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Reply #30 posted 04/11/07 1:54am


Well, I'm excited about Tori's new album.

She's my favourite artist because she's one of a very small minority that never seem to disappoint.. she always delivers a good album.

There seem to be a lot of Tori "fans" who hate her later music.... when will people realise that if you have stopped liking someone's music, then all you need to do is to stop listening..... then you won't have anything to moan about.. right? Makes sense to me.

It reminds me of Prince fans who come here saying "He was only good in the 80's." I say to you: Why are you still listening years later then?

I love Tori to bits.
[Edited 4/11/07 1:55am]
[Edited 4/11/07 1:56am]
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Reply #31 posted 04/11/07 2:29am



oh man, yesterday i heard about 2 minutes of "teenage hustling" and i
just don't understand what she's trying to do, really.

i mean, i appreciate the fact that she's trying to do something that
isn't the whole 'girl with a piano' thing, but it just sounds so uhm
middle of the road.

although it is an "own" sound, i just cannot connect to that whole
soundscape she's been creating with "SLG/SW/TBK" etc. though i must
admit that Scarlet's Walk slowly revealed it's beauty to me and it
contains at least 5 or 6 songs that i love as much as anything she
ever did before. i like the entire album a lot in fact.

but this 'strange' new sound of her just doesn't click with me. plus
i think that on rocksongs her voice becomes grating very quickly and
somehow she loses some of her cool mystique in rocking out because i
feel like it's a bit fake. i'm sure that if anyone does it honestly,
it's her and i'm sure the effort is real and genuine.

but it still comes across as unnatural. perhaps that's just me being
one of those "prince should do another purple rain album" fans right
now. i don't know.

than again i was always able to connect with her changes in sound and
the transitions to pink-pele-choirgirl-venus all amazed me and i love
those albums with a passion. scarlet was the first one to sound a bit
"off" in a way, although i've learned to love it now.

but SLG and TBK both contain only 2 or 3 songs i can get used to and
those are usually just the piano driven songs. which is strange becuz
stuff like "zero point" or "not david bowie" on the boxset are amongst
my fav stuff by tori.
and true love lives on lollipops and crisps
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Reply #32 posted 04/11/07 4:07am


[Bait snip - luv4u]
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Reply #33 posted 04/11/07 4:21am


MartyMcFly said:

[Bait snip - luv4u]

On your period, hun?
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Reply #34 posted 04/11/07 4:41am


MikeMatronik said:

MartyMcFly said:

[Bait snip - luv4u]

On your period, hun?

[Snip - luv4u]
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Reply #35 posted 04/11/07 4:42am


MartyMcFly said:

]MikeMatronik said:

On your period, hun?

[Snip - luv4u]

Don't make me report you to the moderators again...
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Reply #36 posted 04/11/07 8:56am


MikeMatronik said:

MartyMcFly said:

[Snip - luv4u]

[Snip - luv4u]


And grass is green, snow is white. Don't respond to obvious stupidity. Nastiness always reflects on who wields it, not the subject it is aimed at.

Even though I know I should not be drawn into this conversation YET again, it is obvious some people get a kick out of riling people up and people like that know exactly how to get their cheap thrills. It is no fun to draw these people out into a discussion, or even banter, as they just aim their pathetic posts to get a reaction, any reaction, to fill their own sad, empty petty lifes.

And even though I have learned, the hard way, that it is best to just ignore, I will say this to you, Matronik; don't be baited by people like I just described. Just concentrate on the peeps that are FUN to hang with and let stupidity bleed out quickly instead of dragging it out over threads that were fun before certain people decide to barf all over it.

Anyways... SO reported!
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Reply #37 posted 04/11/07 11:26am






Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #38 posted 04/11/07 12:37pm


luv4u said:


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Reply #39 posted 04/11/07 12:46pm


HamsterHuey said:

CarrieMpls said:

You know, I just can't like Tori. There's a song or two I like, but that's it.
And Tori fans bug the heck outta me. lol

I often apply the word 'rabid' when describing Toriphiles.

I often use the word 'studentgirlswhohaventheardmorethanfiverecordsintheirlivesbutthinktheyhavetaste" myself.
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Reply #40 posted 04/11/07 12:50pm


HamsterHuey said:

Herman zegt:
Who is Tori
Lars zegt:
Herman zegt:
I am kinda done with her
Herman zegt:
ever since Mona Lisa Smile, wasn't it?
Herman zegt:
Where she guested
Herman zegt:
as torchsong singer
Herman zegt:
And all I could do was roll my eyes
Lars zegt:
oh god yes., and those were horrid songs too
Herman zegt:
and even though I liked the occasional song on that cover album, the entire concept was SO contrived.
Herman zegt:
before you know it she lets her kids pick her songs, like Madonna and Kate.
Herman zegt:
and she will prance around in 70's outfits.
Lars zegt:
exactly! it's too bad, but it's over for me now. I will only start listening when she makes a good album insteadof radio friendly fodder. and stops shouting her songs have a political message, blablabla. Might be, but they SOUND uninspired and boring
Herman zegt:
Lars zegt:
Lars zegt:
Herman zegt:
wake up to reality, Tori.
Herman zegt:
Go do some shopping
Herman zegt:
make song about washing machine; check
Herman zegt:
Do vague interview about leylines, check
Herman zegt:
doll up to try to invoke the spirit that once made me write good songs, check
Lars zegt:
Herman zegt:
Screw my engineer/producer/whatever; check
Herman zegt:
Move to the UK, check.
Herman zegt:
tell everyone I really like Led Zep and my father is OH SHOCK a priest/vicar/whatever
piss on Jesus; check
Herman zegt:
Perform really tedious concerts in Rotterdam;check
Lars zegt:
Lars zegt:
Esp the "i'm a minister's daughter"
Lars zegt:
in EVERY interview; "cuz you know, i'm a minister's daugter and blablabla"
Lars zegt:
we already picked up on THAT, you boring hussy.

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Reply #41 posted 04/11/07 9:26pm


CinisterCee said:

HamsterHuey said:

you boring hussy.


Mind you,some people take offence to the words 'boring hussy'. But itis actually 'doos'; I had to translate it quite quickly,cuz I get bored quickly too.
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Reply #42 posted 04/11/07 9:31pm


Actually, this was just a small part of the conversation. Isten and I, once awake and fully responsive, talk long conversations and this is just a small outtake of one that made me laugh so hard.

It was not meant as a Tori-bashing thread. I mean, the only Tori fan I know knows to take me not too seriously. I mean, before he starts wearing t-shirts saying "I'm with the rabid Tori lesbians"

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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Stoic Former Tori Fans In Doubt Of The New Album