready 4 laying his vox in an over-produced track wink that shoulda been the 1st time he did that but hey not not bad 4 a start.

I love "Be There", "OPH", "People", "Faithfull" and "whats life like". The rest of the LP is mighty cool too, but you gon have to give me enough time so I could dig it. I was really sad when I heard his Angie Stone song "Excuse Me" with Calvin, the brotha ruiend the song big time. I was excited about it cuz I love Angie.

4got to mention, the arrangments are tight and I heard that he wanted to call it 'Gospeldelic' becoz of spiritual/religious reasons but somehow the label thought that "Instant Vintage" is more of a 'commercial' title wink
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Reply #1 posted 09/29/02 7:05pm


Harlepolis, there is no doubt this CD is overlooked.I picked it up at the beginning of September for a road trip to LA and back, and damn I have yet to take it out. Simply Slammin. From tracks like Tick Tock and his duet with T-Boz, hmmm he really hits. Has some definite influences from the 70's, and yet he recreates it to fit his own mold. Hits hard on the spiritual side and I dig it.
Life IS... a Parade
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Reply #2 posted 09/29/02 8:04pm



i don't know much about saadiq or tony toni tone, but i've listened to some of the tracks u've mentioned and it's been some of the best, most-inventive modern r&b i've's cause he's doin his own thing, not allowing his talented self to be influenced my commercialism
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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Does any1 have Rafael Saadiq's "Instant Vintage"???