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Thread started 10/29/06 6:59pm



So. Who heard of this band? They are totally whacky, but at the same time, they make GREAT sense to me.

I am going to set at least HALF of IstenSzek's movie to their music.

A review on cokemachineglow

Or,the bio on amg;

Biography by Kieran McCarthy

With OOIOO, there's plenty of distinguishing characteristics to separate them for the herd. First, you could mention the fluorescent body paint they wear on-stage. Or, perhaps the demographics of their lineup, four Japanese women. Or, their music, a furious amalgam of rhythmic guitars, patternless vocals, and energetic effects. The frontwoman of the group is the irrepressible Yoshimi P-We, the talented and multifaceted percussionist from the Boredoms. In this incarnation, she sings and plays guitar, but not in the way John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, or even Kim Gordon would. Her role in the group is as the main energizer, the street light around which the other moth-like noises revolve, flutter, bump, and find themselves redirected in a million different ways. It's next to impossible to describe "their sound," because -- by design -- it rarely follows consistent patterns. Suffice to say they're one of the most dynamic bands on the underground circuit. Not in the way a mid-level purchasing director would be described as dynamic, but in the way a ballistic missile would. They're bursting forth with excitement and vivacity in the way few humans, in few art forms, can. Plus, they're fun with a capital PH. Their self-titled debut album was released in the U.S. by Kill Rock Stars in 1998; their subsequent albums, Feather Float and Kila Kila Kila, were issued in the States by Birdman Records.Gold and Green was relased domestically in the States by Thrill Jockey in 2005. 2006's Taiga -- which means "big river" in Japanese and "forest" in Russian -- was, aptly enough, inspired by nature.
[Edited 10/29/06 13:48pm]
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Reply #1 posted 10/29/06 7:02pm


PS< if N.E.W.S. had been anything like this...
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Reply #2 posted 10/29/06 7:08pm


Hehehe, they are freakier than Björk. They scream and yodel. They are whacky. I love them.

Not for the faint of heart.
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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > ooioo