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Thread started 05/17/07 11:37pm



Who's Is The Harshest Critic Of Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson In Prince.Org?

Unlike the case of Whitney Houston (BTW, Vainandy won 100% of those votes!!!), I believe Fergie is really going to be a close one. Too many of you orgers don't like her.

Nonetheless, please cast your vote for someone you know that totally dislike/hates Fergie with a passion.

This is a tough call. I have 3 orgers worthy of my vote:

VoiceCarry, because he has the best negative comments on how fake Fuggie (as he calls her) really is.

TheAudience, for refreshing our memories (with THAT pic) on how much of a piss-ass Fergie really is.

.....and the all-time best orger in bashing Fergie:

Hotlegs, because she's was one of the first orgers I knew that was warning some of us how Fergie ruined any self-respect the Black Eyed Peas had as a rap group before she join them.
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Reply #1 posted 05/17/07 11:48pm



P.S. Why is Hotlegs on here but not MOONBEAM????
[Edited 5/17/07 16:52pm]
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Reply #2 posted 05/17/07 11:53pm


I swear to god, she looks so busted in the face. lol
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Reply #3 posted 05/17/07 11:54pm



VoicesCarry said:


P.S. Why is Hotlegs on here but not MOONBEAM????
[Edited 5/17/07 16:52pm]

You know, I miss out on hearing what Moonbeam has to say about Fergie. Does he dislike/hate her more than you or Hotlegs does?
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Reply #4 posted 05/17/07 11:54pm


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Reply #5 posted 05/17/07 11:57pm



This thread is infested with botox & plastic.
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Reply #6 posted 05/18/07 1:46am


are we just TRYING TO FIND REASONS to make moonbeam go into attack mode lately? lol
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Reply #7 posted 05/18/07 1:53am


Anxiety said:

are we just TRYING TO FIND REASONS to make moonbeam go into attack mode lately? lol

He LOVES it!
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Reply #8 posted 05/18/07 2:17am



Her body is nice! but she does look like she got hit in the face with a shovel full of rocks sad
If you will, so will I
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Reply #9 posted 05/18/07 2:21am


i liked her on "cheers" and "fat actress" shrug
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Reply #10 posted 05/18/07 2:29am



Anxiety said:

i liked her on "cheers" and "fat actress" shrug

Fergie looks a bit different here, but I can't put my finger on what it is hmmm
If you will, so will I
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Reply #11 posted 05/18/07 2:33am


Anxiety said:

i liked her on "cheers" and "fat actress" shrug

I've always thought the same thing!
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Reply #12 posted 05/18/07 2:40am


thekidsgirl said:

Anxiety said:

i liked her on "cheers" and "fat actress" shrug

Fergie looks a bit different here, but I can't put my finger on what it is hmmm

did she lose weight? she looks skinnier there!
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Reply #13 posted 05/18/07 3:28am



Anxiety said:

thekidsgirl said:

Fergie looks a bit different here, but I can't put my finger on what it is hmmm

did she lose weight? she looks skinnier there!

Maybe thats it? I was thinking it was the eyebrows? hmmm
They look less 'Cruella DeVille' than usual
If you will, so will I
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Reply #14 posted 05/18/07 4:09am


thekidsgirl said:

Anxiety said:

did she lose weight? she looks skinnier there!

Maybe thats it? I was thinking it was the eyebrows? hmmm
They look less 'Cruella DeVille' than usual

she looks younger.
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Reply #15 posted 05/18/07 4:11am


Ms. Legs

Sure do miss her sigh
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Reply #16 posted 05/18/07 4:29am


Anxiety said:

thekidsgirl said:

Maybe thats it? I was thinking it was the eyebrows? hmmm
They look less 'Cruella DeVille' than usual

she looks younger.

Her hair's a lot healthier too. nod
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Reply #17 posted 05/18/07 4:45am



funkpill said:

Ms. Legs

Sure do miss her sigh

Tell me about it. Ms.Legs never ran out of ideas to dis Fergie. lol
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Reply #18 posted 05/18/07 2:24pm


I absolutely despise everything about Fergie. I hate the rest of the band too, but I hate her even more.

