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Thread started 04/07/05 4:03am


Beck Guero Limited Edition DVD...More Than Meets The Eye???

From Beck's Official Web Site:

How to get the most out of your Beck Guero Deluxe DVD

The Guero deluxe edition is a groundbreaking collision of art and technology. To the passive listener, it is a visually stimulating journey into an amazing record. To the advanced user, it is a journey like no other. With a stunning 5.1 surround sound mix by Elliott Scheiner and visuals by video artists D-Fuse, Beck?s Guero goes beyond the typical album experience.

Guero is the first-ever global release of a surround sound album in simultaneous release of the standard commercial CD. As another first, there is not only one video for every song on the album but by utilizing the outer limits of DVD technology discussed below, listeners can access over 100 videos.

For all 13 songs on Guero there are 2 video streams (aka angles) and 4 subpicture streams. When you play E-Pro for the first time, for instance, you?ll see green jelly fish and a pattern of rounded squares in front of them. This is more than meets the eye, the squares in front of the jelly fish are not part of the video, they are actually part of subpicture stream #1. The subpicture stream is a layer in front of the video that can be turned on, off or even changed using the ?subtitle? button. Usually on DVDs of theatrical films, this feature is used to display text of the movies dialog in multiple languages: subtitles. So, by pressing the subtitle button instead of getting French dialog at the bottom of the screen, on the Guero DVD you can reveal more of the video, access 8-bit images of becks photography, reveal stylized lyrics or even see cute little Atari-looking birds flying across the screen.

Continuing with the E-Pro example if you were to press the angle button on the DVD player?s remote you will reveal the second video stream on ?angle 2.? As a common example of the use of this technology, many of you may have ?heard? of (but I?m sure not seen it) this in adult film, showing different angles of the same scene. In this case, the second angle is a different visual angle/interpretation of beck?s music by D-Fuse. For E-Pro we go from Jelly Fish to abstract lines and imagery combined with 3-demintional architectural-influenced designs.

So with these concepts in mind you can create visual remixes of each so each song using the subtitle and angle buttons on your DVD player?s remote control. To showcase this in for the passive user, a special feature of this DVD is that after you play it all the way through, the DVD will go back to track 1 with a different combination of angle and subtitle without even having to touch the ?angle? and ?subtitle? buttons: Key for parties, hipster retail, etc.

Other features on the disc include:
1. photo gallery of D-Fused Beck Photos
2. the capability to play in several automotive surround sound DVD-Audio players such as the Acura TL
3. more detailed information about the visual in the credits section
4. a couple of easter eggs featuring the official E-Pro and Black Tambourine music videos. When you find the Black Tambourine video, hit the angle button to see the ?double easter-egg!?

:: :: :: ::

A small percentage DVD players may have problem accessing certain tracks from the Track Menu on the Beck - Guero DVD disc. This issue can occur because of the complicated nature of the D-Fuse content on certain tracks. If your player has problems accessing a particular track from the menu, you can easily workaround this problem by going to the track before the problem track, and either skipping or fast-forwarding to the end that track so that the player continues playing into the problem track.

'black tambourine' double easter egg??? woot!
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #1 posted 04/07/05 4:15am


I found the "E-Pro" video by moving left to right rather than up and down.

Where's the "Black Tambourine" video?
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #2 posted 04/07/05 4:19am


CinisterCee said:

I found the "E-Pro" video by moving left to right rather than up and down.

Where's the "Black Tambourine" video?

i'd have to be at home scrolling through the thing to tell you specifically, and unfortunately i'm at work right now...but it's on one of the menu screens in the same upper right hand corner as E-Pro (only on a different menu screen, obviously). ya see how the e-pro easter egg link is a little screen-looking thing in the corner? look out for that on the other menu screens and you'll find it.

it's a really nice video. i hope he releases it as a single - it's got that spare, funky vibe like 'kiss' or 'faith' or 'need you tonite', and the video's just as cool.
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Reply #3 posted 04/07/05 4:30am


so it's on a different menu other than the main menu
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Reply #4 posted 04/07/05 4:34am


CinisterCee said:

so it's on a different menu other than the main menu

yes. scroll around on the other menus and if you can get your cursor to go to the upper right hand corner where the little monitor shape is, you found it.
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Reply #5 posted 04/07/05 4:39am


where is the multi-angle Beck pr0n?
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Reply #6 posted 04/07/05 4:51am


CinisterCee said:

where is the multi-angle Beck pr0n?

i guess you just have to hit your angle button and your subtitle button and, like, stuff happens. shrug

i'm gonna try it out when i get home. i likes me some beck purn. drool
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #7 posted 04/07/05 4:59am


Anxiety said:

i guess you just have to hit your angle button and your subtitle button and, like, stuff happens. shrug

Me too. Thanks for making this thread.. I wasn't expecting these extras.
  - E-mail - orgNote - Report post to moderator
Reply #8 posted 04/07/05 11:39am


The Black Tambourine video is in the speaker menu. Go to surround, press the right arrow button to highlight the little blobby thing in the top right hand corner of the screen and press select (hope thats right)

The double easter egg on Black Tambourine is quite cool, nothing major but nice. I won't say too much and give the game away.

By the way, there is another little blobby thing in the top right corner of the credits screen. Has anyone been able to access it??? I've tried everything and I can't highlight it. Maybe its just a big ole tease, I dunno.
I'll leave graffiti where you've never been kissed
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Reply #9 posted 04/07/05 1:50pm



I HAVE to go shopping this weekend! I still don't have this.

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Forums > Music: Non-Prince > Beck Guero Limited Edition DVD...More Than Meets The Eye???