She's a skank druggie who should be dancing around a pole rather than making videos and getting paid millions of dollars.

Her videos are degrading, immature and pointless. I'd like to see the entire band disappear, but if I never heard or saw her again, I'd be happy.
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Reply #19 posted 05/18/07 2:50pm



heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #20 posted 05/18/07 2:53pm


All this anger over somebody that sang some "songs." lol
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Reply #21 posted 05/18/07 2:56pm



I'm thinking this girl's had some bad lipo - I've never seen anyone's stomach w/ the cuts in the side (looks like only on ONE side) but still pooching in the middle confused It's just so unevenly distributed (the little bit of tummy fat she has) - I think she should hide it until someone can suck it out right

heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #22 posted 05/19/07 5:57am


RipHer2Shreds said:

All this anger over somebody that sang some "songs." lol

nonsense! i'm totally at peace! mocking fergie merely relieves tension. nod
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Reply #23 posted 05/19/07 7:07am


Anxiety said:

RipHer2Shreds said:

All this anger over somebody that sang some "songs." lol

nonsense! i'm totally at peace! mocking fergie merely relieves tension. nod


In order for mocking Fergie to bring happiness, one must already be happy. And I am!
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Reply #24 posted 05/19/07 7:24pm


Fergie represents everything that's wrong with the industry today. Although she can hold a tune, Her music is Gawd-awful! "My Humps" and "Fergalicious" are some of the worst songs of all time. Her rapping skills are so bad they make you want to get even. And her Plastic Surgeon deserves a beat-down.
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Reply #25 posted 05/19/07 7:53pm



TonyVanDam said:

This is a tough call. I have 3 orgers worthy of my vote:

VoiceCarry, because he has the best negative comments on how fake Fuggie (as he calls her) really is.

TheAudience, for refreshing our memories (with THAT pic) on how much of a piss-ass Fergie really is.

.....and the all-time best orger in bashing Fergie:

Hotlegs, because she's was one of the first orgers I knew that was warning some of us how Fergie ruined any self-respect the Black Eyed Peas had as a rap group before she join them.

Due to prior commitments i'll have to withdraw my nomination but I will repost the Fergie's Pissed pics... hopefully inspire more Fergie-Hate from the remaining candidate (VoicesCarry).
(I'm pretty sure that HotLegs will unfortunately be a no-show)


peace Tribal Disorder
[Edited 5/20/07 15:32pm]
"Ya see, we're not interested in what you know...but what you are willing to learn. C'mon y'all."
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Reply #26 posted 05/19/07 8:06pm


What's up with her stomach? whofarted
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Reply #27 posted 05/19/07 9:38pm



PurpleCharm said:

What's up with her stomach? whofarted

That's what I'm sayin!!!
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #28 posted 05/19/07 10:58pm



theAudience said:

TonyVanDam said:

This is a tough call. I have 3 orgers worthy of my vote:

VoiceCarry, because he has the best negative comments on how fake Fuggie (as he calls her) really is.

TheAudience, for refreshing our memories (with THAT pic) on how much of a piss-ass Fergie really is.

.....and the all-time best orger in bashing Fergie:

Hotlegs, because she's was one of the first orgers I knew that was warning some of us how Fergie ruined any self-respect the Black Eyed Peas had as a rap group before she join them.

Due to prior commitments i'll have to withdraw my nomination but I will repost the Fergie's Pissed pics... hopefully inspire more Fergie-Hate from the remaining candidate (VoiceCarry).
(I'm pretty sure that HotLegs will unfortunately be a no-show)


peace Tribal Disorder

And meanwhile, VC wants me to remember Moonbeam. So he'll have the nomination.
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Reply #29 posted 05/19/07 11:01pm



So as it stands, VC & Moonbeam have one vote a piece. But the polls are still anyones game. So many anti-Fergie orgers to count for.
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